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In a planet called Pandora seeing it was a beautiful forest that someone would love to live here this is the home planet to a species the Na'vi but suddenly a ship crash landed that a married couple in

Inside the crash ship the husband was dead he was killed by the crash then the wife was seen on the ground screaming in pain because she was pregnant and was given birth while she was having trouble to breathe since the air on Pandora was toxic

The wife does her best to stay awake while she was given birth she scream in pain and she does one last push and the sound of a baby crying was heard

The wife looks to see that she given birth to a beautiful baby boy she pick up her newborn child while she caught the umbilical cord and wrapped her baby in a blanket

Woman: I know that I don't have time my son I'm gonna name you YN

She hug her newborn child who she named YN the toxic air was getting in the crash ship and she was having trouble to breathe then the Na'vi from the Omatficaya clan found the ship and they found her while holding YN

Woman: please help (coughing) I don't have enough time but please (coughing) take care of my son (coughing) his name is YN please take good care of him (coughing)

She hold her child and the Tsahik of the Omatficaya clan carefully grabbed the child

Woman: goodbye I dear sweet child

The woman took one last breath and she died as her hands dropped the Omatficaya clan sees the bodies of the husband and wife the father and mother of the newborn child

Later on the Omatficaya clan gave a proper burial for the husband and wife and Eywa accepted them the husband and wife are in peace with Eywa

The Tsahik of the Omatficaya clan Mo'at is holding the newborn child who is sleeping while her husband Eytukan was with her

Eytukan: what shall we do with this child

Mo'at looks at her daughter Neytiri

Mo'at: Neytiri

Neytiri: yes mother

Mo'at: you will take care of this child you will raise the child as your own

Neytiri: but mother I'm not ready to be a mother

Mo'at: today you are ready now here

Mo'at gently gives the newborn child to Neytiri and she holds the newborn child

Mo'at: you will be his mother when he gets older teach him our ways how we walk and speak

Neytiri: yes mother

Mo'at: good now spend time with your new son

Later on Neytiri was seen in her hut while holding the newborn child name YN now her adopted son she sighs while thinking about of now being a mother then suddenly the newborn child woke up and started crying

Neytiri: shhhh shhhh shhhh it's okay it's okay mommy here

The newborn child open his eyes revealing blue eyes the newborn looks at Neytiri blue eyes meeting yellow eyes the newborn giggled Neytiri smiled she then started singing a lullaby that started putting the newborn back to sleep Neytiri thinks that raising the child will be alright

13 years later

The scene shows of a now 13 year old falling off of a direhorse falling into the mud

YN: fuck

Neytiri: language

YN: English and Na'vi

Neytiri: YN

YN: sorry

Neytiri: again

YN: mom this is stupid how can I ride one of those if I always keep falling off

Neytiri: it'll get easier soon my son

YN: can I please take a break mom

Neytiri: No

YN: oh come on

Some time later on after YN pretty much failing of leaning to ride a direhorse so YN went back to hometree where all of the Omatficaya clan live YN lived there technology for his entire life he pretty much loved it here until then a Na'vi who around his age bumped into him

Na'vi: watch it Shxawng

YN: how am I the Shxawng when you bumped into me

Na'vi: you know how can a sky person like you be apart of this clan huh you're not even a Na'vi just a human

YN: does it being a Na'vi matter maybe Eywa choose me to be apart of this clan

Na'vi push him

Na'vi: why would Eywa choose a worthless human like you huh you cannot learn how to ride a direhorse you possible can't even ride a ikran

YN: maybe I will

Na'vi: you know what

Eytukan: enough both of you

YN see his grandfather

Eytukan: you both need to stop right now fighting for being a different species won't change it you should know boy YN here is my daughter son he is apart of this clan a sky person or Na'vi he'll always be apart of us do you hear me

Na'vi: yes sir

Eytukan: good now run along

The Na'vi leaves and then YN was training with Tsu'Tey he never really liked him since he was always hard on him he knows that his mother is really strict but he got used to it after training YN was walking around hometree

Neytiri: YN it's dinner time

YN: alright


After dinner it was fully night time everyone in the Omatficaya clan was getting ready to sleep but YN couldn't sleep at all he looks to his left to see his mother sleeping so YN decide to sneak out of hometree and explore the jungle he quickly quietly sneak out of hometree and he started exploring the jungle it was very beautiful In the jungle at night that's why he loved going in the jungle at night

YN: man it's beautiful out here at night

YN started looking up at the night sky looking at the stars it was really beautiful and peaceful YN smiled until then he spotted something in the sky glowing and it started getting closer until YN noticed it was coming right at him he quickly runs and took cover and it crashed

YN: what the hell

YN decide to investigate it he got closer at the crash and to see it was a meteor that crash landed he decided to get closer then the meteor crack open and multiple color strange slimes came out of it a black color one a red color one a silver color one a red and black mixed color one and a white color one

YN: what are those

The color slimes then suddenly jumped on YN and he started to panic

YN: get it off get it off get it off

The color slimes went inside him and YN went unconscious

???: WAKE UP

YN suddenly woke up and he see that he was back at hometree and he sighs

YN: it was just a dream

???: It wasn't a dream

YN jumped and he looked around and sees no one thinking that it was just his head the Neytiri walk over to her son

Neytiri: good morning my son

YN: good morning mom

Neytiri: breakfast is done

YN: okay I'm starving

???: yes we are hungry

YN jumped agains and he looked around and be see no one

Neytiri: are you okay YN

YN: yes I'm fine mom

YN goes to eat his breakfast and Neytiri watch how fast he ate his breakfast she thought that he was just hungry for the morning then YN was seen walking through Na'vi

YN: man that dream was weird and now I'm starting to hear voices in my head

???2: because we are in your head

YN jumped again for the third time

YN: ahh who said that

A Na'vi looks at him

YN: no I'm not talking to you man my day is getting weirder

Na'vi: hey Shxawng

YN sees the Na'vi from yesterday he got annoyed because his day is getting more annoyed

???: who the hell is this guy

YN: what do you want didn't my grandfather say we shouldn't be fighting about us being a different species

Na'vi: you think I care about your grandfather words don't know why he sees you as his grandson when you are not a Na'vi

???: I'm starting to hate this guy

???2: let us eat his face

YN: NO you can not eat his face

Na'vi: who the hell are you talking to huh your invisible friend


YN: you don't deserve nice things

Na'vi: oh I don't deserve nice things huh you know what you deserve a ass beating

Na'vi punch YN and knock him to the ground all of the Na'vi sees and then Neytiri Mo'at and Eytukan sees this of them fighting

Eytukan: ENOUGH

YN was on the ground then suddenly a black color hand grabbed the Na'vi by the throat as black slime started covering YN body he got taller and muscular as the slime covered his face as the Omatficaya clan saw YN transformed into

???: eyes lungs pancreas so many snacks so little time

The creature opened his mouth to reveal his long tongue

The creature lick the Na'vi face and he opened his mouth ready to eat him the a Arrow hit the creature in the back but did nothing the creature turned around while throwing the Na'vi while the creature bit off the Na'vi head off who shot him with a Arrow

The creature started running off by jumping and climbing on to a tree getting far away from home

Two hours later the creature stopped and the black slime went back inside YN who was surprised what happened

YN: what just happened please tell me that wasn't maybe I'm still dreaming

???: you are not dreaming

???2: it would more fun if I was in control

???3: you would have killed them all

???4: we don't need to kill entire clan because of that dickhead

???5: besides I like it there

YN: how many are of you are in my head

???: five of us remember from last night

YN: wait you guys were those color slimes

???2: yes

Then suddenly multiple Na'vi of the Omatficaya clan surround YN and aim their bows at him and he puts his hands up while Neytiri was seen

???: what are you

YN: I'm putting my hands up

YN hands go down

???: you are making us look bad

YN struggle to put his hands up

YN: no I'm not

His hands go down

???: yes you are

YN: no I'm not

???: yes you are

YN: no I'm not

???: yes are you

YN: no I'm not

???: why would you do that

YN: because it is a very suitable thing to do

Neytiri: YN you're need to come back home

???2: I'll deal with this

This time red slime covered YN body as he gotten taller and muscular while tentacle came out of his back

After the transformation the red creature was fully into control of the body

Neytiri: YN

The Omatficaya clan saw that YN transformed again but this time a different colored one

???2: let there be CARNAGE

The red creature roared

The Omatficaya clan began to attack the red creature but none of their Arrow and Spears were doing any damage to the red creature

The red creature turned his arms into blades and he slab two Na'vi in the hearts killing them he then shot a tentacle from his arm as it grab a Na'vi and the red creature throws the Na'vi into a tree and he does a roar again

The red creature jumped in front of Neytiri and grabbed her she trys to get out of his grip but he was too strong she hissed at him and the red creature started opening his mouth ready to eat her

YN: wait no no no no please no don't kill my mom

The red creature stopped and he let go of Neytiri

???2: you better stay right here like a good girl you are

YN: she's not a viperwolf

???: just don't came looking for us

Neytiri: who do you think you're talking to young man

???2: I'm in control not him

The red creature runs off and jumped into the trees and kept on running while Neytiri watch the creature leave with her son

The red creature jumped on the ground and went back inside YN forming back to his normal self

YN: what the hell is going

???: YN

YN walks over to a river and he looks into the water and saw his reflection wasn't him instead it was the creature YN moves his hands and the creature did the same

YN: you're not even here I'm just seeing things you're just not real you're in my head because you're just a parasite


Black tentacles shot out YN back and stick him to a tree he trys to move but he couldn't dua to the tentacles

???: apologize now

YN: what

???2: apologize now or we will eat your liver

YN: what you can't eat that you need that to live

???3: apologize now because your liver it's starting to really really really good and juicy

???4: and very very very delicious

???:5 you better apologize now or else

YN: okay okay I'm sorry that I called you a parasite

The tentacles let go of the tree and YN fall down to the ground he groans then suddenly a Thenator come out of the bushes and it saw YN along with viperwolfs

YN: oh shit

???3: I'll take care of this

The Thenator goes to pounds YN but a silver tentacle pulled him away then sliver slime started covering YN body he got taller and muscular

The Thenator roar at the sliver creature and it goes to jumped at him but the sliver creature grabbed by the Thenator by the throat and throw it to a tree then it hand transform into a spike mace he jumped in the air and slammed the spike mace on the Thenator head killing it

Then viperwolfs surround the sliver creature he turned around and he transformed his hands into giant blades all of the viperwolfs jumped at him but he swing his blades killing all of the viperwolfs

Then a Hammerhead Rhinos creature come of the woods

It roared at the silver creature then it charge at him but he dodged it and transformed his arm into a giant blade and slab it into the Hammerhead head killing it

The sliver creature went back inside YN forming back to his normal self and he sees the Hammerhead body

YN: did you really have to kill it

???3: yes

YN: my mom gonna kill me

???: no she won't kill us

???4: hide

YN quickly hides behind a tree and he sees soldiers with weapons as they sees the bodies of the Thenator Viperwolfs and the Hammerhead

YN: oh no

???4: my turn

Red and Black slime started covering YN body he got taller and muscular but too muscular like the other three

The Red and Black creature jumped out of the bushes and the soldiers see him as he roared

Soldier: what the hell is that thing

The soldiers started firing at the red and black creature but their bullets were doing nothing to him

The three lost soldiers keep on firing at the red and black creature but still their bullets were nothing to him

The red and black creatures grabbed one of the soldier and started biting his head killing him

The second solder trys to runs but a tentacle grabbed him and pulled him back to the red and black creature and he started beating the crap out of him the red and black creature punch him in the face breaking his mask as he started having trouble to breathe then the red and black creature crushed his head with his foot killing him

The final soldier runs to the red and black creature with a knife but he grabbed his arm breaking it the creature slammed him to the ground and started beating the shit out of him into a bloody mess

All of the soldiers were dead they were nothing but a bloody bath their body parts were everyone the red and black creature went back inside YN who was shocked of seeing the dead bodies of the soldiers

YN: oh great mother are you still brutal

???4: I'm brutal but not like him

???2: you should made their deaths slow and painful I love to watch them suffer

Then a soldier in a giant AMP suit come of the woods and sees YN along with the bodies of the soldiers and he aimed his weapon at YN

AMP Soldier: put your hands up now boy

YN: can one of you deal with this

???5: finally I'm was started to get left out

white color slime covered YN body as he gotten taller and muscular but this one was more taller and muscular

The white creature punch through the glass of the AMP suit and pulled out the soldier inside and he started to ripping apart the soldier as the soldier scream in pain as the white creature ripped off his legs from his body the soldier screamed in pain and the white creature slammed him to the ground killing him

(Man the death scenes in The callisto protocol are very brutal)

The soldier was dead the white creature went back inside YN forming back to his normal self

YN: okay can this not deal with anymore killing

???: YN

YN: okay whoever you show yourselfs

Then black tentacle a red tentacle a sliver tentacle a red and black tentacle and white tentacle come of YN back forming a head as he saw them

YN: what the hell are you all

Venom: I am Venom

Carnage: I am Carnage

Riot: I am Riot

Toxin: I am Toxin

Anti-Venom: and I am Anti-Venom

Vemom: and you are ours

YN: so you were those things from last then went inside me

Carnage: yes and listen carefully YN you didn't found us we found you

Riot: you think that since you're not a Na'vi like your mother that you are loser

YN: how do you know all of that

Toxin: we know everything about you we are inside your head

Anti-Venom: you are not a loser

YN: am I able to get rid of any of you

Venom: no you can't you see we are called Symbiote's and we need a host to live you YN are our host

YN: so I'm basically stuck with you for the rest of my life

Carnage: yes

YN: are any of you gonna eat and kill people

Riot: most likely

YN: oh great mother

Toxin: don't worry YN with us being with you we'll have a better life

YN: you know what you're right my life been really boring of me trying to ride a direhorse learning how to use a bow but all of you my life is gonna be awesome

Anti-Venom: our life

YN: right our life so since we are all in the same body we need have a better name because we can't just go oh we are Venom Carnage Riot Toxin and Anit-Venom so we need to get a better name

Venom: Hmmm how about Hybrid

YN: yeah Hybrid I like it

YN gets up

YN: well I think we should go to back hometree

Carnage: even though we killed Na'vi of the Omatficaya clan

YN: yeah I know but they'll understand why

Riot: before we go back we need change our outfit

YN: what's wrong with this

Toxin: we are not keep on walking around half we need something better than this

Anti-Venom: argue

YN: okay what do you got

Venom started covering YN body forming a new outfit for him

YN looks at himself in the water and the mask deformed

YN: oh yeah this will do

Venom: thnak you

YN: well then let's go back to hometree let's see how our clan react to us

The mask formed back on YN face and he started heading back to hometree now this is were the story begins of the hybrid symbiote

To be continue

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