The Illness.

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The harsh winds whip through the ancient earth kingdom ruins that team avatar find themselves sheltered in. Earlier today, Aang had to have Appa make an emergency landing as Sokka has taken ill. The young firebender does his best to stew the evening meal that Katara had begun to prepare as she takes care of her brother. Meanwhile Aang only watches, not knowing what to do as he nor any other air nomad that he met had ever been sick. Zuko mixes in some salt before putting the lumps of smoked fish that he had in their pack into the stew. After a few moments, he ladles it into a couple small bowls and hands them to the others.

"I don't know if you can eat fish Aang, so I made your bowl before adding it to the pot." Zuko says offering him the gold colored soup that has leaks, potatoes and other vegetables floating in it. "How is he?" He asks, offering Katara the bowl for herself and for Sokka.

"He's got a fever, he's also sweating and coughing pretty bad... he's also delusional." Katara responds before she too starts to cough slightly. "Oh that's not good."

"That's how Sokka started yesterday." Aang announces jumping to his feet with concern present on his face. "And now look at him! He thinks he's an earth bender!"

"Aang, calm down, you don't need to be loud. Katara, you need to lay down Sokka got this sick very fast after he started coughing yesterday." Zuko cautions, taking her bowl from her hand and having her lay against Appa's legs. "Aang I need you to stay here and take care of them. I'm going to see if I can find that apothecary we passed as we flew in."

"What's an apothecary?" The young airbender asks, taking a seat next to Sokka and offering the water tribe warrior something to eat.

"It's an herbalist that mixes medicines and remedies for pain. Mind if I use your glider?" Zuko asks, walking towards the entrance of the cave. However, as he picks up the mahogany shaft of the glider, a lightning strike and thunder crack echo through the ruins. "Nevermind then. I'll be back soon."

"There's firenation patrols in the area, do you need a disguise or anything?" Katara says before she begins to cough again.

"I'll bring my swords but I'm going to try to stay away from the main roads but I might not have a choice. I'll be using Aang's running technique he's been teaching me." He responds before collecting his swords. He walks back to the entrance of the cave before taking a few deep breaths and taking off. Sprinting faster than any normal man could run, he uses airbending to increase his speed, he covers the half mile from the top of the mountain and old ruins to the road in a few seconds.

"I still think he should have used a disguise." Katara says before she puts on her sleeping bag and curls up on Appa's leg.

Through the undergrowth and ruins, Zuko sprints through the countryside heading towards the apothecary a few miles from where they're staying. The previous night, he had gone out on a scouting mission and discovered that Zhao had a change in orders and a change in rank. At a nearby garrison, Zhao had arrived at the legendary Yuyan Archers' training facility and military garrison. During a conversation with the colonel in charge of the base, Zhao had requested use of the archers but was denied, however this would take a turn when a messenger hawk bearing a black ribbon arrived. The message it was carrying was direct from his father, and it promoted Zhao to Admiral status and said that the capture of Zuko was of top priority. Zuko himself didn't stay long enough to hear the rest of what Zhao was reading, nor could he see it from his vantage point. Now with irrefutable evidence that his father wants him captured, he's at a loss for what to do. Part of him believes he should let himself get captured so he can return home but the other believes that he should master the elements and return home a fully realized avatar in order to regain his honor.

As his internal thoughts distract him, he doesn't realize he blew past an outpost guard tower. When he hears the horn signaling an alert, he knows he's been spotted. "Agni Damnit." He curses under his breath before picking up speed and rounding through the mountain headed for the apothecary. Sprinting up through the stairs into the apothecary entrance, Zuko slows himself as he gets through the doorway. Around him potted plants and herbs hang and sit on pedestals and tables on the far side an old decrepit woman stands watering a plum blossom plant with a bearded cat nearby. "Are you the apothecary?" Zuko asks, slightly out of breath from the 10 mile run he covered in a few minutes.

"Why yes I am deary, how can I help you?" She asks picking up a bowl and placing a few herbs and different ingredients inside it. "Many of the earth kingdom soldiers would come by looking for medicine and I know how to make all sorts of them."

"Good, two of my... the people I'm traveling with have gotten sick. They were caught out in that typhoon that hit a few days ago. I need some medicine for them." Zuko explains calmly as the old lady finishes mixing the bowl of mush before placing it in front of the cat.

"What you need are frozen wood frogs. The enzymes produced by their skin gets frozen in the ice and when you suck on them it helps alleviate fevers and the sickness your friends have. Head down the mountain to the small stream down there, you'll find the wood frogs in the mud burrowed deep for the winter." As the old woman finishes speaking she looks up to see that Zuko is gone already heading towards the stream below.

Stepping outside of the small yurt that the old woman lives in, Zuko starts running towards the archway at the top of the staircase leading up the mountain. Just as he gets going an arrow strikes through the fabric of his pants leg pinning him to the ground. Looking at where the arrow had come from, several Yuyan archers stand up from the treeline and behind the hill. Thinking quickly, Zuko creates a massive sphere of fire around himself burning away the arrows that the Yuyan archers had shot at him. Grabbing the shaft of the arrow pinning his clothes to the ground he snaps it in half before taking off towards the cliff face. With adrenaline coursing through his veins he jumps off the side of the cliff towards the plateau and tree line below. The archers rush off the same cliff in hot pursuit continuing to fire arrows at the falling Zuko. Cupping his hands to his mouth, Zuko breathes in a massive amount of air before expelling it back towards the archers diverting the arrows and their descent to try to gain distance. As the ground gets closer, Zuko spins up an air scooter and throws it in front of him onto the ground as he lands on top of it. The rotating air cushions his fall bouncing him up and onto his feet as he sprints through the pine trees and towards the river.

Getting through the trees, Zuko trips as his foot gets caught in the deep mud of the semi frozen river. The cold water a shocking reminder of the day he fell into the arctic but as he goes to free himself of his muddy captor his hand graces something hard and cold. Lifting it above the water he finds a frozen wood frog in his palm. Deciding to quickly pocket it, it's suddenly shot out of his hand by one of the archers. The shock of the strike sends more adrenaline through his system causing him to quickly scamper forwards freeing his foot. With his mind still clouded he roots through the mud thinking he has enough time to grab the frogs for Katara and Sokka. Shoving several frogs into his pockets and shirt his armor is suddenly pinned to the log behind him as three arrows have pierced through his shoulder pad and the fabric of his sleeves. As he tries to free his other arm the wound of whistling arrows in flight brings his attention ahead of him. Reacting instinctively he raises his hand trying to bend and to his surprise the water does as he wants it to. It jumps up following his movements then freezes but his momentary relief is short lived as the ice shatters and his other arm is pinned to the log. In a last ditch effort to try to free himself Zuko attempts to firebreath at the arrows but an iron muzzle is shot over his mouth stopping the fire and then a net covers him the rest of the way.

Hours later, Zuko finds himself shackled in the basement of Zhao's garrison. His arms are completely covered up to his elbows as well as his legs up to his knees. He can't firebend in this position, and with metal covering the entire room the little earthbending he knows is useless. Taking stock of the room even the torch sconces which would normally be open flames are in lantern housings. As he scans the empty room the creak of the large iron door draws his attention to the other end of the room. He almost smirks when he sees Zhao's ugly mug walk through the door.

"Your father is after you, Prince Zuko." Zhao begins as he approaches the raised position that Zuko is held in. "The avatar is an enemy of the firenation and he has decreed that despite your title of prince. You're an enemy of the firenation. The only threat to our world domination is the banished prince. I have orders to return you to the mainland, where if your father is merciful he may let you serve as the firenation's greatest weapon to ever live. The Last avatar, the man who brought the world under the heel of the firenation empire." Zuko rolls his eyes at what Zhao is saying which catches his attention. "You think I'm lying... don't you?" the admiral chuckles.

"You must think I'm as stupid as you are to buy that." Zuko responds, causing the admiral to glare at him. "The part about my father would soon kill me for being the Avatar rather than use me as a weapon since I'm an enemy of the state now."

"That's not untrue, but he wishes for you to be brought home, used to end the war and then you will die." Zhao gloats as he walks around Zuko's little pedestal. "I have half a mind to just do it myself for the high treason you've committed. Disabling a shipyard, assaulting an officer and defiling a religious monument."

"Then why wait? Think about it, imagine the prestige you'd have if you were Zhao the Slayer of the Avatar." Zuko persuades but Zhao laughs at this statement.

"While tempting. I have more honor than to kill an imprisoned, defenseless child." Zhao responds getting into Zuko's face meeting the scowl of the young prince.

"If you're as honorable as they say, then how about you let me defend myself then? Agni Kai." Zuko challenges Zhao causing the older man's eyebrow to arch upwards at this statement. "After all, if I lose it's customary for the loser to be cremated by the victor and you'd be declared that title. Respect, prestige... my father may even name you next in line to be firelord."

"I know you're playing me prince Zuko." Zhao says before standing back up to his full height. "But you make a tempting offer, and let's say you somehow win this agni kai... What are your other terms."

"You give me a one week head start and the chase is on again." Zuko continues.

"Three days." Zhao counters.


"Very well Prince Zuko. I accept. At sunrise we will have our duel, however the Yuyan archers will be present and they will fill you with arrows if you so much as use a different bending form other than firebending." Zhao warns thinking that this is his ace in the hole. "I'll send a guard around later with some food for you. I wouldn't want to destroy you when you're not at your strongest." With his back turned to Zuko, the young prince smirks at this. "Oh and one last thing. Before we start the duel. You are to cut off your braid. You're no longer a member of the firenation." 

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