chapter 2

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I woke up to complete darkness as I looked around where the hell am I at. Judging by me walking around I blown out a puff of fire. Looked like I am not getting out just as I turned around I saw I figure. Maybe he could help me out I thought.

"Hello sir" I watched as I saw him he was looking in shelves and book cases. I walked towards just as I waved my hands my hand went right through him.

I took a step back as I just watched as he rummaged throughout things. He looker like he could be related to us. As I watched I could see how he had a strong jawline, jet black hair, his eyes were so focused I saw only an amber color, he must have worked out because out could see it in his red shirt with long sleeves. While I looked lower as he warn black pants and shoes. Hmmm...

I watched what the hell is this dude looking for anyway.

"Fire Lord Zion" I gasp as I grabbed my heart and I looked at a boy maybe around 20 or so.

Wait a minute fire lord Zion.... Fire eyes widen as I recall this name that's my great great great great grandfather.

Damn he actually looks pretty hot. Not that I am interested I shook my head focus Zuko.

I watched the I heard another voice I turned around looking as a boy maybe in his 20. He had long brown hair. Half of it was down while the other was pinned up he had very big blue eyes. And he had a tooth made up of different bones. While he wear a blue and white v neck shirt and black pants with black shoes. While on his left arm he had a tattoo going around his arm.

"Zion come on you know that scroll is cursed which means "don't go looking for the shit" he said. I looked at him he must have been closed to zion he didn't say fire lord or even bow.

"Talon please stop you know this is important to me" I watched as Zion stopped and looked at the talon then turning around. I notice how talon was now checking out my great great great great grandfather ass. I blushed as I saw talon growing a friend as well.


"Well....I..I cant you know....Zion come on just hang out with me or Multan or even Paolo. Please you changed so much since this roll plus I am leaving." Said talon he said in a raspish voice. He seemed he liked Zion a lot even a dummy or even sokka could pen point that.

"Talon I'm not leaving and I don't care if you are going that just means are friendship wasn't worth it" my eyes widen holy spirit. I watched as I saw talon eyes water as you can tell he was about to cry.

"Fine I thought you changed Zion but I guessed I was wrong." With that he left out the room. I saw how Zion shook his head.

"He just needs to man up" I heard him sigh as he pulled at another scroll as he grinned. I saw as he sat up as he opened the scroll. I looked closer as his eyes widen. As a gust of wind blown all around his face. I saw his black hair whip around in his eyes as a dark voice surround the room.

"You didn't hear by my warning now I curse you with your love. For now on if you don't find your other half I will make your life a living hell. I will make you suffer your aching needs and biggest distraction will become your biggest needs i curse your generation generation generation generation generation. With that I watched as the room lightened up but I saw Zion holding his stomach and groaning.

Wait a minute I looked down at my hands counting it.

•MY great great great grandfather

My great great grandfather

My grandfather

My father

I gulped as I I said my name

•and me.

What does this mean my lover mai is okay shes always sighing and sleeping most of the time.

I felt my head getting harder to hold as I grabbed my head. I groaned in pain as I screamed in pain.


"Z-zuko....Zuko....wake up dude" I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes as I closed them back from the bright light.


"Zuko are you okay" I opened my eyes again turning to my right seeing Aang.

I froze as I looked around seeing no one was around. Has he been watching me the whole time.

"Do you want some water" I watched as he got up quickly and ran towards he basin and came back. Handing me a cup as I bring the liquid to my parch lips. I moaned as I felt the cool substance go down my throat.

I notice how aang looked at me and shifted in his seat. As he bit his lip as he played with his thumps.

"Thank you" my voice was raspy a little.

"No problem" he said a little to fast and high pitch.

I notice how quiet it was as I looked around once more and again. Where the hell was everybody.

"The girls went shopping and went to go visit Aunt Wu and I think the guys went after the girls were done shopping dropping them off at one of the earth cities." I nodes as I slowly sat up only to be pushed down by warm small hands. I moaned softly as I looked at Aang. His eyes widen as he brought his hands back towards him.

"Zuko what's going on" he said quietly I notice as he air bended himself in a upwards sitting position.

I shrug he huffed out air as we feel back in silence. I couldn't tell him that he was my lover and I needed to make love with him.

"Well fine be a fire ball" I groaned inwardly as he got up and walked away. I hissed when I felt like something was stabbing me in my heart.


"zukoooo" I felt his arms around me I felt his warm hands on my for head.

"Zuko your burning up and your sweating your clothes" he said as he placed me down. Only for me to lean back up.

"Zuko please just tell me what you-" I leaned in and kissed him. He was shocked but I placed my had behind his head before he could pull away and depend it.

I felt him lean in more as I trailed my hand down his clothes gripping his leg earning a loud moan from him.

I felt my cock twitch as I kissed his chin going down to his jawline earning aang to pull my hair. I moaned as I pushed him back on the floor.

"Z-zuko stop" I growled only to slowly suck on his neck earning him to push his body up into mine. As I licked down towards his collarbone as I saw his blue arrows I smirked as I licked and kissed and suck and bite on his skin.

Earning me moans and groans from aang as his skin turned from a tan color to a bright purplish color. Slowly leaning back I looked down at a now sweaty and closed eye avatar.

I watched as he opened his amazing big grey eyes as he bite his lip. His pupils were dilated and i saw a very large tent in his pants.

"You want me to stop now" I said slowly as I slowly trailed my hands down his clothes stomach. As I watch as he closed his eyes and gulping as I now slowly massaging his inner thigh. As I watched as I saw a large stain appear on his pants.

"P-please.... I need you zuko I...I.only hung out with Katara always hanged out with sokka or Toph." He wined I smirked so he wanted to make me jealous.

I leaned down as I slowly took off his shirt as I leaned back up and admire his body. For a 12 year old boy you will think its just baby fat. I notice how his stomach will go up and down as I slowly traced my finger down and up his stomach.

"ZUKO" I looked up seeing a pissed aang. I moaned loudly as I felt him grabbed me through my pants.

" FUCK" I yelled as I leaner more into his touch as he rubbed me more. I pulled away as I looked at the now boy with begging eyes. With both of our half naked bodies.

Aang will finally be mine.

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