Book One: Duty. The Boy with Green Hair

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Izuku and Shouto lay flat on their backs after over three hours of "agility training" courtesy of their aunt. The two of them barely conscious from how exhausted having to run away from a woman who can destroy things with her mind. The airbending grand master hums to himself having been quite entertained by spectacle, he steps off of the catwalk and gently floats to the ground before the two exhausted firebenders. The older man produces a wooden cane from within his robe before pressing both hands on the top and leaning on it. "Seems you boys are quite winded, don't worry you two the next part is going to be much easier." The boys give the old master a thumbs up before slumping back to the floor in an exaggerated manner. "You will have to get up to follow me, we are going outside to the fire gardens." Not giving the teens a chance to respond, the old master taps his cane along the floor as he walks towards the exit to the gymnasium.

Gedun calmly walks along the cobbled path that leads from the entrance of the gymnasium and around the back towards the fire gardens. His path is dotted with sakura petals and red leaves from the red maple trees native to the islands. He hums to himself as he walks, his subtle movements from just a simple stroll drawing in the petals and leaves that dot the ground being pulled along by the air around him. Every so often a lit stone lantern sits at the side of the path as it guides him to a small bridge over an ember koi pond. The gold and yellow fish in the water look up at the new visitor eagerly expecting him to throw food to them, to which the man does. Gedun gives the fish some cat food that sits in a gumball dispenser near the edge of the fridge meant for the fish. He rests the wooden cane beside one of the stone lantern shrines before walking along the stone bridge unassisted. He takes a seat on the slate stone that makes up the bridge over the pond, folding his legs under himself as he does so. He rests his arms in his lap before taking a deep breath. It doesn't take long for his new students to follow him outside, but he says nothing as they approach, merely extending a hand to opposite sides of himself offering the boys a spot to sit.

The potential avatars take a seat on the stone next to the airbending master, both copying the pose the man is in. "This is simple, breathe deep and empty your mind. Let the air around you move freely and feel where it goes." He instructs before closing his eyes and beginning to meditate. Shouto gives Izuku a quick glance for a moment, only receiving a shrug in response before they follow along with what the master is doing. The movement of the water trickling down a small waterfall into the pond fills the air, the breeze is cool and gentle, a relief from the midsummer sun. Shouto finds it hard to focus on the meditation, he finds himself almost dozing off rather than meditating. Opposite from him, Izuku folds his left hand inside his right as he sits up straighter and focuses on emptying his mind. He slows his breathing to long drawn out deep breaths feeling the air move around the airbending master, Shouto and himself. How the leaves falling from the maple and sakura trees fall and spin through the air, some landing on his skin and others landing gently on the ground.

"Sounds like the gym has stopped exploding." Katsuki says as the little powwow of firebenders exit their mathematics class and head to lunch. "That means either they're dead, my mom got bored of blowing them up or they're training with grandmaster airhead."

"I don't think Madam blast would have gone that far, not even Mr Aizawa is that cruel to his students." Momo says as she follows Kaminari and Setsuna out of the classroom. "I believe they're probably training with the grandmaster airbender that arrived this morning."

"If that's the case, then we might find out who the avatar is by the end of the day." Setsuna exclaims excitedly. "I wanna go see if we can spy on them! I wanna know what their training is like."

"Think the airbending master would mind?" Momo says, also slightly intrigued about the prospect of seeing one of her friends be revealed as the avatar.

"Better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission so let's go." Kaminari declares, completely getting the saying wrong, before marching in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

"Hold it sparky, you don't know where you're going." Katsuki says, reaching out and grabbing the collar of Kaminari's shirt preventing him from walking off. "The gyms are this way dumbass, if I had to guess they're probably near the koi ponds."

"Well, we're finally gonna find out who the avatar is, it's gonna go viral and one of em' is gonna be a bigger celebrity than even All Might." Kaminari says excitedly as he marches towards the gymnasiums.

"I just hope it ain't peppermint butler, the lazy ass would be the worst avatar ever." Katsuki says before earning him a smack to the back of the head by Momo.

"You need to show your friends some respect, Bakugou. It really shows your character when you talk negatively about them behind their backs." Momo chastises the ash blonde haired man causing him to grumble indignantly.

"I can make fun of him however I want, those two do that shit to me too so it's mutual. Besides I'll fuckin say it to his face, in fact I already have!" Momo finds it hard to argue with Bakugou's response, as he has actually said these things multiple times to the two of them.

"You're gonna get us in trouble with all the yelling, the third years are still in their classes right now." Setsuna reminds the two of them to keep quiet.

"Aren't there second year students? Why didn't you mention them?" Kaminari asks as they round the corner of the main campus building and begin walking towards the gyms.

"Remember what I said in the entrance exams? They kicked out last year's examinee group so nobody got in. There are no second years." Katsuki reminds him, "Let's go see if they're by the fire gardens, I want to see just who really is the avatar."

The four unlikely friends sneakily walk along the cobblestone path leading from the gym entrance towards the garden behind it. Anticipation and excitement radiate through the four young firebenders as they walk near silently along the stones to get a glimpse at what the two avatar candidates and the grandmaster are up to. As they get closer to the edge of the wall that conceals the garden, the wind seems to pick up slightly, as if it was being pulled towards the direction where they're heading. Petals from the sakura trees and red leaves from the maples are floating along the air as it is pulled past the corner of the building and towards the garden. The four firebenders peak their heads around the corner, Setsuna being the lowest underneath Kaminari then Katsuki and finally Momo looking out over the top of the other three. Leading up to the three men meditating on the stone bridge, the petals leaves and even some loose dust is drawn in towards them in tandem with their breathing. Shouto, predictably, had fallen asleep but Izuku is still sitting up straight with his eyes closed focusing on his breathing. The petals and leaves draw upwards with the wind as he breathes then float about for a brief moment as he exhales. The unconscious airbending causes the floating leaves to swirl around him in a small funnel of dancing sakura petals and maple leaves. Seeing the dancing leaves move around their green haired friend leaves the four of them speechless. The commotion they had caused brought the attention of most of their class including Endeavor and Hisashi who had decided to tag along and see where the students were going.

The airbending master peaks an eye open at the other firebenders that had gathered to see what is happening. He chuckles to himself quietly so as to not disturb Izuku, who he feels is bending the air through his meditation. The old man nudges Shouto with his cane before holding a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. Shouto jerks awake when he's nudged but the surprise is short lived when he sees the airbending grandmaster looking at him then the floating leaves dancing around Izuku. The red and white haired man nods silently before standing up and walking down the path towards the others. The grandmaster gets to his feet and does the same, though he stands in the clearing over the pathway and watches as the air moves. The entirety of their first year class and their firebending instructors stare silently as the air moves and dances elegantly around Izuku. Petals twirling gently in the breeze with the leaves swaying downwards as he exhales, barely close enough to lap the surface of the water before being drawn upwards again by the avatar taking in a breath.

"Alright boys! Break time is over, it's time for round tw-..." Mitsuki declares as she walks around the corner but she trails off when she sees the five teens staring at Izuku. She draws her gaze to follow where the others are looking before seeing what is happening with the air. "Holy shit." She says without even thinking, this disturbs Izuku's meditation causing him to open his eyes.

"It is an honor to be your master, Avatar Izuku." Grandmaster Gedun says as he bows to the firebender. Izuku takes a look at his surroundings, seeing a few of the girls in his class holding their phones out recording the petals that have been pulled in by his bending. Endeavor is the first to follow Gedun's bow, the number three hero gets down on his knees before extending his hands out in front of him in a pose of reverence.

"All hail the Avatar!" The pro hero declares, and one by one the others follow. Each of them getting to their knees and bowing before the new avatar. Izuku himself stares in a mix of emotion, anxiety, excitement, fear, elation and trepidation that runs through him in a matter of seconds.

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