The Blue Spirit

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(Here is the next chapter. Hope you like it.)

After having gotten some food from the old couple, we continued our journey. However, we had to take residence in an abandoned temple because Sokka had come down with a bad fever. I felt fine because while the storm was not pleasant, I had built an immunity for, remember how I mentioned that I wrestled a fish? Yeah, well, after that I had experienced quite the fever but it helped build my immune system to not be as cold from then on. I am currently making some soup for Sokka while he rested on one of Appa's legs, wrapped in his sleeping bag while Katara sat close to him on his right and on another of Appa's legs.

I hear coughing and look as Katara places a wet rag on his head. "This should bring the fever down." She says. I go back to checking the soup and see that it is ready. I used a large spoon to pour it into a bowl. "You know what I love most about Appa the most? His sense of humor." Sokka says. "That's nice. I'll tell him." Katara replies. Oh, boy. He's entering the delusional phase. I stand up and walk over to them as Appa growls lowly. Sokka laughs at that. "Classic Appa." Yep. Delusional phase. I then move to climb up Appa and rest on my knees on Sokka's left. "How's Sokka doing?" I look over at Aang as he asked that. "Not so good." Katara answers. "Yeah, having been out in that storm longer than any of us, he's come down with a pretty bad fever. But I have made some soup that should help. Gran Gran made some for me when I had a bad fever when I was younger." I tell him.

I feel Momo hop onto my shoulders and tries to touch the soup, but I move it out of his reach. "No. This is not for you, Momo." I tell him. Then take out a fruit, "But this is." He chitters and snatches the fruit and hops off my shoulders to be on Appa's head as he eats the fruit. I focus back on Sokka as I hold the bowl to his lips. "Being out in that storm really did a number on him." I hear Katara say. Sokka shivers a little but manages to slurp up some of the soup. He sighs but then sneezes and I avoid it. Ew. "I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map." I look at Aang as he said that. I give the bowl to Katara then slide off Appa and stand next to Aang as he places the map on the ground. "There's an herbalist institute on the top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there." He says. I look out into the horizon to see the same mountains shown on the map.

"Aang, he's in no condition to travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow." I hear Katara say. But then she starts coughing and I hang my head low. "Great." I mutter as I stand up straight. "Not you, too." I look back at Katara and cross my arms. "Relax. It was just a little cough. I'm fi-" She coughs again. "Yeah, that doesn't sound like a 'little' cough to me." I sass. "That's how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him. He thinks he's an earthbender." I look at Sokka as Aang said that. "Take that, you rock." Oh, boy. Was I that bad? I scratch my head as I try to remember, but can't. I shrug my shoulders as I give up trying to remember.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense, too. I'm going to find some medicine." Aang says. "Not alone. I'm coming." I state, following him. "But someone needs to stay here to look after Katara and Sokka." He says, looking back at me with those doe-fox eyes. But it doesn't work on me. "Sorry, but may I remind you that you are number one on the Fire Nation's list? I'm coming as extra backup. And besides, Momo and Appa will take care of them. Right, you two?" I look back at Appa and he growls back. Momo chitters and moves his ears. "I'll take they as yes." I say then look back at Aang with a smirk. He sighs, "Okay." He agrees. I grab my knife and fans then walk over to Aang as he opens the fans on his staff.

But then lightning lit up the sky. "Uh, maybe it's safer if we go on foot. Keep an eye on them, guys." Aang says as he sets his staff aside. I look back as Appa and Momo respond back and Sokka laughs again. "You guys are killing me." I roll my eyes. "Okay, get on." I look at Aang as he is bending down a little. Like he wants to carry me on his back. "You sure?" I ask him. "Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look." He says, looking back at me with a smile. I roll my eyes but get on his back. Once I was situated he jumps off and I hold onto to him, but not too much ought because I don't want to suffocate him, as he uses his bending to run really fast. "You weren't kidding!" I yell over the wind.

Zuko's P.O.V.

I look at the map as the lieutenant speaks. "We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm, but if we continue heading northeast..." A shadow appears and I look out the window to see a large Fire Navy ship stop beside us. "What do they want?" Can't I do my mission in peace? For once! "Perhaps a sporting game of Pat Sho." I roll my eyes. Really, Uncle?

They boarded us and some men enter the room. One opens a scroll showing a drawing of the Avatar. "The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao." As if I would ever report to that guy. "Zhao has been promoted? Well, good for him." I look away as Uncle said that. "I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass." I order them. "Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area." "Off my ship!" I order. They finally leave. "Excellent. I take the pot. But you're all improving. I'm certain you will win if we play again." I ignore what my Uncle said and look out the window.

Admiral Zhao is nothing but a fool who doesn't know who he is messing with. I didn't spend almost three years just so that he can come in and steal my mission. "That is none of your business." I remember the words of that girl from when we were at that temple on the crescent island. Zhao has no right to interfere with my mission. I will be the one to capture the Avatar. Alone, if I must.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Okay, that was a ride. I stand on my own two feet as Aang tries to talk to an elderly lady about getting a cure for Sokka and Katara. She says how she and her cat Miyuki are the only inhabitants of this place. And she had been doing this for over 40 years. Which is impressive. She makes a mixture as she talks. "Wounded Earth Kingdom troops still come by now and again. Brave boys, and thanks to my remedies, they always leave in better shape than when they arrived." She says. "You know your stuff." I say to her. "I do." She replies. "That's nice. Are you almost done?" Aang asks her. "Hold on. I just need to add one last ingredient." The lady says as she walks off to fetch said last ingredient.

I cross my arms as I watch but then hear Aang sigh and look down at him to find him drag his hand down his face and groan loudly. I pat his back in sympathy as we wait. And it was a little longer than liked. Aang holds his head in his hands while I pet Miyuki, who purrs from the affection. "Oh, here's what I was looking for. Plum blossom." The lady says. I stop petting the cat as Aang lifts himself up. "Finally. Thanks for all your help!" I smack his head, having grabbed the bowl in the lady's hands."Ow! What was that for?" He looks at me. "She was busy with something when we got here." I tell him. "Exactly. What do you think you're doing?" The lady asks him. "Taking the cure to my friends." He answers her.

"Oh! Ha ha! This isn't a cure. It's Miyuki's dinner. Plum blossom is her favorite." The lady says, setting the bowl on the table as her cat jumps up and eats her dinner. I clear my throat, "So, now that you are done with that, is there anything that is quick in making our friends get better?" I ask her. "Well, all they need is some frozen wood frogs. There's plenty of them down in the valley swamp." I raise a brow at that. Frozen frogs? "What are we supposed to do with frozen frogs?" Yeah, what? "Why, suck on them, of course." What? "Suck on them?" I point a thumb at Aang as I look at the woman with a slacked-jaw. "The frog skin excretes a substance that'll cure your friends, but make sure you get plenty. Once those little critters thaw out, they're useless." She explains.

"You're insane, aren't you?" "That's right." I facepalm. Okay, we got want we needed. "Well, don't stand there all day. Go!" I move away to avoid some gunk and it splats on Aang's face. "Okay, thank you!" I say quickly and push Aang out of the place. I exhale heavily as we walked away from the building. It was also real windy now but then I see something's come at me and my eyes widen as I see that they are arrows. "Whoa!" I jump back but Aang ends up with his shoes pinned by the arrows. I hear more whistling and look up to find more arrows coming at us. "Aang!" I shout. The arrows were then knocked away as Aang shields us. I quickly remove the arrows, freeing him and grabbed his arm as we start to run.

But more appear from the gate we entered through and I feel Aang remove his arm from my grip and grabs my arm as he pulls me with him. We dodge arrows fired at us but we end up jumping off a cliff. Aang screams as we fall but then he stops and forms an air shield, slowing our descent as we hit some trees. We lose each other and I grunt as I hit some branches then the ground. "Oooooowwwww." I groan and push myself up. I jump as an arrow embeds into the ground way too close to me. My instincts kick in and I open one of my fans and deflect an arrow. I quickly get up and run off to find Aang. But then I duck and feel an arrow fly by my ear.

Okay, remain calm. I then notice thick trees and quickly move to be behind one as I hear thuds. I then look up and quickly deflect another arrow and run off again, but I trip on something. "Gah! Ow! Oof! Okay, that hurt!" I roll down a hill until I feel my head hit something. Hard. I try to get up but my body would not listen. I open my eyes and look up to find the guys with arrows surrounding me. Shoot.

Third Person P.O.V.

After getting captured, Aang was taken to a Fire Nation building. He was placed in a tower guarded by three iron gates. He is now in a room with his wrists and ankles bound in chains to prevent him from bending. He groans as he tries to free himself but stops as the door is opened. "So this is the great Avatar, master of all the elements." It is Zhao, who looks at Aang with an unimpressed look. "I don't know how you've managed to elude the Fire Nation for 100 years, but your little game of hide and seek is over." Zhao says as he walks around Aang, who only raises a brow at Zhao. "I've never hidden from you. Untie me and I'll fight you right now." He says, glaring at the man. "Uh, no." Zhao declines, looking back at him. "Tell me, how does it feel to be the only Airbender left? Do you miss your people?" Zhao questions with a smile as he leans down towards Aang.

Aang then frowns as he lowers his head and closes his eyes from the memory of the fate of his people. "Oh, don't worry. You won't be killed like they were." He looks up at Zhao with an angry expression. "See, if you die, you'll just be reborn and the Fire Nation will have to begin its search for the Avatar all over again. So I'll keep you alive, but just barely." Zhao says, looking back at Aang with a sadistic smile then walks towards the door. Aang takes a deep breath then blows a might wind at Zhao. It takes the man by surprise as he shouts then hits the wall. He shakes his head for the impact after lifting himself up. "Blow all the wind you want. Your situation is futile. There is no escaping this fortress and no one is coming to rescue you." He sneers, but as he opens the door, "But if you try something like this again, your friend will be having a rather painful session in your place." He then shuts it, leaving Aang alone. The young monk gasps as he remembers (Y/N), realizing that she was captured as well.

(Y/N) then groans, blinking her eyes as she regains consciousness. Her vision clears as she notices that she is shackled and finds they connected to chains that are attached to the ground. She pushes herself onto her knees and looks around to find that she is in the center of a metal room that has two pillars on either side of her and with flames lit on top of them. She hears the door open and finds that it is Zhao who enters. "Well, you're awake." He says, walking up to her. She gives him blank look. "And you are?" She asks. Zhao stops as he looks down at her, his hands behind his back. "I am the one who has you and the Avatar as my prisoners. Be thankful that you are even alive." He states.

(Y/N) continues to stare at him unimpressed, but is actually anxious as she remembers how both she and Aang were ambushed and are now trapped in a Fire Nation building. She inhales to calm herself, "Right. But I was hoping for a name." She specifies. Zhao glare at her but remains composed. "I am Admiral Zhao. And I recall how you have quiet the mouth after our first meeting." He says. "Oh! You are the arrogant ugly monkey-looking jerk that got his butt handed to him. Which I totally called." She smirks. Zhao clenches his hands into fists as he looks at her smug expression but then looks at her eyes and finds that they are the same color as... "Well, if you will continue to act like this then there is no point to continue our talk. But know this; behave or you will end up worse than you could possibly imagine." He states, leaning down and into her face

(Y/N) then frowns as she glares at him back. She uses one of her feet to push her up to get in his face as well. "I am not afraid of what you do to me." She declares. Her eyes sharpen and Zhao's widens as she said that. He then straightens himself and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. (Y/N) exhales deeply as she sits on her knees. She looks down at her shackle wrists and wiggles then to try and slip them out, but they are on tight. She lowers them onto her lap and looks to find a table with her knife and fans on them. She the blows a raspberry, "Oooooooooooooooh, Spirits." She curses.

Aang's P.O.V.

Come on. Come on! I pull on the chains but stop to catch my breath. Man, chains these are strong. I then feel something in my shirt. "What? No!" It's the frozen frogs I picked up in the swamp. Their thawing. "Don't leave, frogs. My friends are sick and they need you. Please go back to being frozen." I say to them, but they don't listen and move away from me. I try again to get free from the chains. Come on!

But then I stop as I heard a thud. I look at the door and hear some clicks then it opens. But it's not a Fire soldier or that sideburn guy, it's a person wearing a blue spirit mask. He slams the door and I gasp because I was completely helpless as he grabs a sword that is actually two swords. Uh, oh. He comes at me, "Aaaaaaaaah!" I close my eyes. But then I hear a cling and open my eyes to find that my chains have been cut. Huh? I look up at them then they slice the cuffs off my wrists and ankles. I look up at them and they put away one of their swords and walk over to the door. "Who are you? What's going on? Are you here to rescue me?" I ask them. But they don't answer and open the door. They look back at me and motion for me to follow.

"I'll take that as a yes." I follow them. I look to my left and see a soldier tied up and gagged. I then hear croaking and look to my left again into a room and see the frogs. "My frogs! Come back! And stop thawing out!" But then I feel myself getting dragged, "Wait! My friends need to suck on those frogs!" But they don't stop. I then remember, "(Y/N)!" I remove myself from the stranger. They look down at me, "My friend was captured! She's here somewhere and if I don't get her out of here, she could get hurt or worse!" I tell them. I stare up at them. I'm not leaving (Y/N) behind. But then some noise was heard and I look to my right to see a door. I press my ear on it and hear some clanking noise. I open the door slowly then look into the room to find, (Y/N)!"

I run over to her and slide onto my knees as I hug her. "Aang? How did you get-" She stops and I remove myself from her as I look that she is looking pass me. I look back as I find the masked person enter the room and close the door. I look back at her, "Don't worry. They freed me and they're here to help. I think." I tell her. She looks at me then back at the person. I stand up and step aside as the person wields their sword and swings it down. The cuffs on (Y/N) wrists come off and she rubs her wrists. She stands up and looks at the masked person. "Thanks." She says. She then hurries off, over to a table and grabs knife and fans.

She walks over and opens the door, "Now, let's get out of her before that self-entitled sideburn-sporting prick pays a visit." She says. I smile and hurry out of the room.

Third Person P.O.V.

After managing to to not get spotted, the masked stranger leads Aang and (Y/N) under the fortress and into the sewer system. He pulls them both back as one guard walks over a bridge. The three then side-step along the walls to blend into the shadows. They arrived at the end and the masked person peaks their head up and looks around, finding guards walking away. They lower themselves and look at the two, pointing up then lifting himself out of the sewer. Aang jumps and is helped up by the stranger then (Y/N) jumps and pulls herself up. The three moving forward.

Zhao was walking within the halls of the towers as a man follows him, writing what Zhao wants to be written. "I want a full transcription of my speech sent to the Fire Lord, along with glowing testimonials from all of the ranking officers present, and-" He halts his taking as he hears grunting and looks to his left in a hallway where three men hang from the ceiling. He is surprised but then his face hardens as his eye twitches in anger. He slams the door open and finds Aang nowhere in sight. He looks down to find a frog that ribbits at him. He glares at it then turns around, fuming in anger. "Sir, shall I hold off sending that speech to the Fire Lord?" The writer asks as he follows Zhao.

Aang, (Y/N) and the masked stranger then arrive to a wall and start climbing up a rope that the stranger had ready. (Y/N) made Aang climb first then she starts climbing and finally the stranger starts to climb as well. But then chime bells start ringing loudly and this causing the three to halt their climbing. "There. On the wall!" One soldier exclaims and points at them. Another standing on top of the wall walks up to the rope and uses his sword to cut it. Aang yells as he and the other two fall down. He quickly bends air beneath them to keep them from getting hurt. They all land on their feet safely then the stranger and (Y/N) take out their weapons. The masked stranger points at the still open gates then starts running with (Y/N) and Aang following him.

"The Avatar has escaped! Close all the gates immediately!" Zhao orders from a podium as he looks down. "Stay close to me." Aang says as he runs pass (Y/N) and the stranger. Guards move to stand in front of the gate and point their spears at the three. Aang jumps then plants his feet down as he bends a might gust of wind that blows the guards away. The stranger then ducks as he counters two spears with his swords the slices off their tips as more surround them. Some end up kicked in the face and it is (Y/N) that does so. She uses one of her fans to direct a spear away from her body then delivers a front kick to the guard. She feels a bad feeling in her gut then does a front split to avoid a spear that almost pieced her head. She does a back spin and kicks the spear away. She gets on feet and opens her fans and swings them upwards which causes the man to step back from the wind blown at him. Which was harder than he thought then gets kicked hard in the face.

Aang then stops as he looks back at the two but gasps as he avoids a spear thrusted at him. He grabs it then kicks his foot at the man to bend air at him. The guard is blown back and Aang spins the spear and slams it on the ground to break off the tip. He then runs over to help (Y/N) and the stranger, right as the gates shut close. The stranger continues to cut off the tips of the spears and (Y/N) uses her fans to block attacks and use her strength to make her kicks hurt. Aang then appears as he uses airbending to run faster and the two jump to avoid him as he takes away the guards. (Y/N) gives him a smile and he gives one back to her before he uses the now-staff to bend air under her and the stranger to launch them onto the first wall.

The two stand back to back as more guards run at them but Aang appears as he twirls his staff to fly and (Y/N) puts away her fans as she grabs the stranger right as Aang hooks his ankles under her armpits. He flies them over to the second wall, but grunts as he strains from the weight. One guard throws the spear at them, "Spear incoming from the left!" (Y/N) warns and the masked stranger cuts off the tip. More guards than throw theirs. "Incoming from right and left." (Y/N) calls out and the stranger kicks one away while a slicing the other. "Forward-left." Another spear knocked away.

Aang then screams as he and the two fall as he could no longer keep them up. They land on the second wall and Aang lost his staff. They landed roughly but then the masked stranger looks to the right to find soldiers with swords running at them. Aang quickly runs to his staff, but it is kicked away by a soldier. The man then swings his sword at Aang, but the young monk dodged swiftly. The masked stranger appears and grabs the man then tosses him off the wall. Another appears behind him and right as the sword is about to hit him, a knife blocks it. (Y/N) tightly grips the handle of her knife as she pushes the sword back then starts to make the man back away. The man looks at her with wide eyes as he tries to push back, but her strength was greater than he thought. (Y/N) then pulls away and this causes the man to become unbalanced which allows (Y/N) to kick him off the wall. She blows a strand of hair away from her face as she looks back and find the stranger looking back at her. They share a brief look before they both focus back on the soldiers.

Together, Aang airbends, the stranger sword-fights, and (Y/N) counters with her knife then deliver kicks or punches. Soldiers on the ground move and place bamboo ladders against the wall to climb up them but they are kicked or blown off. Aang delivers a particularly harsh gust which makes some soldiers look at him with wide eyes. They look up to find him looking down at him and one screams before he and his men hit the ground. "Take this." Aang says as he holds two ladders. The masked stranger puts his swords away as he grabs one. "Jump on my back." Aang says. The stranger looks back at (Y/N) and gestures with their head for her to get on their back. She does so after putting away her knife and the stranger gets on Aang's as the tattooed boy steps on a ladder and it moves away from the wall.

Aang places his ladder down and hops onto it as it bends toward the last wall. "Give me the next one!" He says to the stranger and they comply as they give it to him. As he places it down and hops on it, one soldier runs up and uses his bending to set it on fire. "Jump!" (Y/N) shouts and Aang does so before he could catch on fire. He grabs the ledge of the wall, but he couldn't get a good grip and slides off. The masked stranger tries to grab the ledge but they couldn't get a grip. However, (Y/N) was able to get a grip but she clenches her teeth and shut her eyes as she strains to keep herself and the others from falling. She holds onto the stranger with her thighs while the stranger holds onto Aang.

Her fingers start to slip and she notices. "Crap." She curses, then she loses her grip. Aang screams as he tries to get a grip on the door, but he, the stranger and (Y/N) hit the ground. (Y/N) and the stranger get up and equip their weapons as soldiers surround them. The soldiers shoot fire at them but Aang pushes them behind him as he forms an air shield to protect them all. Hold your fire!" Zhao commands, having made his way to them. The soldiers stop and Aang drops the shield. "The Avatar must be captured alive." Zhao states.

The masked person takes advantage of this knowledge then holds his swords at Aang and (Y/N)'s necks. The stranger stares down Zhao and the admiral does the same. "Open the gate." He orders. "Admiral, what are you doing?" A man asks him. "Let them out. Now." Zhao orders. (Y/N) then realizes what the stranger is doing then plays along as she taps Aang's hand with her fan to comfort him. The gates then open and the three walk backwards and out of the fortress. "How could you let them go?" The same man asks Zhao. "A situation like this requires...Precision." Zhao replies, smirking.

The three continue to back away and the stranger looks back as they almost make it to safety. Zhao stands at one of the forts as an archer stands next to him and prepares an arrow to be shot. "Do you have a clear shot?" Zhao asks, glancing over at the archer. They do not reply as they close an eye to focus. "Knock out the thief. I'll deliver him to the Fire Lord along with the Avatar. But spare the girl. I want to have a personal conversation with her." He orders. The archer then releases the arrow and it hits the stranger as they are knocked back. Had it not been for the mask, they would have not gotten back up.

Aang and (Y/N) look back at him as he ends up knocked out on the ground. (Y/N) moves to be beside them gets on her knees as she moves her hands to their face, but Aang sees some skin and finds some of it scarred. He quickly airbends the dust around them to provide cover. "Quick! Recover the Avatar!" Zhao orders and guards run out of the gates to apprehend them. (Y/N) moved the stranger's head then removes to mask to reveal that the stranger... is Zuko. Aang gasps as he jumps back. He then starts to run, "Aang!" He stops and looks back to find (Y/N) still beside Zuko. "What are you doing?" She looks at him with an angered look. "But it's-" "I know! But we can't leave him to that jerk!" She argues. She then picks Zuko up and carries him bridal style. "Grab his swords. And the mask." She says. Aang looks at her then at the guards coming after them then at Zuko. He thinks about the choices but then closes his eyes.

When the cover clears, the three were already gone. Zhao's face twitches as he scowls but then hears a ribbit and looks down to find a frog next to his feet. It then hops onto the wall then to freedom.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We got to safety. It was now morning and I was looking after Zuko. "He helped us escape." I look back at Aang after he said that. He hugs his knees to his body and I can tell he was conflicted. I was too. I look back down at Zuko as he is still unconscious. "Well, he could have taken you, but freed me." I say. He is all about capturing the Avatar, so why would he save me? I look at his face and then move my hand to gently caress the part of his face that had that scar. It wonder how he got this? It is faded but the fact that it, even after healing, is still pretty noticeable like this, something tells me that it was NOT an accident. And that makes me feel sick. I gently wipe my thumb across under his eye then pull away and sit back.

"Ow!" I yelp. I then feel and pullout my pouch. "You had that on you this whole time?" I hear Aang ask. "Well, you were in hurry to help our friends." I counter. But then I remember something. I open it then feel around until I take out the yellow gem I found in the burned down forest. It reminded me of Zuko's eyes and I looked down at the guy. I close my pouch and put it away as place the gem in Zuko's right hand. "I don't know why you would save me. Probably because Aang would not leave with you because he cares a lot." "Of course I wouldn't." I chuckle as Aang affirms. "But I thank you. And I hope maybe the gem is enough as payment for my gratitude." I continue. I then frown as I look at him. "I wish I could get to know you." I whisper, so that Aang wouldn't hear it. Just who are you, Zuko?

Third Person P.O.V.

Zuko groans as he wakes up then looks to his right as he finds Aang sitting on a root of a tree. (Y/N) sits on Aang's right as she then notices Zuko awake. "You know what the worst part about being born over 100 years ago is?" Aang starts. (Y/N) looks at him with a curious look at his question. "I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Before The War started, I used to always visit my friend, Kuzon. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. He was one of the best friends I ever had... And he was from the Fire Nation, just like you." He says, looking down at Zuko. "If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?" He asks Zuko.

It was quiet for a moment, but then Aang jumped and (Y/N) falls back as Zuko bends fire at Aang. (Y/N) stays down as she looks up to find Aang look down at her but she shakes her head and nods up for him to keep moving. He jumps from branch to branch then (Y/N) gets up and Zuko looks at her. She holds her hands up in surrender. "It's been a long night. Until next time?" She says. The two stare down for a moment until Zuko lowers his fists and nods his head. (Y/N) brushes some of her hair back then turns away and runs off to where Aang went. Zuko's face relaxes as he thought about what Aang said then felt something in his right hand. He holds it it up and opens his hand to find a yellow gem in his palm.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Ooooooooooooh, Spirits. That was exhausting. Aang grabbed some frozen frogs and we returned back to the others. He gave them the frogs to suck then he and I crash on Appa's tail. I curl onto my right side and look at the wall. I then take out the red gem necklace and look at it. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep before I drifted off to sleep, the face of a certain prince flashes in my mind before all I saw was darkness. What a night.

Zuko's P.O.V.

I didn't get the Avatar, but at least Zhao does not have him. I look to my right to see the symbol of the Fire Nation on my wall. I turn to be on my left side and close my eyes. "If we had known each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?" "I wish I could get to know you." The words of the Avatar and that girl repeats in my mind and I open my eyes to look at the yellow gem on my desk. I then close my eyes and drift off.

(Okay, I hope you have enjoyed this. I had been looking forward to the gem part for a while and it finally happened. I hope you have been enjoying this book and I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can but I have other works to get to. Have a great day or night and see ya in the next chapter. Bye!)

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