The Deserter

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(Okay! Here is the next chapter! Sorry, for the delay. What with studies and other stories and personal matters. I hope you enjoy.)

Man, it really makes you wonder how much can happen in a short time. We were walking down a path so Appa could rest a little from flying. We then came upon a small structure and I jogged over to it to see what is on it. "This should give us a good idea of what's around here." I hear Katara say. "See if you can find a menu. I'm starving." I roll my eyes. "Sokka, you have an appetite bigger than Appa's." I comment. I walk around the structure only to stop as I look at a side of the it that is occupied with wanted posters. "I bet we'll find something to eat here- The Fire Days Festival." Festival? "Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians... this would be a great place for me to study some real firebending." He sound excited.

Sokka walks over and stands next me, looking at the side of the wanted posters. "You might want to rethink that. Look at this." He tells Aang. Katara and Aang walk over and look at the wall of posters. "Hey, a poster of me! Ow!" I smack the backside of his head. "It's a wanted poster. Which is bad. Now the whole Fire Nation knows what you look like." I state. Aang takes the poster from the wall and I then notice three other posters. An elderly man with two scratches over his eye, another with scrappy brown hair tied up and... The Blue Spirit. "I think we better keep moving." Yes. Yes, we should, Katara. "I have to learn firebending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch some masters up close." Aang says. Okay, that's a good argument. "I guess we could go check it out." Dang it, Katara.

I close my eyes as I rub my forehead. "What? You want to walk into a Fire Nation town when they're all fired up with all their, you know, fire?" Sokka argues. "We'll wear disguises." "And by 'disguises' you mean hoods that will make us look suspicious?" I say to Katara. Opening my eyes and giving her a raised brow. She looks back at me. "Relax. If it looks like trouble, we'll leave." She says. She and Aang walk off while Sokka and I remain. I cross my arms as I watch them. "Yeah. Because we always leave before we get into trouble." Sokka says. The sarcasm is very strong. He walks after them then I look at the wanted poster of the Blue Spirit again then walk off.

We soon find the village as we look at it from a small hill. "You guys stay out of sight here while we go to the festival." I turn around after Aang said that. Momo glides off Appa's head then dives into a bush. Appa walks over then lays behind it. I smile at that, "Good job, fluffers. No one will know." I say. (Never~) "Ready disguises." Right, the disguises. I grab the cloaks and give one to Sokka and Katara. We put them on and pull up the hoods while Aang only pulled up his shirt, making him look like a hunchback a little. "It's like you're a whole different person." Sokka comments sarcastically while I hear Katara giggle. "Let's go!" Aang says and we follow him. But I stop as I feel eyes on me. I left my spear and bola-knife with Appa to not get attention, more than what three cloaked figures would get, I grip my knife as I look at the forest. "(Y/N), hurry up!" I blink as I hear Aang yell. I look a little longer than turn around to follow after the group.

Third Person P.O.V.

What the group did not know was that there is someone spying on them as they made their way to the town.

The village was beaming with excitement and festivities as the Fire-Days Festival commences. Fireworks are set off as lanterns hang over the streets and a giant pole with a 3-D straw crafted symbol of fire stands on top it. (Y/N) smiles as she is enamored by the culture and fun going on in the festival, but stops as Katara places an arm in front of her to stop her as performers dressed as a dragon rushes by them. She marvels from the details while Katara, Aang and Sokka huddle together from being in a crowd of Fire Nation people. "I think we need some new disguises." Katara comments as she notices many people wearing decorative masks. "Where are we gonna get masks like that?" Sokka asks. "Get your genuine Fire-Festival masks here!" A salesman says as his stand is filled with masks. "Ask and you shall receive." (Y/N) tells Sokka as she Aang and Katara rush over to the stand. "That was surprisingly easy." Sokka comments.

The group picked their masks and put them on. Katara wearing one with a headpiece and looks to be a woman with lots of makeup and (Y/N) wearing one that was black and green with a stern expression and a red mark surrounding the right side of the face, resembling a scar. The two notice how Sokka was wearing a blue mask that had a yellow mane with a wide smile while Aang had a red and yellow one with a solemn expression. The two share a look and nod their heads. (Y/N) removes the blue mask from Sokka to reveal a solemn expression and Katara removes the red mask on Aang to reveal a wide smile. The two switch and now Sokka wore the red mask while Aang wore the blue one.

The group walk on to see more of the festival. "Hey, there's some food." Aang points to a food stand. "Finally!" Sokka says as he runs over to it. "What do you have?" He asks the vendor. "Flaming fire flakes. Best in town." The man answers and offers a bag of said food. "I'll take 'em." Sokka says and quickly eats the flakes. He then screams as he is hit with the spice. He pulls up his mask to fan his mouth, "Oh, hot! Hot!" He exclaims. "Flaming fire flakes, hot. What do you know?" Katara sasses her brother as she crosses her arms. (Y/N) giggles silently at Sokka's misery. "Can I have some too?" She asks the man. Aang hears something and looks to find two kids running towards something. "Hey, look at this!"

The others walk over to find that it is a puppet show and the curtains open, making the audience cheer as a puppet of the Fire Lord is shown. (Y/N) eats her fire flakes and actually enjoys the spice as she and the others watch. "Don't worry, loyal citizens, no one can surprise the Fire Lord!" The puppeteer says, right as an Earth Kingdom puppet man appears behind the Fire Lord puppet with a boulder in his hand. The kids worry and call out to the puppet, but the Fire Lord puppet is shown breathing fire out of its mouth and setting the soldier ablaze. The people cheer while the group cringes then walk away from the show. "Propaganda. It draws in the crowd." (Y/N) states unenthusiastically as she eats the rest of her fire flakes.

"Aang, hold on. Where are going?" Katara says to Aang. "I don't know... but there's a big crowd, so it must be good." Aang replies as he and the others walk up to a stage were a large crowd of people stand before it. "Knowing the Fire Nation, it's probably an execution. Ow!" Sokka yelps and rubs the back of his head after (Y/N) smacked him. They make it to the stage and watch as a performer firebends balls of fire around him then collides them together as it goes out and birds appear, flying over the crowd. The people applaud at the sight and Aang has a wide smile as he lifts his mask up. "I gotta learn that trick." He says in an excited tone. (Y/N) places a hand on his shoulder, "Slow down there, bud." She tells him.

"Thank you! For my next trick, I need a volunteer from the audience." The performer says. "Ooh, ooh! Me! Me!" Aang puts down his mask and raises his arm up, waving it excitedly to get pick. "What do you think you're doing?" Sokka whispers to him. "I want to get a closer look." Aang says. "It's better that we don't attract any attention to ourselves." Katara tells Aang. "How about you, little lady?" The performer says to Katara. "Uh..." Katara backs away to decline. "Aw, she's shy. Let's give her some encouragement, folks." The performer says. The crowd cheers and one member pushes Katara towards the stage and the performer grabs her hand. (Y/N) sighs deeply, "Why must irony torture us so much?" She asks out loud. (I don't know. I really don't know.)

Katara looks back at them before she is pulled up onto the stage. "Aww, that could have been me." Aang complains, crossing his arms and most likely pouting. (Y/N) gets the feeling of someone watching her but ignores it to draw attention to herself and focus on Katara. The same man from the woods is in the crowd as he keeps an eye on them. "This next trick is called Taming the Dragon!" The performer states as he sets down a chair behind Katara. "You will be my captured princess." He says to Katara as he sits her down in the chair then ties her up with a red ribbon. He then steps forward and bends the fire from the torches to form a dragon. It flies towards Katara but flies above her, "Don't worry, young maiden! I will tame this fiery beast!" The perform acts as he forms a rope of fire to connect with the fire dragon.

The crowd watches as the fire dragon flies around. "It's too strong! I can't hold it!" The performer exclaims. "We gotta help her!" Aang exclaims in worry. He rushes forward but is stopped by Sokka and (Y/N). "No, we don't want to make a scene." Sokka tells him. "And it's a show. Katara won't get hurt." (Y/N) informs him. "The rope- It's breaking!" The performer continues with his act as the fire rope vanishes. He bends the fire dragon at Katara, and she closes her eyes in fear as she brace herself for the burn. Aang jumps onto the stage, Sokka, (Y/N) and the masked stranger too slow to stop him, lands on the stage airbends an air vortex and extinguishes the fire dragon, confetti appearing and falling onto the crowd. "Hey, you trying to upstage me, kid?" The performer groans as he lays on his back.

Aang is surprised by the confetti and looks at the crowd, his mask having been blown off and his identity revealed to the crowd. The crowd boos and Aang does some dance to lighten the mood, but no one was impressed. Sokka rushes onto the stage to untie Katara and (Y/N) climbs onto it and stands beside Aang, giving him a hard smack on the head that makes him yelp and rub his head. (How many snacks to the back of the head does that make now?) "Hey! That kid's the Avatar!" A man shouts, making Aang freeze as his eyes widen. Soldiers overhear and make their way to the stage. "Great." (Y/N) groans. She, Katara and Sokka take off their masks now that their cover is blown. "I think it's time to go." Sokka says. "You don't say?" (Y/N) says sarcastically. "Follow me! I can get you out of here!" The group turn around to find the strange man standing in a blown-up wall and waving at them to follow. "There they are!" A soldier shouts as he and others climb onto the stage.

The group run off and the man throws an object onto the stage, it explodes and creates a smokescreen. He leads the group through the streets as people watch them with confusion at why they are running. "Over there!" One soldier exclaims as they pass him and a few others. The group enters an alleyway as guards follow them. "I'm calling Appa." Aang says then takes out his bison whistle and blows it. "I hope he can really hear that bison whistle!" Sokka says. "This way!" The man exclaims as they enter another alley. They then stop, "Okay, not this way." The man states as soldiers appear before them. The man lights another bomb and tosses it at them as he and the group go down another alley. A smokescreen is set off and the men cough from it.

"Stop!" (Y/N) shouts and everyone does as a large cart is blocking them. Soldiers appear behind them and (Y/N) stands in front of the group as she takes out her fans, narrowing her eyes as she readies to fight. Fortunately, Appa appears. "Appa, down here!" Aang calls out to his loyal companion. The soldiers run away as Appa flies down and lands, his tail facing them as he slams it down to create a powerful gust of wind to blow them away. (Y/N) smiles as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Perfect timing, big guy." She says. She and the rest of the group quickly get on him and some soldiers that recovered follow, but the stranger ignores another bomb and throws it into the cart that is filled with fireworks.

It sets off and the fireworks are set off as they light up the sky. Appa flies by the giant torch and some lanterns that were caught by his tail gal off and onto it, the fire in them lighting the torch. The crowd cheers from the show as they celebrate the festival. "Beautiful!" One man says. The group looks back as they get farther away. "Well, you have to admit, it is pretty." (Y/N) comments.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

So, after all that, the strange man introduced himself as Chey and he was a former Fire Nation soldier. We made landed, made a fire and got Chey to tell us why he was following us. Well, I may have threaten him a little for spying on us. But since he saved us, I let it pass. He told us how he followed a man that was a myth and also a legend, very confusing, named Jeong Jeong the Deserter. Chey told us how he was a highly ranked man in the Fire Nation army, but defected after not being able to take the madness anymore. He was the first person to leave the army and live. The Fire Nation is ruthless to their own people when they turn traitorous. If anything, they are the traitors for harming the world so much.

"Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius. Some say he's mad, but he's not. He's enlightened." Chey states. "You mean they're a firebender out here who's not the Fire Lord? We've gotta go see him! He can train me!" Aang says excitedly as he stands up. "We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender." Sokka states. "He's not crazy! He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to train the Avatar. That's why I followed you into the festival." Chey says. Huh, a firebender that doesn't want to capture the Avatar. "Look, thanks for the help, but we're leaving for the North Pole in the morning." Sokka says. "Now, hold on." I speak up as I stand up. "I know we need to get the North Pole so Aang can find a waterbending master to teach him, but it wouldn't hurt to talk to this Jeong Jeong guy." I state.

"Yeah, Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master who would actually be willing to teach me." Aang says. "It can't hurt just to talk to him." Katara agrees. "That's what you said about going to the festival! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!" Sokka complains, then gets a spear pointed at him. I get into a fighting position as numerous men with spears and a savage get-up surround us, holding spears and pointing them at us. "Don't move." One states. I look around and find that we are surrounded. It was silent and tense. I slowly raise my hands, "Look, we don't want trouble." I state.

Next thing I know, we are being led somewhere else. Thankfully, they did not want trouble either. Though, it turns out Jeong Jeong was not really looking forward to meeting the Avatar. "Hold on. You know these guys?" I hear Sokka ask. "Oh, yeah. Lin He's an old buddy. Right, Lin Ye?" "Shut up. Keep moving." Apparently 'old buddy' is pushing it a little. We all share a look as we continue walking. We then make it to a camp where a lone hut is placed near the river. "Go on. He sees only you." Lin Ye says to Chey. "Oh, that's ok. We can chat later." Chey says, sounding scared. "Is that where Jeong Jeong is? I need to talk to him right away." Aang says, walking forward but is stopped by Lin Ye. "No. You wait there. Go, now!" Lin Ye says then pushes Chey forward. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Chey says, walking toward the hut and saying how Jeong Jeong is a great man. Lin Ye led us to another hut and we enter it.

It's been a couple of hours. I was still awake while everyone else was asleep. I was fiddling with my knife when I notice Chey enter the hut. "What happened? Can I see Jeong Jeong now I jump as Aang sat up suddenly. I relax as I put away my knife, "Seeing how he looks like he is acting like a child who got scolded by their parent, I would say, no." I state. I remember how I was scolded a few times when I was younger. Like going off on my own to hunt for the first time. "He won't see you. He's very angry that I brought you here. He wants you to leave immediately." Chey says. "Finally! Let's hit the road." Okay, who else was not asleep. "Why won't he see me?" Aang asks Chey. "He says you're not ready. Says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet." Chey answers.

"Well, he isn't wrong." I comment. "Wait, how does he know that?" Aang asks. "He saw the way you walked into camp. He can tell." Chey says. "I'm going in anyway." "Aang, wait." I reach out to grab Aang's wrist but miss as he walks out. I groan and lay on the ground on my back. "Hey, what's the problem? Other than the fact that we are delaying our time to arrive to the North Pole and Aang talking to a firebender-" "I get it, Sokka." I say to Sokka so he would not go on one of his tangents. I inhale deeply through my nose as I look up at the ceiling. "I just thought that if anyone could teach the Avatar firebending, it would be Jeong Jeong." Chey says. I exhale as I sit up, "It's not that. Yes, it is great that there is someone who can firebend and doesn't want to take Aang captive, but Aang doesn't understand." I start.

"What doesn't he understand? He needs to master the elements before the comet arrives." I hear Sokka say. "He understands that perfectly, but he is still a kid. And after losing everything, he's trying to make that up by accepting his responsibility as the Avatar. But he has to understand that if you play with fire, someone is gonna get burned." I state. It's not that I don't believe in Aang, it's just that he's been reckless and impatient lately. I mean, of course he would, what with ending The War now more important than ever before summer's end. "I only agreed to see Jeong Jeong because we need every advantage against the Fire Nation. But with how he doesn't want to teach Aang firebending, it's because he's right. He's not ready." I rest my arms on top of my knees as I place my forehead on them. Am I being too hard on him?

Third Person P.O.V.

In the morning, Jeong Jeong has agreed to teach Aang, only because Avatar Roku had appeared. Now Aang is standing on a rock in a shallow part of the river in a horse-riding stance as instructed by Jeong Jeong. Katara practices some waterbending while Sokka sits on a boulder as he fishes. (Y/N) is practicing at a distance with her spear as she tosses it up and does a somersault then stands on her feet and catches it. "Widen your stance." Jeong Jeong instructs Aang. Aang does so, but has a bored look. "Wider!" Jeong Jeong states. Aang widens his stance. "Bend your knees. Now, concentrate." Jeong Jeong says. Aang puts on a focused face. "Good, good." Jeong Jeong says as he walks off. "Wait. What do I do now?" Aang asks him. "Silence! Talking is not concentrating. Look at your friend. Is she talking? Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing." Jeong Jeong says to Aang as he gestures to Katara and Sokka. "Hey!" Sokka says in offense at what Jeong Jeong said about him.

"But what am I concentrating on?" Aang asks. "Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire, yet it is in complete balance with nature." Jeong Jeong says. "Such as your friend over there." He says as he looks over at where (Y/N) is. "She understands that one misstep could result in injury, so that is why she concentrates on what she can do and how to perfect it. Not only that, she keeps a distance so that if her practicing goes wrong, no one else will get hurt. She balances out her abilities with her surroundings and knowledge." He says. (Y/N) jabs her spear forward as she then twirls it back and delivers a back kick. Aang watches her for a moment then looks back at Jeong Jeong, "So, when do I get to make some fire?" He asks. "Concentrate!" Jeong Jeong states loudly which makes Aang flinch back.

He sighs as he gets impatient then hears laughter and looks back to find Katara and Sokka laughing. They stop when he notices them then he looks away from them as blushes from embarrassment.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

So, Aang has been pushing it a little with how he wants to make fire. I had tried to talk to him after he had talked with Jeong Jeong, who is actually one of the guys who was wanted because he has the same scratches on the same side of the face, after he returned from a small mountain, but he left and said he needed some time to think. I look at Jeong Jeong's hut. I inhale deeply though my nose then let out a long sigh. "Well, no time like the present." I say to myself. I enter and see Jeong Jeong sitting in a circle of candles. "You wish to talk." He says, making some tea. "Yes." I affirm. I stand in place for a moment, not knowing if I should walk over and sit before him. "You may sit." He says. I mentally let out a sigh of relief as I walk a few steps then sit on my knees.

He offers me a cup of tea and I accept it. Not wanting to be rude or get him angry because I heard how grumpy he was when instructing Aang. I blow before taking a sip. "You hold a fire within." I look up at Jeong Jeong. "I see how you fight. You remind me someone else from a long, long time ago." He says. I look at him. I remind him of someone? "Who?" I ask. He sighs heavily. "All I can say for now, is that your eyes holds a fire that burns with passion." He says. I wanted to know more. But if I do... I place the cup down. "Thank you." I bow my head to him then stand up and leave. "And love." I halt in my steps when he suddenly said that. I inhale deeply then leave.

I was sitting against a tree as I look at my bracelet. I have been thinking about what Jeong Jeong said. That I remind him of someone and that I have a fire in me. And that I hold love. Does he mean I hold love for the ones I care about? Like Katara and Sokka who are like my siblings though we aren't related? Or how I see Aang like a little brother? Or...

"Aaaaaaaah!" I jump. "Katara!" I stand up and hurry to where I heard her scream. "Katara! I'm so sorry!" I make it to the river and see Aang standing with Katara. And Katara... Shoot. "Katara." I get on one knee and I see her hold her hands close to her body. And she's crying. "Aang, what happened?" I ask Aang. He looks guilty. "Katara, what's wrong?" I hear Sokka but focus on Katara as I then gently grab her hands but she cries and pulls them away, but I already saw. I look up at Aang, "Aang, what did you do?" I ask him. "I-It was an accident! I was-Uh! Katara, I'm so-" I jump as Sokka tackled Aang. "I told you we shouldn't mess around with this! Look what you did! You burned my sister!" Sokka tells Aang. Katara then runs away. Spirits.

"You burned my sister." I hear Sokka say. I stand up. "Enough, Sokka. It was an accident." I tell him. "This is all your fault!" I see Jeong Jeong as Sokka points to him. "Sokka!" I warn him. "I know! Now, pack your things. You must leave immediately." He says. "I'm sorry. I didn't-" Sokka walks away as Aang apologizes. "I'm sorry." Oh, man. I look down at Aang with sympathy, but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He looks at me and I know he sees it. I feel someone next to me and look to find Jeong Jeong walk away. "(Y/N), I-" "I know. But it doesn't erase the fact." I interrupt him. I look down at him again, "You weren't ready." I tell him. He closes his eyes and I run off to find Katara.

Katara's P.O.V. (Surprise!)

It hurts. It hurts so much. I know Aang would never hurt me, but... "Katara." I gasp and look back to see (Y/N). "Hey. It's okay. It's okay." She says. She sits on her knees next to me on my right. "I know it hurts, but we have to treat your wounds now or it will get worse." She tells me. I sniff and to calm myself then hold out my hands. The blood... the burn... "May I?" I hear (Y/N) say. I stare at the water of the river and nod. I feel her gently grab my wrists. (Y/N) always cared so much that I sometimes forget she is not my actual sister. I close my eyes and hiss in pain as I feel the cooling water. "I know. But trust me, this will feel a lot better after." She tells me.

I sigh as I feel the pain stop but when I open my eyes, my hands start to glow. (Y/N) releases my wrists and I hold my hands up to watch the glow disappear and my hands completely healed. How? "You have healing abilities." I hear Jeong Jeong and look to my left to find him walking towards me. "The great benders of the Water Tribes sometimes have this ability." He says then sits next to me. "I've always wished I were blessed like you-free from this burning curse." He says. I have never heard a firebender say that about their element. I mean, sure, it burns, but... "But you're a great master. You have powers I'll never know." I tell him. "Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually we're torn apart." He says.

"And you don't think water is capable of destroying as well?" I look at (Y/N) in surprise as she said that. I see that she has a look that shows that she's angry but remains calm. I would often not have that face aimed at me. But it's not at me. It's at Jeong Jeong. "Water may the hold the power to heal, but I have seen how it can wash people away. Not to mention that we almost drowned in a storm. The waves were huge! And what about earth? It can literally crush and break things or people. And I have seen how a hard gust of wind can do to a person or a building. But fire isn't just destruction. It's warmth and light. So stop hating yourself for the actions you did while in the military of the Fire Nation and the actions of those that came before you and how you are a firebender!" She shouts. Wow. I haven't seen her like this in a long time.

But then fire is shot in the water and I brace myself but Jeong Jeong protects us. I see boats sailing down the river and towards us. "Go get your friends and flee!" Jeong Jeong tells us. I feel (Y/N) grab my arm and we run away. "Do not come back here or you will all be destroyed! Hurry!" That's the last thing I heard from Jeong Jeong as we keep running.

(Y/N) let go of me and we soon meet up with Sokka and Appa. "Katara, are you all right?!" Sokka asks me. "I'm fine. We've gotta get out of here. Where's Aang?" I say, looking around for Aang. Sokka points behind him and I follow it to see Jeong Jeong's hut. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look at (Y/N). "Go. He needs you." She tells me. I nod and hurry off to the hut. When I enter it, I see Aang facing away and sitting in a circle of candles. "Jeong Jeong tried to tell me that I wasn't ready. I wouldn't listen. (Y/N) said I wasn't ready. And she was right. They both were. I'm never gonna firebend again." He says in a sad voice. I walk up to him and stop in front of the candles. "You'll have to eventually." I tell him. "No, never again." He states. "It's ok, Aang. I'm healed." I tell him. "What? How?" He asks. "I'll explain later. But, right now, we have to get out of here. Zhao and his soldiers are attacking." I tell him. "Where?!" He asks as he jumps and turns around. "By the river. They captured Jeong Jeong." I answer. "I have to help him!" He says, running off. I don't stop him. I know he wants to do this to make up for what he did. And I know he can do it.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I saw Aang run off, most likely to go help Jeong Jeong, but let him be. He may be a kid, but he can handle himself. Katara appeared and we all got on Appa. Momo appears as well and lands on my shoulders. I hop onto Appa's head. "Let's go get your boy." I say to Appa. He growls and makes his way to the river. Once we made it, the boats were on fire and one had an explosion as a scream was heard. I smirked as I know it's Zhao. Man, even Zuko wouldn't carelessly set his own boats on fire. Though, his is metal. "Have a nice walk home!" Aang says as he appears from the water. "Aang, come on! Let's go!" Sokka calls out to him. Aang hurries over and jumps onto Appa's head. "Yip, Yip." I say and Appa flies off.

"Wait! Where's Jeong Jeong?" He asks, pulling back on the reins. "He disappeared. They all did." Sokka says. We all look down at the now empty camp. The sun started to set and we all rest in the saddle. I let out a sigh, "Oh, man. I wish I could have seen the look on Zhao's face when you fooled him. Then again, he does get fooled often." I say to Aang, smirking at the thought of Zhao throwing a tantrum. "Jeong Jeong had a point. Wielding power without discipline will cost a lot." He says. I give him a proud look.

"Aang, you're burned." Katara says. Aang raises his right arm and I see the burn he has. Thankfully, it's not that bad. "Let me help you." Katara says. She takes out some water from her pouch and covers her hand with it then places her hand on Aang's burn. It glows as she heals him then she pulls away and the water stays for a bit until it falls, the burn now healed and no scar in sight. "Wow! That's good water." Aang says. "Yeah. But Katara made it good water." I say. "When did you learn how to do that?" Sokka asks her. "I guess I always knew." Karara says.

I tune out Sokka's rambling of all the injuries he had over the years as I look up at the sky. "Hey, (Y/N)." I look at Aang as he says my name. "I'm sorry. For- Not listening." He apologizes. I give him smile and pat his head, "I forgive ya, little bud." I tell him. He smiles and I move to rest on my back. But I then think back to what Jeong Jeong told me. I have a fire inside of me. And he said I reminded him of someone. Spirits, why must things be so complicated?

(Okay! It will be a while till the next chapter, do I hoped you have enjoyed this one!)

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