chapter 1

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The scene shows of the beautiful jungle of Pandora the wildlife were seen doing their own things it was really a beautiful place during the day and is the home planet to a species the Na'vi but during the night it's a nightmare at night the infected come out

Years ago back on a Earth a virus outbreak happened in a city call Harran where the virus turned people into the undead flesh eating monsters then the Military decides to Nuke the city to destroy the infected as a cure was created but the GRE decide to experiment the virus combine it with cure

Then a another outbreak happened but this time the virus spread all over the world and the fall of humanity happened the Military decides to get humanity on spaceships and abandoned Earth and to find a new home for humanity

The Military find a planet called Pandora seeing it was perfect planet for the new home for humanity then the RDA was formed and they began to build a home for humanity

But the RDA was also to began experiencing the Harran virus along with the infected then a outbreak happened on a base and all of the infected in that base Escaped and now are roaming around Pandora

Survivors of the outbreak had began to build for themselves without the RDA help and the peacekeepers were formd and they want to make sure this planet doesn't get the same species fate back on earth Nightrunners were then formed tough and brave survivors who go out at night to help any Survivors and Na'vi to get to a safe for the night

Pandora will not fall to the Harran virus

In the jungle a figure was seen running across the trees and doing parkour and kept on running to reveal a young man wearing all black clothes his name is YN Cladwell a Nightrunner

YN: hahaha yeah

YN kept on running on the tree while doing parkour he jumped and grab a tree branch to swing himself and he landed on another tree while doing a safety roll then kept on running

YN: come on YN come on

YN jump off the tree and he deploy his Paraglider and he glided around and he used his Grappling hook to pull himself to a tree and YN started to calm up the tree to the very top and he got a really good view of the jungle

YN: man it's always been beautiful here on Pandora hope it stays that way

Radio: YN YN you there

YN answers the Radio as he recognize the voice

YN: hey Lawan

Lawan: (Radio) where are you right now

YN: just in the jungle doing parkour what's going on

Lawan: (Radio) come back to the Fish eye you won't believe your eyes what I'm gonna show you

YN: show me what

Lawan: (Radio) ahh you'll see back at the fish eye

YN: alright I'm heading back

YN started heading back to the fish eye while doing parkour by jumping climbing etc he was almost there so YN jumped off a cliff and deployed his Paraglider as he see the fish eye

(Imagine the fish eye in a jungle)

YN glided down and he let go of his Paraglider and he does a safety roll on the ground and he started walking around the fish eye this is the home of the Survivors and it's opened for everyone like Survivors Peacekeepers Na'vi RDA and Renegades

YN: better go find Lawan

YN goes to the bar where inside there Survivors Peacekeepers Na'vi RDA and Renegades were sitting down drinking and talking YN goes to the bar table where Nicholas was serving drinks and Danior was there

YN: hey Danior

Danior: ahhh YN how you doing

YN: good have you seen Lawan

Danior: hmmm haven't seen her yet

YN: huh she told me to come back to the fish eye because she wanted to show me something

Danior: wonder what could it be

YN: me too

???: yo YN

YN turn around and he sees his best friend Hakon

YN: yo Hakon

YN and Hakon did their bro handshake and their bro hug

Hakon: how are you doing YN

YN: doing good was out in the jungle doing parkour

Hakon: getting better at your parkour skills hmmm I taught you well

YN: more like Frank did you taught me the ways how to keep my balance

Hakon goes to the bar table

Hakon: hey Nicholas two drinks of whiskey

Nicholas: coming right up

Nicholas grab two shot glasses and poured Whiskey in them and give them to Hakon as he pay him

Hakon: here YN

Hakon gave YN a glass of Whiskey

YN: ain't I too young to be drinking

Hakon: you kidding me YN this isn't earth anymore here on Pandora you can drink at any age

YN: you know what screw it

YN grabbed the glass of Whiskey

Hakon: cherrs

YN and Hakon lighty hit their glass onto each other and they drink their Whiskey

YN: ohhh man wasn't expecting it to be that strong

Hakon: hahaha you'll get use it too kiddo

YN: oh Hakon have you seen Lawan

???: boo

YN turn around and sees Lawan

Lawan: scared you

YN: you know I didn't get scared

Lawan: smart ass

Hakon: never gets old

Lawan: shut up Hakon so YN how wasn't in the jungle

YN: oh it great out in the jungle doing parkour can be really fun before you called I had a beautiful view of the jungle

Lawan: bet it is beautiful out there

Hakon: the jungle is beautiful but I always wonder how beautiful the ocean looks like

YN: yeah I remembered you always dreamed of living by the ocean

Hakon: it's still my dream to this day

YN: keeping dreaming Hakon it'll happened

Lawan: anyway come on outside I'm gonna show that's blow your mind

YN: let's see

YN and Hakon followed Lawan of the fish eye

YN: so what do you wanna show me

Lawan smirk and she put two of her fingers in her mouth and whistled at first nothing happened and then YN mind was blowd when a purple colored ikran landed on the fish eye

Lawan smiled and she walked over to the ikran and pet it

Lawan: YN Hakon meet Shadow my ikran

Hakon: I'm speechless

YN: Lawan you're able to tame one of these I thought it was impossible to tame a ikran since we don't have that weird ponytail thing like the Na'vi

Lawan: hey it's impossible if you try it

YN: how were you able to tame

Lawan: I just slowly walk over to Shadow and hold at my hand and she placed her head my hand so I tame her

Hakon: she

Lawan: yeah Shadow a female I mean look under

Hakon looks to see nothing under Shadow

Hakon: right Shadow a female

Lawan pets Shadow and she got on her

YN: so you're technically done with Paragliding now since you got your ikran now

Lawan: I mean Paragliding is fun so I won't be quitting it but Shadow can get me somewhere without a problem anyway see you boys

Shadow flys up and she and Lawan fly aw from the fish eye into the clouds

YN: you know what I'm kind of jealous

Hakon: me too YN hey wanna do parkour in the jungle

YN: how can I say no to that

Hakon: come on let's see who's faster

YN: you're on old man

Hakon: hey watch where you call someone an old man


In the jungle YN and Hakon are doing parkour together by jumping climbing swinging on the tree and they kept on running uneventful they stopped to. Cliff and they got a good view of the ocean

The view was beautiful with the sunlight Hakon enjoyed the view and imagine of living by the ocean

Hakon: that's a really nice view

YN: yeah it is

Hakon: you know i always wanted to live by the ocean back on earth

YN: yeah I always wanted to live in a tree house but living by the ocean sounds nice

Hakon: I mean look at that view who doesn't wanna live at this beautiful place maybe one day I'll build a home right here and I'll always nice view everytime I look outside

YN: bet it would hopefully Pandora won't feel the Fate of what happened on earth

Hakon: hey that's why we won't let that happened YN we may been born on earth but Pandora is our home now

YN: yeah and we're protect our home from the virus making sure that Pandora won't fall to it

Hakon: right

YN and Hakon look at the nice of the ocean until the sun was started to go down

Hakon: the sun setting better get back to the fish eye and prepared for the night

The: yeah let's go

YN and Hakon run back to the fish eye while doing parkour and got ready for a nightrun

To be continue

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