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(So, made some changes. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy!)

It had been a few days since we got away from the pirates and have continued north. But now we were resting in a forest where the trees were large and tall. The leaves were also a beautiful shade of red. I rested back against Appa as I feel the stone of my bracelet. I then remembered the necklace and take it out and hold it above me as the red gem hangs from chain. I then remember the yellow gem and take it out as well. Man, I'm just a collector of gems now, huh? "Where's Momo?" I put away the necklace and gem when and looked at Aang. But then a familiar screech is heard.

We all got to searching until we looked up and saw Momo trapped in a cage with two other creatures. "Hang on, Momo!" Aang airbends his way up the trees. He lowers the cage with Momo and Katara and Sokka open it to let him out. Then he hops out and snacks on the food used to lure and trap him. I smirked at that, our little foodie. I stop smirking as I look back up at the other creatures. "All right, you too." Aang jumps up to free them too. "This is going to take forever." I hear Sokka complain then see his boomerang thrown and cut the ropes of the cages. "I got this." I tell them. I open one cage then a cat-baboon jumps out. I offer them a berry and they sniff my hand then take it from me and eats it. I then free the other one and give them a berry. They take it then it and its and friend walk off.

Aang slides down and stops in front of us then we inspect the cages. "These are Fire Nation traps. You can tell from the metalwork. We'd better pack up and get moving." Sokka informs then states. "Good call." I agree. We return back to camp and start packing up. "Uh-Uh! No flying this time." I look up as I see Sokka walk over to Katara and Aang. "What? Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asks as Sokka grabs supplies from him and put it down on the ground. I stand up as I walk over to join them. "Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable." Sokka informs. I press my face and body on Appa's side and rest my hands on his soft fur. "Hey, Appa can't help if he brings a lot of attention. Isn't that right, big guy?" I say, my voice muffled by the fur. Appa growls in response.(Appa Appreciation!) "That's what I thought." I rub my face in his fur.

"Yeah. And besides, Appa's not that noticeable." I hear Katara argue then step away from Appa and rub off any fur that got on me. "He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kind of hard to miss him." Sokka argues then Appa growls again. "Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang comforts him. I then think about what Sokka said. Flying is a fast transportation, but Appa is pretty noticeable. "I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me we should've play it safe this time and walk." Sokka says. "Who made you boss?" Uh, oh. Another sibling banter coming up. I roll my eyes as I cross my arms. "I'm not the boss, I'm the leader." Sokka states. "You're the leader? But your voice still cracks." Katara scoffs with a smile. "I'm the oldest and I'm the warrior! So I'm the leader!" Sokka's voice cracks before he deepens it to ignore it.

I hold a hand to my mouth to hide my smile as I giggle a little. "If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. I mean, he is the Avatar." What? Aang? "Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid." Can't argue with that. I look to find Aang hanging upside-down as he holds onto one of Appa's horns. Proving Sokka's point. "He's right." Even he agrees. "But I thought (Y/N) was the leader." He says. I raise a brow at that. He lets go of Appa's horn and lands on his feet. "I mean, she is the oldest out of all of us, minus me having been in an iceberg for a hundred years. She also looks out for us and tends to take charge a lot." He explains.

"Hmm. Good point." I say as I recall how often I had to pull my and all the others weight. "But it wouldn't hurt to get some walking in. We can't get lazy and I think Big Boy Fluff would appreciate it." I agree with Sokka as I put on my pack. "Fine." Katara groans but agrees. "Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl." I roll my eyes. Seriously, Katara? "I've kissed a girl. You just haven't met her yet." Sokka defends. "Who? Gran-Gran? I've met Gran-Gran." Okay, this is going to take too long. I slump as they continue to bicker. "No, besides Gran-Gran." "Suki doesn't count. She kissed you. On the cheek." I tease as I smirk and place a finger on my cheek to emphasize. "Not you too!" Sokka whips around to face me and scowls. I only continue to smirk.

He then steps back and takes a deep breathe, "Look, my instincts tell me we have a better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust his instincts." Sokka says. "And a leader also needs to hear and listen to their teammates as well. But let's go with your idea." I add them agree. Katara wasn't happy, what with her scowl and crossed arms. "Ok, we'll try it your way, O wise leader." She she agrees, albeit with a sarcastic tone. "Who know? Walking might be fun." Aang smiles as he wears a backpack bigger than what me and the siblings wearing. I smile at his optimism. "That's the spirit. Now, come on! Sokka, you're leading since it was your plan." I state. "Right. Let's go." He says then starts walking.

I look to find Katara roll her eyes but grabs her pack and puts it on. We start walking and I feel someone looking at me. I look down to find Aang smiling up at me. "What?" I ask him. "Sokka may be leading us right now, but you are the real leader." He says. I just smile as I look ahead and feel Momo jump onto my head.

Third Person P.O.V.

After walking for a while, "Walking stinks! How did people go anywhere without a flying bison?" Aang complains. "I don't know, Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything?" Katara replies sarcastically. "Ha, ha, very funny." Sokka responds, equally sarcastic. "I'm tired of carrying this pack." Aang complains some more. "You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's instincts!" Katara jokes. Sokka just slumps at the conversation as he frowns. "That's a great idea. Hey, Sokka's instincts, would you mind-" "Ok, Ok, I get it!" Sokka interrupts Aang as he snaps. (Y/N) stops all of a sudden as she feels her own instincts to tell her to stop and sniff the air. She perks up as she smells something.

"Sokka," "Look, guys, I'm tired, too." Sokka interrupts her. "Sokka." (Y/N) tries again as he walks closer to two bushes. "But the important thing is that we're safe from the Fire Nation." Sokka interjects. But (Y/N) winces as she feels it in her gut that he just jinxed them. She facepalms as he, Katara and Aang go through the bushes. Which resulted in them stumbling into a camp filled with Fire Nation soldiers. The soldiers look at them in surprise at having strangers, most definitely not natives, appear before them. "Ruuuun!" Sokka yells as he, Katara and Aang abandon their backpacks. Weapons in hand, the soldiers immediately go into action. One bends fire as he shoots it and sets fire to the bushes the three walked out of.

"We're cut off!" Sokka says. "Sokka, your shirt!" Aang tells and he points at him. Sokka screams a little as he finds his shirt on fire and Katara thought fast as she pops open her canteen of water then bends it at Sokka, putting out the fire. She returns the water back and places the lid on the canteen but then she and the boys find themselves corned by the soldiers. "If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you." Sokka bluffs. "What are you doing?" Katara asks him. "Bluffing." He whispers to her so the soldiers don't hear. "You, promise not to hurt us?" The leader, who wore an eyepatch, repeats with a mock tone. But then he lets out a grunt in pain and falls onto his face. "Nice work, Sokka. How'd you do that?" Aang asks Sokka. "Uh... Instinct?" Sokka guesses.

"Look!" Katara then points at a stranger standing on a branch of a tree. The stranger took out twin hook-blades then uses then to swing himself at the soldiers. He lands on two soldiers then charges forward and hooks two other ones' ankles with his blades and flip forward, sending them to crack onto the leader. "Down you go." He quips, a piece of wheat in his mouth. Aang, Sokka, and Katara all look at him with different expressions. The stranger dodged and counter a soldier that tried to attack him from behind. "They're in the trees." A soldier informs as he looks up to find more. One kid jumps down onto him and laughs as he turns the soldier's helmet around to blind him.

Arrows then appear and disarms three soldiers of their swords. It is revealed to be a boy wearing a straw hat, he then grabs two arrows and pulls then back as he hangs upside-down and fires them. Disarming two more soldiers and another stranger, one with a large structure, appears and takes down two more soldiers. Another appears and they have short messy hair with a garden expression and two red stripes painted on each of their cheeks as they wield a blade and attack another stranger.

Katara and Aang then bend as Katara sends water at a soldier while Aang spins two around them. Sokka lets out a battle cry as he readies himself with his boomerang as a soldier charges at him. But the stranger with a wheat in his mouth uses his hook blades to kick the soldier away. "Hey, he was mine." Sokka tells the stranger. "Gotta be quicker next time." The stranger replies then runs off to fight more soldiers. Sokka gives him a glare while Katara gives him a smile. A large guy then drops down behind two soldiers and they look back at him in surprise but then ready to fight. The large guy equips a log then swing sit down on them. They backed away and look at their bent swords then run away.

The boy with the wheat watches with a smirk as they do so, but then frowns as he turns around and uses his hook blades to stop a spear from stabbing him. He grunts as he and the soldier have a standoff but then a rope wraps around the soldier's waist and he shouts as he is pulled back. Hard. He grunts as his back hits the ground then looks up but freezes as he finds a pair of (E/C) eyes bore into his. "Take your men, and leave." (Y/N) orders him. He smiles nervously as he then hurried unwraps himself from the rope and scurries off. (Y/N) straightens herself then kicks up the spear he dropped and tosses the blunt end of it at a soldier and it nails him in the side of the head. He ends up falling unconscious and Sokka looks at her annoyed. "Man!" He complains. "Sorry, instinct." (Y/N) apologizes as she then wraps.

Another soldier appears behind the stranger with the wheat in his mouth, but he dodged and and blocks it with his hook blades. He then stands off with him until the soldier thrusts the spear at him, only to have the stranger kick it down then run up it and step on his head. The stranger ends up stopping in front of Katara and the two smile at each other. "Hey." He greets her with a smile. "Hi." Katara greets back with a smitten smile. One soldier appears ready to charge at them but he then gets kicked from behind and turns around, only to widen his eyes as a knife is pointed directly in his face. "Leave." (Y/N) orders. He smiles nervously then walks off before bolting.

She blows away a strand of hair as she then wraps the rope around the handle of her knife. She looks around to find all the soldiers have left and sees of the strangers that attacked them. "You just took out a whole arm at almost single-handed." Aang says as he and Sokka walk to stand with Katara and the stranger. "Army?! There were only, like, 20 guys." Sokka argues. The stranger walks from them before turning around to face them, "My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters." The stranger, now known as Jet, introduces. "Sneers." A strong guy with his hair held up eating some noodles. "Longshot." The boy with the hat and bow. "Smellerbee." The kid with the red lines and gathering the leftover weapons. "The Duke and Pipsqueak." The little kid and the large guy with the log.

"Pipsqueak, that's a funny name." Aang comments as he walks up to the two. The kid sniffs. "You think my name is funny?" The big guy, who is actually Pipsquek, asks in a low voice and scary tone. "It's hilarious!" Aang admits. Pipsqueak then laughs heartily and Aang and the The Duke join him. Pipsqueak pats him on the back, but his strength resulted in Aang to fall onto his face. He still laughs though.

The group then gets to checking the camp and taking anything of value. (Y/N) crosses her arms as she stands with Sokka, who has his arms crossed as he watches the Freedom Fighters. "Hey." He looks over at (Y/N). "Sorry about earlier. I just wanted to protect you." She says. He gives her a soft frown as he inhales a little. "It's cool. I just wanted to get a hit in." He replies. (Y/N) nods her head and they go back to watching Freedom Fighters.

Katara then walks over to Jet, who was in the shade as he leaned back on a tree. "I'm, thanks for saving us, Jet. We're lucky you were there." She thanks him. "I should be thank you. We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We just needed the right distraction. And then you guys stumbled in." Jet tells her. "We were relying on instincts." Katara frowns as she casts a glance at Sokka. "You'll get killed doing that." Jet says. Sokka looks at them with narrowed eyes then walks off. (Y/N), however, had a feeling in her gut that told her not to trust Jet.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

There is nothing wrong with trusting your instincts ever once in a while. These guys may be called 'Freedom Fighters' but I have a feeling that I shouldn't trust them. "Hey, Jet, these barrels are filled with blasting jelly." I heard The Duke say. "That's a great score." I hear Jet say. "And these boxes are filled with jellied candy." I look over to find Pipsqueak holding a crate. "Also good. Let's not get those mixed up." I hear Jet say. "We'll take this stuff back to the hideout." Some fighters packed up a wagon. "You guys have a hideout?" Oh no. I pinch my nose and close my eyes. Here we go.

We end up walking with the fighters and soon stop. "We're here." "Where? They're nothing here." Sokka says to Jet. But then Jet hands him a rope with a loop tied at the end. "Why? What's it do?" Oh, boy. Sokka then screams as he is pulled up. Sheesh, this is just not his day. "Aang?" "I'll get up on my own." I then saw Aang jumping up the branches. "Grab hold of me, Katara." What? I look to find Jet spin into Jet and then they get pulled up. I huff, "Oh, he better keep those hands to himself." I mutter. "Keep alert, Appa." I tell the bison. I hear him growl then I walk up and grab a rope and hold on as I am pulled up. I then let go and stand on wooden ground. "Whoa." I whisper as I look at the area. Bridges connecting to huts and zip-lines too. Hideout in the trees. Okay, that is smart. "Nice place you got!" I look to find Aang zip-lining.

I then find Katara and Jet and walk over to them. "It's beautiful up here." "It's beautiful, and more importantly, the Fire Nation can't find us." I hear them converse. The make it over but then move as Smellerbee appears. "They would love to find you, wouldn't they, Jet?" Aw, so they're a girl. "It's not going to happen, Smellerbee." I look at Jet as he said that. "Might wanna dial back on the arrogance. That is what will bite you." I state as I cross my arms. He looks over at me with a smirk, "You sound pretty confident." He says. "Yeah, but unlike you, I don't rule out the possibilities of getting captured." I state. We stare off for a bit, "(Y/N), knock it off!" I heard Katara but don't look away from Jet. She then steps in front of me. "I'm sorry. She's just overprotective sometimes." She says to him.

"Eh, no offense." Her waves off then walks off. Katara follows him. "Better watch what you say." I look down at Smellerbee. "Jet is a great leader." She states then follows after. I roll my eyes and follow them. "Why does the Fire Nation want to find you?" I hear Katara ask Jet. "I guess you could say I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back." Jet replies. "We've been ambushing their troops, cutting off their supply lines, and doing what we can to mess with them." Pipsqueak explains. But I got to thinking. Sure, they could just be doing conquest but that small group of soldiers... Something isn't right. "One day, we'll drive the Fire Nation out of here for good, and free that town." Jet states. "That's so brave." Katara says.

"Yeah, nothing braver than a guy in a treehouse." Sokka says as he appears between them. "Don't pay any attention to my brother." Katara says. "No problem. He probably had a rough day. " Eh, sometimes instincts can be wrong. I then listen as Jet explains how some Freedom Fighters are victims of the Fire Nation while some were without a home. But then when Katara asks him his story he stops. I stay behind them as I listen, learning that Jet had his parents killed by the Fire Nation when he was eight years old. The same age Katara was when Kya was killed. Katara immediately sympathized with him as she told him how she and Sokka lost their mother. It was quiet for a bit. I then walk off but couldn't stop thinking about the town that was mentioned.

It was hours later, and the sun had set. We sat at a table with the Freedom Fighters as they had a meal. "Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine." Jet toasts as he stands and raises a cup. The other kids cheer but Sokka and I remain silent. "I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog-monkey!" The Duke then walked on the table and the others cheered for him. I then focus on Jet again, "Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right." He says. The other kids boo at that. "Or maybe, they're DEAD wrong." Oooooooh. I did not like that face or tone when he said that. But the other kids cheered like nothing was wrong.

I rub my finger the jade stone of my bracelet as Jet walks over and sits between Katara and Sokka. "Hey, Jet, nice speech." Katara compliments. "Thanks." Okay, both my gut and instincts are telling me that this guy is trouble. "By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That was some great bending I saw out there today." He adds. "Well, he's great. He's the Avatar. I could use some more training." Katara says, and is that a blush? "Avatar, huh? Very nice." "Thanks, Jet." Okay, I am really not liking that tone either. "So I might know a way that you and Aang can help in our struggle." Jet says. "Unfortunately, we have to leave tonight." Sokka speaks up as he stands and walks off. Wait.

"Now, hold on, Sokka." I stand up and place a hand on his shoulder. "(Y/N), we gotta-" "I know. But we should get a full night's rest. After all, Jet and his Freedom Fighters helped us out, would be rude to just leave so soon." I tell him. Hiding the fact that I wanted to check out the Earth Kingdom village that was mentioned earlier. "Yeah, and I needed you on an important mission tomorrow." Jet adds. Sokka looks down then looks back at Jet. "What mission?" He questions. Got him.

After that, we all went to bed but I woke up while it was still dark. I left my spear and bola-knife behind, because they were too obvious and I was only going to watch instead of interact. I checked to find if anyone was awake and heard silence. I quickly made my way where Appa is. I whistle to him and I heard him growl and soon, I was face to face with a giant fuzzy boy. "Hey, sorry to wake you up big guy but I need a favor." I tell him.

I look down as I sat on Appa's head. I then see a clearing and find the town. I pull on the reins to make Appa go down and once he landed, I hopped off him and onto the ground. "Thanks, Appa. I'll pay you back. You head back, I know my way." I thank him, petting his head. He gives me a nudge then flies back. (I love Appa. He is THE Boy.) I then make my way to the town and wait as the sun had risen. Thanks to my time as a hunter, I know how to be stealthy and remain quiet to not get caught or heard.

I was expecting some workers but instead I see some men who were wearing casual Fire Nation clothing. I decide to take a closer look and find them going about their business. They are some were troopers but I also see lots of families. It was a few hours later and I tried to keep myself awake. "Probably should have brought some snacks." I say to myself. "Hello." "Eek!" I jumped and assume a fighting stance, only to end up looking down at a child. I immediately dropped my stance, "Uh... Hi." I wave to them. "Hi!" It was a little girl with long black hair and she had a doll in her arms. "Sweetie, I told you not to run off like that." A woman then appears, the child's mother. "Oh! And who are you?" She asks me.

Quick, come up with something! "I'm.... I'm a traveler. I've wanted to see the world and found your village." I lied. "She said she was hungry." The little girl says. "Oh. Well, would you like something to eat? We were just about to have lunch." At first I was going to decline, but then my stomach growls loudly. "Yes." I accept. They led me to their house and there I meant the little girl's father and the woman's husband. He was suspicious of me at first because he noticed my knife but I said that it was because there were dangers that could pop out and try to hurt me. It wasn't a lie and he believed me.

I then enjoyed a delicious meal and the little girl was such a delight. She was filled with such optimism and imagination that it made me feel sad because she was unaware of what was happening in the world. But I said nothing and she even gave a piece of her food that was her favorite. I declined at first but her parents were okay with it. It was so good! After that, I bow and thank them for the meal. "Bye, bye!" The little girl held her doll and waved its hand at me. I smiled fondly at that and give a wave back. I then go back to hiding and watching. And after hours of watching, I had observe that this is just a town. A town for families and the elderly to stay and have a sense of normality. The Freedom Fighters want to boot these people out of the forest? Jet most certainly does.

I then decided to head on back to the hideout but I then look ahead to find someone on the ground. I jog to meet with them and get in front of them and bend down on one knee as I hold my hands close to them if they need any help. "Hey, you okay?" I ask them. The stranger was an elderly man that was bald and had a beard. "Please. I was only taking a walk." He says, holding his hands up in a surrender gesture. I give him a worried look then get in both knees. "I'm not going to hurt you." I assured. He looks up at me and then calms down. I help him stand up and grab his cane that was a short distance from him. I gave it to him, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I ask. He takes a few deep breathes, "I was walking along this path when all of a sudden some kids appear and forced me onto the ground. One of them was particularly aggressive and shouted about how I ruin lives." He explains. My eyes widen at that. "And, what else?" I ask. "Another boy stopped him before the aggressive one could kick me. They took my stuff and I was left behind. The one with the hooked blades seem to hate me because I was of the Fire Nation." He says.

Jet. I knew he was trouble. "Thank you. Do you need help?" I offer. He shakes his head. "No, no. You have shown me enough generosity." He says. He then takes one of my hands and holds it his. "You are a good person." He says. Then he releases my hand and turns away as he walks the way to the town. The town... Okay, change of plans. I head back to the hideout and try to find the others but then I see Sokka storm out of a hut. I run over to him and grab his arm, "Sokka." "(Y/N)?!" He jumps and I let go of him. "Sorry." I apologize. "Where have you been? You've been gone all morning." He says. I was about to explain but then felt some eyes on me. "Let's go somewhere more private." I whisper to him. He looks past me then looks at me and nods his head.

We then end up on the ground and with Appa. He told me about how the mission was of Jet and some of his fighters attacking an old man who was just minding his business. Jet was furious at the old man because he was merely Fire Nation. "I tried to tell Katara and Aang but they didn't believe me and Jet came up with how the man was an assassin that was sent to kill him. He had this vial of poison that he claims to have been in the knife." He explains. "Jet is trouble." He states. I nod my head in agreement. "Agree. But it's obvious that unless we have proof, Katara will still defend him because of her little crush~" I mock in a high-pitched voice, "And Aang is still oblivious to the obvious." I state. Sokka groans and slumps forward. "Yeah."

"Also, I checked the town and it is actually just that: a town." I inform. Sokka straightens up and looks at me with surprise. I then tell him how I was actually surveying the town and that it was mostly filled with families and elderly people with some troops to keep it safe from threats. Sokka then had a serious face, "Even if it has been taken over by the Fire Nation, it seems to be more of a safe place to keep them away from the war." He says, holding his chin as he looks down in thought. I cross my arms and nod my head. "But Jet believes that all people of the Fire Nation are evil." He states. He then looks at me as he drops his arms, "We have to find out what he plans to do." He says. I nod my head again. "But Jet is not going to let anything stop him. Or anyone." I state.

"Right." Sokka groans and looks at the ground, but then perks up with an idea. "Actually, I have an idea." He says. I smirk, "Instincts?" I ask. "Instincts. And brains." He points a finger at his head. "All right, let me hear it." I state.

It was now the next morning and I was watching from afar. I went back and got the rest of my weapons and placed them along with all our stuff on Appa. I was up in the trees as I look down at Jet as he looks over a cliff that had a stream at the bottom. And there was a large dam on the right that held back a lot of water. "Now listen. You're not to blow the dam until I give the signal." So that's what they're going to use the blasting jelly for. "If the reservoir isn't full, the Fire Nation troops could survive." Fill the reservoir? My eyes widen as I remember what he said during the feast. Katara and Aang. "But what about the people in the town? Won't they get wiped out, too?" I blinked as I heard The Duke say that. "Look, Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation." I narrows my eyes at Jet. "Now don't blow the dam until I give the signal, got it?" Then there was rustling and I heard Sokka's yelling.

That's the signal. I then make my way down the trees and I heard Sokka saying some not-so-appropriate words as I run off. The plan was for Sokka to take the fall of getting caught while I make my way to the village. I take out the bison whistle, which I borrowed without asking Aang, and blow it. Appa then appears as he lands in front of me. I climb onto him and grab the reins. "Yip Yip!" I say. He then flew off and we soon ended up at the entrance of the town. I hop off and see people gathering in front of it, looking at Appa in amazement and shock. "Everyone, I know this may seem crazy but you need to evacuate!" I tell them. "Hi, nice lady!" I see the little girl wave at me. Her mother holds her close while her father walks to stand in front of them. "Why do you ask us to leave?" He asks.

"Because a group of rebels plan to blow up the damn and flood the town. Taking all of you out." I inform them. Many of the people talk with each but then I see some of them become skeptical. "How do we know we can trust you and that what you say is the truth? You could be a spy!" One troop says. I hold up my hands to show I do not mean harm. "I can understand this is hard to believe but you must believe me." I try again.

Sokka's P.O.V.

Okay, now to find a way to get away from these two. "Gah!" I grunt as I am pushed forward but maintain my balance and keep walking. "Come on, move along!" I glare back at the blade kid, "How can you stand by and do nothing while Jet wipes out a whole town?" I ask them. "Hey, listen, Sokka, Jet's a great leader. We follow what he says, and things always turn out ok." Pipsqueak says. Now that is crazy talk. But then I look over to the left and find familiar berries placed on leaves. "If that's how Jet leads, then he's got a lot to learn!" I state then bolt off. "Hey!" I avoid the traps but I hear them go off then look back and up with a smile. "While you two are up there, you might want to practices your knot work." I tell them as I hold the rope in my hands. Seriously, I can't believe they didn't notice I was untied the whole time.

I then run off and run with all my might to the town. I remember (Y/N) directions and follow the path the old man was on. I soon see Appa and find (Y/N) with the old man standing next to her. I soon stop to stand on her left. "Sokka, way to trust those instincts." She pats my back and I pant to catch my breath. "This. This is the man that saved me and showed me mercy." My breathing steadied and I look to see the old man gesture his hand to me. "I can understand that with them being strangers, we do not know if we can trust them, but there are rebels out there and one has a strong dislike to our nation. We must take this risk and evacuate. For our families." He says.

I look at the people and see them all look at each other, but then one man walks up to us and looks down at us. Then he lends his hand out. "We will take your word." He says. (Y/N) takes his hand and shakes it. "We better start now." She says. The people gathered their necessities and as I gave a bag to an elderly woman, "Here. Don't want to leave this pretty thing behind." I look to find (Y/N) give a little girl a doll. "Mrs. Pretty! Thank you!" The little girl hugs (Y/N) and she hugs her back. I smile at that then go back to helping.

Soon everyone was evacuated and at a safe distance and elevation. "We better go find Aang and Katara." (Y/N) says. I nod and we climbed onto Appa. "Thank you. Both of you." I look down at the old man. I give him a nod. "Just following instinct." I told him. "And take care of each other." (Y/N) says. I then snap the reins, "Yip Yip." Appa then takes off.

Third Person P.O.V.

While (Y/N) and Sokka helped the people of the town evacuate, Katara and Aang had helped in filling the reservoir because Jet said it was something important. They finished up early and went to go find Jet, but then learned of what he was going to do. A fight broke out and Aang had hit a tree branch and fell onto the ground. He groans as he slowly gets up while Jet landed near him. Jet then got hit by a stream of river and Katara did by bending the water from a nearby stream. Jet was backed up against a tree and Katara sent attack after attack at him, furious at him for being used and betraying her trust.

She then stops as she takes a deep breath then exhales, the water on the ground and on Jet becoming ice as he drops his blades as his body becomes trapped in ice and against a tree. "Why, Jet? I can't believe I trusted you. You lied to me! You're SICK, and I trusted you!" She shouts at him, angry and hurt. A bird call was then heard and Jet made a bird call too. "What are you doing?" Katara asks him with wide and fearful eyes. "You're too late." Jet tells her. "No!" Katara looks at the dam. Aang opens his glider but when he tries to glide, he falls onto the ground for the large fan was ripped from when Jet tore them during their fight.

Katara runs over and and gets on her knees to check on him. "Sokka and (Y/N) are still out there. They're our only chance." Aang says to her. "Come on, Sokka. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Please..." Katara preys. Longshot stood on a branch of a tree that stood on the opposite side of the dam, he then released a flaming arrow. "No." Katara whispers. Barrels of blasting jelly blow up as the arrow sparks the jelly and destroys the dam. Water rushes out as it then wipes out the town, flooding it and washing away any items still in it.

"They didn't make it in time." Aang say, thinking the worst. "All those people." Katara looks down in guilt. She then turns to face Jet. "Jet, you monster!" She shouts. "This was a victory, Katara. Remember that. The Fire Nation is gone, and this valley will be safe." Jet states. "It will be safe, without you." Sokka states. Appa appearing with Sokka and (Y/N) on him. "Surprised?" (Y/N) asks rhetorically as she has only her knife in her hand and smirks at Jet, who has a shocked look at seeing them.

"Sokka!" Katara exclaims in relief as she and Aang look at him and (Y/N) with wide smiles. (Y/N) hops off Appa and onto the ground as she looks at Jet. "You thought you had all the pieces in place, but you forget one. Me." She tells him. She then start walking towards him, "After finding an elderly man on his knees, I helped him and he told me that he was attacked all of a sudden by some rebels. I had a bad feeling about you from the start. You could say it was a gut feeling." She tosses her knife into the air and catch it as she continues to walk towards Jet. "Sokka and I met up and he came up with a brilliant plan. Which was to wait and find out what you were planning to do. Then when he got 'caught,' he would make a loud fuss, which allowed me to get away while all you and your fighters' attention was on him." She then stop as she stands in front of him, giving him a deadly glare.

She holds the knife firmly in her hand, "That village was filled with families. And they were only living a peaceful life, even if they are Fire Nation." She stabs the knife into the tree, close to Jet's head. "Children that have NOTHING to do with The War." She says in a dangerous tone. He gives her a scared look as he looks into her eyes. She then pulls out the knife and walks away from him to get on Appa. "(Y/N) had warned the villagers." Sokka said. "What?!" Jet said in anger. Momo jumped into Aang's arms as Sokka continued. "And when I arrived, the old man you attacked vouched for us. We were able to evacuate everyone before you blew up the dam.

Meanwhile, the people were watching with disbelief that the town was indeed flooded. But they were relieved for they were safe. The little girl hugs her doll as she looks up at the sky, "Thanks, pretty lady." She says.

"You fools! We could have freed this valley!" Her shouts. (Y/N) was now in the saddle and Momo flew into it along with Aang jumping into it. "Who would be free? Everyone would be dead." Sokka tells Jet. "You traitors." Jet sneers. "No, Jet. You become the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people." Sokka states. "And, honestly, you should be thanking us. Because now, you won't have the blood of the innocent stained on your hands." (Y/N) says as she gives him a mocking smirk. "Katara, please, help me." Jet tries to get Katara to help him. But Katara does not look at him as she closes her eyes. "Goodbye, Jet." She says, then takes (Y/N) hand as she climbs into the saddle. "Yip, Yip." Sokka snaps the reins and Appa flies off. (Y/N) looks back at Jet and frowns in pity at the guy.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Even if he lost his parents and was a victim of the Fire Nation, Jet acted like his idea and belief of the people of that nation. A monster. So, Aang and Katara apologized to Sokka then Sokka turned Appa around to fly in the right direction. "Hey, (Y/N)." I look at Aang as he said my name. "Where were you?" He asks. I think back to meal I had with the family and smile, "Oh, you know, learning something knew." I answer. "That seems to be your thing." Katara teases. "What? Nothing wrong with that. You guys learned something too." I say to them. Katara then looks away and frowns. "Yeah." She says. I frown at that then move to sit next to her. "Hey, don't beat yourself too much." I tell her. "You too, Aang." I say to Aang too.

They both give me a smile and I move to sit in my original spot and lean back. But I remember back to that family and reach into my pouch and brought out the necklace with the red gem and the yellow gem from the burnt down forest. Thinking about... Him.

(So to answer questions, (Y/N) is pretty much the unofficial leader but Sokka is the right-hand man. I wanted to expand their relationship a little so that it  feels more natural and you get a sense of their relationship. As for why Jet didn't think of (Y/N) in sabotaging the plan, he liked her ferocity and that she vouched for them to stay. And the reason why he was scared of her before she walked away from him, was because he genuinely thought she was going to kill him. But that is not (Y/N)'s way. I also added her going to the town and having that meal so that she sees how just because they are the enemy, doesn't mean they are deserving of such a fate. And for something that will be revealed later in the story. So, it will be a while till the next chapter. Bye, for now!)

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