Chapter 24

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While sitting in my chair I nervously scratch and tug at the hat the covered somewhat of my arrow. To be honest I feel like I could of gotten the cloak then anyone else.

Thet when I felt it a warm hand going up and down my thigh. Slowly turning to see a Zuko who is watching the play but is engrossed in my torture. I closed my eyes and swallowed the delightfulness of just his one hand. Gosh the way he makes my body yearn from his touch. How can this one man my enemie now my

I stopped myself from thing like that aang you can't be his love. Both of us would be shunned or dishonor by everyone if so.

I was so into my thoughts I did not realize I missed some of the play. But forst off my character was played as a female!Out of all the thing's they cast me as a girl.

"Hey I am not a girl...I am a boy" I said pointing to the female cast. As I used my hands to gesture my muscular physic.

As I caught zuko staring at me up and down as he slowly licked his bottom lip. Damn....that was hot I shook my head.

"Well at least you can see yourself twinkle toes" as toph glared at me in a way with words. I slowly sat back into my chair after murming a soft "sorry" to toph seeing how she had a point. But also hearing katara muttering something of I will tell what is happening.

A part of me felt a little flutter in my heart in the way she was so kind to many of our friends.

"What's this feelin-" putting my had to my chest as the rythm of the thumps gotten at a quicker pace.

That is when it happened the female actress of katara then went close and embraced the male actor zuko. My man and saying I was just like a little brother to her from the beginning.

I turned my head and notice how the two almost looked like they where blushing or embarrased . I could feel the little bit of self calm I had for myself vanish completely. Standing up quickly I could feel the wind around me wanting to take away my breath.

Without knowing when I walked through the doors. I could feel the small tears wanting to roll down my face. Going to the little lobby I notice many people coming out.

"Hey sokka do you know where Aang is by any chance" turning around i saw katara as she stared at her brother with a worried face.

"Ehh I am a little busy right now katara, I have to give the guy who is playing me some great tips about acting...isn't that right suki" as he nudged her shoulder with his.

"Yeahhhh" she said in the most causal let down way.

"Well have you seen him?"she said with a little more authority.

"Yeah...yeah...i think he went to the balcony. I would not blame him its pretty- AHHHH SOKKA WAIT UP I AM HERE TO HELP YOUUU" watching him as he grabbed suki arm to catch up with the actor. In the middle of his sentence and running away.

Without realizing Iwas standing there like a gaping sea monkey waiting to be feed. But all i could think about was  katara and my zuko hiding or having a relationship? Am I starting to having feelings for katara and not knowing?

"AANG...wait up" I looked up as katara heading towards me  as I turned my back and ran towards the balcony.

A/N soooooo...I am going to make this like a 2 or 3 part chapter in my favor 😎.

P.s if the pictures do not show I am so sowwy🥺🥺🥺

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