chapter 3

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Night time arrived the most dangerous time to be in the infected are more dangerous during the night you will hear the infected and the screams of anyone getting killed by the infected the most dangerous and deadly tybe of infected the Volatile's

The Volatile's are the most dangerous and deadly tybe infected killing one would take guts to at night they are the hunter's of the night while Survivors Peacekeepers Na'vi are the prey their food supply

The scene shows of YN and Hakon doing parkour on the trees staying off the ground since it's safer on the trees and it's dangerous being on the ground at night and so they can avoid the infected

YN and Hakon kept on running and doing parkour they used their Grappling hook to swing themselves to a another tree they keep on going by jumping climbing swinging until they found the old abandoned RDA research base the place was a ghost town as they vines all over it the windows were broken the place was abandoned and no one returned

Hakon: this is the place

YN: yeah it is

YN Radio Jack Matt

YN: Matt me and Hakon are here

Jack Matt: (Radio) good do you two see a way inside yet

YN: not yet but I'm sure your men found a way inside we'll search the place for them and we're out

Jack Matt: (Radio) alright be careful inside you two that place is crawling with infected don't know what could be inside

YN: we'll be careful

Jack Matt: (Radio) Goodluck to you both

The Radio call ends

Hakon: you ready

YN: yeah

YN and Hakon jumped off the tree as they did a safety roll on the ground they walked over to the front door of the base and try to open it but it's lock

YN: lock

Hakon: how are we gonna get in there

YN: Matt men couldn't have get through this way the window are too high to reach let's try the roof

YN and Hakon climb up the building to find away inside the old abandoned RDA research base and they search around the roof and they found a opened door

Hakon: look this door opened

YN: this must be the way they got in

Hakon: possible

YN and Hakon squeeze through the crack of the door and they were inside the old abandoned RDA research base the place was dark and had a bad smell most importantly that it was almost hard to breathe inside because of chemicals

YN: (coughing) oh shit chemicals

Hakon: (coughing) nasty shit

YN and Hakon started to carefully sneak around in the old abandoned RDA research base do not alert any infected inside they quietly walk down the stairs to not make any noise they open a door that led to one of the labs and there were Biters inside sleeping

YN: (whispering) that's a lot of biters

Hakon: (whispering) all we have to do is not get too close and carefully walk past them to not wake them up

YN: (whispering) got it

YN and Hakon Crouch down and carefully walk as quietly as possible pass biters and not waking them up and not a learning the rest of the affected inside the old abandoned RDA research base they sneak past the biters and they quietly leave the lab closing the door quietly as well and they continued on Then they saw a Viral and Na'vi Viral eating a dead body

YN: (whispering) a Na'vi Viral and a Viral are eating a body

Hakon: (whispering) let's take them out quietly

YN and Hakon quietly walk towards the infected as they grabbed two small knives YN grabbed the Na'vi Viral and Hakon grabbed the Viral and they both started stabbing the infected to death and they drop the bodies YN and Hakon look at the body and it was a Peacekeeper

Hakon: that's a Peacekeeper

YN: must have been one of Matt men

YN Radio Jack Matt

YN: Matt we found one of your man and we're sorry he's dead

Jack Matt: (Radio) dammit grabbed his dog tags and found the rest of them if they are dead grabbed their dog tags

YN: got it

The Radio call ends

YN and Hakon continued searching for Matt men they searched around the rooms labs office to found anyone YN and Hakon found Peacekeepers bodies and they grabbed the dog tags from their bodies

YN: Matt i think we found all of them

Jack Matt: (Radio) what about Rowe

YN: we couldn't find him

Jack Matt (Radio) then he might be alive

YN: we don't know if he is here

Then YN and Hakon heard something

YN: gotta Matt

YN ends the call

YN: what do you think that was

Hakon: could be a Viral or maybe it's Rowe alive or him as a Viral

YN: let's go check it out

YN and Hakon started walking to where the noise was heard they carefully sneak around any biters they sneak into a lab then they heard the noise again YN opened the door to sees Rowe

YN: Rowe

Rowe: YN it's great to see you

YN: what happened here

Rowe: me and my squad try to salvage the place for any supplies that was left here but it back fired my men were killed by infected I don't know if any of them are alive

Hakon: none of them made it out we're sorry

Rowe: dammit did you grabbed their dog tags

YN: yeah

YN give the dog tags to Rowe

Rowe: thank you for collecting them but YN Hakon while we were searching the place we found a supply closet that might have supplies left in it we couldn't search because of the infected I need you two search it while I get back to the fish eye

YN: Rowe you are in no condition to fight

Rowe: YN those supplies will save hundreds of lives we can't leave them don't worry I'll be fine

YN: where is the supply closest

Rowe: it's in the second floor take two lefts then a right it'll be there

YN: are you sure that you can make it to the fish eye

Rowe: I'm sure

YN: alright we'll search the supply closet

Rowe: thank you both and good luck

Rowe gets up and he leaves the old abandoned RDA research base

Hakon: hope he makes it to the fish eye

YN: me too

YN Radio Jack Matt

YN: Matt we found Rowe

Jack Matt: (Radio) is he alive

YN: yeah he's heading back to the fish eye

Jack Matt: (Radio) and you just left him go alone

YN: yeah because me and Hakon are search a supply closet that might have supplies left in it that Rowe and his squad found

Jack Matt: (Radio) okay but be careful you two

YN: we will

YN and Hakon started heading down to the second floor of the old abandoned RDA research base they look at their BioMarkers seeing they were almost fully red so they took a immunity booster to stop them from turning

YN and Hakon saw that the stairs were broken down and it would be too risky to jump down from making too much noise and alerting the infected inside YN and Hakon use the elevator Shaft they jumped down carefully and go inside the elevator then they quickly hide as they saw a Volatile

YN and Hakon quickly took cover from the Volatile seeing them they stayed in place not making a single noise then the Volatile started walking to the elevator Hakon place a finger on his lips to stay quiet the Volatile got closer YN make sure not to gagged from the Volatile disgusting breath Hakon grabbed a brick then throw it making a noise as rhe Volatile went towards the noise and it was gone

YN: thanks

Hakon: no problem

YN and Hakon started searching for the supply closest on the second floor while carefully sneak press biters and Virals and infected Na'vi they made two lefts than a right and they found the supply closest

Hakon: yes the supply closest

Hakon trys to open the door but it was locked

Hakon: fuck it's lock

YN: of course it'll be lock

Hakon: there's gonna be a way to open it

YN: can you lock pick it

Hakon: no there's key hole look

Hakon point at the key card slide

Hakon: we need a key card to open it

YN: where the fuck are we gonna get a key card from

Hakon: let me think maybe oh the staff room maybe somebody left their key card when they were abandoning this place

YN: okay I'll search the staff room you stay here

Hakon: I'll place a Uv flare here

YN: okay

YN leaves Hakon and he started quickly quietly heading to the staff room to find a key card to open up the supply room YN entered the staff room and he sees a Na'vi Viral he grabbed a small knife and he slowly walk to the Na'vi Viral and he grabbed it and started stabbing it to death killing it YN slowly place the Na'vi on the ground then he closed the Na'vi eyes

YN in Na'vi: your suffering has end you may found your peace with Eywa

YN learned how to speak Na'vi from a Na'vi that he saved from almost being killed by a Volatile at night a year ago YN and the Na'vi have been good friends for a while he does miss her

YN search around the staff room for the key card he opened a drawer he finds the key card

YN: got it

YN goes back to Hakon who is waiting for him by a Uv flare

Hakon: did you get it

YN hold up the key card

YN: got it

YN used the key card to unlock the supply closest then YN and Hakon started searching for the supply closest for any medicine that was left here YN opened a box and he found a ton of Medicine

YN: Hakon look at this

Hakon goes to YN and he see all of the medicine

Hakon: holy shit that's a lot of stuff

YN: yeah look at all this stuff there's an antibiotics painkillers insulin

Hakon: I bet someone would pay a good penny for this

YN: gotta tell Matt

YN Radio Jack Matt

YN: Matt

Jack Matt (Radio) go on YN

YN: me and Hakon got into the supply closest and we found a ton of Medicine

Jack Matt: (Radio) what did you found

YN: painkillers antibiotics insulin there are a lot of it

Jack Matt (Radio) all of that can save hundreds of lives can you both get it back to the fish eye

YN: no there's too much for us to carry no way we could make it back

Jack Matt (Radio) don't worry I'll send a squad to get it before sunlight thank you YN and Hakon

YN: no problem

YN ends the call

YN: alright Matt gonna send a team to retrieve this we're done

Hakon: good started to get tired

YN and Hakon started heading back to the roof and they leave the old abandoned RDA research base they finally were able to breathe fresh air

Hakon: ahh fresh air

YN: finally

YN and Hakon climb down the old abandoned RDA research base getting back on the ground

Hakon: that went well

Then suddenly a Howler come out of the bushes

YN: oh shit Howler

Hakon turn around and he saw the Howler then it saw YN and Hakon and then it started howling alerting the infected

The Howler kept on screaming and Virals were coming

YN: oh shit

Hakon: we need to get back to the fish eye now run

YN and Hakon started running while Virals and Na'vi Virals were behind them chasing them YN and Hakon dodged any Biters and Na'vi Biters that to grab them YN and Hakon kept on running and then a a horde of Virals and Na'vi Virals were in front of them but YN used his Uv Flashlight to stun them burning their skin

YN thrown a Molotov at the infected to slow them down and they continued running a biter manged to grabbed YN but he used a Uv flare to stun it and any infected around him and Hakon

YN: yeah get back

YN drop the Uv flare on the ground as him and Hakon kept on running while Virals and Na'vi Virals were behind them but were stun by the Uv flare

YN and Hakon kept on running then suddenly a Volatile jump in front of them and it roared

The Volatile try to pounce YN but he dodged it and he and Hakon kept on running as he looks behind him and see Volatile's behind them chasing them

YN and Hakon kept on running but then they were stopped by a cliff with a waterfall and had nowhere to run now

YN: fuck

YN see the Volatile's getting closer

Hakon: screw it

Hakon jumped off the cliff YN see see the Volatile's Viral Na'vi Viral and Na'vi Volatile's heading towards him

YN: fuck it

YN jumped off the cliff while he landed in the water he was underwater for while until he swim up and he looked up at the infected they roared from losing their food

YN: sorry pal's but dinner canceled

YN swim up to land and he see Hakon

Hakon: here

YN grabbed his hand and Hakon help him up and they started to dry themselves

YN: man that was insane

Hakon: it was being chased by a horde of infected that is someone can't escape that easily

YN: because Nightrunner's don't die easily

Hakon: yeah

YN and Hakon did their bro handshake

Hakon: come on let's get back to the fish eye

YN: yeah let's call it a night

YN and Hakon climb up a tree and they headed back to the fish eye

YN: you know Hakon something I believe Pandora may a good home for humanity

Hakon: it might be with the RDA fucking it up like bring the infected here if they were not here Pandora would be perfect one day I'll be living by the ocean

YN: yeah als-

Suddenly something wrapped around YN and Hakon legs making them fall down the tree they landed on the ground pretty hard YN and Hakon see ropes wrapped around their legs they took them off they got up and then Na'vi come out of the bushes with their bows aimed at them YN and Hakon aimed their Crossbows but they known that they were outnumbered so they drop their Crossbows and hold up their hands then YN spotted a certain female Na'vi

YN: Neytiri

Neytiri: YN

Hakon: you know her

YN: yeah she's the one who I saved being killed by a Volatile

Make Na'vi in Na'vi: Neytiri how does this human know you

Neytiri in Na'vi: he is one who saved me from a demon and Eywa gave him her blessing Tsu'Tey

Tsu'Tey in Na'vi: bring them

The Na'vi grabbed YN and Hakon and they started heading back to their home YN and Hakon see a big tree they headed inside they see multiple Na'vi looking at them one of them did touch YN and then they stopped by a Na'vi that was the Olo'eyktan Neytiri father Eytukan

Neytiri in Na'vi: i see you father

Eytukan looks at YN and Hakon

Eytukan in Na'vi: these humans why do you bring them here

Neytiri in Na'vi: father he is the one who saved me from a demon and Eywa gave him her blessing

Eytukan in Na'vi: did I say no sky person will never come here their smell fills my nose

The Na'vi laughed

Hakon: what is he saying

Neytiri: my father is decided to kill you both

Hakon: your father

Hakon trys to shake Eytukan

Hakon: nice to meet you sir

The Na'vi hissed and they blocked Hakon from Eytukan

??? In Na'vi: stand back I will look at these two

YN sees Mo'at Neytiri Mother the Tsahik of the Omatficaya clan

Hakon: who's she

Neytiri: that is mother she is tsahik the one who interprets the will of Eywa

Hakon: who's Eywa

YN: you'll find out soon

Mo'at examines YN and Hakon by looking at their clothing

Mo'at: what are you two called


Hakon: Hakon

Mo'at looks at YN

Mo'at: you are the one who saved my daughter from a demon

YN: yes

Mo'at: no sky person has ever saved one of our people at night from the demons

YN: well that's because me and Hakon are Nightrunner's ahh strong and brave warriors who go out at night to help anyone to safe place

Tsu'Tey in Na'vi: warriors I could kill them easily

Eytukan stop Tsu'Tey with his arm

Eytukan: these two will be the first two Na'vi warriors of the Nightrunner's we have seen them we need to learn more about them

Mo'at in Na'vi: my daughter you will teach them our way to speak and walk as we do

Neytiri in Na'vi: yes mother

Mo'at: my daughter will teach you two our ways learn well YN and Hakon then we will see if your insanity can be cured


YN and Hakon followed Neytiri to where they sleep

YN: hey Neytiri

Neytiri looks at YN

YN: it's good to see you again

Neytiri: I'm happy to see you two YN

YN: well goodnight

Neytiri: goodnight

YN Neytiri and Hakon all go their leaf beds YN and Hakon grabbed two Uv flares and turned them on so they don't turn while sleeping and they all fall asleep

To be continue

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