chapter 5

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I smiled as I looked down at my beautiful little monk. Gosh I felt so great having his warmth near me. Slowly kissing is little arrow I played on my back. As I rethink the possibilities. On what might happen now that we have done this.

Looking down I notice how aang had was gripping my waist. With his leg over my waist. I felt my friend down stairs notice something present against him.

Slowly moving away aang thigh I layed him on his side. As I looked at his arrows as he breaths in and out. Getting up I pit back on my clothes. As I put back also aang clothes on. Which was a lot of work. Since he kept wiggling and grabbing out for me. After maybe 30 minutes I finally got him clothed. Which I had to be gentle with as well. Since he was still sore. As you could by the way he was sleeping.

Walking down the hall I heard a very big roar.


Speaking of the gang. I could feel myself getting nerves a little bit. But I calmed my nerves as I thought about what aang taught me.

Never show an expression to the enemy or a spirit whose trying to take your face.

Scrunching up my face the only person I have to deal with is....

"Hey hot head are you coming over here to help me down or what." said toph. Groaning I walked over to here and helped them with the stuff they needed to handle with.

"Hey were is aang at. You seem back in health. Did you do something productive." asked katara. I was going to answer then I heard someone behind me.

"H...hey katara...I am fine just tired." I could see how he faked yawn and rubbed his eyes. I smirked as I turned around walking to the pillar. Just walking past him i made my pointing finger hot. As I slide past him which made my hand go dangerously low on his hips. I could hear his breath hitch but barely. O he is good.

"Hey aang do you want to spar I think I am getting pretty good with defending myself with my awesome sword. Which I made. " Sokka bragged as he started to kiss his muscles. Shaking my head and laughing I started to play with a little fire in my hand.

"You never answered me zuko did you do anything productive to get you well." katara said as she walked by me. As she put the cool water on my head. I want lie katara was beautiful woman. And yes if I did role that way I would totally.  Just thinking about out it I could feel my skin burning little. Katara mist have not notice but I did saw a very angry looking aang. An smirking toph and well Sokka and suki was gone.

Everyone else had might have went to there own place till dinner is ready. Getting up I went to sot on the edge with my back facing towards the group. As I looked at the way the building was set up. How all past airbenders traveled through this great place. Aang must have been really upset to know his people are long gone. But he shouldn't worry he has me by his side. Also the others but mostly me.

Sighing I could hear someone walking towards where I was at. Looking outwards I saw toph on the other side of me. It was complete silence . I hope she diesnt know what happen. I have been keeping a blank mind since she has arrived. And I wasn't going to let her figure nothing out. Between what happened to me and aang. Or she would be saying I told you so I told you so like the little kid she is.

"Soooo...why is aang sad?" I looked her way. What she mean why is he sad.


"When katara was checking to see if your alright. Something happened the next thing I could "see" was a very sad aurora but mostly. A very sad sad heart beat from aang. And his heart is usually the most lovable one here. Well unless you count katara then."

"....I don't know-" I tried to finish my sentence but she cut me off.

"Hot head... Like I said and him did it did you" she asked questionably.

My eyes widen and my heart raced. I shook my head not even getting words to come out my mouth properly.

"We- how...were not...we its not like that it will never be like that. He is childish. ..and immature." I said. As I thought about it he really wasn't well at times. That's what makes me love him even more. The way he sticks up for a person. Or how he would help any animal or be there for someone in need. That's the reason why I care about him. He cares about a person no matter what nation you come from. Earth nation. Fire nation. Water nation. Air nation. As long as we live in peace in harmony he is happy.

"Well are you sure about that" she asked she crossed her arms.

Groaning not even thinking about what I said. "Yes toph. I do know aren't you suppose to be helping katara." Then I felt it like a presence. Looking around the area. I notice an aranfe looking flash going behind the wall. It could have been someone else or my imagination.  Shaking my head a ran to where he was from. Running down the hall I ran right into the den.

Slowly breathing in and out. I looked around seeing an puffy eye runny nose aang. With an katara and suki by his side. I won't lie it hurt seeing them near him. But what did I do. Slowly sitting next to Sokka. It was silence then toph and the others walked in.

"Woah there twinkle toes. Are you.....crying?" I could feel how my heart was hurting I caused this on my little baby monk. Looking down at the food I ate slowly. Trying to act normal but really just to be quiet for once.

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