Book Two Water, Chapter Two.

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The Master's Masters.

"Aang, we have a problem." Zuko says as he and Iroh enter the room that team avatar have been given for the next few days. The young airbender turns and gives Zuko a raised eyebrow at this statement. "I need to borrow Appa."

"Uh... are you gonna try to impress a girl or something?" Aang asks, remembering that the last time someone asked to borrow the flying bison Sokka ended up getting married shortly after. "I don't think there's any girls on a military base."

"No, we need to go somewhere. We have a major problem." Zuko says, noticing the change in expression on Aang's face now showing slight anxiety. "I can't firebend anymore."

"What?!" Aang, Katara and Sokka shout hearing him say this, the statement causing Katara to fall out of the bunk bed that she and Yue are sharing.

"How can someone just lose their bending?" Yue asks, prompting Zuko to throw a punch towards the floor trying to bend. This only results in a puff of smoke and a tiny spark from his middle finger.

"I believe that when he defeated Zhao, he burned out his inner flame. There is a way to reignite it and fuel it with a new source but to do so we need to borrow Appa. Possibly for a couple days." Iroh says as he wafts his hand from side to side trying to get rid of the smoke Zuko had created trying to firebend.

"Can you all let him rest for at least tonight? How far do you have to fly anyways?" Aang requests, prompting the old general to nod.

"We need to go deep into the firenation to this place, but we won't leave until morning we're all still quite tired from the journey here and it would be unfair for Appa to immediately have to fly a few thousand miles again." Iroh responds before sitting down on the floor, producing the bag of Pai sho tiles from within his robe. "Care for a game, Master Aang?" He asks.

"Monk Gyatzo taught me and my sister how to play, the last time I did was over a hundred years ago." Aang says before clearing off the pai sho table that General Fong was kind enough to set up for them.

"This will be quite the interesting game, my young friend." Iroh says as Aang fishes out the pai sho set that they had picked up on their journey.

"So, does this mean that Aunt Wu's prediction is coming true?" Sokka asks, prompting Zuko to shrug at the question.

"Who's aunt wu?" Yue asks.

"She's a powerful fortune teller we met before we got to the north pole, all of her predictions have come true." Katara answers.

"All but the village not getting destroyed by that volcano Zuko fought."

"The village is still standing Sokka, her prediction just said that the village wouldn't be destroyed, not that we had to get them to protect their home." Zuko responds.

"Oh crap, yeah she was right about that." Sokka says.

"When you get to my age, you'll lose interest in wanting to know the future. At my age there's only one great adventure left, and I'd much rather leave it a secret." Iroh says before flipping the white lotus tile in his hand and then catching it again.

"Well we've got some time to kill, you wanna work on some more waterbending skills?" Katara asks as she pulls her overcoat off.

"Might as well." Zuko responds before standing up and walking out of the room being followed by both Katara and Yue.

As the sun begins to peak over the horizon, Iroh wakes Zuko up from his sleep, pushing his shoulder a few times to raise him. He hadnt been able to sleep that much the previous night, fear of never being able to firebend again had consumed his thoughts playing scenario after scenario in his head. While Aang had insisted on him meditating while sitting up, Zuko had decided to attempt it while lying down. It succeeded in pushing away the addled thoughts and fears over the loss in bending ability and he ended up falling asleep if only for a couple hours. Putting his boots on, he stands from the small cot before grabbing the bag he had prepared the night before. Across from him, Sokka and Yue are wrapped together in their cot fast asleep, Aang is sprawled out on his own partially drooling off the side and Katara has Momo asleep on her side. Zuko grabs the bison whistle before putting it in his pocket, putting his swords on his back then throwing his bag over his shoulder. With a nod to Iroh the two exit the room silently in order not to disturb the others.

Appa groans when Zuko pats the side of his face a couple times, waking the large creature from his sleep. His displeasure is voiced through the unamused look in his eye but when Zuko hands pops a watermelon into the bison's mouth. The wordless deal brokered between them prompts Appa to roll over to his feet then stretch as he bites down on the fruit. Zuko throws his stuff into the saddle before helping his uncle get in and with a brisk jump with airbending he lands on Appa's head before grabbing the reins. "Quietly Appa, yip yip." Zuko says prompting the bison to stretch backwards then jump into the air flapping his tail to increase altitude. This time Iroh had remembered to tie himself to the side of the saddle as Appa took off. With a cloud covered sky it'll be easy to slip into the firenation and past the blockade. As the sun begins to rise, the normal warmth that he's been used to feels muted without his inner flame and Iroh picks up on this.

"Do you want me to tell you how I lost my firebending, then found it again?" Iroh asks as he shifts forwards in Appa's saddle so that he can sit closer to where Zuko is.

"Did the sunlight feel... colder when you lost it?" Zuko asks, trying to feel the same warmth it used to bring. "I feel cold without it."

"That is one of the side effects, but it could also be the altitude. It is quite cold up here." Iroh says before rummaging through his bag in order to grab a copper tea pot he brought for the trip. "Ginseng or Jasmine?"

"Jasmine." Zuko responds before passing his waterskin to his uncle so that Iroh can prepare tea and breakfast for the two. Iroh silently goes about pouring the water into the small pot, then adding the leaves to the liquid and heating it with his hands. When he pours Zuko a cup of tea he speaks again.

"My flame was snuffed out when Lu Ten died." he begins, "It felt like I had been stabbed when I received the news... in my anger and grief I... did something heinous. I attacked the division that took his life, and reduced it all to ash. There was nothing left of the forward command post that they had created, it was like a small fortress created by the earthbenders." Iroh says, his voice stricken with remorse and guilt. "I turned it to ash and showed no mercy, I allowed my anger to blind me and I did such a terrible thing to men only trying to protect their home... That fury killed a boy no older than Lu Ten and it looked like I had killed my own son for the second time."

"Second time?" Zuko asks.

"I blame myself for his death, I was the one who gave him the orders to attack the forward command post that I soon destroyed." Iroh explains, "Seeing the fear in the other boy's eyes before my fire consumed them broke me because I know that I caused the pain I was feeling to spread to his family... suffering and anger only breeds more of it."

"What's the difference between that and what I did to Zhao and his men?" Zuko asks, "What about their families?"

"That is the cost of war. Something you and I will have to live with, though you may have created the fire that consumed them, it was Zhao who led those men to their fate. Zhao's actions resulted in his death, you killing him in battle is different because it is your duty to uphold the peace and balance within the world. If Zhao had succeeded in killing the ocean or moon spirit it would have doomed humanity." Iroh responds, "There is no justifying murder, there is no justification for my actions that day. However yours are justified, though you killed Zhao you prevented the end of the world by protecting the moon and ocean."

"What about the men I drowned?" Zuko asks as Iroh grabs a skillet from within one of the bags in order to continue cooking.

"Were you in control of your body when you defended the northern watertribe?" Iroh asks, though the question is rhetorical, Zuko answers anyway.


"The spirits used your power to protect their home and destroy the aggressors. The avatar spirit, the ocean spirit and the moon spirit judged them and allowed those that fled to escape but those that continued to attack it vanquished." Iroh responds, choosing his words to help his nephew find closure. "We are heading to the sun temple ruins in the northern part of the firenation. The old masters will help you regain your ability to bend fire but you must make the pilgrimage first."

"Haven't those ruins been abandoned for thousands of years? What do you mean old masters?" Zuko asks but Iroh just smirks at him before handing him a bowl of rice porridge and fish.

The clouds hide their approach over the firenation blockade, though Zuko is partially concerned that their shadow may be visible underneath the clouds as the sun has climbed high into the sky. However they manage to get through the blockade without issue and continue east heading further and further into firenation territory. Iroh has Zuko descend from above the clouds about an hour after passing the blockade. In the distance the archipelago Iroh had mentioned is just barely visible on the horizon. It's nearly evening by the time they manage to get over the jungle encompassing the small landmass, but Iroh manages to find the ruins off in the distance having Zuko descend towards the eastern side of the largest pyramid. As Appa lands, Iroh slides off of the bison's back before coming to a stop at the entrance of the large temple. As Zuko feeds Appa, another watermelon, Iroh looks around the ruins for a moment before finding a spear placed upright in the ground. He grabs it by the handle then walks over towards the main entrance of the pyramid. He stamps it on the ground four times causing the noise to echo off the surrounding pyramids sounding like the screech of an animal, one that Zuko has never heard before.

"Who goes there?!" A stern male voice calls out, almost causing Zuko to jump out of his skin having gotten startled. Approaching from within the pyramid is a tanned reddish skinned man in tribal clothes with a feathered headdress and paint across his face and body. "Prince Iroh? I never expected to see you again."

"It has been a long time, Chief Mezulotl, and It's just Iroh, now old friend." Iroh responds as he bows to the chieftain, Zuko follows suit bowing to the chief before the other man gestures for them to rise. "I have brought my nephew to make his pilgrimage in order to learn the true ways of fire. This is Avatar Zuko, and he too must learn the new path."

"Greetings, Avatar Zuko. It has been many lifetimes since a member of our tribe has been the avatar, let alone been in the presence of one from the sun-touched lands." Mezulotl responds, now bowing to Zuko. "I take it you've lost your ability to touch the sun? How did this happen?"

"I burned up its fuel in anger, killing a man trying to end the world. Admiral Zhao was trying to kill the moon spirit, and I killed him." The chief nods slightly, hearing Zuko's response.

"Come, you must learn to touch the sun once more." He says before stamping his staff on the pyramid floor prompting the other tribesman to show themselves to the two firenation princes. "In the centuries since we removed ourselves from the world, these lands have bastardized the ancient practices of firebending. Using anger, rage, hatred to fuel it. They have lost its meaning, its source, its purity. Lord Agni is most displeased at this." Mezulotl explains as he leads Zuko and Iroh through the ruins.

"Firebending used to be an expression of freedom, of life. Firebending styles resembled the dancing motions of Dragons. Fire is the element of power yes, but is the element of life. Without fire, the world would be a frozen wasteland." Iroh explains as Mezulotl leads them to a smaller pyramid that's flanked on its directional sides by the larger ones.

"This is the eternal flame, the first fire that was given to our ancestors at the beginning of time. I am going to give you two pieces of it and you must make your pilgrimage to the old masters. Ran and Shaw. They will judge you and if you pass you will learn. However, there is one thing we must teach you first." Mezulotl says before motioning for Zuko to follow him to the courtyard beneath the flame. "This is the first bending form. The Dancing Dragon. Watch us and learn." He commands.

Iroh and Mezulotl stand just a few paces away from each other before lifting their hands upwards and standing on a single leg. Stepping a foot out to the side, they step into a slanted lunge pose and shift their arms to match the angle of the new pose. Shifting their feet, they step into the next pose, thrusting a fist forwards and behind them as they face away from each other. The two masters step back into a squared stance with their arms thrust outwards then turn and throw a punch towards the ground. Turning they lean to their lead foot then extend their dominant arms outwards. Turning around once more to face the other, their pose is now relaxed with their arms outstretched as if offering up something. Leaning forwards their back hand moves towards the front continuing the pose that offers their hands forwards. Nearing the end, the two shift into a low crawl like stance then abruptly stand then throw a double fisted punch over their heads stopping before their hands collide with the others.

"Your journey begins here, you are to walk to the foot of the sun's rest and present the flames to Ran and Shaw." Mezulotl says as he and Zuko walk up a short staircase towards the eternal flame. He grabs two small pieces of it then extends his hands outwards towards Zuko.

Looking at the vast distance between the temples and the mountain, Zuko accepts the two flames in his outstretched hands before turning and walking down the staircase. He gives Iroh a look asking if he will be joining him but Iroh only nods and extends a hand away from himself ushering Zuko forwards. With a deep breath Zuko begins his lone march towards Sun's rest. As he leaves the ancient city, memories of training with Iroh and his father come back to him. "You are to strike hard, with no remorse or mercy. It is for the weak." Ozai's harsh words echo through his mind but they're quickly replaced by Iroh's. "Firebending comes from the breath, not the muscles. You must relax, over exerting yourself is only tiring you out." Iroh's kindness compared to his father's harshness were one of the few reprieves he would get as a child. The twin flames provide Zuko warmth through the night as he continues to make his trek from the ancient city.

Step after step he walks through the night, the stars and black sky above him reminding him of his mother's hair, the flames he's holding, her warmth. At the end of the day, even after all his power, he's still just a little boy that misses his mother with all his heart. "Never forget who you are." Her words echo to him, pressing him forwards through the exhausting march. He will use his power to create the world she'd be proud of, and be the man that she wants him to become. The darkness of the night sky is turning purple and amber as the sun begins to rise and with the day beginning his pilgrimage is ending. The sun illuminates the grand staircase of Sun's rest before him. Somehow the sun warriors and his uncle had already beaten him to the mountain and have been waiting for his arrival. "Faster than we expected. I partially believed you'd use the flames to create a campfire to rest for the night. I respect your perseverance, Avatar Zuko. Now, ascend the stairs and present the flames to Ran and Shaw." Mezulotl commands as he takes two small embers from the flames Zuko is holding. He throws the flames to the other warriors nearby causing them to burn them into flame wheels as the ritual begins.

Zuko ascends the stairs to the sounds of the thunderous chanting and beating of drums the sun warriors are performing. The steps, ancient and worn, sap even more energy from his body but he pushes on. With the sun behind them, Iroh is able to watch Zuko ascend the stairs and get to the stop without problem. Now at the peak of the grand staircase, Zuko looks out at the ocean in front of him and the warriors below. He's flanked on either side by the cliffs of the mountain but there's something off about this place. Suddenly the bellowing of a dragon horn from below echoes through the canyon causing Zuko to turn and look at what happened. A moment later, the thunderous boom of stone moving echoes, chasing the sound of the horn as it reverberates off the stone. On both sides, the stone doors of two caves slide away revealing darkness within before a set of predatory eyes illuminates each cave. With a loud screech a mating pair of Grand Dragons fly out of the caves before beginning to circle Zuko. The sheer size and weight of the beasts cause the entire mountain side to shake as they beat their wings, slithering about the air as they circle him.

Zuko stares in awe at the original masters, watching as the dragons dance around him expectantly. He shoots a look down towards the warriors below, managing to vaguely see Iroh doing the first step of the Dragon's dance. This jogs his memory, and Zuko shifts up, standing on one leg with the flames presented upwards. The dragons fly upwards in tandem with his movements, circling the altar as Zuko shifts through the next pose. They fly alongside him, following the slanted motion of his arms as he enters the second pose then transitions into the next set. The great red dragon flying opposite of Zuko's movements, flying towards him as he shifts and throws a punch downwards prompting the great blue to fly past him as he does so. He shifts and maneuvers his body causing the flames he's been given to dance around and orbit his body as he goes through each stance and motion before finally both flames shoot off into the distance as Zuko ends the dance without a partner. His fists pointed towards the expanse of the ocean as he ended. Both dragons stop their movements and begin hovering in place staring at him, making their judgment. Content in his performance, Ran and Shaw land on the sides of the large staircase before bathing it in a cone of fire.

Iroh doesn't flinch when this happens, and almost chuckles when he sees Zuko reflexively try to shield himself from the dragon's demonstration. After realizing that he isn't being burned, Zuko relaxes and watches the flames surrounding him. "I never thought fire could be this beautiful." he thinks to himself as he watches the chromatic flames circle him. Shades of gold, purple, blue, green, orange and red dance in a tornado before dissipating into the air as the dragons leave their roost then fly back into their caves. Zuko stands there a moment, admiring the flames, and taking in the secret. As he stares looking out towards the morning sun, it's warmth comforts him once again.

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