Arrival at Kyoshi Island

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"Commander Zhao, here is the intelligence report about the Avatar." A firenation soldier announces as he enters the quarters of the commander. The porkchop beard sporting firenation commander takes the scroll from his subordinate in a rather rude fashion; he opens the scroll and reads the inscription.

"Multiple sightings of a scarred man and bald monk around the south seas, that scarred man must be Prince Zuko, and the bald monk; the Avatar. What is he doing aligning himself with the Avatar?" Zhao says thinking out loud, the soldier that has yet to be dismissed questions him.

"Could it be that Prince Zuko is deceiving the avatar, trying to get him to trust him before attempting to capture him?" the soldier questions.

"I doubt that would be the case. That prince has no honor, and would fit him to be a traitor. Are there any reports of their movements, projected courses or locations?" Zhao asks, the soldier snaps to attention before responding.

"No sir. The only thing we have is the last location of the sighting, a small fishing village off the coast of the earth kingdom continent." The soldier says pointing to a location on the map spread across the table.

"That is Bei-fong City, it was named after the alleged avatar Jun Bei Fong that was killed by Firelord Azulan 17 years ago. Are their any islands that would be within distance of boats or that have any ports?"

"No sir, but the reports say that they are not traveling by boat, the distances traveled will take weeks and or months to travel."

"You are dismissed. It seems the Avatar is a master at deception and evasion."

Somewhere over the southern arctic seas.

"You really have no idea where we're going do you?" Sokka asks, Zuko is leaned back against the side of the saddle sleeping and Katara is patching a hole in Sokka's pants.

"Well I know it's near water." Aang says, despite them being over the open ocean with water for miles and miles around.

"Well we must be close." Sokka says sarcastically. "What are we even doing out here anyways?"

"Well, I wanted to go ride the elephant koi fish, then we will head to the north pole to get Katara and Zuko a waterbending teacher." Aang replies, "Hey Momo, marbles." Aang says causing the lemur to lunge into his tunic and search for a pair of glass marbles before handing them to Aang.

"Hey Katara, Katara look." Aang says before spinning the marbles in his hand using air bending.

"That's great Aang." She replies not even looking up from what she is doing.

"You're not even looking."

"You're doing great Aang." She says again after looking at him.

"But I'm not even doing it." He replies slightly saddened.

"Aang, don't distract the girl from her sewing." Sokka scolds, causing Katara to turn and face him.

"What does sewing have to do with me being a girl?" She asks in an offended tone.

"Look, men are better at hunting, fishing, and fighting while girls are better at sewing." Katara sneers at her brother before taking the needle out from his pants.

"Here's your pants Sokka, I just fixed that hole for you." She says throwing it at him.

"Wait Katara! I can't wear these! I was only kidding." He protests.

"You probably should know how to sew, it could save your life and your dignity one day." Zuko says not bothering to open his eyes.

"What would prince fussy britches know about sewing." Sokka questions with his hand through the hole of the pants Katara threw at him.

"When I was a member of the firenation military, they taught us to sew and repair our uniforms. It also helps when you have clothes too big and need to fix them." Zuko replies, showing Sokka the stitch work on his clothes. "I wasn't very good at it but it suffices."

"What are we going to call you when we're around other people? At our last stop you stayed with Appa." Aang asks, turning to face the prince.

"I... actually haven't thought about that to be honest." Zuko replies before pinching his chin in thought.

"You're gonna have to let your hair down or at least change the wrapping that is around it." Sokka points at the pony tail at the top of Zuko's head.

"What's wrong with my hair?" Zuko protests.

"Well, aside from the fact you're shivering due to the cold up here, the wrapping is a dead giveaway that you're firenation. We either need to bind it with something else or cut if off." Katara says, pulling a bone knife from her belt.

"Just give me a parka, I'll have my hood up." Zuko says in defeat as Katara rummages through her pack for one before handing it to him.

Appa descends onto the beach of an island with a large crescent shaped inlet of ocean. Circling in the air as he gracefully floats down to the land. Landing with a large thud and displacing the fallen snow. Aang, hops off the top of Appa before stretching as the others slide off the sides of the large flying bison. Zuko ties the pony tail in his hair in a style similar to Sokka's with blue fabric taking the red silk and tying it around his left wrist. "Well you may pass as a southerner but now we need to call you something else aside from Zuko, since you're kind of infamous around the world." Katara says as she fixes the parka that Zuko is wearing.

"How about Lee?" Zuko asks, getting Appa to just huff through his nose. "I didn't ask you." Zuko says, turning to the bison.

"Lee will work, but as for your story of being the Avatar you might want to think up something." Sokka replies by trying to thread a needle to fix his pants.

"I'm just gonna say I was born in the colonies and fled with my mother."

"That will have to do, now, Aang? Why did we stop here? We stopped for supplies two days ago." Sokka asks, turning to Aang as he strips out of his tunic and down to his undergarments.

"I told you, I want to go ride the elephant koi!" Aang says excitedly before running up to the water and jumping into it. "COOOLLLLDDDDD!!!!!" He screams as he launches back out of the water then starts swimming out to the koi that are surfacing and feeding in the deeper parts of the cove.

"Aang! You're supposed to be teaching me how to air bend not play games with some stupid fish." Lee scolds, but seeing that Aang is too far away for him to hear he merely scoffs before walking off to a different part of the beach. He sits cross legged before placing his fists against each other and beginning to meditate.

Aang calls for Katara to watch him riding on the koi fish, unaware of a danger that is present in the water. As the koi speed through the icy waters, a mysterious figure looms under the water. Two of the koi bank away from the one in the rear before something grabs it and drags the fish underwater. "Aang! Aang! Get back here! There's something in the water!" Sokka shouts from the shore. "Appa! Don't eat that!" Katara shouts at the bison before running off from the shore to stop the flying bison. Aang looks back at the shore from his grip on the fin of the elephant koi, he sees katara running from the shore to and away from out of his field of view. "She's not watching." He says to himself as she runs off. Suddenly the fish he is riding is dragged out from underneath him. He surfaces from the water and stares in awe of the giant fin breaking the surface of the water. Screaming in fright, he quickly uses air bending to run along the surface of the water away from the giant creature. In a matter of seconds Aang manages to get to the beach and crashes into Sokka knocking them both into a snowbank. The giant aquatic monster slithers back into the ocean and disappears from view.

As Aang recovers from his brush with a leviathan, the others rush over to see if he's ok. From the trees, painted faced warriors drop on the four of them tackling them to the ground. Binding their hands and legs before blindfolding them. Even going as far as to put Momo in a bag, one after another the 4 of them fall bound and blindfolded to the painted warriors. The feeling of dragging is the only sensation the have for a great distance. After a long time of dragging, they find themselves being hoisted up and solved against a wooden pole. "Who are you, where are the men who ambushed us?" Sokka shouts as the blindfolds are removed from them, the light at first blinding them before their eyes adjust to the warrior women in front of them.

"There were no men who ambushed you, we did." The woman at the front of the group says pointing a golden object at Sokka. "Where did you come from, give us one reason why we shouldnt feed you to the unagi?"

"We're traveling with the avatar, our friend wanted to ride the elephant koi." Katara answers as Zuko looks up at the statue on the top of the wooden pole.

"You're lying. The last avatar was killed by the fire lord. If you are travelling with him that means you're fire nation spies." A man in blue jackets and clothing shouts.

"Wait! I know her.!"

"Ha! Even more of your lies."

"No I really do, That is Avatar Kyoshi she was one of my past lives." Zuko declares as the warriors open their fans as if to attack them.

"Now is the time to show them if you're gonna do anything." Katara says, Zuko takes a deep breath using the teachings from Aang and blasts himself into the air using air bending.

The others look on in awe as Zuko floats down from 20ft in the air having propelled himself from the ropes. As he lands the others look on in shock and see the scared man air bend. As he lands he ignites a small fire in his right hand then spins his left creating a tornado of air. "You really are the Avatar..." The governor says seeing him bend. "What is your name Avatar?" He asks seeing the demonstration of two different bending styles. "I am Lee, I was born in the earth kingdom colonies and got my scar when I tried to flee them with my mother." Lee says trying to answer any other questions they may have.

"Release them." The leader of the warriors says as two others cut Aang, Katara and Sokka free from their binds. "I am Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. It is a pleasure to have you on our island Avatar Lee." Suki greets bowing to him.

"T-thank you." Zuko stutters before bowing in return. He turns around to make sure the others are alright with Sokka rubbing his wrists looking rather angry. 

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