chapter 11

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It all started when we see the beautiful scenery of Pandora which included floating mountains the forest of Pandora with a couple of ikrans flying around then inside the forest a couple of monkey like creatures call Prolemurous swinging in the trees

Then the scene shows of a figure jumping off a tree while doing parkour

Then we sees Neytiri who's in the shadows of the forest she slowly raided up her bow and we sees that Neytiri was pregnant before she shot the arrow

Jake voice: Pandora's forest hold many dangers but the most dangerous thing about Pandora us that can come to like her too much

Then it was night time Neytiri was singing with beads in her hand

Jake voice: we sing the chords to remember each bead is a story from our life an bead for the birth of our son

then in the morning the Omatficaya clan and the Ghosts of Pandora was surrounding Neytiri Jake Mo'at as Jake was holding their Son Neytiri smiled with great emotion

Jake: Neteyam

Omatficaya clan: Neteyam

Then the scene change back to Neytiri as she continued singing the songcord with beads in her hand then the scene shows of Jake Neytiri and Norm in a Lab looking at Grace Avatar in a chamber and Grace Avatar was pregnant

Jake voice: a bead when we Adopted our daughter Kiri born of Grace Avatar and whose concpton was a complete mystery

Jake and Neytiri are by a fireplace jake was holding Kiri and Neytiri was holding Neteyam then Kiri gently wrapped her tiny hand around Jake picky as he smiled

Jake voice: a bead for the first meeting with Eywa the people say we live in Eywa and Eywa lives in us the great mother holds all her children in her heart

The scene shows of the Omatficaya clan at the tree of souls Neytiri was holding Kiri with their Queue attached to the tree of souls Jake was holding Neteyam as Mo'at attached his Queue to the tree of souls and Neteyam giggled

Jake voice: a bead for our greatest allies The Ghosts of Pandora

The scene shows of the Ghosts of Pandora killing the infected and there was the leader of the Ghosts of Pandora YN Caldwell

Jake voice: they helped us against the sky people and helped deal with the infected without them Pandora would have the same fect as Earth did they're been teaching Na'vi their ways even some Na'vi are joining them

Then the scene shows of YN in lab talking with scientists helping with making a cure

Jake voice: the leader of the Ghosts of Pandora YN Caldwell is the one who formed the Ghosts he's a good friend of Neytiri he got along with the kids and he's helping the scientists working on a cure huh a cure for the virus if we are able of actually getting a cure we'll be able to the kill infected entirely wiping them out of Pandora

Neytiri finished singing the song as she slowly put the bead down

Jake voice: happiness is simple

The scene shows of Jake of carried Neteyam around like a plane Neytiri was sitting down and she laughed while she hold their son Lo'ak

Neytiri was Pretending to be a bird with Kiri following her with a toy in her hand while Jake Lo'ak and Neteyam laughed as they watch

Jake voice: who could had thought an Jarhead like me could break an code

The scene shows of Jake Neytiri Kiri Lo'ak and Neteyam playing in the water Jake threw the water at Lo'ak and Neteyam as they laughed while running Kiri was playing on an Log Neytiri pick her up

The scene shows of with Jake Neytiri Kiri Lo'ak Neteyam laying in a family hammock as Neytiri hold their newborn daughter Tuktirey or Tuk a nickname YN gave her Neytiri started telling their children of how they met

Neytiri: (Na'vi) When I first met your father I tried to kill him

Jake: (Na'vi) it was love at first sight

The family laughed and they had a family hug

Jake voice: before I knew it we had four

The scene shows of the sky people leaves Pandora

Jake voice: when we sent the sky people back to each a few of them stayed science guys loyal to the Na'vi along with the Ghosts of Pandora and then there was Spider

The scene shows of a baby running through the lab a woman called his name and she grabbed the young baby and pick him up

Jake voice: he was stuck here too young for a cryo capsule

A older Spider was seen leaving the lab with a Exo pack on and runs in the forest

Jake voice: Orphaned by the war he was raised by the lab guys

Norm: Spider take your spare

Spider: I'm just going to the village

Jake voice: he wasn't part of our family he was like a stay cat just always around

Spider was seen playing with Kiri Lo'ak Neteyam in the jungle

Jake voice: inseparable from our kids

Spider and Kiri hissed at each other Then the children continue to play

Jake voice: to Neytiri he would always be alien one of them

Neytiri: (Na'vi) he belongs with his own kind

Neytiri looks at her husband as the children continue play as Spider jumped om Neteyam back

Then the scene shows of Lo'ak and Kiri fighting over a toy ikran as Jake watch them fighting over the ikran toy

Lo'ak: (Na'vi) it's mine I had it first

Kiri: (Na'vi) why should I let you have it

Jake voice: took a few years to get the language through my thick skull

Lo'ak: (Na'vi) it's mine

Kiri: (Na'vi) Lo'ak you liar let me have it

Jake voice: but now when I hear it it might as well be English

Lo'ak: I hate you

Kiri: well I hate you times infinity Lo'ak penis face

Jake: hey HEY that's enough don't make me come over there

The scene shows of Jake teaching Neteyam how to use a bow in the forest by a river

Jake: there he is

Neteyam shot the arrow and it hit a fish

Jake: there you go go get it Neteyam the mighty fisherman good boy

Neteyam held up the arrow with the fish on it

Jake: it's a big one

Neteyam: by the rocks right where you said

The scene shows of Jake taking Neteyam measurements while Kiri Lo'ak and Spider watch

Lo'ak: how tall is he

Jake: he's that tall

Kiri Lo'ak and Spider all started to laughed

Jake voice: goes by too fast like a dream

Neytiri: Kiri

Jake was getting the camera ready for a family photo we sees a 14 year old Kiri a 15 year old Neteyam a 14 year old Lo'ak a 7 year old Tuk everyone got a position and smiled except Kiri

Neteyam: smile Shxawngs

The photo was taken then the scene shows of Jake and Neytiri having a date night as they fly though the sky on their ikran

Jake voice: happiness simple like a date night away from the kids

Jake and Neytiri were laughing their date night then Jake and Neytiri were laying on the ground as Neytiri was asleep and Jake was looking up at sky

Jake voice: but the thing about happiness they can vanish in an heartbeat

Jake noticed something in the sky it was a very bright light and Neytiri wake up

Jake voice: a new star in the night it could only mean one thing

In space spaceships were heading towards Pandora

Jake voice: ships decelerating and sky peple returning

The sky people ships started eading on the ground and started burning the forest while killing the wildlife and infected and destroying camps of the Ghosts of Pandora

Then the scene shows of the fisheye being burned down as all of the civilians evacuated

Jake and Neytiri are running up of a hill and they saw the destruction the forest was on fire and multiple wildlife were killed and Ghosts of Pandora camps destroyed along with the fisheye

Neytiri started going tears as Jake comforts her Kiri was looking at the forest in tears in her eyes and her connection to the nature was better destroy YN hugged her who still crying and Tuk huged him YN knows thing the fight against the RDA isn't over

To be continue

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