Coming of Age

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Ten Years Later.

"You ready for this Deku?" Katsuki smirks, pulling his spiky hair out from in front of his red third eye. Across from him on the other side of the arena that the two had made on the sand Izuku stood shirtless with fire ebbing off his fingers.

"Every time we do this you lose, ready to add another tally to that counter?" He replies in a confident manner, causing a grin to form on Katsuki's face. "What are we up to now? Seven to me and 4 to you? Wanna make that 8 to 4?" His bravado is accented with Katsuki creating brighter flames in his hands.

"I'm gonna make you eat those words Deku. Bring it!" Katsuki yells, across from them Hisashi, Izuku's father, bangs a large tympanum initiating the Agni Kai that Katsuki had challenged Deku to. While it was mostly just training, this one was over a bet that the two made. This bet was one regarding their favorite superhero, All Might. The one of the first quirk benders, an earthbender from the United Earthkingdom States, All Might is an extremely powerful quirk user and earthbender, being one of the handful in the world who can both Metal Bend and Lava Bend. Their bet was whether or not All Might would put on a display for the world heroes fair that summer. With Izuku winning the bet, Katsuki immediately challenged him to an Agni Kai, over the end result of that bet. Whoever loses has to go to the last day of class at their middle school in a french maid outfit.

"I'm gonna kick your ass Deku!" Katsuki declares before immediately blitzing Izuku, using his bending to propel himself along the ground. Getting just over top of the firebender, Katsuki uses another blast to spin himself around trying to deliver an ax kick to the top of Deku's shoulder. Izuku nimbly dodgers to the side before punching Katsuki in the shoulder and leg twice causing him to wince in pain before throwing a fireball back at Izuku. The green harried firebender quickly redirects the fireball back to its sender prompting Katsuki to have to spin in mid air to avoid being burned.

"Is it just me or is it a little warm out here?" Izuku mocks, prompting Katsuki to grit his teeth. "Come on Kacchan I know you can turn up the heat, because if it was snowing it wouldn't even melt from your candle flames." Playing Katsuki a bit, Izuku tries to get him madder and madder in order to mess up during their duel. "Oh you want me to turn up the heat?! Fine!" Katsuki roars before taking a deep breath into his nose, he flexes his abs before leering at Deku producing a beam of concentrated combustion from his forehead. This beam crackles as it rips through the air before impacting the ground in front of Izuku causing a massive explosion.

"How's that for heat Shithead!" Katsuki yells out through the smoke but his answer is the bright blue sparking of lightning being generated by Izuku. As the smoke clears, Katsuki spots Deku midway through a lightning generation kata and only has enough time to prepare a redirection. With a mere point of his index and middle finger a bolt of lightning is fired from Izuku's hands at Katsuki. The bolt of blue lightning shakes the surroundings with its resulting thunder crack, but the bolt doesn't connect as Katsuki takes it into himself through his chi paths before firing it back at Izuku.

"Ha! You've been practicing." Izuku shouts before catching the bolt and discharging it into the air. "Unfortunately for you, so have I." He declares before firebending through his feet and propelling himself airborne. Now standing on a ploom of fire, Izuku generates an even faster bolt before firing it at Katsuki. With no time to react the bolt strikes the ground in front of Katsuki blasting him from the ring and flat onto his back. "That's a match! Izuku is the winner." Hisashi declares, Izuku walks over to Katsuki before helping him out of the sand.

"You cheated." Katsuki vehemently declares before taking Deku's hand and getting pulled up to his feet. "Says the one who used combustion bending, I merely retaliated." Izuku smirks before the two start laughing. "You're gonna look ridiculous in that maids outfit." Izuku sneers, prompting katsuki to grab him into a headlock and drive his knuckles into Deku's head.

"Boys knock it off, besides we have to bring Katsuki to a tailor for that maids dress." Izuku's father snides, prompting a glare from Katsuki. The combustion bender sighs knowing that their last day in class is gonna be spent with him in a dress.

Aldera Junior High.

Katsuki visibly fumed as the murmurs of his classmates become just audible. His fury was so prevalent it was just moments away from igniting and incinerating this black and white maid's dress he was forced to wear. Meanwhile Izuku was beside himself with laughter as Katsuki's anger literally burned a hole in the wall in front of him through his red eye. As the teacher walks into the room, the middle aged man sighs seeing the new scorch mark on the wall before taking his water and dumping it on the ember that is about to catch fire. "Might I ask why Bakugou is lasering a hole into my wall with his eyesight?"

"I lost a bet." Katsuki grumbles before tying a cloth around the red eye on his forehead stopping him from burning the wall on the opposite side of the classroom. "Stupid Deku beat me in an Agni Kai and I have to wear this fucking dress." He spoke through his teeth, meanwhile the green haired firebender was trying and failing to hide his laughing. Snickering quietly to himself as the teacher merely sighs.

"Well I won't be holding you all for too long, you've your last finals for the year here in a few short minutes. However I do have some things to pass out, these are your career aptitude tests and high school applications. Finally before I release you to your next teachers, I have a bit of an announcement to make. The Firenation Royal Academy is opening for admission and applications, so best of luck and with that you're dismissed for your last exam." Almost immediately after he states this the bell rings through the halls prompting the students to head to their final exam at Aldera.

The final exam for the two firebenders didn't take nearly as long as they had thought it would, the two find themselves being released early. Katsuki almost immediately sprints off to go get changed out of the maid's outfit leaving Izuku to wait for him so they can leave. Now with the rest of the day ahead of them the two decide to merely meander around Mustafu talking about their plans for highschool.

"So you're gonna go to the royal firebender academy?" Izuku asks looking over the application form to said bending academy. "My dad had me send in mine a few months ago, I heard the princess will be attending this year with us." Katsuki looks up from his phone over at Izuku with an arched eyebrow.

"One of them, I think, she's not from the current ruling family. She's a descendant of Princess Azula if I'm not mistaken." Katsuki responds, "Have they released anything about the entrance exam?"

"Nothing yet but that doesn't mean we should train. We have four months until the exams for the academy and we've already done your idea of cleaning Dagobah beach. Now I need to come up with something." Izuku ponders, pressing his index and thumb to his chin in thought.

"Uh dude you seeing this?" Katsuki asks, pointing up above the buildings ahead of them. "Looks like there's a fire." He says getting Izuku's attention away from his thoughts. "Think we should help?"

"That's a stupid question! Of course we should help!" Izuku shouts before blasting himself into the air with firebending and flying off towards where the inferno is coming from. Katsuki shakes his head and groans before doing the same. Making sure not to scorch the grass as he flies off. In a matter of moments the two teen firebenders arrive at the blaze, below them several local non bending heroes are helpless to combat the flames. Instead they opt to try to guide people away from the blaze. Below them in the midst of the burning shopping district is a vile creature made of sludge preaching and yelling at the crowd. It's gargled words barely intelligible due to its viscous form and worst of all it's got a hostage.

"Hey! Firebenders! Get out of there that villain's got a hostage!" A gray haired hero, who is all jaw, calls out to the two getting their attention away from the fire. "Get anywhere closer and I'll snap this chick's neck!" The sludge monster roars, it's slimy voice assailing the local heroes and onlookers. Katsuki and Izuku look at one another trying to figure out what to do next. With the heroes just standing idly by and of no help, Katsuki decides to make his move.

The combustion bender bolts off like a missile, propelling himself with four massive plumes of crimson fire from his hands and feet. Flying a good distance away from the sludge monster before turning back around and coming in like a dive bomber. Diving down at an incredibly steep angle the sludge villain hardly has time to react as a Katsuki attacks. The combustion bender spins alternating the direction of the thrust he's creating with his hands, making it look like a tornado of fire is touching down from the sky. The spinning vortex of flame suddenly jerks up hard and spears directly towards the sludge villain. The fawn haired woman within it's grasp looks on in shock at the inferno seemingly coming towards her. Closing her eyes and assuming the worst she flinches hard as Katsuki gets close. Then she feels herself pulled from the sludge by an immense force. A series of loud cracks then an explosion rock the street as the blonde woman opens her eyes.

Seeing Katsuki execute his portion of the rescue, Izuku takes this opportunity to get the rest of the fire under control. He drops to the ground in the center of all the burning buildings before twirling and twisting his arms and body about as if moving like a dragon. The flames encompassing the buildings are lifted from their fuel sources and drawn in by his bending. The raging invernos that had once been ravaging the district now coalesce into a swirling ball of heat and flame above the green haired boy's head. Having collected the flames he dispells them harmlessly into the sky letting them fizzle out in the clouds above. Around them the ground begins to shake before rumbling as pillars of stone and concrete are lifted from the ground. The buildings that were once on fire have pillars of stone raised inside them to compensate for any damage that the fire may have done to the structure.

"I am here!!!" the booming voice of All Might announces as he drops in from above. His large form thundering against the ground as he lands just in front of where the chaos had gone down. "Looks like this evil doer has caused quite a mess. I thank you for getting the fire under control boys and for getting her to safety." All Might announces turning to face Katsuki and Izuku, the combustion bender still holding the semi conscious form of the woman he saved."It's best that you bring her over to the paramedics, I and the other heroes will handle damage control and put this pile of sludge where he belongs." All Might instructs pointing the two of them towards the ambulance that had arrived, though the last part of his sentence was accented with him pulling his slime covered boot off of what was left of the sludge villain.

"You got a name blondie?" Katsuki asks helping the woman to her feet as they walk her towards the paramedics. "How'd you get into this mess with that freak anyways?" The fawn haired woman sits against the back of the ambulance as a couple of the paramedics go over her vitals.

"My name is Camie Utsushimi." She introduces as one of the medics dabs a alcohol soaked cotton ball to a gash on her forehead. She tenses at the pain the alcohol causes before relaxing slightly. "I was just out on a shopping spree with my friends when that icky freak crawled out of the sewer. Called me his meat suit then grabbed me, yuck I need a bath. Thanks for saving me, are you a hero or something?"

"Nah, not yet at least. I'm Katsuki Bakugou, a firebender, this here is my buddy Deku. He helped." Katsuki points at Izuku who is currently fan boying over All Might, a few paces away. "Want me to walk you home?" He offers before taking a look at the medics still tending to her wounds. "After these guys are done that is."

"Sure. I'd like that." 

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