Soothing Waters

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Hisashi grins as Izuku flies alongside him and Wamu on the way to the bending academy, his progression with airbending has been extremely fast. Turns out having literally thousands of years of experience in bending makes you pick it up rather quickly when you're reincarnated. With fall slowly getting colder and colder, the first nips of winter are beginning to blow in from the north. In almost half a year, from being barely able to catch up with Inasa while sprinting to being able to fly with his glider at the same speed as fast as a dragon. Onlookers from far below them gaze up and watch father and son fly through the air, the avatar and one of the best heroes in the whole firenation have made quite a name for themselves. Each day since Izuku learned how to use his glider staff, he'd wake up early in the dorms at the academy then fly back home to join his father and mother for breakfast before making the return trip with his father. People watching them fly by watch as the maroon colored wings of the glider spin in wide circles orbiting the red and bronze colored dragon the number two hero rides on.

Far in the distance, a new ship coming in through the harbor catches Izuku's eye. Its large blue smoke stacks and white coloration indicate that it's a water tribe ship. The logo on the highest flag bears the symbol of the northern watertribe. While normally water tribe trade ships would just have the logo, this ship seems to be an envoy of a hero team or even political emissaries. The thoughts don't last long though as Hisashi pitches downwards bringing his dragon to land at the roost near the academy. Izuku pitches left to fly directly to the front doors where Momo, Katsuki, Shouto and Kaminari are seated chatting with one another. He circles the building a couple times as he descends, coming right in front of the main doors he swoops upwards then closes the staff as he lands just in front of his friends. Though unlike the last few times he's landed, he stumbles a bit before correcting himself.

"Oof, good entry, shitty landing. 6 out of 10." Katsuki says as Izuku dusts himself off from his less than lackluster landing. "Sup."

"There's a pretty lavish looking ship from the northern watertribe here in the harbor." Izuku says, "Hear anything about it or no?" Katsuki, Kaminari and Shouto shake their heads no but Momo responds to him.

"That boat is here for us, and for you. At the end of the month we're going to the north pole for the annual sports convention. They got here so early because a pro hero team has come down to start training you in Waterbending." Momo's words alarm the four men standing beside her, the news that Izuku is already progressing to waterbending is shocking to say the very least.

"Wait, Already? It's only been five months and I'm nowhere near a master airbender." Izuku says, unable to hide how absolutely bewildered he is at the idea. "I thought I needed to master the element before moving on to the next one. What's the rush?"

"There's no rush young Avatar, besides. No one ever truly masters their bending discipline, no matter how much you practice, no matter how many years you devote to it, you can always improve." Grandmaster Gedun says as he approaches the five firebenders. "Good morning, you all. Avatar Izuku, I've come to collect you so that you can meet your new waterbending masters."

"Don't I have normal classes today? It's Wednesday. I usually just have academic stuff today, not bending training." Izuku says, much less protesting, more so questioning why there's been a change in schedule.

"You, along with Princess Momo, are at the top of your class, and head master Shyu has already given permission for the change." The airbending master responds, "Let's go, wouldn't want to keep them waiting. One of them looks like she's about to burst already."

"Burst?" Kaminari asks.

"She's pregnant, her husband will be taking over Avatar Izuku's training for today." Master Gedun responds.

"Y'know I wondered why I'd need algebra for hero work, but since this is an excuse to get out of math class I think I'll take it. I'll see you at lunch Momo, guys, I got avatar stuff to do apparently." Izuku says as he walks away following the airbending master.

"So, princess, what's it like being engaged?" Katsuki asks as the first bell for their homeroom class chimes prompting them to head inside.

"Strange, I know that we're going to get married after we graduate but I guess I haven't hit that giddy excited phase most couples have before they get married. I guess that it's just that the day is so far from now it hasn't really set in yet." She explains.

"You two haven't even kissed yet, no wonder you're not feeling excited about it. I think you two need to have a burn in the hay. Break in the old tatami mat, if you know what I me-" Kaminari can't finish that statement as he's slapped across the face by a blushing Momo.

"Careful, sparky, or the next time she'll ground you out." Shouto says, the smack Momo delivered to Kaminari was so hard that he spun around and fell over with a glowing red mark on his face.

"He's never gonna learn his lesson, is he?" Katsuki says as he watches Kaminari pick himself up off the floor.

"Oh he'll learn it alright, the hard way from the looks of it." Momo says before walking off separating from the group.

"C'mon sparky, we're gonna be late at this rate." Katsuki also says walking away heading to Hisashi's class.

Instead of going to the normal gymnasium where he and the two airbenders, as well as Mitsuki and his father, would train; Izuku is led to the far side of campus to a small lake. While the gym has a small koi pond, the school itself is built on the old lakefront manner once owned by the firenation royal family. The lake behind the school named Lake Samui, since it's the only lake in the firenation capital to not be heated by the volcano the island is built around, is a wide horseshoe style lake that frames the school like a natural moat. As the master and student get closer to the water, Izuku spots Inasa speaking to two people. Both of them dressed in the blues and whites of the northern watertribe, just not wearing the parkas since it's always 90 degrees or above year round in the firenation. The shorter of the two pro heroes is a brunette woman with short hair pulled to the left of her face over her ear, her hair barely long enough to go over the collar of her shirt. Her pregnant belly is so large that it looks like if she sneezes too hard she's going to give birth. The man standing at her side is the same height as Inasa with a wispy mustache and black hair. The two stand chatting with the bald airbender before noticing the grandmaster and avatar approaching them. While the woman merely nods her head, unable to bow because of her stomach, the man bows to Izuku.

"Avatar Izuku, I'd like you to meet the pro hero team Water Hose. They are going to be your waterbending instructors." Gedun explains, motioning his hand towards the two for Izuku to walk up to them.

"Master Inasa said you're quite the firecracker ain'tcha?" The man asks as he steps forwards, inspecting the young avatar with a brief once over. "My name is Joki Izumi, and this is my wife Kawa Izumi."

"Pleased to meet you, Master Izumi." Izuku says, pressing his fist into his palm, giving the waterbending master a bow before offering a hand to shake to which the black haired man accepts the gesture.

"So, what's on the agenda today then? Is this just going to be a meet and greet or are we starting the basics?" Joki asks, shifting his attention to Gedun and Inasa.

"The basics should suffice, it allows us to finish lesson planning for his next step in the mastery of Airbending. Knowing the track record of firebenders being Avatars, you're gonna need all the time in the world for him to learn it." Inasa says, prompting Izuku to turn and glare at the airbender. "Truth hurts Deku."

"Yeah, and so does fire." Izuku responds, blowing a puff of smoke indignantly at the cheeky airbender. "And your lesson 'planning' just involves you eating desserts in the cafeteria for thirty minutes then having me chase your flying lemur around."

"It works doesn't it? You've gotten faster both with running and with flying on the glider staff." Inasa says once again sporting his smug grin towards the firebender.



"Boys, enough, at this rate my son is going to be three years old before you decide to get your feet wet." Kawa interjects, stopping the argument in its tracks. "Inasa, we would like to begin the avatar's training, so you and Grandmaster Gedun can plan out your lessons with the avatar and allow us to begin." With a nod the two airbenders head back to the main campus to "Lesson plan" allowing the avatar to get better acquainted with his new instructors.

"You're having a son?" Izuku asks as Joki leads the three to a small dock. The expectant father reaches outwards towards the water and draws his hands upwards in a gentle flowing motion causing the water to follow along with his movements. He pulls it slightly to the side over the concrete dock they're standing on before curling his fingers causing the water bubble on the dock to turn into ice as he shapes it into a chair for his wife to sit in.

"His name is going to be Kota, and he's a few days overdue now so we might end up having to cut our training short if he decides that he wants to be born today." Kawa says as she lays out a small piece of fabric over the ice chair so that she can sit down.

"Alright, so, shall we begin?" Joki asks, Izuku nods to his new instructor, hurriedly walking up to his side allowing the waterbender to begin the first lesson. 

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