The King of Omashu

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Zuko sneezes from the cold having been convinced by Aang to wear the attire of an air nomad, it gives him little protection from the chill of the wind. The snow crunches beneath their feet as the group trudges their way up a snowy hill somewhere in the main continent of the earth kingdom. As the wind blows harder, Zuko grunts in annoyance and breathes some fire into his hands to keep warm. Sokka mocks him for not being able to stand the cold but is smacked by his sister who then offers the avatar a parka to wear. As they reach the top, Aang announces their arrival to their destination.

"The earth kingdom city of Omashu!" He annonces as miles in front of them sits a gigantic city in on the top of a mountain, the city itself built upon what seems to be giant pyramids of moved stone with hundreds of houses and buildings dotting the sides. In the center of the main pyramid sits a grand castle with a door so large it can be seen for miles around. "I used to always come here with my friend Bumi!"

"Wow... we don't have buildings like this at the south pole." Katara says in awe of the giant city.

"They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka rejoices in an envious tone.

"It's big." is all Zuko says getting the three of them to turn around and arch an eyebrow at him.

"Well, theres no point in dallying around here, the real fun is inside the city! Come on!" Aang says as he takes off with his glider lacking the foresight to bring the others with him.

"I knew he would leave us behind, come on let's just get on Appa. My feet are killing me." Zuko complains before sneezing and shivering even more.

"Mrooaaaaahhhh." Appa bellows as Zuko climbs up his fur and into the saddle.

"Wait! Aang come back here!" Katara calls out causing the air bender to bank right and fly back to them. "It can be dangerous, if that Zhao guy thought you were the avatar maybe they will to. You and Zuko need a disguise."

"Well what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?" Aang asks sarcastically.

"Plus, it's not like I can hide this all that well" Zuko says pointing to the obvious scar over his eye.

Moments later, Aang is twitching his nose having been put in Appa's fur to make a full head of white hair and fake mustache. Meanwhile, Zuko has been given an eye patch and a change of clothes now wearing Sokka's extra set that he has yet to sew down to his size. "Ugh this is itchy, how do you live in this Appa?" Aang questions getting the bison to snort in is general direction.

"At least you can see where you're going. With my luck i'll probably walk into so- Oof." Zuko says as he walks face first into a boulder before falling over. Sokka and Katara both laugh at this before ushering them to come on and helping Zuko off the ground.

"Perfect, now you look like my grandfather." Sokka says sarcastically with a sly grin on his face.

"Well... technically, Aang is 112 years old so it is believable." Katara responds as Aang picks up his staff and spins it very quickly then slams it into the ground to use as a rudimentary cain.

"I have no idea what I'm gonna say so I'll just stay quiet and try not to walk into anything." Zuko says as he tries to walk in a straight line.

"Now let's get a going you whippersnappers, the big city awaits." Aang says in an attempt to pretend to be an old man. Katara and Sokka look at each other slightly concerned before they start the walk to the massive city.

Hours of walking go by as the quartet make the way up the road to the city, Sokka having to direct Zuko the entire time due to his lack of depth perception. Along the way Aang recounts stories of when he used to come to Omashu over 100 years ago. "Don't worry about this place, the people here are the friendliest in the world." Aang says just in time to see the gate guards throw a poor man's cabbage cart off the cliff due to them being rotten. "Just keep smiling." He says jovially as he walks up to the guards. The center guard earth bends a large bolder over Aang before questioning his business.

"State your business." The guard snaps before Aang rushes up to the young looking guard and poking him in the chest.

"My business is my business and none of yours, I have half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddling your backside!" Aang rants pretending to be an ornery old man and foisting hs finger in the guard's face. This deception works as the guard drops the bolder on the road, which causes Katara, Lee and Sokka to be bounced off the ground due to it's weight. In his defense the guard puts his hands up and tries to question him.

"Settle down old timer, just tell me who you are." The guard questions, Aang goes back to leaning on his staff before answering.

"The names Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third. And these are my grandkids and my grand daughter's husband." Aang feins. Katara quickly goes along with this scheme and introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Jun Lee, and here is my husband Lee Lee." Katara says as she grabs Zuko's arm and pulls him forwards slightly. The guard scratches his chin for a moment before turning to Katara and Zuko.

"Lee Lee huh? Bet you lost that eye fighting a fire bender, thank you for your service. You seem like a respectable young woman Jun Lee, be sure that you keep your grandfather in line. Enjoy Omashu." The guard says as he let's them inside the city. Just as Sokka passes by them, the guard stops him. "Wait a second, you seem like a strong young man. Show some respect for the elderly and battle wounded and carry your grandfather's bag."

"Good idea!" Aang cheers on as he hits Sokka in the head with the bag he was carrying, which conveniently lands in Sokka's hands. As the three enter into the massive city, the earthbenders on the walls part the three layer gate to the city allowing them inside. Just in time for Momo to peak out of Aang's wig and look around which confuses the guard. "You see this? This is the Omashu delivery system, miles and miles of shoots and slides. It's propelled up by earthbending and gravity takes it back down."

"Great so they get their mail on time." Sokka says in a apathetic manner to the impressive delivery system.

"Oh, they do get their mail on time but my friend Bumi found a better use for these shoots." Aang grins reflecting on when he and his friend had used the shoots as little kids to glide around the entire city like it is a giant slide. "One ride down this thing, then it's off to the north pole. Airbender's honor."

"I was excited about this earlier but now I'm having second thou-aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Katara screams as Aang pushes the cart down the giant slide system.

Going down the hill at blinding speeds the three of them scream, but Zuko merely sits in the back with his arms folded completely unimpressed at this. The wind nearly takes off Aang's wig as they speed down the almost vertical drop from the top of the Mail headquarters towards the lower districts. As they are flying down the slide, another cart comes along side them, this one has a stand with several razor sharp spears attached to it. Soon the lains merge into a single slide with the spear stand gaining on them, Zuko and Sokka both duck seeing the stand get way to close for comfort and Katara beckons Aang to get them away from it. In a swift motion, Aang rocks the cart back and forth before sending it airborne and onto one of the stone roofs below. It destroyed the stone shingles before continuing to glide down the hill. Below them a sergeant is lecturing his men saying "Men, you'll be going off to combat soon so it is important that you expect the unexpected." On que, the cart with the four in it speeds past them putting a dent in the stone and ricocheting away.

The cart bounces off the ground, across some more roof tops and through the guard rail of a transit for packages. It derails a cart full of pumpkins before continuing off the other side and down more roofs before landing in another slide. As this one turns to a vertical drop they see one of the workers moving packages and panic as they are about to crash into one, they breathe a sigh of relief as it is pushed away by the worker but scream as another one is lifted up. The carts collide with each other and the four are sent flying through the air. Thinking quickly, Aang airbends them safely back into the cart, only to crash into some poor vase maker's home and destroying a vase he is making. Aang quickly apologises as they go flying through his other window. The hit another ledge before sliding through someone's home, which prompts their cat to attack Momo the two chasing each other around Aang's wig before Momo pushes it away. The barrel through a final railing before dropping into the city below. There they crush an horribly unfortunate man's cabbage cart.

"My Cabbages! You're gonna pay for this!" The man screams as Aang and the group get up from the wreckage, Zuko's eye patch now gone and Aang's fake hair having blown away.

"2 cabbages please." Aang asks, trying to defuse the situation as they are arrested by the guards nearby.

The four are escorted to the throne room of the king of Omashu by the guards, even Momo is being held by one of the guards as he tries to fly away. As they enter the lavish castle of Omashu, they look around at all the tapestries on the walls. The long elegantly crafted carpet leading through the palace itself. Soon they are brought before the king, an elderly old man with wild hair and an interesting fashion sense who arches an eye seeing the four of them, Aang in particular.

"Your majesty, these four jouveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses and malicious destruction of cabbages. What do you want us to do with them?" The guard says to the king, meanwhile the cabbage owner is ranting and raving about a death sentence for his cabbages. He is then hushed by the palace guard. "Silence! Only the king can pass down judgement. What is your judgement your majesty?"

"Throw them..." He pauses as the four tense up fearing his answer. "A feast." he says which confuses everyone as to why he would suggest something. Not long after, a massive spread fit for a king and his entourage is given to the four. From entire cournish game hens to fish and elegantly made tea and crumpets are just a mere fraction of what has been provided to them. Momo makes it a point to steal several small nuts for himself while the king is talking. "You see, the people of my city are fat from too many feasts, so I hope you like your chicken with no skin."

"Thanks, but I don't eat meat." Aang protests turning the chicken drumstick the king is waving around like a baton. "How about you tough guy? Do you eat meat?"

"I love meat." Sokka says before the king shoves the entire drumstick in Sokka's mouth and wraps his way back to his seat at the head of the table.

"So tell me young bald one. Where are you from?" the king asks as Aang takes a moment to think of an answer.

"I'm from... Kangaroo Island." He responds.

"Kangaroo Island hmm? I hear that place is really Hopping!" This pun only prompts Sokka to laugh. "Well... All these good jokes are making me tired. Seems like it's time to, Hit they hay!" The king yells as he beams a chicken leg at both Aang and Zuko. As an inegic reaction both of them lean back in their seats and air bend the chicken leg to catch it, however Zuko accidentally creates a bit of fire as he does so. "Theres an airbender in our midst, not just that but two of them Plus, not just any air bender also. The avatar." This statement gets all four in the group to gasp. "Now, What do you have to say for yourself. Mister Lee Lee." He snickers at this name as he grins widely.

"Alright. Alright. You caught me. I am the avatar." Zuko says as he stands up from his chair and motions for the others to do the same. "D-doin the av-avatar thing. Ma-making sure the world is safe." Zuko stutters as he pretends to look around for evil people before ushering the others out the door. However their exit is blocked by the palace guards who cross their staves to prevent them from leaving.

"You can't keep us here! Let us leave already. We have to take the avatar to the north pole." Katara pleads.

"Lettuce leaf?" The king questions before picking up a single leaf and biting into it.

"This guy is nuts." Sokka whispers to both Aang and Zuko.

"Tomorrow, the avatar will face three deadly challenges but, for now. Guards, show them to their chambers." the king commands but one of his attendants has a question regarding that order.

"Which chamber is that? The good chamber or the bad chamber?"

"The newly refurbished chamber."

"Wait, which one was that again?"

"The one that used to be the bad chamber but up until the new refurbishing that is. We should call it the new chamber, the refurbished chamber. We really should number them... Take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad." The king demands as the four are escorted out of the room.  

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