Round 2. Sumo Showdown!

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Izuku lays flat on his back breathing heavily looking up at the sun overhead, by the time it takes him to catch his breath, Katsuki comes barreling through the tunnel exit before skidding to a stop in the grass. Izuku slowly gets to his feet before taking in a long deep breath and getting to his feet. As he stands to his full height he notices the damages to his clothes from his firebending and breaking the sound barrier. A few moments later Iida makes his way into the arena being followed by a few other students getting to the next match. "Just keep setting the bar even further and further huh, Deku?" Katsuki says as he walks over to Izuku before handing him a bottle of water. "Breaking the sound barrier, making green fire? What's next? Summoning typhoons?" He asks rhetorically.

"To be honest. I didn't think that would work." Izuku says before realizing that the camera he was wearing melted. "Oops. I hope that wasn't too expensive." He says before Katsuki grabs him by the face and turns him around to look up at the jumbotron.

"I'll say." Iida says, "That's almost five times as fast as my top speed." Iida says before he's interrupted by Ochako. "LOOK OUT!!! I DON'T HAVE BREAKS!!!" She screams before she crashes an air scooter into him causing the two to go toppling onto the floor.

"Ouch..." She whimpers as she raises a hand to the side of her head where a lump is starting to form.

"You ok?" Izuku asks as he offers her a hand up and then a hand to Iida who got laid out by that impact.

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry about that Iida, I haven't exactly figured out how to stop the air scooters." She says as she rubs the back of her head sheepishly. "But, That was amazing Deku! You were flying as fast as a jet!"

"Speaking of, take a look at this. They clocked you with the speed gun!" Iida exclaims as he points with his entire hand flattened out.

"Holy shit. You broke mach 1.4, that's over a thousand miles an hour!" Katsuki shouts before the jumbotron then displays Momo's speed. "No fucking way."

"This just in, everybody! The Avatar Power Couple just set a world record!" Midnight announced as she turns and gestures a hand up to the jumbotron. On the screen it shows both Izuku and Momo flying through firebending and her quirk. "Midoriya Izuku broke the flight speed record for flame assisted flight hitting mach 1.4 only to have his record crushed by his wife not moments later as with the assistance of her quirk she managed to hit mach three!"

"She hit... MACH 3?!?!" Izuku shouts before turning and looking at his wife who's standing proudly in the center of the arena looking up at the screen. "How did she manage that!" He shouts loud enough for her to hear him.

"You didn't see what was around my waist dear?" she asks as she walks back over to him. "I made a jet engine around my legs, fueled it with liquid oxygen and my own firebending." She says in an alluring and confident tone. "Ready for round two?" She asks as the rest of the contestants begin flooding back into the arena.

After the last few students trudge through the entrance back into the field, they gather around the podium where Midnight is standing as they wait for her to begin the next match. Standing triumphantly in front of the podium with her firenation royalty pendant in her hair, Momo stands confidently with her arms folded expecting Midnight to begin speaking. Izuku himself can't help but chuckle seeing how far she's going to go to give him a challenge. Beside her, her tag along Kyoka while not nearly as confident, still stands in the same manner beside her. As Midnight returns to the stage the jumbotron displays the placements of each of the students as the last one comes through the tunnel before collapsing having been subjected to the mine field. "Well well well, looks like everyone has returned, let's get on to the next event!" Midnight declares before lifting her arm upwards and gesturing to the jumbotron above her. Once again it rolls through possible events, flashing through dozens of colors and named events before slowing down rolling to a stop on one of the events. "Looks like we got a Sumo Showdown!"

When she declares the name of this event, the first forty names on the jumbotron are highlighted with the remaining names getting crossed out. "Of these forty members we have eight people in each category of power. Firebenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders, Earthbenders and Quirk users! This event has the same rules as the pro bending games, ring out the other team into the water! But there's a catch, this time there is no divider separating the teams and the arena is two circles. The outer ring contains the benders who will duke it out with their bending trying to ring out the other team, the interior circular arena will host the quirk user combatants. Each team will include 1 person of each bending discipline and a quirk user to take part in this battle. The rules for quirk users vary depending on how your quirk works, if you have range, then you'll be within the outside ring of benders, if you're melee you're in the middle circle where the rules are like sumo wrestling. You'll have 15 minutes to assemble your teams, and when you're ready, put your team members and your team's name into this box in front of me!"

"What about quirk benders?" A short black haired girl from class 1-B named Yui Kodai asks as she waves her hand so that Midnight knows where to look in the crowd.

"Quirk benders will have to choose between using their quirks or their bending disciplines when registering your teams. In the event that the bender of your discipline is rung out, you will be permitted to replace them as that specific bender but you will not be permitted to use your quirks should you switch." Aizawa explains over the intercom.

"I have a feeling that people are gonna be vying to join you or your wife." Kirishima says as he walks up behind Izuku. "She already has an earthbender with Jirou so I figured I'd ask if I can tag along."

"I don't see why not." Izuku says before turning to Uraraka and Tsuyu. "Hey, you two wanna team up for round 2?" he asks, causing Uraraka to come bounding over to him excitedly while Tsu just walks at a regular pace.

"Of course! We'll pretty much be a shoe-in for the last round!" Ochako says before jumping a good fifteen feet into the air.

"Looks like the arena is gonna have the stone pigeons and water troughs for us to use." Tsuyu says, causing Kirishima and Izuku to look up at the jumbotron which is displaying the layout of the ring. "And we're not allowed to use restricted bending so no ice and no metal/lava bending."

"That means no lightning or combustion either." Izuku adds. "Now we just need a quirk user and I think I might know who we can use for our team." Tsu says, "Tokoyami? Do you want to join us?" She asks, causing the raven headed classmate of theirs to turn to her.

"I don't see why not." He says, "I have my quirk listed as a melee type for this." He says as Dark Shadow appears from his body. "I have to get close to hit them, y'know. I can go pretty far away from him but I still gotta hit them with my claws." Dark Shadow says as he pops out of Tokoyami's chest.

"Well we got our team set up." Izuku says before turning to see Momo who had a few others on her team "What worries me is her." When he says this she puts her name selection into the box causing her team members to pop up on the jumbotron. "Ah crap."

Team Yaomomo.

Quirk User: Momo Yaoyrozu-Midoriya

Firebender: Katsuki Bakugou

Airbender: Inasa Yaorashi

Waterbender: Hitoshi Aizawa

Earthbender: Kyoka Jirou

"We're gonna have our work cut out for us with this." Izuku says. "She's using her quirk, and she can switch between range and melee with it."

"What's her quirk?" Tokoyami asks, "I've only ever see her bend blue fire and lightning."

"Creation." Izuku answers. "She can make anything, and I mean anything so long as it's non-living."

"Oh boy, well let's get our names into the box and get this party started." Kirishima says as Izuku writes down their names onto a piece of paper and lists their team's abilities.

"Looks like Husband and Wife are going against each other in this round too!" Midnight says as Izuku's team is put up on the screen.

Team Avatar:

Quirk User: Tokoyami Fumikage.

Firebender: Izuku Midoriya

Airbender: Ochako Uraraka

Waterbender: Tsuyu Asui

Earthbender: Eijirou Kirishima.

When the clock hits zero, a loud buzzer sounds over the stadium for a last call for the team registrations to be put into the box. Once the last piece of paper is entered and the team members listed Midnight turns her mic back on. "With eight teams of five members this round is going to lead into a 1v1 tournament! To progress to the tournament, all you have to do is ring out a single member of the enemy team. If your team gets no knock outs you are eliminated! In the event of a tie, both teams will enter sudden death in the smallest inner circle of the ring. The top 4 teams will be progressing to the round of twenty. With that being said, let's get to the first match!" Midnight declares before clicking a button on the microphone she's holding causing the teams displayed to be randomized. "Looks like it's Team Todoroki vs Team Awase for the first match! The rest of the combatants head up to the stands to watch the first bout!"

"Welp this one isn't gonna last very long." Katsuki says as he catches up with Deku and his group. "I give it five seconds flat. Peppermint butlers gonna make an entire fuckin glacier and wipe out those other extras from the get go."

"What do you... Oh he's their quirk user isn't he." Izuku asks before looking at the bracket on the board. "Oh they're so screwed. Todoroki is their quirk user, Kaminari's their firebender, Mashiro is their earthbender, one of Setsuna's friends, Ibarra, is their waterbender and their airbender is Toru." Izuku says as he reads out the bracket.

"Honestly, five seconds might be a bit too liberal." Momo says as she takes a seat beside her husband once they get up to the stands. "I'm giving it three seconds at most." She says confidently before giving Izuku a side eyed look.

"I know that look, what are you thinking?" He asks, causing her to turn her nose up at this question before grinning.

"Look at the board Zuzu." Momo says, causing Izuku to shift his attention to the jumbotron. "Team Avatar vs Team Yaomomo for the second round." She says as she draws out each word of the sentence. "And we're gonna take our time with you, Zuzu. Knocking out each member of your team so it's only you left."

"She forgot." Izuku thinks to himself, but decides to play along to see if he can keep the ruse up. "Good luck." he says after taking a moment to reign in his fake anxiety. "Don't forget I'm a firebending master, and I've fought and defeated each of my masters."

"You've never beaten me, Zuzu~ You might be able to beat Kacchan and Inasa but you can't take all of us down." She says as she walks her fingers up Izuku's shoulder in a teasing manner. Suddenly a wave of cold air washes over the stadium snapping their attention to the ring.

"Wow! That was fast!" Ochako shouts before reaching out and snapping a piece of the ice from the glacier that Todoroki had made which whipped out his opposing team. "Ah... I was kinda hoping it'd be like a fruit popsicle." She wines after licking the ice only to realize it's literally just frozen water.

"Uhh... What was the time on that?" Midnight asks, having half been frozen by the iceberg created by Todoroki.

"0.335 seconds" Present Mic declares over the intercom, "Can we get some firebenders or waterbenders down to the field to thaw out the field please? And some of the audience for that matter?"

The ice shelf had swallowed the entire western portion of the ring including the press box where a number of pro heroes were watching the sports festival. The ice has swallowed Endeavor, Hisashi, Miruko and a few other pro heroes. "Well... you can't say he isn't motivated for this." The gentle voice of Rei Todoroki says as she begins freeing her husband from the ice that he's frozen in. "Sometimes I forget just how powerful your ice quirk is." Endeavor says as his head is freed from the ice. Once his face is free he breathes fire on the ice surrounding the rest of his body. "Your son is definitely a menace." Hisashi says as Endeavor's daughter frees him from the ice. "Might need to get Miruko too... she's a rabbit-cicle." Hisashi says before pointing to the frozen bunny girl.

It takes the combined force of the waterbenders and firebenders almost an hour to thaw out all of the audience members from the ice...

Izuku walks at the head of his team up the stairs leading up to the arena lifted high over a large pool of water. On his right are Tsuyu and Ochako with Kirishima and Tokoyami to his left. With a nod, Tokoyami heads to the interior ring before the pathway from his side retracts leaving him in the center ring. On the far side of the ring, Momo walks up the stairs leading her group. Her spiky hair bouncing as she walks into the middle ring, with the firenation pendant seated in the middle of her hair. Katsuki walks over to face off in front of Izuku, Hitoshi against Tsuyu, Inasa against Ochako and Kyoka against Kirishima. Once everyone is in their proper places, Midnight walks up to the platform to bring everyone's attention to the fight. "Ladies and Gentlemen! This is bound to be the most explosive match of the day! The royal power couple is going head to head against each other. Their teams might be even in terms of power, but remember there is no advanced bending allowed for this match! No lightning, no explosions, no ice, no lava or metal! You have 15 minutes on the clock and when that clock hits zero the match is over! Now! Benders! Take your stances!" Midnight begins causing Izuku to shift his weight forwards onto his left foot, extend his left hand up with his palm open with his rear arm raised by his face and his other hand balled into a fist. Opposite him, Katsuki shifts back into a right front stance with his right hand out above his head and his fingers curled while his left is extended outwards away from his body in a fist. "Quirk users! Power up! Now... Go Beyond Plus Ultra!" Midnight yells before firing the starting pistol.

The moment the starting pistol is fired, Katsuki launches himself a good ten feet into the air before blasting several fireballs from his fists directly for the four benders on Izuku's team. Beside Deku, Tsuyu pulls up two long streams of water around herself then coats her arms with them before slicing upwards extinguishing the flames heading for her team. In the center, Tokoyami sends Dark Shadow after Momo, the shadow beast clawing and scraping at her but the princess is far too nimble for it. She dips and weaves around each attack before tearing off the top part of her UA gym uniform revealing her sports bra and her glowing skin where a creation is appearing from her body. From her stomach a flashbang pops out of the sparkling light before exploding right in the face of Darkshadow. The explosion blinding the sentient quirk allowing Momo to create a long bow staff from between her hands before spinning it and batting Dark Shadow aside. From the glowing on her back, four pairs of dark black sunglasses launch from her skin.

"Shit." Izuku says, realizing what Momo's about to do. Immediately he slashes two fingers through the air in the direction of the sunglasses, burning through two of them before the third is smashed by a stone discuss thrown by Kirishima. However before the last one can be destroyed, it's suddenly pulled away from them by a gust of air from Inasa who puts them over his eyes. "I figured she might do this." he thinks before having to blast a wall of flames in front of Momo and Tokoyami to try to stop her from ringing him out due to being blinded. From behind him, Ochako quickly twirls up a tornado before thrusting it forwards pulling in two stone disks thrown by Kyoka and sending them right back to her. The earthbender easily catches and then crushing the other one in her hand. On the other side of the ring, Katsuki siphons away the flames before spinning them upwards into a tight ball of fire that explodes outwards into four more fireballs. Taking the fire to his advantage, Hitoshi draws up a ring of water around himself before calling out. "Momo Duck!" He shouts, causing her to drop to the floor as Hitoshi throws the wall of water outwards. Tokoyami had barely just begun to regain his sight as he's drilled in the chest. He staggers backwards with Darkshadow clawing at the ring to keep themselves in the ring. That is until Momo spins and clocks Darkshadow in the head with her Bo staff knocking the sentient quirk unconscious causing Tokoyami to fall from the ring and into the water.

"Oh! That's one member down for the count on Team Avatar, this let's Yaoyorozu join the rest of her team and with her quirk it's gonna be a real problem for Team Avatar!" Present Mic shouts over the intercom as Momo jumps backwards and joins her team in the back line.

"She's gonna try to give them sunglasses, she wants to use flash bangs." Izuku says, causing a wide smile to split Momo's face.

"Like I said Zuzu... One by one." She says before creating a gas mask over her face. "Now." She says as she rips the pin off of a tear gas grenade. Suddenly from behind her, Inasa throws a torrent of air forwards flooding the ring with the tear gas.

Ochako spins and throws her airbending forwards creating a tornado of the yellow fog in the center of the arena. The tear gas grenade itself spinning violently inside it spraying gas everywhere in the process. The combatting air currents expand outwards as the two airbenders try to force the tear gas back into the other's team. "Deku what do we do?" Kirishima asks before smashing a disk thrown at him then ducking under a blade of water. Izuku doesn't answer though, waiting and watching the tornado in front of them. Suddenly several flashbangs come flying through the storm causing Izuku's eyes to widen. "Don't let those go off!" Izuku shouts before blasting fire through both hands up at one of the flash bangs. As he speaks He has to dodge a stone disk thrown at him from Kyoka before having to stop his own firebending to stop a stream of flames sent by Bakugou. Tsuyu doesn't speak, hearing these instructions, instead blasting water upwards through the troughs beneath the platform, enveloping one of the flash grenades in water before it explodes in the bubble creating a cavitation bubble within it. Ochako however isn't so lucky as Kirishima had turned his attention to destroying another one of the flash bangs with a disk. She isn't able to prevent the flashbang from going off, the explosion and sudden bright light hurts her eyes causing her bending to fail as she instinctively clutches her eyes in pain. The moment her bending fails, their entire side of the arena is flooded by tear gas.

Izuku creates a dome of fire around himself to burn away any of the tear gas, but it doesn't help the other three as he only had enough time to save himself. In rapid succession, Ochako, Tsuyu and then Kirishima are all rung out splashing into the water. When he hears the last one hit the water he expands his dome of fire outwards burning away the rest of the gas causing it to rise up in black smoke. "Well well well, Zuzu. Like I said, you'd be all alone at the end of this." She says confidently as she begins walking closer and closer but all the wind is stolen from her sails when there's an interruption over the intercom.

"Avatar Izuku, You are now permitted to use your full power as the last remaining member of your team." Momo's eyes widen in shock when she hears All Might say this over the intercom system. "Due to the power disparity between the teams, advanced bending is permitted."

"Crapbaskets." She says as a wide grin splits Izuku's face as he stands up.

Izuku flicks his head upwards and immediately flexes his abs firing a condensed beam of combustion energy directly for Bakugou. While his isn't a line of heat radiation quiet yet, the near fishline thin stream of white fire slams into an equally small pinpoint of heat radiation that Katsuki had fired. The resulting explosion obscures the entire ring in black smoke, almost knocking half of Momo's team from the ring in a single moment. However through the smoke she sees something that terrifies her, two bright glowing white eyes as the winds pick up drastically around her. She feels her heart drop to her stomach before noticing something about the white eyes, they look like fire rather than the normal glow of the avatar state. As the realization hit her that he was just bluffing about entering the avatar state, she creates a large riot shield in front of her to protect herself from his onslaught. On her right, Katsuki is standing half crouched to the ground shielding himself from the intensive winds before he almost vanishes having been slammed in the stomach by hurricane forced gust of wind. The attack blew the remaining smoke from the ring revealing Izuku on the other side.

His muscles bulge out as his skin glows with green electricity arcing over his body. His biceps tearing at the seams of his sports jacket. Lightning arcs and collects just off his eyes creating stepped leaders that arc into the hair. His green hair standing on end and spiked up. "Holy shit, is that his quirk?!" Inasa shouts over the extreme headwinds. "He looks like he went super saiyan!" He continues but Momo can only stare in awe of her husband's full power. Jumping up, he slams his foot onto the pavement causing all 16 stone pigeon slots to launch the disks upwards under his control. With a single flex forwards, Katsuki, Hitoshi and Inasa are pelted with the disks before Izuku throws a hard punch forwards using the full power of One for All behind it. The punch sends each of them from the ring leaving Momo as the last one standing.

"So my dear, it's just you and me now." Izuku says now having stolen away her confidence. "Your move." He says as he begins walking around the circular ring towards her. Looking around, Momo looks up towards the Jumbotron noticing that it is recording the time left in the match. Getting an idea, she immediately draws up a bolt of lightning, charging it on her fingers, staring down at her husband who exhales and prepares to redirect it. Suddenly her attention shifts to the Jumbotron before launching the bolt at it.

Izuku looks up confused as the bolt of lightning strikes the jumbotron causing it to short out, its colors shift and spasm repeatedly. The numbers having issues retaining their proper positioning and count on the screen. Suddenly the screen shifts so all numbers say 00:00 before it shuts off completely. "What did you just do?" he asks as the others look flabbergasted at what she did. "Midnight said the clock just had to hit Zero. I sped up the process." She says as above her, Mic, All Might and Aizawa look at each other in confusion. "Uhm... I guess the match is over?" Present Mic asks questioningly which causes Midnight to shrug as Aizawa slams his hand into his forehead.

"You... You cheated!" Izuku shouts, causing Momo to bring the back of her hand to her mouth before laughing. "This doesn't count as a win for either of us, you know."

"I'm well aware, Zuzu." She says as she walks off, "but you still haven't beat me~" She says as she walks away. Suddenly she's sucked backwards into his embrace.

"Don't think I'm gonna let you get away with that coy game with me. Lala~." Izuku says as he presses his thumb to her lips and his index finger beneath her chin. "Keep this up, and when I win I'm going to punish you." He says before letting her go this time letting her be the one being left wanting more.

"H-he's never called me t-that before..." She says as a deep blush runs across her face. 

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