The Southern Air Temple

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(Okay, next chapter won't be for a while. Have some ideas for some new books. Hope you enjoy and don't mind some changes I made.)

After rescuing Aang, we begin our journey. We found a safe place by a river to rest for the night. Aang, Katara and I were already up as we prepare to leave. "Wait till you see it, guys. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." Aang says. "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." Katara replies. One of the things Aang wanted to do before heading to the North Pole is to visit his home. The Southern Air Temple. I'll admit, seeing a new place is exciting, but no other airbenders have been seen. I'm worried about what we will find there.

I make sure the supplies are tied down tight then move to place a hand on Katara's shoulder. "Whatever we find, we be there for him." I tell her. She looks back at me with a worried expression then looks back at Aang. I remove my hand from her as I then make my way to rest my hands on the saddle as I watch Aang try to wake Sokka. I huff, been there done that. Plenty of times. But then Aang grabs a stick, "Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Oh. I smirk as Aang trails along his sleeping bag. Clever. "Hurry and get out! Its venom is poisonous!" I add. Sokka wakes up and hops around in his sleeping bag as she shouts. I laugh and so does Katara.

"Great. You're awake. Let's go." Aang says. "Come on, Sokka. We're wasting daylight." I add. Sokka grumbles but gets out of his sleeping bag. We were all set and Aang was at the reins as Appa took off Katara sat next to him as we head off as Sokka and I sat in the saddle. We flew for a while and the sky was a pretty blue as I look down at the sea of clouds. "Hey, stomach, be quiet. I'm trying to find us some food." I roll my eyes at that. Sokka and food. What a match.

"Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" I hear him question. "Oh. That was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." Aang says. "Pfft!" I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. I hear Sokka sigh and comment how the flames smelled good. "Relax. You can go without food for a little while." I tell him. "The Potola Mountain Range!" I look to see what Aang had said. Tall mountains. "We're almost there!" I move to sit at the front of the saddle as I watch Aang and Katara. "Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders." "Want about them?" "Well... I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people." Katara says.

I look away from them at the mention of Kya. She was a good person. Never having got to know my mother, Kya was someone I could consider one. But we weren't that close, Gran Gran was someone I looked up to more. Katara, on the other hand, idolized Kya. It's so sad what happened all those years ago. Sokka and I were nine while Katara was eight. Such a tragedy. "Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped." I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Aang say that. Oh, man. I forgot that he was unaware of The War when he woke up. "I know it's hard to accept." "You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa? Yip Yip!" Appa growls in response to Aang.

Man, I wish I could agree with you, Aang. But there is a gross feeling in my gut that tells me that that is not the case. Appa navigates the mountains and I squint my eyes from the wind but then we slow down and my eyes widen at what I see. "There it is, the Southern Air Temple." Aang says. "Wow. It's incredible." I breathe out. "Aang, it's amazing!" I hear Katara say. "We're home, buddy. We're home." I hear Aang say. Home. The scarred boy. I gently slap my face. Why am I thinking about him right now?

Appa then land and Aang hopped off and run up the path to the temple. Katara, Sokka and I walk after him. I take note how empty the place feels. "So where do I get something to eat?" I elbow Sokka in the ribs and I hear him yelp in pain. "Later. We'll eat later. And besides, this is the first place we are visiting ever since we left the South Pole. I don't know about you guys. But I'm excited for a world-traveling adventure." I state. "Yeah, we are lucky to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?" Katara says to Sokka. "I'm just a simple guy with simple needs." I roll my eyes at Sokka's response.

We then catch up with Aang as he stopped at a cliff. "So that's where my friends and I would play airball, and over there is where the bison would sleep. And..." Aang sighs as he stops talking. "What's wrong?" Katara asks him. This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things have changed." I frown in sympathy. I look to see Katara and Sokka share look. "So, uh, this airball game-How do you play?" Sokka asks as we all stand with Aang.

Next thing I knew, I was standing with Katara as the boys were standing on pillars as they play airball. Safe to say, Sokka lost. Big time. He ended up going through his goal as Aang flew the ball at him. I smile as Aang laughs, "Aang 7, Sokka 0." That cheered him up. I look over at Sokka since he crashed into a bush to my left. "Making him feel better is putting me in a world of hurt." He says. I giggle as I walk over and bend down to remove a stick in his hair. "But it was sweet of you to do." I tell him. He gives me an annoyed look then pushes himself up. But then he crawls away and I look over to where he's going only to widen my eyes as I see a helmet. One worn by a Fire Nation soldier. I stand up and walk over then get down on one knee as I examine it.

If a Fire Nation soldier's helmet is here. Then that means the Fire Nation found a way. And if they found a way, then that means... I close my eyes. But then I jump as snow landed on me. I stand up as I wipe it off. "What is it?" I wipe away the snow on my face as I see Aang stand next to Katara. "Uh... Just a new waterbending move I learned." "Nice one. But enough practicing. We have a whole temple to see." Aang then walks off. "You know, you can't protect him forever." Sokka says, but Katara walks away. I understand her reasoning but I only shake my head. He's gonna find out. Eventually.

We then made it to an area that had a fountain in the middle of it, but had no water in it. Aang was walking around while Sokka and I talk to Katara. "Katara, firebenders were here. You can't pretend they weren't." Sokka says but Katara walks past us. "I can for Aang's sake." She says. Okay. That's it. I walk up and grab her shoulder. Turing her around to face me, "Katara, Sokka is right. We cannot pretend that firebenders weren't here because they were. And I understand that you are only trying to keep Aang from getting hurt but he needs to know in order to understand the damage that The War has caused." I tell her. She looks away from me. Stubborn. Well I'm stubborn, too. I cross my arms as I look down at her, "Listen, I get that losing your mother hurt, but Aang has a right to know about what happened to his people. You will be giving him false hope." I tell her. She then glares up at me, "How would you know what loss feels like? You never knew your mother."

Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/N) flinches as Katara said that. Katara turns away from her but then realizes what she said as her eyes widen as she feels guilt for what she said but walks on. Sokka rests a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "She didn't mean it." He says softly to her. (Y/N) looks down on the ground as she frowns sadly. "I know. But it still hurts." (Y/N) says, her voice cracking a little. She then follows Katara as did Sokka. "Hey, guys!" They all look to see Aang look back at him as he stands before a statue of a man. "I want you to meet somebody." Aang says. "Who's that?" Sokka asks. Aang faces the statue with a smile on his face. "Monk Gyatso, the greatest airbender in the world. He taught me everything I know." Aang answers then bows to the statue. He then remembers a memory of him and Gyasto.

"But the true secret is in the gooey center." Gyatso says to Aang as he takes out a cake and uses airbending to make the filling rise and swirl. "Hmm." Aang hums as he sits on the ledge, not really paying attention. Gyatso notices as he places the cake on the ledge with three others. "My ancient cake making technique isn't the only thing on your mind, is it, Aang?" Gyatso says. His voice soft and patient as he speaks to Aang. "This whole Avatar thing- Maybe the monks made a mistake." Aang says, turning his body so that his feet dangle off the edge. "The only mistake the made was telling you before you turned 16. But we can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is." Gyatso says as he then waves his arm at the lively activity of the Southern Air Temple. Bisons eating the vegetation and people walking along the grounds.

"But, Gyatso, how do I know if I'm ready for this?" Aang asks. "Your questions will be answered when you are old enough to enter the Air Temple Sanctuary. Inside, you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey." Gyatso answers. Aang turns to face him, "Who is it?" He asks. "When you are ready, he will reveal himself to you." Gyatso answers. Aang slumps at the answer then holds his head in his hands. "Now.. Are you going to help me with these cakes or not?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips. Aang smiles at him. "All right. Aang says as he moves to stand next to Gyasto.

"1...2...3." Gyatso counts as he and Aang bended air that launched the cakes. They then landed onto some mediating monks. Some flying lemurs appeared and start eating the cakes and one hops on a monk that was on his back. Aang and Gyatso laugh together at that. "Your aim has improved greatly, my young pupil." Gyatso says as he and Aang bow to each other. Even rubbing Aang's head in an affectionate manner.

Back in the present, Aang lifts himself up as he stands straight. "You must miss him." Katara says as she walks up to him and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah." Aang replies. (Y/N) walks up to stand next to him. "Sounds to me like he was more than a mentor. Wasn't he?" She says, closing her eyes and bowing her head to the statue in respect for Gyatso. "He was the best." Aang replies. Then he walks off, "Where are you going?" Katara asks. "The Air Temple Sanctuary. There's someone I'm ready to meet." Aang says as he walk up the stairs and into the temple. (Y/N) opens her eyes as she follows after him. Katara looks back at Sokka, who only shrugs in response. They then follow (Y/N) and Aang.

They soon come upon a pair of doors with the symbol of air on it along with horns. "But, Aang, no one could have survived in there for a hundred years." Katara says. "It's not impossible. I survived in the iceberg for that long." Aang replied. "Good point." Katara notes. (Y/N) rolls her eyes, "Yeah, because of the Avatar State." She mutters. But no one heard her. "Katara, whoever's in there might help me figure out this Avatar thing." Aang says. "And whoever's in there might have a medley of delicious cured meats." Sokka rubs his hands as then ran into the door, it not opening even with him pushing against. (Y/N) holds a hand to her face, "Always with food that guy." She groans.

Sokka sighs as he slides onto the ground. "I don't suppose you have a key." Sokka says to Aang. (Y/N) removes her hand as she then crosses her arms to give a pointed look at Sokka. "If the three blue carved pieces of wood representing the symbol of air and the horns haven't already told you, I think the key is pretty obvious." She sasses. "(Y/N)'s right, Sokka. The key is airbending." Aang says.

(Y/N), Sokka, and Katara stand some distance from Aang as the tattooed boy takes a deep breath then steps forward as he extends his hands to bend air into the horns. The three blue carvings then turn around to reveal red on the other side of them as air exits out of them. The doors then open to reveal a room filled with darkness. "Hello? Anyone home?" Aang calls out into the room then walks into it. (Y/N), Sokka, and Katara follow him in.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

The room was dark, but thankfully with the doors open, the light from outside was able to show a bunch of statues. We walk pass them and I end at the end. "Statues? That's it? Where's the meat?" I ignore Sokka as I examine the statues closely. "Who are all these people?" I hear Katara say. "I'm not sure. But it feels like I know them somehow." I hear Aang say. I notice how the statue of the man before is dressed in Fire Nation attire. I then look to the left to see a woman in Earth Kingdom clothing. Then I see a man with a fur pelt, obviously Water Tribe. Then a woman with the same tattoos as Aang.

"That's the Avatar Cycle." I hear Aang said. And that's when it hits me. "They are previous Avatars. Your past lives." I said to Aang. "That's right. These are lives you have lived, Aang." Katara says. "Wow! There's so many." I look up as Aang said that and see more statues. Yep. That's a lot. "Past lives? Katara, you really believe in that stuff? You too, (Y/N)?" I hear Sokka say. "Yes, Sokka. Because it is a fact that whenever one Avatar dies, they reincarnate into the next nation of the cycle." I inform.

I then sense someone beside me and look down to find Aang looking up at the statue of the man at the end of the line. I look at Aang as he looks to be in some kind of trance as he looks up at the statue. I wave my hand in front of his face, "Aang?" But he doesn't snap out of it. "Aang, snap out of it." Katara grabs his shoulders and shakes him lightly. That snaps him out of it. "Huh?" "Thought we lost you there for second, bud." I say to him then look back up at the statue. "Who is that?" Katara asks. "That's Avatar Roku, the Avatar before me." Aang answers. "You were a firebender? No wonder I didn't trust you when we first met." I elbow Sokka and I hear him wheeze.

"There's no writing. How do you know his name?" I roll my eyes at Katara's question. "Because he was him, Katara." I answer. Still a little ticked off at her for what she said earlier. "Yeah. I just know it somehow." Aang says. I hear Sokka grunt, "You just couldn't get any weirder." If anybody is the weird one, it's you, Sokka.

But then I hear footsteps and we all look back. We all hide behind statues as a shadow is then seen. "Firebender. Nobody make a sound." "You're making a sound." "Shh!" "Shh!" I roll my eyes. I then carefully peek over the statue I was behind then blink as I move to be on my hands and knees to see that the 'firebender' is actually a.... "Cutie!" I couldn't help myself. It's an adorable lemur. "What?" I ignore Sokka as I stand up and get down on my knees as I hold out my hand to the lemur. He tilts his head at me as he sits down. "Lemur!" "Dinner." "Don't listen to him. You're gonna be my new pet." Since when did we decide that you would have the furry guy to yourself, Aang? "Not if I get him first!" Oh, no. I quickly stand up and move out of the way as Sokka and Aang chase after the poor thing.

"Sokka, do not eat that adorable creature and Aang, be gentle!" I call out to them. I huff. Boys. I was about to follow after them but then someone grabs my arm. "Wait." I look back to see Katara. She has sad frown then looks away from me. I raise a brow then remove my arm from her grip as I cross my arms and turn to face her. "What?" I ask her. She inhales deeply then looks up at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what did. It was wrong and I'm sorry." She says then bows her head down. I look down at the ground then sigh. I place a hand on her head, "I'm sorry too. Maybe I was being a little too forward with wanting to tell him." I said. I remove my hand and she looks up at me. "I just... I care. And I want this war to end. And Aang needs to know." I continue.

Katara nods her head. "Right. We'll tell him." She says. But then I felt a light and look pass Katara as the statue of Avatar Roku's eyes start to glow. Then the rest of the statues' eyes start to glow too. I hear Katara gasp, "Aang!" She then runs off and I follow after her. The only reason why the eyes of the statues of previous Avatars would be glowing can only be because of one thing.

We make it outside and got hit with powerful winds. I hold onto Katara and she holds onto my coat as we make our way to the source. We see Sokka holding onto some rubble. "What happened?" Katara asks as we hold onto some rubble next to Sokka. "He found out firebenders killed Gyatso." He answers. Shoot. "Oh, no. It's his Avatar Spirit. He must have triggered it." Katara says. I squint my eyes from the wind, "We need to get him to calm down. He'll take out the whole temple and us with it." I state. "I'm gonna try." Katara says as she starts walking towards Aang. "Not without me!" I shout.

Together we walk towards Aang, I held onto the Katara as I planted my feet into the ground to keep us from blowing away. We then continue forward and Aang starts to float in the air. We hold onto some rubble. "Aang! You need to calm down!" I shout to him. "Aang, I know you're upset, and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom." Katara says, closing her eyes and looking away. I place a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but that doesn't you are alone! We're here for you, Aang. Every step of the way." I tell him. "We are your family." I hear Katara say. The winds finally start to die down as Aang lowers back onto the ground.

Katara, Sokka and I move away from the rubble as we move to stand next to Aang. "Katara, (Y/N) and I aren't gonna let you anything happen to you. Promise." Sokka says to him. Katara takes his hand then Aang sighs as he falls and Katara catches him. She gets on her knees as she comforts him. "I'm sorry." Aang apologizes. "It's ok. It wasn't your fault." Katara tells him. "But you were right. And if the firebenders found this temple, that means they found the other ones, too. I really am the last airbender." Oh, Aang. I get down on my knees as place my right hand on his shoulder. "You are. But you are also the one person that can set things right." I say softly to him. I remove my hand as Katara hugs him. Sokka then places a hand on Aang and on my shoulder. I then feel the stone in my bracelet. Family. That is what we are.

After that, I stand with Aang as he looks up at Roku's statue. I was sent to get him since everything is ready for us to leave but I stood beside him because I felt that he needed a little more time. But we got to get going soon, so I look down at him with a small frown, "Hey. We're all packed up. You ready?" I ask him. Aang looks down, "I don't know how Roku is suppose to help me if I can't talk to him." He says. I lay a hand on his shoulder, "You'll find a way. After all, you two are connected in spirit." I assure him. But then I felt something and we both turn around to see the same lemur. He hops over and then presents some fruit to us. I smile down at him and take the fruit. "Looks like Sokka won't be complaining once he gets these." I joke. Aang laughs a little then the lemur climbs up him and rests on his shoulders. "Hey, little guy." He greets the lemur as the little guy chitters.

We start walking out of the temple. I carry the fruit but I feel Aang looking at me so I look at him. "What is it?" I ask him. "Oh, nothing. But... I can't help but feel how similar you and Gyatso are." He says. I blink in mild surprise. "Really? How? I mean, I'm not old and don't have a mustache." I said. "In the ways of how you both look after others. I can see how you care a lot for Katara and Sokka. Just like how Gyatso cared for me. They must be lucky to have you as a big sister." He says. I then cough a little as I look away, "Oh, no. I'm not their actual sister." I clear up. "Oh. You're not?" Aang says. "No. I was raised alongside them. My actual mom died after she gave birth to me. And my dad, well... I don't know what happened to him exactly. But I have a feeling that he and Mom are together now." I said, touching the jade stone of my bracelet. It comforts me. "I'm sorry." I hear Aang say. "It's fine." I said. I then felt the lemur hop onto my head and chitter.

We then make it back with the others and Appa as I give Sokka the fruit and he immediately dig in. I stand with them as Aang stands with Appa and the lemur, looking at the temple. "How come you only sent me to get him? I know you care about him, so why only sent me?" I ask Katara. She looks at me, "Because Aang needs to hear the truth. And you are as brutal with it as they come." She smirks. I smirk back and gently nudge her. "Katara, (Y/N), Sokka," Aang then calls for us and we give him our attention. "Say hello to our newest member of our family." He says, walking over with the lemur on his arm. "What are you going to name him?" Katara asks him. The lemur then jumps and snatches the fruit in Sokka's hand.

I chuckle a little at that as he then jumped back onto Aang. "Momo." Aang answers. "Perfect." I said. Aang and Katara laugh since Sokka's face was priceless. We then get on Appa as we leave the Southern Air Temple. I look back at it with Aang. So much had happened there, and it turns out we did meet someone. I smile as I feel Momo land on my head. I hold my hand up and he sniffs it. This is only the beginning, I wonder what else we'll find on this journey.

(Hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Please be patient for I will be working on other books. Okay, have a nice day or night! Bye!)

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