The First Semester at UA Begins!

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Momo huffs in annoyance as she tries to button up the top button over her chest, her UA uniform refusing to be able to be pulled together to be closed. With a sigh of annoyance she lets go of the button and relaxes, causing the button underneath it and across her bosom to snap off the uniform and go bouncing across the floor. "Damnit." She scoffs, before walking over to the button to pick it up. "Izuku. It happened again." She calls out, gaining the attention of her husband who is in the middle of brushing his teeth. He pokes his head out of their bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth looking towards Momo who's holding up the golden button for him to see. He nods his head in acknowledgement before moving back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth. "I told you not to bother with the buttons after they broke the first time." He says before wiping his face off with a towel and turning off the water. "Do you want me to reattach it again?"

"Yes please." She says causing Izuku to walk over to their dresser where a sewing kit is lying already open and on top of it. He grabs some more gray thread and a needle before taking the button from Momo and quickly reattaching it to the suit top. "Forget about the buttons babe, if it breaks again we're going to be late."

"Fine, I couldn't even get the top buttons of my shirt buttoned anyways. Looks like I'm not wearing a tie today." She says as she throws the red piece of silk fabric onto their bed in a defeated manner. "I swear if there's any perverts in our class, I'm going to incinerate them." She sighs, the shirt top exposing the top of her vast cleavage, the sight causes Izuku to stare and drool for a moment before snapping out of it. "I don't understand men's obsession with these, it's just excess fat and milk glands." She asks rhetorically, though once again her husband is distracted by her G cup rack.

"Sorry what? I wasn't paying attention." Izuku says, causing Momo to deadpan at him before he cracks up. "That was a joke babe, c'mon we need to get going." She shakes her head, annoyed at her husband's antics before undoing the bottom button of her suit top.

The little dragon Dio coils himself around Momo's shoulder as the couple exits their home, the gold and green dragon nuzzles his head against Momo's cheek as the royal couple gets into their car preparing to head to UA. Over the past week since they received the letter admitting Izuku into the hero course, they've been in the process of moving their things to the UA campus dorms. Classes today start at noon, giving them time to drop off the last of their belongings to their dorm before meeting their classmates and heading to their first day of classes. With Izuku behind the wheel, Momo calmly feeds the little dragon pieces of bacon and ham as he pulls out of the driveway and begins heading towards the exit of the Midoriya estate. It took some convincing but Firelord Kenshi finally relented and allowed them to drive themselves to UA without a need for the full royal procession and motorcade. Though that didn't stop him from creating a nigh indestructible car for the royal couple to drive in.

The black corvette that the firelord commissioned for the two is bomb proof, combustion bending proof, metal bender resistant, bullet proof, lightning resistant and with enough horsepower to outrun a pissed off dragon. Momo however would much rather just use an actual dragon, since they can breathe fire, create lightning and on occasion shoot combustion beams with their eyes at whatever is pissing them off. When they're little though, they're rather cute and cuddly. Momo scratches the little green and gold dragon behind his ears causing its whiskers to move about as it purrs slightly. Thankfully the traffic is light this morning, making the drive from their home to the university rather quick. Driving through the main entrance to the university of heroes, the pair follow the path along the smaller roads up towards the dormitories of Heights Alliance. The large buildings are active with the hustle and bustle of new students bringing their things inside.

As Izuku parks the car, Momo recognises a few of their friends from the academy that are walking in and out of the dorms talking with one another. Kaminari has somehow gotten roped into helping Kyoka bring her stuff from the back of a van into the dorms' entrance. Across from them Todoroki is seated on a chair on the front porch of the dorms, sipping a cup of tea as he watches Bakugou walk up to the entrance with several boxes in his arms. She opens the car door and steps out, the maroon hairpin holding up her spiked ponytail glimmers slightly in the sunlight as she stands to her full height. Izuku pops the trunk of their car before grabbing the last box that they were bringing, containing their bed set before closing it and following his wife into the dorms.

"Ah, I should have expected to see you in this class." A blue haired man with glasses says as he sees the royal couple enter the dorms. "My name is Tenya Iida, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Midoriya." Iida says with a perfect 90 degree bow.

"Thank you, and it's nice to meet you as well Mr Iida." Momo says as the little dragon on her shoulder crawls his way around her hair to get a look at the blue haired man.

"I didn't see you during the entrance exams, are you in on recommendation?" He asks as Izuku sets down the box near the stairs before writing his last name on it. "I remember seeing Avatar Midoriya at the exams, we were in the same testing facility."

"Yes, Firelord Kenshi has recommended me to the heroics program." Momo answers politely as Katsuki and Camie enter in from the front door. "Is everyone here yet? I was going to see if we can introduce ourselves to each other."

"I think so, I think you and Deku were the last two to get here." Katsuki says after dropping his collection of boxes to the ground with a heavy thud. "Frankly, I'm surprised that you're not pregnant yet, Ponytail."

"We've been married for only a month, Katsuki, Izuku and I haven't even brought it yet." She responds before making her way to the kitchen, "Do we have a tea kettle? Or do I need to make one?"

"Check the cupboard." Iida says motioning towards the cupboard. "I brought one of my own from home, it should be in the one near the coffee maker."

"Ah, here it is."

"Alright, so how are we gonna do this? Pretty sure everyone is up in their dorms right now." Izuku asks as he roots through Momo's purse for the tea packet she always carries with her. "Breakfast, Green or Jasmine?" He calls out.

"Jasmine." She answers, prompting him to grab the white and purple packet from the package of assorted tea bags in her purse.

"There's an intercom, I'll call them." Iida says as he walks over to a panel on the wall, the wall has a rectangular piece of brass covering the electronics of the intercom with buttons for each of the rooms and a red button for general announcements. He presses the red button causing it to light up and for another light above the speaker to display the word 'Speak.' He clears his throat away from the mic before leaning in and speaking. "Good Morning fellow classmates of Class 1-A we are going through introductions in the common space, and I ask that you all come down and introduce yourselves."

It doesn't take long for the other students to start funneling down the stairs or coming from the two elevators. Though Izuku recognises the green haired waterbender and Ochako are both in this class. Kaminari, Jirou, Todoroki, Katsuki and Camie are all already in the dorm's main floor but Izuku also recognises someone he hasn't seen since he started his training with Aizawa. The purple disheveled hair and tired bored expression are unmistakable anywhere. Hitoshi Aizawa, the son of Shota and Shino and a very powerful waterbender with the ability to mind control anyone who responds to him.

"Now that everyone is here, I guess I'll start this since I invited you all down stairs." Iida begins, "My name is Tenya Iida and I graduated from the Somei private academy, my family own and operate the Idenium hero agency here in Mustafu province of the firenation. I am not a bender, but I do have a quirk. I have engines in my legs that let me run at extremely high speeds, even outrunning airbenders on a couple occasions." He introduces himself then motions for the blonde haired man on his left to continue.

"Ah, thank you for putting the spotlight on me so early, monsieur." The man speaks with a heavy French accent hailing from the most northern parts of the UKES, in a region shared by the Earth kingdom and the watertribe known as Canada. "I am Yuga Aoyama, and I am from Ottawa, Canada, and I am a waterbender with a flare!" the flamboyant canadian declares before motioning to the next person to begin.

"Hello!" A pink skinned and yellow horned woman greets with a bright smile. Her eyes are black and yellow from a strange mutation quirk. "I'm Ashido Mina, and my quirk let's me create acid that can melt basically anything. I'm also from Kyoshi island and have trained as a Kyoshi warrior and I'm an expert at chi blocking!"

"Let's just get this over with." Hitoshi grumbles before yawning widely. His nearly bloodshot eyes almost refuse to open again. "I'm Hitoshi Aizawa, and yeah our professor is my father. He doesn't talk about it much but we're both waterbenders." He says with a yawn, however this time his eyes don't open again as he quickly falls back asleep.

"I might be a little outta place in the firenation, I'm Asui Tsuyu from the foggy swamps of the UEKS. My family have mutant frog based quirks and we've been waterbenders since as far back as Avatar Kuruk. *Kero*" She croaks.

"I figured you extras would save the best for last but I think that might be Deku." Katsuki begins. "Ima keep this short. I'm Katsuki Bakugou, the son of Madam Blast and I'm a combustion bender."

"Be nice Katsuki." Camie scolds before tapping him on the forehead with the back of her hand. "My name is Camie Utsushimi, though pretty soon it's gonna be Bakugou since we're getting married in the summer." Camie begins. "I'm not a bender like my Fiance, but my quirk is illusionist. I can create illusions like totes powerful, strong enough to make people think they're like in a whole other world."

"Hai hai!" Another cheerful female voice calls out but as the class members turn to face her, they notice that this woman is invisible. "My name is Hagakure Toru, I'm from the eastern air temple like Ochako is, we grew up together with the airbender nuns and on top of being invisible I'm also an airbender."

"Way to take my intro away, Toru." Ochako complains before flicking her wrist and blowing a gust of air in Toru's direction.

"That's an extremely dangerous combination." Katsuki is impressed by this. "You can't normally see airbending unless it has dust and shit in it so with that power you might be unstoppable."

"Wow, that's a rare compliment from you Kacchan." Izuku says, "I think many of you might already know me. Privacy and being the avatar don't exactly go together. I am Avatar Izuku, and I was born a firebender and I also have a strength enhancer quirk. Next to me is my wife Momo Midoriya."

"I'm formerly Momo Yaoyorozu, the 19th in line to be firelord and one of the many princesses of the firenation." Momo introduces herself. "I'm the only member of my family to have a quirk and I can create anything nonliving with my fat cells. I also trace my royal heritage back to Princess Azula and before her, Avatar Roku."

"I'm Kyoka Jirou, I grew up with Momo here in the firenation but I'm an earthbender with my folks coming from Yu Dao." Kyoka explains. "My quirk let's me plug my earphone jacks into surfaces to listen to anything nearby as well as amplify sound through the objects. I'm also an earthbender."

"Todoroki Shouto." Todoroki says calmly. "I can make ice, and firebend." Short sweet and to the point as usual with him.

"The names' Kaminari Denki and I'm a Lightning bender with an electricity storage quirk that I can use to discharge a lot of lightning all at once." Kaminari says.

The rest of the class begins introducing themselves and this year's class 1-A is looking promising with the powerful benders and quirk users that make it up. Students like Kirishima Eijirou, an earthbender from Hira'a who has the rare natural gift of lava bending much like Miruko and All Might. Mashirao Ojiro, a quirk user with a large powerful tail who also is capable of earthbending. Mezou Shouji, a powerful multi armed firebender. Sero Hanta, a waterbender from the southern watertribe, a quirk user named Fumikage Tokoyami with a sentient shadow and bird head. As the class of 19 begins making their way out of the dorms, the loud heavy thud of something massive landing nearby is heard. Rushing around the side of the building they spot Inasa on the back of Iggy having just landed in the side yard of the dorms.

"Yo, sorry I'm late guys! There was a storm over the pacific and Iggy and I had to go around it." Inasa greets a he hops off the back of the sky bison. "I'm Inasa Yaorashi,one of Deku's former airbending instructors."

"And royal pain in my ass." Izuku complains upon meeting the airbender once again.

Funneling into the classroom each of the students chooses a random spot in the room for their chairs. Momo choosing one just in front of her husband, who sits in front of Katsuki. With the professor being late to class, the students start talking amongst themselves and a few start asking questions to Izuku about what it's like bending the other elements. He doesn't get a chance to answer very many of the questions as Aizawa slithers into the room looking like a gigantic fatass caterpillar. Seeing the giant yellow sleeping bag inchworms its way across the floor, the students fall silent as he slowly makes his way across the floor and to the podium at the far side of the room. Somehow the yellow caterpillar manages to stand upright before sliding off of Aizawa's body as he unzips it from the inside. "Well, I'm gonna keep this quick. I'm Professor Shota Aizawa, the professor of Hero Etiquette, public relations and heroics. Get your gym uniforms on and get out to the training grounds in 15 minutes. We're not heading to the orientation, it's a waste of time and you all have better shit to do then listen to Nezu blabber on about places on campus that can be read on a fucking map." He says before producing his flask from within his black shirt. He unscrews the cap then downs the entire thing before noticing the class is still seated in their chairs. "I said go get changed, the fuck are you all still sitting here for?" he asks, prompting the students to get up and start funneling out of the room. "Midoriya, c'mere a sec." He says prompting both Izuku and Momo to walk over to him. The disheveled teacher produces a rolled green tube from within his pocket with a twisted up end at the point. "Light this." He says causing Momo to snap her fingers creating a small blue flame allowing the disheveled professor to light the joint before motioning for them to leave the room.

"Ey, Midoriya I gotta ask." Kirishima says as Izuku walks into the locker room. "Since you married the princess, are you gonna be the Firelord soon?" He asks.

"No, though when we were arranged to be married, he did suggest it though." Izuku answers as he changes into the uniform. "He said the offer is still open, so when we retire we could take over as the Firelord and Lady."

"That's neat"

"Really? That's all you have to say about Deku being the next firelord? That's neat?" Katsuki asks rhetorically. "Weird hair."

"Hey, my hair isn't weird."

"Don't mind him, he gives nicknames to people who he A hasnt gotten to fight yet, or B has beaten in a fight and haven't earned the right for him to call them by their name." Izuku explains,

"Why does he call you Deku then?" Kirishima asks, "Isn't it a play on the word Useless?"

"Well... back when were were in elementary school I spelled my name wrong on a piece of paper I turned in and when she called out who it was for, I figured out I spelled it wrong. He started calling me Deku after that as a joke and it just stuck." Izuku explains, "I've beaten him dozens of times in the duels we used to fight as kids, whenever we had a disagreement my dad would suggest we fight an Agni Kai to sort it out 'as men' as he'd say."

"Huh, hey Bakugou, wanna fight?" Kirishima asks causing Katsuki to turn and grin towards him.

"Oh I like you already." He says with an evil smirk on his face. "You're on weird hair."

"You two can throw down after class, Mr Aizawa is expecting us!" Iida shouts as he marches out of the room in an exaggerated manner.

"Four eyes acts like a robot."

"I'm pretty sure he is one." Kirishima adds.

Heading out to the training grounds, the class are greeted by Aizawa who is at the end of the joint he had Momo light for him. With one last drag he flicks the still burning end of the blunt to the ground before stomping on it and breathing out a smoke ring above his head. Now sufficiently inebriated to teach glass, he wipes a hand over his face before yawning. "Alright, so today's gonna be pretty simple. This is a physical apprehension test similar to the ones you took in High School, however you will be allowed to use your bending and quirks for this test." He says before reaching into his coat, grabbing a styrofoam cup of cinnamon and sugar soft pretzel bites to munch on. "Obviously I'm not gonna have the Avatar go first, that'd be a hard act to follow and a little unfair. So, how about..." He trails off as he looks between the students, opting to choose Katsuki as he points at him. "Bakugou, how about you start us off with the ball throw. Go for distance." He says before popping a soft pretzel into his mouth, he grabs a GPS ball from a small cart he wheeled out to the field before tossing it to Katsuki. "Go nuts." he says before pointing to a small shot put mound for Katsuki to throw from.

"Heh." Katsuki says as he tosses the ball up in his hand for a moment, getting a feel for the weight as he walks to the center of the mound. He chucks the ball high into the air out in front of him before inhaling sharply and flexing his core. With a grunt and flex of his facial muscles he fires a combustion beam that slams into the ball mid air creating a massive explosion, sending the smoldering ball flying high and far away from them. "How's that Professor?" he asks in a gloating tone.

"6.8 kilometers. Excellent job Bakugou." Aizawa says before clearing the information from the phone he's holding. "Alright, yall can choose whichever test you want to do first, there are robots that will record your attempt just tell it your name then wait for it to tell you to begin."

With ten stations, the students break up into random teams of two with the class couples sticking together as they go through the exercises. Izuku and Momo head over to the area dedicated to firebending with several targets, a thermometer plate and tesla coils for lightning bending to begin their first test. With Momo going first she steps into a wide front offensive stance before turning her hips and throwing a hard left hand rear punch towards the thermometer. A large blue fireball sprays from her fist towards the target slamming into the center of the steel plate causing the red numbers displaying the temperature to skyrocket. The blue flames cause the metal plate of the termometer to melt into bright yellow as it catches fire reacting with the oxygen in the air, molten metal drips from the gauge as the termometer maxes out at 3,500 degrees celsius. "Damn, that was a piece of tungsten you just melted." Aizawa comments before jotting down the information and pressing a button for two other robots to come and replace the tungsten plate.

Izuku gleefully takes his time arcing lightning bolts between the lightning rods on the ground, from two fingers, four bolts of electricity arc from his index and middle finger slamming into the lightning rods. The rest of the apprehension tests ranged from a 50m dash, 400m dash, high jump, long jump, grip strength, push ups, sit ups, punching machine and four different testing devices for the different bending disciplines. Izuku had taken the opportunity to use each of them, using waterbending to freeze a temperature gauge, attack a pressure gauge and several targets, using earthbending to crush a pressure gauge and metal bending to bend multiple pieces of solid steel set up for each bender. Airbending focused more on acrobatics, dexterity and speed for these tests but having mastered the bending art years ago it was a breeze for him. Aizawa also instructed him to use the punching machine which he completely obliterated in the process.

"Well done." Aizawa claps slowly, "Looks like I won't be expelling anyone this year. Here are your results and I expect them to improve through the semester. On your desks is the syllabus for my class and the itinerary that Nezu was gonna go through for your orientation. Welcome to the Hero Course. Head on to your next classes." He dismisses before producing another joint and having Katsuki light it for him before he shambles back to the main building.

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