chapter 12

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The next morning the scene shows of Tsireya diving into the water with her brothers Aonung and Rotxo and they started swimming and going deeper down

Neteyam: come on

Lo'ak: whoo ooo

YN: this is gonna be awesome

Miles: let's goo

Neteyam and Lo'ak jumped in the water while YN and Miles dive in the water then Kiri and Tuk and they all felt the cold water touching their skin

YN and Miles look around and saw how beautiful it is here the sea life everything down here was beautiful then they started following Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo and Tsireya look up at them and smiled making YN blush

They continued following them but they need air so they swim up to the surface and start getting their breath back

Lo'ak: damn

Neteyam: I'm out of breath man

Miles: how long can they hold their breath

YN: well they are water Na'vi maybe that's why

Tuk: and they are too fast

YN stick his head underwater and look at Tsireya while she was doing sign language

Tsireya: [swim together with us]

YN gives her a confused look since he never really know sign language then Tsireya signal come on

Everyone hold their breath and go underwater then started following them again then they needed air again so they swim up

Aonung: {what's wrong with them}

Rotxo: {those guys are bad divrers even those demon kids}

Tsireya: {stop they're learning and they're nameYN are Miles they are not demons}

YN stick his head underwater and he saw Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo swimming up to the surface

Tsireya: are you alright

Tuk: you're too fast wait for us

YN: how can you all hold your breath that long

Tsireya: just breathe breathe

Aonung: you are not good divers maybe good at swinging though trees

Tsireya slapped his head

Aonung: Ow

Lo'ak: come on hro

Miles: hey I'm used to web swinging not swimming

Neteyam: we don't speak this finger talk guys we don't know what you're saying

Tsireya: I will teach you

Rotxo: where's Kiri

YN: huh

Tuk: Kiri

Aonung: who

Rotxo: Kiri where is Kiri

Tsireya: did you see her

Miles: I thought she was behind

YN: I'll look for her

YN hold his breath and went underwater and started to look for Kiri he thought she was behind them but she just disappeared YN swim past some rocks and he found Kiri swimming and looking at the sea life and she was smiling YN couldn't help but smile then he swim behind her and wrapped his arms around making her jump then they swim up to the surface

Kiri: you jerk

Kiri brought up her tail and playfully smack him

YN: oh did little Kiri got scared that a big scary monster would come and eat her

Kiri: shut up Shxawng

YN: oh Kiri those words hurt me


The scene shows of Aonung clicking his tongue calling for something YN was by Miles Neteyam and Lo'ak then YN sees some of the sea life

Aonung: those are ilu's if you want to live here you have to ride

YN looks around and then he saw Lo'ak go on a ilu he stick his head underwater and saw Lo'ak holding on to dear life before falling off the ilu YN couldn't help but laugh

Aonung: what are you laughing at demon boy you can't even make a connection

YN: that's what you think fish fucker get an ilu here and I'll show you

Tsireya nodded and she brought over a ilu and help YN climb on

Tsireya: how are you able to ride without making the bond

YN: let me try something

YN hold out his left arm and a black tentacle connected with the ilu queue and YN felt it's breath

YN: okay I'm ready Reya

Tsireya: hold here

YN hold on to the reins

Neteyam: you got this bro

Lo'ak: yeah show them

Miles: show the might of a Spider man

YN took a deep breath and he started going fast the liu goes underwater YN holds on tightly making sure not to be thrown off he started getting the hang of it and then he swim back to the group and goes to the surface and making the liu slash Aonung in the face making everyone laugh


The scene shows of YN in a Circle with Tsireya Kiri Miles Lo'ak Neteyam and Rotxo as they were learning how to breathe

Tsireya: breathe in

Tsireya took a deep breath as everyone followed along

Tsireya: and breathe out

Everyone breathe out

Tsireya: imagine flickering a flame you must slow down your heartbeat

Tsireya place her hands on YN chest making him blush a little

Tsireya: breathe in

YN took a deep breath

Tsireya: breathe from down here and breathe out slowly

YN did what she said and breathe out slowly

Tsireya: YN your heartbeat is fast try to focus

YN: okay

YN continued then he sees Miles Neteyam Lo'ak and Rotxo laughing he gave a look then he saw Kiri who had a jealous look

The scene shows of everyone on ilu's and they were swimming around having fun and they swim to the surface YN shakes his head as water flys off his head

YN: man this is fun

Tsireya: you are learning to breathe


The scene shows of YN with Tsireya sitting down a rock he was taking deep breath and he was learning the way of water

Tsireya: the way of water has no beginning and no end

The scene shows of YN and Tsireya in the water and she throws a seashell in the water as it started to sync

Tsireya voice: the sea is around you and in you

YN started taking a deep breath and he goes underwater and started swimming down following the seashell he couldn't used his web shooters since they are useless underwater he could have used a symbiote but that would be cheating

Tsireya voice: the sea is your home before your birth and after your death our hearts beat in the womb of the world our breath burns in the shadows of the deep the sea gives and the sea takes water connects all things life to death darkness to light

YN caught the seashell and he looked up and saw how deep he was down underwater he saw up top was the sunlight and the silhouette of Tsireya and he started swimming to the surface and made it up showing Tsireya the seashell in his hand

YN: I got it

Tsireya: you did it

The scene of Kiri Tsireya and Tuk together underwater Tsireya grab a jelly like creature and attached it to Tuk back

Tsireya: {it gives breath underwater}

Roanl was grabbed seashell and she saw Kiri controlling little tiny glowing fish as she hide behind a piece of coral then she noticed something she saw YN on one knee as other sea creatures were surrounding him

Ronal: (mind) you are a interesting one human

To be continue

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