The Winter Solstice Finale, Roku and Zuko

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With the sun starting to sink in the sky, Aang circles the crescent shaped island in which Avatar Roku once resided. Bringing Appa in for a landing, he chooses a clear spot on the gravelly beach to land, far from the volcano that's been leaking lava into the ocean for the past century. Quickly jumping off Appa, Zuko walks up the beachhead shortly followed by the rest of the Gaang. At the tip of the beach a set of stairs had been carved into the basalt face leading towards a dozen story tall temple seated at the crown of the southern volcano. The heat of the island felt like a welcome home to the avatar, he had long missed the warmth of his home country. Sokka and Katara however are far less enthused about the intense heat radiating off of the volcanos and from the sun. Opting to have left their heavier clothes on Appa, the two southern water tribe members still sweat profusely due to the temperature.

    They follow the prince of the fire nation up what felt like seven thousand steps towards the temple on the volcano. With each step towards the crater they feel the temperature decrease with the altitude, albeit slightly. Getting to the base of the temple Zuko takes a deep breath before pushing the large doors aside. With a creak the doors are pushed into the main fourier of the temple, and following the avatar’s lead, Aang, Sokka and Katara enter behind Zuko. While the prince enters the room with confidence, his allies on the other hand are slightly more apprehensive about entering the temple of Roku. Upon entering, the three who had not been to the temple take note of the intricate designs of the floor and stairwell leading towards the roof. Walls fitted with hooded lamps adorn the building with a soft reddish glow. Ahead of them, Zuko stands before the fire sages saying nothing and standing tall.

    “Fire Sages.” Zuko says addressing them collectively. “I am Avatar Zuko, and I wish to commune with Avatar Roku.” He states his intentions clearly.

    “We know, we recently sent word to Firelord Ozai that you are the Avatar.” One of the sages greets him with a bow prompting the other sages to do so. “The head liaison for the temple has gone personally to tell your father. Leaving me as the grand sage in his absence. My name is Shyu. Firelord Ozai had instructed us to not allow the avatar to commune with Roku, however seeing as you the crown prince are the avatar, we can make an exception to that rule.” Shyu explains as he and the other sages stand from their bowing posture and lead Zuko towards the stairs.

    “I don't know how he will react to me being the avatar of fire.” Zuko responds as he follows behind Shyu, placing his hand on the gold handrail of the grand staircase. “I was instructed by Chaejin that the avatar would have been an air nomad.”

    “We were mistaken, after we discovered our initial mistake we believed that it would be your sister who was the avatar of fire but we failed in that too. Now that we know without doubt that you are the avatar we wish to rectify our previous mistakes and assist you in this endeavor.”  Shyu explains.

    “Did any of you know Avatar Roku?” Aang questions as they continue up the staircase.

    “No. But some of our ancestors did. My grandfather was one of the sages that helped Avatar Roku with his spiritual journey.” Shyu responds as he continues to lead them higher and higher in the temple. “Avatar Roku had a strong affinity for the ability to bend Air and Earth, though he had issues with water like all previous fire bender avatars before him. I expect that you’ll be in a similar situation. He was also the one who formed the tunnels under the temple using magma bending. An ability only known to the avatar.”

    Zuko soon lost attention to what Shyu and the others were talking about. Instead he lost himself in the strange familiarity of this island. He had heard stories of what Avatar Roku had accomplished during his lifetime but nothing more than his feats in bending and in diplomacy. The waves washing against the ashen soil of the island passed by each small window as they made it to the top of the stairs. Zuko almost walked on autopilot, as if such a thing existed, and nearly bumped into Shyu. The older firesage merely chuckled at the Avatar being lost in thought as he lead them to a giant steel door with a five headed dragon on the front. Each of the heads spiraled and snaked about the artwork on the door. Each adorn with a pair of rubies for eyes and large expectant mouths open as if waiting to be fed something. The bottom of the door was trimmed in fire and much like the rest of the opulent temple, it was made from what looked like solid gold.

“Only a fully realized avatar can open this door by themself but with five firebenders  with simultaneous fire blasts at the door can it be opened. Now avatar Zuko you may stand in the center and we will begin.” With a slight gesture leading Zuko to the hydra adorning the door, Shyu leads the way with his hand pointing to where Zuko should stand in order for them to begin opening it.

    Walking to the center of the room before the door, four other fire sages walk to the other spaces in front of open dragon mouths. Standing perpendicular with the door Zuko breathes deeply, bringing his palms up to his chest then pushing them towards the ground as he breathes out. In a synchronized motion all of the fire sages and the avatar shift their feat to a left foot forwards offensive stance before throwing a punch with the right hand, The technique generates a torrent of fire from their knuckles into the awaiting mouths of the dragons. After they cease their technique the mechanical door whirs into action. The center head flips upside down with the two closest to it curling into the main form tighter, then followed by the last set of heads. Finally the sigil of the firenation behind the hydra splits open and parts revealing the crease between the double doors. The mechanical process continues as the doors open and slide into the wall the door was built into.

    Zuko and his friends watch in awe at the mechanical marvel before Shyu motions for Zuko to enter the room. Seeing that he won't be obstructed by any of the sages, he begins walking forwards. Though a feeling of unease washes over him, not that he would be speaking with his past life but that this whole thing felt too easy. None the less he shakes that idea as he steps into the antichamber. As he turns to see his friends a final time before this meeting, a look of horror washes over his face as he sees Zhao and a dozen firebenders appear behind them and the firesages. Realizing that Zuko is about to run back out of the room Aang inhales deeply and attacks Zuko with a huge gust of air from his lungs. Sending him flying into the room as the doors close. Recovering from the floor, Zuko only sees a sliver of Zhao’s men tying the others to pillars as the steel doors slam shut. A bright flash of light after they close causes Zuko to avert his eyes from the doors leaving him alone with Roku, the same place he had been days before.

    “Well looks like I'm fighting that idiot, again.” Zuko curses to himself before turning to see the golden statue in the back of the room. “Hello um… Zuko here. Again.” He says once again introducing himself awkwardly to his predecessor.  “It's the winter solstice and the light is on you so…” Zuko gestures rolling his hands together. “Are you gonna walk out of the statue or something?” He gets no response. “Oh Agni damnit, I'm too late. If we had just flown over the stupid blockade this wouldn't ha-” His rant is interrupted by the light on the statue increasing in intensity. The reddish single point that showed through the sunstone was expanding, getting larger and larger enveloping the statue more with its red light. As the statue becomes fully illuminated the eyes of the statue light up as if he was accessing the avatar state.
    Suddenly around Zuko, smoke and dust swirls about the room covering everything in the sound of gusting wind and the strumming of a sanshin stringed instrument hum about the air as the fog encompases Zuko and the entire room. As it parts, Zuko is greeted by the sight of the elderly figure of Roku, standing with his hands tucked in the sleeves of his robes. The double shoulder collar design of his robes is reminiscent of Zuko’s own royal attire. This outfitted with the lost crest of the crown prince atop of Roku’s head give off an iota of royalty and regalness of the former avatar.

“It's good to see you Zuko. What took you so long?” Roku greets with a soft smile on his face. Zuko continues to stare in awe at his past incarnation before bowing his head to Roku out of respect.

Meanwhile outside the doors, Zhao has captured Aang, Sokka and Katara along with the rest of the fire sages. Questioning each of them and ordering his men to try to open the door, though no matter how much fire they feed into the hydra, it won't budge. “Why won't this door open!?” Zhao roars at the fire sages that had been chained to an opposite pole apart from Aang and the watertribe siblings. “It's the light. Avatar Roku doesn't want to be disturbed.” Shyu responds, causing Zhao to snarl at the door but soon his face relaxes and a sinister smile forms on his lips. “No matter. Sooner or later, he’ll have to come out.” He grins, causing Aang, Sokka and Katara to gasp in shock.

    “It has been almost a millennia since two avatars were related to one another, My great grandson.” Zuko’s eyes widen in shock upon hearing Roku refer to him as such, infact he's so caught off guard… he faints. “What? Zuko we do- I didn't even know you could do that here. Zuko wake up!” Roku demands leaning down and shaking his great grandson.

    “I'M MY OWN GRANDFATHER?!?!” Zuko exclaims as he's resuscitated by Roku.

    “Well… yes and no, you are my reincarnation but we’re not the same person, but we’re getting off track. I summoned you here for an important reason Zuko.” Roku explains. “What I have to say is of utmost importance, that is why I sent my dragon to search for you when you were in the spirit world.”

    “Sozin's comet.” Zuko responds knowing exactly what the vision he was given was.

    “Yes, Sozin’s comet will return by the end of the summer and your father will use it's power to burn the world to ash, just like your grandfather did with the air nomads.” Roku explains,  “It has almost been the full 100 years since the great comet has appeared, should your father succeed in this even the avatar won't be able to bring balance to the world and undo the damage caused.”

    “How?! How am I supposed to fight my own father, he maimed me during our agni kai, I can't face him! He’ll kill me!” Zuko protests, his voice laced with fear and trepidation at the mere thought of facing down Firelord Ozai.

    “You can because you must. Zuko, you must defeat the firelord before the comet arrives.” Roku warns.

    “That's not enough time! I haven't even mastered firebending! I'm not anywhere close to mastering airbending either! Let alone water and earth!” Zuko protests but Roku hushes him with a wave of his hand.

“That is true, mastering the elements requires years if not decades to do, but if the world is to survive, you must do it by summer’s end. However, you will not be alone, all of your past lives are with you able to give you our wisdom in your hour of need. I myself can offer even more, an ally whom has slumberd under my island for the past century. When you become strong enough to challenge and defeat him, he will help you overcome this great task.”

Outside the door Zhao and his men are standing ready to face off against Zuko when the doors open. Their aggressive stances are adorned with their hands flattened out like blades preparing to attack. “When those doors open. Unleash everything you have!” Zhao orders, in response, a couple of the helmeted soldiers adjust their stances slightly, becoming more rooted and finding firmer footing. “I don't think Zuko’s getting out of this one.” Katara says to Aang and Sokka.

“I'm not strong enough, I can't face him, it's impossible.”
“I believe in you Zuko, because you have done it before. The solstice is ending but should you need to speak to me again, I and all our other past lives are always with you.” Roku explains before closing his eyes and speaking through Zuko’s mind. Instantly Zuko sees flashes of Zhao’s ships anchored in the ocean outside the temple and then the small battalion of Zhao’s men outside the very room they are in. “A great evil is beyond those doors, I can help you defeat them, but only if you're ready, my son.” Taking a moment to breathe in deeply and calm his mind, Zuko opens his eyes and for the first time when he enters the avatar state, his face doesn't display anger, but instead purpose. A chorus of thousands of voices all say in unison the simple response Zuko has for Roku.

    “I'm Ready.”

    On the outside the doors have begun to glow a vibrant and ethereal light that was almost blinding to look at. Zhao commands his men to harden their stances as the giant metal doors begin to open. The hydra on the front moving in the same manner it had when it opened just moments ago. As the golden flame split and parted the doors creaked open once more. Aang, Katara and Sokka shield their eyes as the doors open, the light had intensified even more to the point it caused pain to look at. As the light dissipated it centered in on two ovals within the darkness of the room. Upon seeing the glowing eyes of the Avatar state, Zhao commanded his men to attack the avatar. In unison all the firebenders sent everything they had at the avatar but nothing connected. The fire was instead taken from them, creating a sphere around the avatar. As the fire was moved by bending, it revealed not Zuko but that it was Roku, in his stead from beyond the grave.

    “A-Avatar Roku?!” Shyu says in surprise, but Roku doesn't respond. Instead he retaliates against the other firebenders. The wave of fire that Roku unleashed sent the soldiers flying backwards almost to the other end of the room. It also incinerated the chains binding the fire sages and the Gaang. “Quickly we must go! Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple!"

"We can't! We can't leave without Zuko!" Katara protests as Roku unleashes his fury against the temple and the soldiers.

With a display of power not seen for over a century, Roku sets his hand on the floor of the antichamber. Flexing his hand on the floor the stones crack and form a massive fissure before the magma below erupted through the ground and through each of the floors of the temple. The molten rock incinerated everything on the temple and caused its foundation to begin to crumble. Shifting his foot forwards Roku blows a hole in the opposite wall creating an escape route for the group. Looking out from the hole Roku watches as the soldiers manage to get to the ships to flee. Raising his hands upwards then flicking his wrists, Roku creates a massive wave from the shore back out to sea sending the ships careening into the distance. When all is said and done Roku turns back from the window and pushes the magma back down into the volcano before relinquishing his control over the avatar state and over Zuko. The young prince collapses after the use of the Avatar state into the waiting arms of both Aang and Katara. With a loud whistle, Sokka beckons Appa to their aid before rushing to load the unconscious form of Zuko into the saddle of the sky bison. Flying away from the temple, Zuko soon regains consciousness before turning to look at the crumbling temple in the background.

"I have no avatar, all I do have are 5 traitors." Zhao says in a disappointed and aggressive tone at the fire sages that assisted Zuko.

"We only serve the avatar, we do not serve anyone else." Shyu responds defiantly to Zhao but is kicked for his arrogant response.

"Silence. You are going to explain that to the fire lord, and he is much less merciful than I am." Zhao snarls, turning and walking back to the bridge of his ship he orders his men once more. "Take these traitors to the Brigg and set a course for the capital city." With that last statement from Zhao, he slams the door to the bridge out of anger and frustration for being unable to capture the avatar. His greatest fear has been realized, and while he thought that it was a fluke, the suspicions are now confirmed. Zuko is the Avatar, and that thought enrages Zhao.

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