The Boy in the Iceberg

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(Okay, here it is. The story begins. Hope you like it!)

"My little one. I'm so... so sorry that your daddy and I... won't be there. I love you." I open my eyes. And see the ceiling of my cot. The only memory I have of my mother. I was so young. Just born. And still, I remember her voice but not her face. I raise my right arm and look at the bracelet on my wrist. It was a simple design made from brown leather but it has a beautiful polished jade in the shape of a circle. They only thing I have of my mother. Heck, even of my father too. I let it drop onto my body as I breathe deeply.

"Time to start the day." I tell myself. And so I get out of my bed and get ready. I put up my long (H/C) in its usual braided bun, (Imagine it like Elsa's hair before she went ice crazy in Frozen. It's the closet thing I can think of.) I get dressed then put on my coat and grab my spear and a net. I exit out of my cot and look around the village. It was not much, but it's home. I start walking but stop as some kids run pass me. I smile at that, at least some people are having fun in these hard times. I continue walking, resting my spear on my shoulder as I look around. It has not been easy since Hakoda and the rest of the men had left to help fight in The War, but sometimes people have got to do what people feel like they got to do.

"You look ready." I stop as I look to see Gran Gran. Her name is Kanna, she's the elder of the tribe and practically the leader, though she would be but there is a bit of a sexist problem. But that has not stopped me from training and hunting for the tribe. Albiet, the training is done in secret. I walk over to her, "Yep. Ready to go hunt for some fish to eat." I answer, stopping to stand beside her. She gives me a smile, "That's good. Though, perhaps you should let Sokka and Katara come with you." She says.

Oh, boy. I glance away from Gran Gran. I mean, I would. Definitely. But they tend to be.... kind of... in their own little worlds. "Gran Gran, as much as I would appreciate the help, those two would probably cause us to get stranded on a stray piece of ice." I reply. Don't get me wrong, I was practically raised along side them, but Sokka is a bit sexist and Katara has a bit of a temper. Gran Gran chuckles, "I understand. But they are getting quite bored. And you know how they get when they are bored." She replies. I look at her with a blank look.

But then I sigh as I give in. When it comes to Gran Gran, she's a woman to be reckon with. Which is one of the reason as to why I admire her. "Okay." I agree. I then bid her bye and walked off to find Katara and Sokka. Hoping that I won't regret this.

I'm regretting this. I sat in the middle of the boat as we hunt for fish. It's been hours and we hardly have enough for a decent meal by Sokka standards. Sokka insisted that he'd be in the front and in charge since he is the man in the group while Katara sat in the back, mainly watching the water. I feel like I'm the exhaust older sister while they are the annoyingly over eager younger siblings. "It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, ladies. This is how you catch a fish." Sokka says. Yeah, like the first several times that you showed us how to catch a fish, Sokka.

But I say nothing as Sokka focuses on his target. I hear Katara breathe then turn back as I see a ball of water with a fish in it start floating. Oh, right. Did I forget to mention that Katara is a waterbender? Oops. "Sokka. (Y/N). Look!" She says. "I'm looking. Good job, Katara." I praise her. "Shh, girls. You're gonna scare it away. Mmm. I can already smell it cooking." Sokka whispers. I roll my eyes. Always thinking about food. "But, Sokka, I caught one." Katara says. She then moves the water bubble and it floated above my head. Oh, boy. I can see where this is heading.

I quickly put on my hood right as Sokka rears his spear back and pops the water bubble. "Hey!" "Aah!" The fish jumps back into the water and Sokka gets soaked. Phew. At least I'm still dry. I push back my hood as it rests on my back. "And we lost two. Looks like we're having a light meal." I joke. "Not. Funny." Sokka complains. "And why is that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" He then complains to Katara. I hear Katara scoff as I turn back to look at her. "It's not magic. It's waterbending." She corrects. "And it's-" "Yeah, yeah-An ancient art unique to our culture, blah, blah, blah... Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself." "You're calling me weird?" Oh, boy. Here they go.

I tune out their bickering as I grab an oar to paddle us. This is why I did not want to bring them along. They always end up bickering and I always have to go out alone to get enough food after returning them back to the village. "Urgh!" We all yelp after having bumped into a stray ice. But then we we get caught up in a current and I look to see an ice-block up ahead. Shoot! "Quick! Grab an oar and try to get out of the current." I order. Sokka grabs one and together we try to get out of the current, but it was too strong. "Watch out!" More ice started to gather in front of us. "Go left. Go left!" Katara shouts. Sokka and I manage to avoid some but we then got surrounded and I drop my oar as I grab my spear and Katara as we all then jump onto an ice right as the boat got crushed.

Phew. That was close. I stand up and look to see that we are, and I definitely called it, stranded on a stray ice. We drift across the water and I plant my spear in the ice as I try to think of way out of this. "You call that left?" Oh, Spirits help me. "You don't like my steering. Well, maybe you should have waterbended us out of the ice." I place a hand on my hip as I use my other one to pinch the bridge of my nose as I close my eyes to calm myself.

Honestly, just once, ONCE, it would be nice to have those two get along for five minutes. I try. I really do. But it's not easy. No, it is not! "You are most sexist, immature, nut-brained- I'm embarrassed to be related to you!" And there she goes, her temper getting the best of her. But then I hear a crack and open my eyes at that. I remove my hand as I look to see a giant glacier. "Ever since Mom died, I've been doing all the work around camp, while you've been off playing soldier." Okay, this could end badly. "Ah.. Katara..." "I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you? Not PLEASANT!" She cracks the glacier again. "Katara! Settle down!" "No! That's it. I'm done helping you. From now on, you're on your OWN!" Katara shouts and that did it.

"Katara!" I shout and turn her around. I hear her gasp. The glacier then breaks. "Get down and hold on!" I order, pushing Katara and Sokka down onto their fronts as I lay in between them. They hold onto the ice and I hold onto them as the glacier then breaks and sinks into the water, creating a wave that pushes us back. "Ahh!" We hold on and thankfully stop after only a few moments. Double phew. I remove my arms as I place them under me to lift myself up a little. "You two okay?" I ask them. "Yeah. Though, Katara has gone from weird to freakish." Sokka says. "You mean, I did that?" Katara says. "No. It was some water spirits that thought it would be funny to wash us away and have our bodies be floating around like we're penguin-otters." I joke. Sarcasm is my coping mechanism. Deal with it.

I look down at the water but it starts to bubble as a light appears. "What the..." It gets bigger and I look closer but then I jump back as a giant splash happens and pushes the ice we're on back. I look at the iceberg in amazement. It had a glow emitting from it. I stand up as I continue to look at it. But then I notice some shapes in it I squint to look closer at them. I then see that the smaller shape looks like a person and then they open their eyes. Which were glowing. What...

"He's alive. We have to help." I blink and look to see Katara run towards the glowing glacier with Sokka's club in her hand. "Katara! Get back here! We don't know what that thing is!" Sokka then follows her and I quickly grab my spear and follow them. I hop across some ice and stand next to Sokka as we watch Katara start to hit the ice. She hit it a few times until she cracked it and she was blown back by strong winds coming from the thing. "Ah!" I close my eyes as I brace myself while the wind blew hard. I open my eyes as I look to see the iceberg cracking then bursts open and a beam of light emits from it.

Whoa. This is... This is.... I don't know what this is. The beam the disappears and the person stands up. Still with their eyes glowing and I shake my head then stand in front of Katara and Sokka, holding my spear firmly as I point it at the stranger. "Stop!" I heard Sokka but keep my focus on the stranger. But then he stops glowing and falls. I drop my spear and rush over to catch him. Katara did too and together we caught him then gently lay him down. I let go as Katara looks over him but Sokka pokes his head with the butt of his spear. "Stop it!" Katara tells him. I push Sokka back as I then focus back on the mysterious boy.

I notice that he wears loose clothing that mainly consist of yellow and orange coloring along with being bald and has a blue arrow tattooed on his head. He is also very young-looking. Is this boy a kid? He groans as he starts to wake up. He opens his eyes and I don't hear what he was saying at first. "Will you go penguin-sledding with me?" What? I raise a brow at that. Katara agrees, though she sounded confused and I don't blame her.

The boy then stands up only he looked like he was levitating. "What's going on here?" He asks, looking around like he was lost. "You tell us! How did you get in the ice? And why aren't you frozen?" Sokka questions and knock away his spear because he was poking the boy again. "I'm not sure." The boy answers. But then a growl was heard. The boy climbs up the ice wall and jumps over it. I share a look with Katara and Sokka then look around to find another entrance. I grab my spear and then we walk over and what we saw is... "Oooooooooooh! Fluffy!" I squeal, dropping my spear and run over to hug the giant furry creature. Sooooooo fluffy~

I then remove myself from the creature as he shakes himself. What? I like fluffy things. "What is that thing?" Sokka questions. "This is Appa, my flying bison." The boy answers. "Right. And this is Katara, my flying sister." I roll my eyes at Sokka's reply. "What he means to say is that is his sister, Katara, and he is Sokka. And I'm (Y/N)." I introduce. "Nice to meet you." He smiles at me. But then Appa starts to growl and step back as he sneezes. "Look out!" The boy ducks and I look to see Sokka covered in snot. Gross, but funny. Sokka the freaks out and tries to rub it off. Okay, this is gold.

I cover my mouth to hide my smile and keep myself from bursting out loud laughing. "Don't worry. It'll wash out." I then cough to compose myself. "So, do you guys live around here?" The boy asks. "Don't answer that. And don't give him any more information." I just push away his spear as he pointed it at me. "Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy." Okay, I know there is a war going on, but so far, this boy clearly does not know what is going on. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure that he's a spy for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eye." Katara replies sarcastically. The boy only smiles innocently.

"Ignore him, that's the paranoia talking. But since you know our names and we know your bison's name, what about you? What's your name, boy?" I ask him. "I'm-Ah! A-A-Ah. Ah-Ah!" Oh, boy. I step back right as he sneezed but he launches into the air doing that. I look at him with wide eyes as he slides down on an ice wall and meets back with us. "I'm Aang." He says, rubbing his nose as he sniffs. "You just sneezed and flew 10 feet into the air." I hear Sokka say. "Really? It felt higher than that." Aang replies. "You're an airbender." I hear Katara say. Wait, airbender? "Sure am."

I then walk over to Katara and Sokka as I wrap my arms around their shoulders. "Okay! We need to have a talk. Aang, please wait here. You too, Appa." I say to Aang and Appa as I guide Katara and Sokka away and stand a distance from Aang. Once we were far enough, I remove my arms from the siblings. "Okay, this kid is something." I start. "Of course he is something. He's an airbender." Katara says. "Just because he can blow air, doesn't mean that he's not dangerous. Besides, airbenders haven't been heard or seen in a century. Also, did you not see that beam of light? He's trouble, Katara." Sokka responds. I inhale some air, "You're right about a few things, Sokka. That beam of light must have meant something. Also, the fact that he's an airbender but somehow ended up trapped inside an iceberg and still alive after who knows how long..." I stop talking as I get to thinking.

Airbender. Beam of light. Iceberg. "But we can't just leave him here. I feel that he is very special." I look at Katara as she says that. I lean back to look behind her and see Aang waves at us. "Okay, I think the midnight madness is getting to me. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." Sokka says as he starts to walk off, but then stops. Right. We don't have a boat anymore.

But then I got an idea. I walk over and stand in front of Aang. "Hey, do you think you can give us a ride? Out boat got smashed and it will be a long while until we get back on our own." I ask him. "Sure. Appa and I can give you lift." He says. He uses his bending to jump onto Appa's head. I smile at that. This kid is young, but he is clearly a pro. "Thanks." Katara then goes to get on. I grab my spear and go help her. Once she was on, I toss my spear and she catches it. I then climb on Appa as I make it onto then saddle. "Oh, no. I am not getting on that-" "Shut up and get on the bison, Sokka. Or no meal for you." I tell Sokka. He then grumbles and makes his way onto the bison. Food. Always works.

I then sat on my knees as I hold onto the saddle and I look at the water. This is so exciting. Never rode a bison before. It's exhilarating. Even if he is swimming and not flying. But Appa did make an impressive jump for a creature his size. I then tune out everything, turn around and lean back against the saddle as I cross my arms while I think. We stumbled upon an iceberg where Aang and Appa were trapped in, a beam of light came from it and Aang was glowing, and he is an airbender. Could it be?

After a while we return back to the tribe. Everyone there were surprised to see Appa and Aang. After talking with Gran Gran, Aang was given his own place to rest and while he rested, I gathered some supplies and went hunting solo. And it went way smoother than when I was hunting with Katara and Sokka.

I came back with plenty of food and some of the women got to work with stocking it. I then see Katara walk up to me. "Looks like a successful hunt. As usual." She says. I roll my shoulder, "Yeah, what can I say? I got the touch." I reply. "I was going to go get Aang so that we can introduce him to our home. I already got everybody ready." She says. I look to see the whole village waiting together then I look at Katara and nod my head at her. I follow her as we make our way to the hut where Aang was sleeping in. I waited outside as Katara got Aang. Sokka was sitting on the ground fiddling with his boomerang. He is still suspicious of Aang. And honestly, I am too. I look to see Aang put on his clothes and see that he has arrow tattoos on his hands and feet along too. Must be an airbending thing.

He then exits as Katara drags him and I see that he has a staff in his hand. "Katara, I know you're excited but rushing someone is considered rude." I scold her. I then help Aang up and make Katara let go of him. "Sorry about that." I say to him. "It's okay." He says. Okay, this kid is nice. A little too nice. We then address the people of the village. "Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village, Aang." Katara says. The women and children all look at Aang with caution and curiosity. I don't blame them, an airbender has not been seen in a long time. Aang bows to be polite but some of the women hold their children close to them. Okay, it was a simple greeting. Sheesh, people.

"Uh... why are they all looking at me like that?" I hear Aang ask. I look down at him, "We don't get a lot of visitors." I answer, resting my hands on my hips. "Oh, I thought Appa sneezed on me." I roll my eyes. Yeah, that's it. Gran Gran then walked up to us. "No one has seen an airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct. Until my granddaughter, grandson, and (Y/N) found you." She tells Aang. "Extinct?" I look at Aang and see that he has a confused, and worried, expression. "Aang, this is my grandmother." Katara introduces Gran Gran. "Call me Gran Gran." Gran Gran says.

I then clear my throat, "So, what's with the staff?" I ask Aang. "Is it a weapon? You can't stab anything with that." Okay, personal space, Sokka. I shove him away since he was invading my personal space. Seriously, he was practically pushing himself onto me. "It's not for stabbing. It's for airbending." Aang says. The staff then has large fans pop out and I step back from them. Whoa. "Magic trick, do it again." I hear a kid say. "Not magic, airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly." Aang informs. "You know, last time I checked, humans can't fly." Oh, Sokka. I smile as Aang grabs onto his glider. "Check again!" He then launches himself into the air.

I cross my arms as I smile, watching him fly over the village. Dang. Who could have thought we'd see the day humans can fly? But then I stop smiling as I see him head toward a tower of snow. I hold my hands up to cup my mouth, "Aang! Watch out for that-" I wince. Too late. He then gets his head out of the tower and tumbles down. Katara and I run over to check on him. And he is buried in some snow. "That was amazing." Katara says. "But might wanna look where you're going from now on." I tell him, lending a hand to him as did Katara. He takes them and we help him up. I let go of him as I grab his glider and give to him. He thanks me as he takes it. He then spins his staff as the fans fold into it. "Uh!" I snort as I saw Sokka get covered in snow. "Great. You're an airbender, Katara's a waterbender. Together you can just waste time all day long." Sokka complains as he gets out of the snow and walks away.

"You're a waterbender!" Aang says to Katara excitedly. "Well, sort of. Not yet." Katara replies. "All right. No more playing. Come on, Katara. You have chores." Gran Gran says as she and Katara walk off. "This is great." I look at Aang. "Though, I am confused. Why did Gran Gran think that airbenders are extinct?" He asks. I look away from him. I lick my lips before replying, "It's... Well, how about you have some fun. It must have been boring having been trapped inside an iceberg for who knows how long?" I smile down at him. He smiles back, "Yeah, I have a lot of energy to burn now." He replies. Some kids then gather around us and Aang got his tongue frozen to his staff. Okay, this kid is goofy. Though, I had to stop one kid that had grabbed his staff and start to pull it.

After a while, and getting Aang's tongue free, things have been going normally. I was doing some stretches to improve my flexibility. While men were allowed to be warriors, that has not stopped me from practicing and learning to fight. I was in the middle of a front split when I see Gran Gran walk up to me. I stand up as put on my coat. I would take it off when I train, for I have built an immunity to the cold. "What is it, Gran Gran?" I ask her. "I just want to check on you. You always seem eager to do something." She says. I smile as I glance away from her, "Well, I have a lot of energy. And, in case something is to happen, I want to be ready to fight." I reply. I hear her huff and look to see her look at the ground with a sad smile.

"You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. Wanting to live my life and not let anyone tell me how to live it." She says. I notice that her gaze became distant. "I had to give up being with someone who I genuinely loved because I did not want my life to be dictated by what was 'acceptable.' It was hard, but I did not regret it." She says then looks up at me as she smiles and places a hand on the side of my face. "Your mother knew the risk and she took it for she wanted you to live a life that she and your father could not. She spoke about how your father risked everything for love." I look down as I lean into her touch.

I never got to know my mother. Gran Gran told me everything that Mom told her for while she was pregnant with me for there was a very slim chance she would survive after giving birth. And now, all I have left is the bracelet Gran Gran gave me when I was six years old. Gran Gran removed her hand and I look up at the sky. One of the other things as to why I wanted to fight was so that I would honor my parents' wish. To be ready to defend.

But then I see something in the sky. It looks like.... "Oh, no." It was a flare. And it could have only come from one thing. "Gran Gran. We got a problem."

(Okay, done! I will try to get the next chapter out and I hope you have enjoyed this one. Until the next chapter, See ya!)

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