The Round of 16

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"That's probably going on the Geneva convention Deku, that was a war crime." Katsuki says as Izuku takes a seat back in his spot. "Sparky probably isn't going to get up for a while."

"I didn't use 100%, that was only 20%." Izuku responds before grabbing the bowl of fried rice he saved until after their match. "I will say, his lightning bending has gotten a lot neater in terms of technique. He's even able to create it just by moving his fingers rather than his entire arms. But, I can't tell if that's his quirk or not."

"I have a hard time being able to tell too, to be honest." Todoroki before turning to look at the bracket for the next round. "Looks like I'm fighting Setsuna this round, and Deku is fighting Itsuka. But first on the list is Iida and a girl from the support course, Hatsume Mei."

"Isn't she the girl that makes all the support gear for our hero costumes?" Izuku asks and as he pulls a Takoyaki ball towards his mouth, Momo pulls the chopsticks over towards her and steals the snack.

"Yeah, and there's a rumor going around that she's creating a device that can replicate the power of the great comet." Kirishima adds.

"Wait, I heard she's making one that will let waterbenders have the power granted by the full moon." Sero adds.

"Like the blut wave device from Dragonball GT?" Katsuki asks, causing the rest of the guys to turn and look at him. "What? I know the story fucking sucks but the character designs were great. I believe Super Saiyan 4 is better looking than Super Saiyan Blue and I'm gonna die on that hill!" he shouts, causing the others to back off.

"Well it looks like Hatsume is just making Iida into an infomercial for her support gear creations." Momo says after stealing four more of Izuku's Takoyaki balls causing him to just hand her the tray of them. "But those projects you're talking about could be extremely dangerous if they end up in the wrong hands. I know this is technically classified but, before the last time Sozin's comet was coming around, the US government, along with our parliament were planning on destroying the comet." She says causing the congregation of firebenders, plus the waterbender and earthbender seated nearby, to all turn to face her. "It's part of the reason why we created the base on Ceres and Mars. Oh and FYI, earthbending also works on other planets which is pretty cool to think about."

"Here I thought it was just for rare metals mining ops." Todoroki says, "Speaking of, take a look at this 'baby' that Hatsume is talking about. Apparently it's a modification to the hero costume of waterbenders, it's filled with water that's been absorbed into a hydrophilic polymer system and can store almost a hundred gallons of water in a single suit. From there the waterbender wearing it can just bend the water in their suits to make it weightless and then use it in combat."

"Not just combat, you probably could use it for defense too, freezing entire portions of the suit creating ice armor that expands and absorbs the shock." Momo adds in. "That's pretty ingenious, plus since waterbending causes the water they're controlling to levitate, it could potentially be a way for them to be able to fly."

"Probably won't be very far, but I think I'm gonna ask her about getting that upgrade to my hero suit, it looks like it'll be pretty damn useful." Sero says before pausing for a moment as a realization hits him, "But there's a pretty big downside too. It's water, meaning another waterbender could take over what we have in our suits and use it against us."

"That seems like a bit of a design flaw. It's good in theory but in order to prevent someone from taking control of the bending you'd have to constantly be bending it." Izuku says, "Call me crazy, but I have the feeling that Hatsume isn't a bender."

"What makes you say that?" Katsuki asks.

"Her designs don't really take into account that bend-ables can be used against the person controlling them." Izuku responds, "Take the iron fillings tank that Iida is now wearing, it's effective for metal benders and can be molded into anything that the user may need, she isn't considering that it can be used against the person wearing it."

"I see." Sero says, "But the lightning storage pack seems like it can be pretty useful."

"That one might actually be the best of what she's designed but maybe we can give her a few ideas to help her out." Izuku says before watching Mei walk over and plant a kiss on Iida's cheek before forfeiting the match. "I think we're gonna be seeing a lot more of her in the future."

"Will Todoroki Shouto and Tokage Setsuna please come down to the ring for the second match of the round of 16." Aizawa's voice echoes over the intercoms.

"Guess that's my cue, but this isn't gonna last long. I'm going with my quirk for this." Todoroki says as he gets up from his spot then walks up the stairs to head to the locker rooms.

"Setsuna is an excellent firebender, but I don't think she's gonna be able to melt her way out of the ice that he can make." Momo says, "Out of all the girls at the academy I faced in duels, she was the only one who came close to beating me."

Down on the field, the two combatants announce their choices for their battle, Todoroki choosing to use his quirk and Setsuna choosing firebending over her own quirk. The two bow to each other before assuming the stance of a traditional Agni kai. When the gong is rung, both of them stand and turn to face each other before getting into a fighter's stance. Both Shouto and Setsuna wait for the other to make the first move, but Shouto's impatience gets the best of him. He shifts his weight forwards and creates a massive wall of ice with his quirk fanning it outwards in a massive cone of ice swallows the field. Shouto senses the air become electrified with lightning as Setsuna generates a bolt of lightning before firing it through the glacier that he created in order to ring her out. The ice explodes and shatters sending chunks flying all over the ring. The attack surprises Todoroki, having never seen the green haired woman bend lightning before. Realizing that this match is going to be a lot more difficult than he thought, Todoroki breaks out a new trick.

Clasping his hands together in front of them, he channels his quirk into his palms causing ice and snow to swirl around in his hands. Across the ring, Setsuna blasts fire through her feet trying to close the distance so she can force him to use firebending to defend himself. As she gets close, she sees him thrust his hands apart forming the staff of a polearm style weapon between his hands. As she gets close, she suddenly has to dodge out of the way of a trident made of ice that he had created. The look of terror on her face is cemented as from the other end of the trident, a large scythe blade appears before he swings it at her. Left with no time to dodge, Setsuna uses her quirk and separates the top half of her body from the bottom half causing the scythe to pass through nothing but air. "What the hell Todoroki!" She shouts, "You could've killed me!" She yells, breathing fire from her mouth but he just shrugs. "But I didn't, and you just broke the rules of the match." he says before snapping his trident scythe in half over his knee.

"Uhh... Mic? What do we do?" Midnight asks over her microphone looking up at the announcer booth.

"Setsuna Tokage has violated the rules of the 1 vs 1 tournament and has been disqualified, having used both her quirk and her bending. Unfortunately this match is over and Todoroki progresses to the next round. " Aizawa's voice comes over the intercom. "Our next combatants, Ashido Mina and Hagakure Toru please come down to the arena for your battle."

"That was cold dude." Setsuna says before smiling, amazed that he had gotten her to disqualify herself. "You played me."

"Like the cheap kazoo you are." Todoroki responds with a serious face before cracking a smirk and laughing. This causes Setsuna to start laughing as well as the two walk out of the ring together.

The next two fights ended extremely quickly due to the massive power gap between the fighters. Toru's quirk is an interesting case, in order to make the fight with Mina fair, she was given a device by Aizawa and the support course that forced her quirk to deactivate. As the quirk canceling bracers activate, she becomes visible for the first time. Her watermelon colored hair being primarily light green with accents of light pinkish red throughout her curly locks. Her skin is a shade lighter than Ochako's own with bright emerald green eyes. Despite being a master airbender, due to her invisibility she was never given the tattoos of a traditional airbender nun so her skin is flawless. Her hair even done up in a ponytail is long enough to be at the middle of her back. During her fight with Mina, the now visible invisible airbender was dominating the poor quirk user hand over fist. Almost as fast as Todoroki defeating Sero's entire team in the sumo battle, Toru immediately air bended Mina past the boundary line ending the match in just over half a second.

The fight between Tsuyu and Kirishima wasn't nearly as fast but it was abundantly clear that Tsuyu was extremely outmatched. The entire arena she was standing on was his weapon, and she was only able to use the troughs of water on the sides of the arena. Needless to say, Kirishima took immediate control of the fight mere seconds after it started. Tsuyu had drawn up most of the water out of the basins and surrounded herself in tendrils of water entering the octopus form but Kirishima didn't even bother with attacking her directly. Instead with a clasp of his hands, the stone around her feet molded all the way up to her hips locking her in place, and by the time she managed to free herself with her waterbending, Kirishima had lifted the entire slab she was standing on and just moved it out of bounds.

"Hot damn, that was actually pretty smart for Kiri to do." Katsuki says, "Hell if I was an earthbender I'd probably have done the same thing."

"Honestly that was probably the best way to play that match, though I would have pulverized one of the concrete slabs and used the dust and sand bending to soak up all of Tsu's water." Izuku says,. He watches Kirishima progress to the next placement in the 3rd round being pitted against whoever wins in the battle of Bakugou vs Uraraka. "Hey, no combustion bending Kacchan, Uraraka doesn't deserve that."

"Why the fuck would I use combustion bending on an airbender? I'm not an animal." Katsuki responds, honestly a bit offended that Izuku would think he would blow up the airbender. "I'm gonna treat this shit seriously, I don't need to be out here catching a hate crime for beating up an airbender."

"Taking it seriously is Bakugou for 'Overwhelming force.' Uraraka, good luck and hopefully you won't end up in the burn ward." Sero says, patting the airbender nun on the shoulder as she leaps up into the air and glides down to the field with all the grace of her ancestry.

"Fuck you Soysauce face." Katsuki growls, thrusting a middle finger in Sero's direction before launching himself from the stands using his firebending before landing on his side of the ring like a rocket.

"Since these two combatants only have their bending abilities this match will be a contest of Firebending vs Airbending. No advanced forms of bending will be permitted, no combustion bending, asphyxiation or lightning whatsoever. Do you understand?" Midnight asks, causing both of them to verbally respond.

"Yes." Katsuki responds, sinking into a recognizable fighting stance used by a certain MC Widow's peak.

"Let's get the party started. You better be ready for this, Sparky." Uraraka says, causing a pinched vein to appear on Katsuki's forehead as he sneers at the insult. She shifts her arms upwards with her left arm raised behind her and above her head with her other extended at chest level, she posts up to stand on her left foot with her right resting on her knee.

With the bang of the gong, the fight begins, and Uraraka is immediately on the offensive which surprises Katsuki. He had expected the airbender to be on the defensive but he's forced to dodge as Uraraka jumps a clear fifteen feet into the air then flips dropping an axe kick down onto Katsuki forcing him to raise his arms to block. As the kick connects with his forearms, Katsuki is almost flattened by a current of air, forcing him onto his knee. He chuckles to himself, realizing he had underestimated the airbender, something he won't be doing again. The brunette notices the smirk on his face before she's suddenly launched backwards by Katsuki thrusting his arms up and expelling fire through his hands. The flames catch part of her pant leg on fire causing her to have to snuff out the flames to avoid being burned. "I'll admit, you caught me off guard with that one, didn't think an airbender would be one to attack first." He says before taking a page out of Deku's book and shifting into what looks like an earthbender's horse stance.

Uraraka lifts an eyebrow seeing this, shifting back into the defensive crane style stance she had started the fight in. She feels the air around her suddenly get extremely hot before she has to jump away from the spot she was standing in as instead of exploding, it spontaneously combusts into a large bonfire where she was standing forcing her further backwards. "What the hell was that?!" Midnight shouts seeing fire suddenly appear from nowhere. "A neat trick I learned how to do, something that my mother taught me how to do. Psychic Firebending!" Katsuki declares before thrusting his arms forwards causing the bonfire he created to blast outwards in a long wide tube that looks to swallow Uraraka in it. The fire surrounds the brunette airbender but not a moment later, the fire around her is snuffed out as she lands on her feet. From what Katsuki was seeing, he saw her flip from near stationary, expelling all the air around her and completely snuffing out the flames by choking away the air it needed. He doesn't let her have the time to make a counter attack however, she watches him thrust his arms backwards so that they're now extended out from his chest. In front of her the ring of fire opens up into a massive wall of flames that cuts off his two thirds of the ring from the little space she has left.

Katsuki stands to his full height and lifts his arms as high as they'll go over his head before leaning forwards. This causes the wall of flames he had created to grow dozens of feet tall now looming over Uraraka who's trying to think of a way to get around this attack. Katsuki steps forwards into a lunged stance and lowers his arms out in front of him causing the flames to arc towards her at an angle before advancing forwards. Left with little to no room to counter, Uraraka tries blasting air through the flames, trying to disrupt it, but all this amounts to is feeding the flames more, making them stronger. She can't choke the oxygen from the flames because Katsuki is directing all the smoke and fire towards her, doing so would cause her to lose the air she needs to breathe. The wall of flames gets closer and closer, causing her to have to back pedal more and more, not paying attention to where her footing is, she steps over the boundary line before her foot slips from over the edge of the ring and she trips falling onto the grass.

"Katsuki Bakugou wins through Ring Out and advances to the next round!" Presentation Michael (Who keeps changing this?!) declares causing the crowd to roar with excitement.

"Looks like Kacchan has been reading some of the ancient scrolls for new techniques. That was one of Grandmaster Jeong Jeong's moves." Izuku says as the two fighters walk off the field. "They have 3 firebenders facing 3 airbenders this round." Izuku says, noticing that Momo is facing off against Inasa next.

"Well, you could choose which bending art you wanna use. You can fight Itsuka with airbending if you want." Momo responds before standing up and stretching. "I'm going to go deal with Inasa and then I'll be back to watch your fight Zuzu."

True to her word, Momo's fight with Inasa ended almost as quickly as her battle with Tokoyami had. However, instead of fighting him with her firebending, she had elected to use her quirk instead. Over the time since she's known Inasa, the airbender had a tendency to create tornadoes around himself as well as surround his body with rings of air and even a sphere of air around himself when teaching Izuku. When the fight began, Inasa immediately created a tornado around himself and launched a few dozen feet into the air, trying to use it to grab and loft Momo out of the ring. In response, Momo had used her quirk to create concrete anchor spikes into the ring and metal boots that anchored her into place. While Inasa was throwing everything he had at her, she didn't budge, instead she created a gas mask over her face and then released nitrous oxide, the same sleeping gas that orthodontic surgeons use for surgery. The tornado that Inasa was standing on sucked up the sleeping gas and Inasa knocked himself out with his own bending.

The fight between Ojiro and Ibarra was just as one sided. While Ibarra had elected to use her quirk only for this fight, Ojiro had decided to go with earthbending. Ibarra had no answer to anything that Ojiro could do, even trying to ensnare him like she did with Hitoshi in the first round didn't work since he just used his earthbending to sheer the vines of her quirk away causing her to lose the grip over him and the control over the vines. In the end, Ojiro trapped Ibarra up to the shoulders in stone, molding it over her hair so she couldn't use her quirk. With her immobilized, Ibarra conceded the match allowing Ojiro to progress to the next round. Izuku hasn't ever gotten the chance to go all out with airbending alone, so this upcoming fight might be a good chance for him to stretch his legs a bit with his second mastered bending style. Shortly after Ojiro returns to the stands, Izuku and Itsuka are called down to the field to do their first battle.

"Here is the last fight of the round of 16 and we have a doozy here folks! From Class 1-A is Avatar Izuku vs the Class representative and master airbender of Class 1-B, Itsuka Kendo! Before we begin, Avatar Izuku, would you like to use your quirk or bending?" Present Mic asks over the intercom.

"I want to use Airbending." causing a chorus of surprised murmurs to echo through the crowd, "I'm facing an airbender, and since I can use airbending as well I think it's only fair that I do so rather than my firebending. Is that allowed?"

"If your opponent will let you, then we can allow you to use airbending. The avatar competing in the festival is kind of a special case so it'd be up to her." Present Mic says

"Uh... Itsuka? Would you agree to him using airbending?" Midnight asks, causing Itsuka to nod yes to the question.

"Sure." She says in typical airbender go-with-the-flow fashion. "This is where the fun begins."

The two benders walk in towards the center of the ring, getting within arms length of each other before getting into the same right foot forward stance. Their arms out framing their chests with their hands extended and open palmed pressing against the other's wrists. When the fight begins, both benders begin circling each other causing the air around the ring to get picked up. Dirt and dust from across the ring and the grassy field of the stadium is being pulled into a small Eddie (Eddies are small dust devils that are rarely over a few feet tall and usually can be seen on windy days) around the ring. Their steps start to get faster and faster until the two are practically sprinting around each other. The movements cause the dust Eddie to get larger and larger until it's a full fledged dust devil obscuring the two in the ring. Izuku can see a smirk on the orange haired green eyed airbenders face and can feel her trying to take control over the dust devil in order to use it against him. Deciding to break off this little stalemate, Izuku breaks the contact between his wrists and hers then shifts back and thrusts his arms outwards away from him. From around his body a large sphere of air rapidly expands and rips apart the dust devil they had formed, launching Itsuka backwards.

The nimble airbender flips overhead before landing on her feet as the dome of air Izuku had created dissipates from around his body. Trying to use this as an opening, Itsuka jumps forwards, spinning her body before landing and thrusting her arms forwards, launching gusts of wind towards Izuku. On the other side of the ring, Izuku dances out of the way of the gusts of wind, rotating his body in spiral motions taking points from his waterbending and pulling in the air that Itsuka had used against him to rotate it around himself and direct it back towards her. The gust of air hits her center mass in the chest, causing her to be toppled to the ground. Not giving Izuku a second to continue the attack, she spins herself on the ground creating a blade of air that cuts towards Izuku as she rights herself. Izuku ducks out of the way of the horizontal blade of air before performing a pistol squat on one foot, thrusting his other leg outwards and leaning back, demonstrating his flexibility as he launches a current of air partially upside down. This move surprises Itsuka, as she had only seen the airbender grandmasters pull something like this off. With only the support of his right leg, Izuku squats down again into a pistol squat before jumping using his airbending to assist in getting height. He spins his body mid air with the back of his jacket fluttering backwards almost like the red cloaks of the grand masters like Gedun. Pulling his feet in he launches himself with airbending towards Itsuka before flipping, ducking underneath a swipe from her and then thrusting his arms upwards into her stomach. The air currents that had been rotating around him during this maneuver launch forwards and slam into Itsuka's midsection launching her up and out of the ring.

"And that's a ring out! Avatar Izuku progresses to the quarter finals!" Present Mic declares over the intercom before Itsuka even touches the ground not noticing that Izuku had created an air scooter underneath the class rep of 1-B to prevent her from slamming on the ground.

"I'm pretty sure I should've just said no when you asked to use airbending." Itsuka says as she rolls her head around her neck trying to alleviate any dizziness. "I've only seen Grandmaster Gedun and Mother Superior Rioma pull off something like that." She says before pinching the bridge of her nose fighting the dizziness.

"I tried sparring with Grandmaster Gedun before, I got flattened in less than ten seconds and this was after I took the mastery exams for firebending and airbending." Izuku says as he offers a hand up for the airbender but she just uses her bending to get back to her feet.

"Looks like I still have a lot to learn." She says before smiling.

"Gedun told me that; No one ever truly masters their bending art. There's always room to improve." Izuku says as the two exit the field allowing Cementoss and the repair crew to prepare the ring for the quarter finals. 

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