Inner Chi

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"What do you think he's learning now?" Kaminari asks as he scratches the small bit of stubble coming from his chin. "They've been in that little colosseum that Miruko made for five hours now."

"The usual Avatar stuff, probably more of the basics such as creating pillars, launching rocks, turning stone to sand, etc. Zuzu has been manipulating a piece of meteorite that All Might gave him when they started training a few months ago." Momo responds as she removes the meteorite bracelet from her upper arm and shows it off. "It takes him a little while to get it to move but once it does he can work it into the shapes he wants it to be in."

"When do you think Miruko's gonna start teaching him Lava bending? Rocks are boring." Setsuna asks.

"Don't think that's happening any time soon, Scaly. She's in the earth kingdom on some international hero meeting in All Might's place." Katsuki says as he once again gestures with his fork, throwing bits of noodles everywhere. "Today's Friday though so he's probably gonna be training with Aizawa or mom." A few moments later, a bolt of red lightning streaks into the clear midday sky. "Or both."

"Changing subjects, your wedding is coming up soon Momo. You excited yet?" Setsuna asks, causing Momo's face to flush red with embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes. Who's gonna be your maid of honor?"

"W-well... I was thinking of asking one of my childhood friends named Kyoka Jirou. I've known her since pre-school and she's basically like another sister of mine. Minei even refers to her as Kyoka-nee." Momo answers, though it takes the wind out of Setsuna's sails, Momo is quick to add to her statement. "You're still going to be one of my bridesmaids though."

"Oi, Peppermint Butler, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Katsuki asks shifting his attention to Todoroki who has been silently eating his cold soba for the majority of their conversation. He quickly slurps down a mouthful of noodles before clearing his throat.

"Agni Kai for best man?" Shouto asks with a raised eyebrow. "I'd rather flip a coin but eh, Deku isn't gonna get out of that training session for a few more hours so why not." Shouto agrees to the unspoken challenge. "I'm using my quirk though."

"I have a stipend for this duel." Momo interjects before the two men could stand up to settle their difference. "The loser has to serve everyone at the wedding Champagne."

"That doesn't sound too bad?" Setsuna says though she frames the statement as a question with how she pronounced it. "What's so bad about that?"

"It's a royal wedding. There will be delegates, families and heroes from all over the world. Firelord Kenshi believes that there could be 2,500 people minimum for the main ceremony. The max he's expecting is 50,000." All five other firebenders stare wide eyed at the bride to be.

"And here I thought the Royal family wasn't all hoity toity." Kaminari sighs. "Parking is gonna suck."

"You're a Firebender. You can fly." Katsuki reminds him. "Wait... don't tell me."

"I haven't figured out flame assisted flight yet." Kaminari admits.

"Dude, that's gonna be on the final and required for admission to UAU. You're so screwed." Shouto's disappointed voice causes Kaminari to shrink in his chair.

"Yeah yeah I know, I'm not an expert in firebending ok? I'm a lightning bender first and a Firebender second. Not the other way around." Kaminari says before arcing a few bolts of electricity between his fingers.

"Alright Numbnuts, after peppermint Butler and I duke it out and I'm Deku's best man. You've earned yourself a one way trip to flight school, with your host Katsuki Bakugou. And I won't hesitate to throw you out of the bomb bay doors without a parachute." Katsuki says before he shovels the rest of the pad Thai eating into his mouth. "Don't bother with shoes Todoroki. This will be a blow out."


"Shut the fuck up." Katsuki says as he turns and shoves his finger into the point of Shoto's nose.

"You leave that finger there and I'll bite it off." Shouto says, causing Katsuki to retract his hand.

"We've gone to this school for 3 years now and you two still haven't grown up." Momo sighs as the group gets up preparing to head to the training field for the fight. "I swear when they're alone those two are a couple of the smartest members of our class, but when you put them together they're complete fools."

"Think Camie is gonna want to watch the fight?" Kaminari asks, "I'm honestly not sure what she sees in Bakugou but apparently it's something since they've been together longer than you and Deku have."

"On the topic of your wedding, I don't suppose you two are planning on having kids anytime soon right?" Setsuna continues to tease, causing Momo's face to turn red once again.

"W-we h-haven't discussed it. I k-know I have a d-duty to the royal family t-to have a child after we're married b-but with how dangerous hero work is... I'd want to wait. Izuku also wants to master the subsets of each of the elements on top of whatever special training Aizawa and All Might are having him do."

"Oh, well if you don't want any rug rats running around then that's fine. I know Camie and Bakugou have talked about getting hitched as well." Kaminari shrugs as the group of firebenders make it outside.

"Hey Uncle Hisashi." Katsuki calls out as the group gets to the training yard. The green haired older man pushes the sunglasses over his eyes above his head then takes the stogie from his mouth as he turns to face Katsuki. "You mind refereeing a duel between me and the peppermint butler over here?"

"Katsuki I have a class to watch right now, why not just have the princess or Izuku referee it?" Hisashi asks before taking a puff from the cigar. "Why are you two even duking it out anyways?"

"Whoever wins gets to be Deku's best man at their wedding in a few weeks." Katsuki answers before gesturing to Momo.

"Did you even ask him who's gonna be his best man?" Hisashi asks, prompting both Shouto and Katsuki to go quiet. "That's a no. How about you Momo and Shouto go over to his training yard and just ask him. Setsuna and Kaminari, you're supposed to be in Calculus class, the bell just rang."

"Fuck." Kaminari curses.

"Well, we'll see you guys later." Setsuna says with a wave as the two walk off.

Chi blocking is fairly similar to Dim Mak in that it focuses on specific points on the body, however these points are not the pressure points that would be targeted in that martial art. Chi blocking targets specific muscle groups that benders flow their chi into to bend making the martial art the direct counter to most bending. However there is a major disadvantage, it cannot be done at range meaning the fighter has to be able to get in close enough to strike the bender they're attempting to chi block. Over the past few months since starting to train Izuku, Aizawa has given him several books about anatomy and chi paths that he's required Izuku to memorize. Each time they train, Aizawa starts by quizzing Izuku on the different topics he assigned for him to memorize over the break between sessions. After the quiz session, the two would go through a few techniques then practice it on an android before ending the session with a sparring match.

Katsuki, Momo and Shouto come to a stop at the top of the wall overlooking the training pit. Below them, All Might is standing in his skinny form beside Mitsuki watching as Aizawa and Izuku go through one of their typical sparring matches. Though the three firebenders can definitely tell that Aizawa is holding back a great deal. Easily giving away an opportunity to hit Izuku under the ribs as his opponent throws a knuckle punch towards Aizawa's bicep. The older pro dodges underneath the attack then sweeps his leg underneath, taking out Izuku's feet dropping him flat on his back. Before Izuku can retaliate, Aizawa wraps him up in his capture gear ending the bout. "You're getting better, but you're still not paying attention to the openings you're making when you attack." With a quick tug, Aizawa undoes the capture gear causing it to go slack. He walks over to the young avatar and offers a hand to assist him in getting up. "I expect you to beat me before you start at UAU in the spring." He says as Izuku grabs his hand and he pulls the young man to his feet.

"Even with chi blocking, you're still picking it up extremely fast." All Might says before glancing up at the three firebenders seated at the lip of the training pit. "I was wondering when you three would show up. How are you all today?"

"Thank you for asking, Mr. Yagi." Momo says before walking down to the bottom of the pit. "I'm quite well, and I was wanting to talk with Izuku about some of our wedding plans." She says politely.

"Sup." Katsuki greets before turning his attention to Izuku. "Alright nerd, we need you to referee this shit."

"Well hello to you too Kacchan." Izuku greets as he wipes his face with his sweat rag. "Let me guess, you two are gonna fight again."

"Yep." Katsuki answers.


"To figure out who's gonna be your best man." Shouto responds.

"You could have just asked."

"I don't like handouts."

"I just want him to shut up."

"Fair enough." Izuku shrugs before motioning for All Might, Aizawa and Mitsuki to follow him. "Probably not a good idea to stay in here with those two going at it. It's gonna be like a crucible in here." He says as the three pros head back up the flight of stairs to the edge of the ring. "Go to your spots, I'm not repeating the rules, you know how this works."

As Katsuki and Shouto go to opposite sides of the fight pit, Izuku slams his foot hard on the floor and shoves his arms upwards causing a large rectangular platform to rise from the floor. It rises to a couple meters above the floor creating a small arena for the two firebenders to have at it. From the walls around them, Izuku creates a hole on both sides with his bending allowing water to flow in and fill the bottom of the pit as a safety net for the two firebenders. When it is filled enough Izuku closes the walls of the arena before jumping up to a spot beside Momo. "You know the drill. Kacchan, just watch were you're pointing the combustion beams. This better not be like last time."

"Hey, fuck you that was an accident."

"You shot a combustion beam through the second story window of our dorm house you dumbass. You don't think just shoot." Izuku lectures which earns him a death glare from Katsuki. "Glare all you want Sparky, I can face laser your bitch-ass too."

"I'd like to see you try." Katsuki responds.

"Well you boys have fun, I have grades to enter so I'll see you at home tonight." Mitsuki says as she walks off.

Momo gives a look to All Might before they stand up and take a few steps back knowing how this is gonna end. Izuku stands from his seated spot, throws his shirt off and inhales through the nose. He flexes his abs and leans forwards focusing on the arena below them, from the center of his forehead a beam of blue fire streaks through the air, popping a few times before it impacts the ring just in front of Katsuki. The explosion rocks the entire training yard creating a massive blue flame explosion that cools to orange flames as the fire expands upwards. "I knew this was going to happen." Momo sighs, watching in annoyance as the three get into a fight once again. "All Might, I have a question about the thing Izuku spoke to me about." She says, noticing that Aizawa had put in a pair of headphones and crawled into his sleeping bag.

"What is it Princess?" All Might responds.

"Do you think One for All could be given to our children genetically? Or if one of them could have a different bending form than we do?" She asks before having to shield her eyes from a sudden burst of lightning coming from both Shouto and Izuku.

"I'm not sure, my mentor had a son after she was given the quirk but I don't think he had a quirk. She was a master airbender who had the rare gift of pure flight. Only Guru Lahima and Zaheer were capable of this." All Might explains. "I never met her son, so I don't know if he has a quirk or bending ability."

"What about an avatar's child taking on one of the four bending arts that the parent can do?" She asks before extending a hand outwards to dissipate a ball of fire heading straight at them.

"I'm sure it has happened during the reincarnation cycle. The avatar has incarnated itself since the dawn of humanity, thousands of lifetimes. Nothing is impossible, Miruko herself is descended from Avatar Genji but as far as I'm aware his two children were both earthbenders." All Might responds, "What's all this with the baby talk? Something on your mind?"

"It's just the wedding is all, I know that days after we get back from our honeymoon my parents are going to be badgering us with questions about when to expect our first child." Momo confides before tilting her head to the right as a lightning bolt screams past her.

"You just need to set boundaries. Tell them sternly that you two aren't going to have any children while attending UA. You're both 18 now, there's no need for you two to have children since neither of you are going to rule as firelord. Besides, aren't your older brother Mako and his wife expecting a set of twins?"

"Hopefully Asia and Mako could hold down their baby fever for a while. Saya just got married last year and I'm sure she and her wife are gonna be expecting a child soon. She's probably gonna ask Izuku about being a donor." Momo sighs before getting a puff of smoke in the face. "That's it. I'M TRYING TO HAVE A CIVIL CONVERSATION AND YOU THREE CAN'T KEEP YOUR BATTLE TO YOURSELVES. I'M ENDING THIS SHIT!!!" Momo screams as she jumps to her feet.

Hearing Momo yell at them, all three firebenders immediately freeze before turning to face her. The bride of the avatar smiles with all the insane conviction of her ancestor as she brings her fists together pressing her thumbs against each other. The three boys watch in terror as she pulls her hands apart creating a long blue and white flaming katana from her right hand. She pulls her hair pin from her hair allowing it to fall limp. Her arms extended straight out from her body with a stream of fire stemming from her right hand to her left in the shape of a U that ebbs blue white flames so hot that smoke isn't produced. Crouching down slightly she lunges towards the three with the flaming blade in her hand. Izuku, Katsuki and Shouto scream in terror as Momo begins her assault.  

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