Family Tree Explains &Room Designs& Pets

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W&B Notes: Family Tree ,Options Only to leave opinion about OCS, comments your OCS Designs inside the academy and how's the banner ? Is marvel logo metal style :)

What is W&B?: Wanda and Bruce are a married couple who own this account (we know, we know, we actually got our name from Marvel Comics).

And you don't want to know what the name of our children is because they are also named after Marvel characters. 😂😂

Also, if you aren't familiar with the face claims, you can Google them if you want. I'm loving their face claims because Avengers really have good genes.

And also last reminder I know this is a mature story but if there will be sexual scene those sexual scene will be only kissing scene and time skip or skip to the next scene (yeah no sexual scene details to OCS and Canon Characters)

And second, the title I typed under your OCs name is a stereotype name that I'm trying to do original, and hopefully you guys have time to read this all.

Last warning: The chapter words might be 4k to 7k or 8k, depending on our writing. We hope you guys are willing to read without skipping to the end of the chapter because we never focus on one character and one place, and we always check grammar (sorry about that not being perfect in grammar). Leave comments, so give us a motive to write.

Again the timeline is Au Storyline an (Alternative Universe.) ( AU, a setting for a work of fan fiction that departs from the canon of the fictional universe that the fan work is based on..:) )

Many of this have canon and mostly alternative universe

Okay, last notes for people who are new to applyfics. Here's some examples of the negative personality of a person.


Gullible (easily tricked because they are too trusting)

(Peter Parker in the original and maybe live action too)

Cunning (good at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose) (this both can be negative or positive depends what they wanted to achieve)

Narcissa Malfoy at the ending of harry Potter

Selfless is also can be negative too (you risk having others take you for granted or in time, take advantage of you)

Workaholic is also can be negative (because they forget to have fun and kept working had lack of taking care of themselves often)

⬆️ Tony Stark is example for it

Impressionable (easy to influence even is bad or good traits to copy and admire)

⬆️ (kids young age is like this sometimes)

indecisive (they find it very difficult to make decisions)

Moody(their feelings and behaviour change frequently,)

Steve Rogers is moody often ⬆️
(Don't tell him he's moody because he might deny it)

Aloof (not very friendly and does not like to spend time with other people)

Trickster (a person who deceives or cheats people, often in order to get money from them)

Rough (rude, coarse, ill mannered, inconsiderate, or violent.)

Lack of confident

Lack of observant

Impulsive (act without thinking )

⬆️ Wanda and Natasha in the comics but mostly Wanda that Tony need to tell her to be careful in the comics (Wanda and Tony rare type of Wanda and Tony act like siblings in the comics)

Self doubt

Cocky (so confident and sure of their abilities that they annoy other people)

Revengeful /Vengeful

sensitivity to criticism ( may lead an individual to be negatively impacted by any criticism, even when that criticism is constructive and intended to be helpful.)

Blunt (talk without being polite/sugarcoat)


⬆️ (star lord maybe)

Short Tempered (easily to be mad)

⬆️ Hulk not Bruce only hulk who have short tempered (maybe let's call it split personality)

Guarded (careful not to show their feelings or give away information)

Introvert (shy)

⬆️ Bruce banner is often

Naive (innocence, gullibility, and lack of experience or knowledge)

closed-minded ( having a rigid or inflexible belief system that resists new ideas, perspectives, or information.)

Restless ( unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored)

Rough ( rude, coarse, ill mannered, inconsiderate, or violent.)

This for people who can't think of negative traits of their OCS for applyfics :)

One last thing you can also leave opinions about OCS or is up to me is fine

This will be my first applyfic that I and hubby didn't cancel 😁

Nick Fury in the meeting: Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.S Agents let's name our kids origin from Greek Origin,Ancient or Greek Mythology! And yes middle names are counted and count theme

Plot: Avengers and many groups of heroes always team up together to save the world are always there for people who need them and never back down from a fight just to fight what is right. Now that the new generation of heroes has arrived and Nick Fury has plans for them with trust and believes

Stark, Morales and Parker Family Tree

Virginia Stark (Wife of Vision and Android Daughter of Hank Pym and help with mind stone android sister of Hope)

Vision Stark (Android son of Tony Stark with Pepper's help and Wanda's help with mind stone older brother of Gwen,MJ and Morgan)

Gwen Stacy Morales (the first born of Pepper and Tony which is older twin sister of MJ and wife of Miles)

Michelle Julie "MJ" (second born of Pepper and Tony which is younger twin of Gwen and wife of Peter)

Morgan Pepper Stark II (youngest Daughter of Pepper and Tony, sister of Vision,Gwen and MJ Morgan was named after Tony's favorite cousin)

Miles Gonzalo Morales (husband of Gwen a son of Nurse Rio and Officer Jeff)

Peter Benjamin Parker (husband of MJ and a son of Two s.h.i.e.l.d.s Mary and Richard Parker)

Billie Morales (Younger sister of Miles)

Tessa Parker (younger sister of Peter)

Mary Parker (Peter's mom and daughter of retired spy)

Maybelle "May" Parker (Peter's aunt by marriage)

Benjamin "Ben" Parker (Benjamin is the oldest son of Peter Parker the first and older brother of Richard

Richard Parker (Peter's Dad)

Aaron Davis (Miles's Uncle)

Rio Morales (Miles's mom)

Jeff Morales (Miles's Dad)

Gregory Stark (Tony's identical twin brother but blonde hair)

Morgan Stark (probably Tony's favorite cousin)

Tony Stark (Father of Vision, Gwen, MJ and Morgan)

Pepper Stark (Mother of Vision, Gwen, MJ and Morgan)

Notes: Peter's parents in the comics are agents of shield and Peter's grandpa on the mother side is a spy. If you guys noticed, MJ's name in the original is Mary Jane, and Peter's mom name is yes, they had the same name. This is why I prefer the Michelle one. Billie is the sister of Miles, while Tessa is the sister of Peter, who is a spy who can give Peter a heart attack. Georgory is Tony's twin brother in different universes in comics who was supposed to be the heir of Stark Industries, but Howard passed it on to Tony. Morgan is the cousin of Tony's probably favorite because he named his kid after him. Virginia Stark is Virginia Vision a android wife of Vision in different universe of comics

Yes I did make something changes
Stark, Parker, Morales as family

And more

The Stark,Parker, Morales Cousins:

Jordan Fisher as
Arachno Web Parker
(19 • Leo • August 15th)
The Spider Whisperer Parker •First born of Peter and MJ Parker•

•Arachno means Spider in Ancient Greek and Web "Weaver" in British•

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Nico Parker as
Arachna Maybell Parker
(19 • Leo • August 15th)
The Spider Witch Parker
•Second Child of Peter and MJ Parker• *Arachno 's twin* (The Second name was named after Aunt May's full name Maybelle)

•Arachna / other spelling Arachne means Spider Woman in Greek Mythology and Maybelle means "Loveable" in British•

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Arachna's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Aiyana Lewis as
Charlotte Jane "CJ" Parker
(16 • Capricorn • January 6)
The Gamer Parker •Third Child of Peter and MJ Parker•

•Charlotte means "Free Man" in French and Jane means "God is Gracious" in English•

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CJ's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Skai Jackson as
Joyce Rio Morales
(17 • Aries • April 11th )
The Party Animal Morales •First Child of Miles and Gwen Morales• (The Second name after Miles's mom named Rio)

•Joyce means "Happy" In Latin and Rio means "River" in Spanish and Latin and Portugues•

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Joyce's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Xolo Maridueña as
Antonio Aaron Morales
(16 • Taurus• April 25th)
The Graffiti Artist Morales •Second Child of Miles and Gwen Morales• (The Second name was named after Miles's uncle Aaron)

•Antonio means "Highly Praiseworthy." In Rome and Etruscan and Aaron means "Strong" in Hebrew and Egyptian•

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Antonio's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Jade Pettyjohn as
Selene Luna Morales
(14 • Cancer •July 22nd)
The Roller Skater Morales •Third Child of Miles and Gwen Morales•

•Selene is came from "Goddess of the Moon" in Greek Mythology before Artemis replace her and Luna means "Moon" Latin and Roman Mythology•

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Selene's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Kit Young is
Gilbert James Stark
(7 *AI*• Aries • March 30th)
The Meditating Android Stark•First Child of Vision and Virginia Stark•

•Gilbert means "Bright Promise" in German and James Means "Supplanter" in Hebrew•

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Gilbert's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Lianne Valentin as
Gaia Maria Stark
(4 *AI*• Capricorn • December 31st)
The Snakes Lover Android Stark •Second Child of Vision and Virginia Stark• (The Second name was named after Maria Stark after Tony's mom)

•Gaia (Latin spell ) / Gaea (Greek Spell ) came from "Primordial Goddess and The Personification of the Earth" in Greek Mythology and Maria means "Star of the Sea" In Latin,Greek and Hebrew•

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Grandpa Tony Stark: *causally send 90k in their banks accounts every Monday and Friday*

MJ&Peter: We Got Two

Gwen&Miles: We got one

Vision: I got one

Banner Family Tree

Jennifer Walters (Bruce's cousin)

Elaine Walters (nèe Banner) (Bruce's aunt)

Rebecca Banner (nèe Drake) (Bruce's late mother)

Notes: not doing to mention Bruce's dad because Bruce's dad is horrible horrible father but might put him as villain soon

And more

Bruce Banner's Children
Explaination: due to traditional surrogate

The Banner Siblings:

Jaimie Alexander as
(21 • Scorpio• November 7th)
The Wolf with a Daddy Issue Banner •First Child•

•Shadowclaws's real name is hidden but you know what it will be reveal any time hahaha *trying to do evil laugh by text*•

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ShadowClaw's room design: realistic forest made by Bruce (secretly)

Nick Sturniolo as
Francis James Banner
(19 •Sagittarius•November 23rd)
The Daddy's boy who love music instruments but bad at music instruments Banner •Second Child•

•Francis means "Free Man" in Latinand James Means "Supplanter" in Hebrew•

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Francis's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Kat Hixson as
Hemera Natasha Wanda Banner
(13 • Cancer• July 5th)
The Butterfly Billiard Player Banner• Third Child•
(The Second name and Third name was named after Natasha and Wanda because Natasha and Wanda helped Hemera's mom to deliver her and they become her godparents)

•Hemera came from "Goddess of Daylight" in Greek Mythology, Natasha means "Born on Christmas day" in Russian and Roman and Wanda means "The tribe of the Vandals" in Polish•

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Hemera's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Bruce: I got one

Rogers Family Tree

Sarah Rogers ( Late Mother of Steve former nurse)

Joseph Rogers ( Late Father of Steve former Military)

Grant Rogers (Steve's late Brother)

And more

Notes: Steve has a brother in a different universe; it didn't have a name since it died as a baby, and in a different universe, it was named Grant but also died. Long story short, in every multiverse in the comics, Steve loses his younger brother. :(

Steve Rogers's Children
Explaination: due to traditional surrogate

The Rogers Siblings:

Rudy Pankow as
Alexander James Rogers
(18• Scorpio • November 11th)
The Sweet Tooth and Training Addict Rogers •First Child with Peggy Carter and nephew of Sharon Carter also cousins of Liam and Hestia and full blood sibling of Athena• (The Second name was named after Bucky's first name)

•Alexander means "Warrior" in Ancient Greek and James Means "Supplanter" in Hebrew•

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Alexander's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Sabrina Carpenter as
Athena Rogers
(16• Aquarius • February 2nd)
The Artist Rogers •Second Child with Peggy Carter and niece of of Sharon Carter also cousins of Liam and Hestia and full blood sibling of Alexander•

•Athena came from "Goddess of Wisdom" in Greek Mythology•

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Athena's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Gal Gadot as
Blaze Rogers
(16 • Scorpio • November 13th)
The Ice Skater Spy Rogers •Third Child•

•Blaze means "Fire" in Latin•

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Blaze's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Jules LeBlanc as
Juniper Avina Rogers
(15 • Gemini • June 13th)
The Famous Wattpad Writer Rogers •Fourth Child•

•Juniper means "Evergreen" in Latin and Avina means "From the oat field" in Latin also•

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Juniper's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Miguel Tanfelix as
Justin Jefferson "JJ" Rogers
(15 • Pisces • March 1st)
The Filipino-American Pikachu
Addict and Costume Designer Rogers •Fifth Child• (JJ will speak Tagalog often that make his siblings confused hahahaa also the two authors aka me and hubby are born in Philippines)

•Justin means "Righteous" in Latin and Jefferson means "Pledge Of Peace" in German/British•

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Additional in the family

Barnes Family Tree

Rebecca Barnes (Bucky's late younger sister)

George Barnes (Bucky's late Dad)

Winnifired (Bucky's late Mom)

Notes: Bucky had a sister but after their parents died Rebecca was separated from Bucky :(

Bucky Barnes 's Children
Explaination: due to traditional surrogate

Milo Manheim as
Liam Steven Barnes
(20 • Aries • April 11th )
The Starbucks Barista Barnes•First Child with Sharon Carter and nephew of Peggy Carter also cousins of Alexander and Athena• (The Second name was named after Steve "Steve Rogers have a n but somehow people remove the letter n)

•Liam means "Strong-willed warrior" in Irish and Steven /Steve/Stephen means "Crown" In British and Greek"•

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Liam's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Jillian Ward as
Hestia Rebecca Barnes
(14 • Libra • October 3rd)
The Flirty Cheerleader Barnes
•Second Child with Sharon Carter and niece of Peggy Carter also cousins of Alexander and Athena• (The Second name was named after Rebecca the younger sister of Bucky in the comics)

•Hestia came from "The goddess of hearth and home." In Greek Mythology and Rebecca name means "to bind or tie" in Hebrew•

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Hestia's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Steve: I got two

Bucky: I got two

Note: if you still don't know Sharon originally younger sister to Peggy not niece so live action I'm not doing to follow you and Sharon and Bucky kissed in one comic in different universe

Romanoff and Maximoff Family tree

Erik Maximoff (Magento) (father of Wanda and Pietro)

X- men groups (almost all X-Men groups is their relative)

Ivan Romanoff (Dad of Natasha in the comics)

Yelena Romanoff (Younger sister of Natasha)

Natyla Maximoff (also called the scarlet witch) (Pietro and Wanda's late mom) (also

Lorna Maximoff (Pietro and Wanda's half sister)

Suzanna Maximoff (Step mom of Pietro and Wanda

Queen Medusa (sister of crystal)

Notes: Natasha's mom is unknown because Natasha was adopted in the original. Natasha was adopted by Ivan after Ivan saved Natasha from a building fire. Natasha was new-born or weeks-born. Natasha's mom gave Natasha to Ivan in the comics before her mommy died in the comics, and Magento was originally the father of Wanda and Pietro, but comics writers changed it, and Pietro's wife Crystal is a princess, so yeah, Pietro's children are royalty blood for people who know comics. I know Crystal is an inhuman princess, but I will make her a human mutant. Lorna Maximoff is Lorna Dane half siblings of Pietro and Wanda and Natyla is the twins mom in the comics.

And more

Natasha and Wanda's Romanoff Children
Explaination: Wanda's powers or sperm donor

Crystal and Pietro's Maximoff

The Maximoff and Romanoff cousins:

Sadie Sink as
Anya Yelena Maximoff - Romanoff
(15 • Sagittarius • December 13th)
The Soccer Player Maximoff-Romanoff •First Child of Wanda and Natasha Romanoff• (The Second name was named after Yelena)

•Anya means "Grace" in Russian and Yelena means "Shining Light" in Russian too•

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Anya's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Katherine McNamara as
Rosabelle Maximoff-Romanoff
(14 • Taurus • May 14th)
The Ballet Dancer Maximoff-Romanoff •Second Child of Wanda and Natasha Romanoff•

•Rosabelle means "Rose Beautiful Rose" in Latin•

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Rosabella's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Alex Stokes as
Aether Steve
Bruce Maximoff-Romanoff
(13 • Cancer • July 4th)
The Billiard Player Maximoff-Romanoff
• Third Child of Wanda and Natasha Romanoff• (The Steve name came from Steve since they have same birthday and Bruce came from Bruce since Bruce help Wanda to deliver Aether as Steve and Bruce become his godparents)

•Aether came from "Primordial God of Light" in Greek Mythology,Bruce means "Willowlands" in British and Steven /Steve/Stephen means "Crown" In British and Greek"•

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Aether's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Matthew Daddario as
Raffaele Dimitri Maximoff
(18 • Leo • August 7th)
The Prince of Attilan Basketball Player •First Child of Pietro and Crystal Maximoff•

•Raffaele means "Gods heal" in Hebrew and Italian, Dimitri earth lover or Demeter's flower in Greek Mythology•

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Raffaele's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Violet Brinson as
Peggy "Chris" Maximoff
(17 • Gemini • June 13th)
The Princess of Attilan Shapeshifter Maximoff
•Second Child of Pietro and Crystal Maximoff•

•Peggy means "Pearl" in Greek and British, Chris means "Bearing Christ" in Greek•

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Chris's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

August Maturo as
Erebus Pietro Maximoff
(15 • Pisces • March 14th)
The Prince of Attilan Ice Boy Maximoff
•Third Child of Pietro and Crystal Maximoff•

•Erebus came from "Primordial God Of Darkness and Shadows, Pietro means "Rock" in Greek and Latin•

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Natasha & Wanda: we got one

*Pietro who understand the assignment sitting in his chair with sunglasses*

Wilson Family Tree

Darlene Wilson ( Sam's mom)

Sarah Casper (Sam's Sister)

Paul Wilson ( Sam's dad)

AJ,Cass,Jody,Jim (Sarah's son *I include her sons in comics too*)

And more

Sam Wilson's Children
Explaination: single dad three times

The Wilson Siblings:

Marsai Martin as
Astrid Sarah Wilson
(19 • Leo • August 13th)
The Saxaphone Player Wilson
•First Child of Sam Wilson• (The Second name was named after Sarah Wilson)

•Astrid means "Divinely Beautiful" in Norse, Sarah means "Princess " in Hebrew•

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Astrid's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Jahu Di'allo Winston as
Percy Wilson
(15 • Libra • October 2nd)
The Birds Whisperer •Second Child of Sam Wilson•

• Percy means "One who pierces the valley" in french

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Percy's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Eris Baker as
Melinoe Darlene Wilson
(13 • Capricorn • December 26th)
The Pageant Girl •Third Child of Sam Wilson• (The Second name was named after Mrs Wilson)

•Melinoë/ Melinoe came from "Goddess of Ghost" in Greek Mythology and Darlene means darling in British•

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Sam: I got one

Fury Family Tree

Katherine Fury (Nick's Mom)

Jack Fury (Nick's Dad)

Dawn Fury (Nick's Sister)

Jake Fury (Nick's Brother)

And more

Nick Fury's Children
Explanation: single dad

Kyle Bary as
Eros Lion Fury
(23 • Taurus • May 4th)
The Race Car Driver •First Child of Nick Fury•

•Eros came from "God of Love and Passion" in Greek Mythology and Lion came from Latin•

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Ken Chan as
Apollo Valentino Fury
(17 • Aquarius • February 14th)
Business owner with Artemis •Second Child of Nick Fury•

•Apollo came from "God of Sun and Music" in Greek Mythology the god who replaced Helios the first god of sun and Valentino means "Strength and Health" in Italian and Apollo is born on Valentines day•

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Apollo's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

*Nicky Fury secretly smiling in his office*

Barton Family Tree

Edith Barton (Clint's Mom)

Harold Barton (Clint's Dad)

Barney Barton (Clint's Older Brother and one of his mortal enemies)

Lila Barton (Clint's Niece)

Copper Barton (Clint's Nephew)

Nathaniel Barton (Clint's Nephew)

Bobbie Barton ( Clint's sister in law)

Notes: yes I change the relationship between Lila,Copper and Nathaniel to Clint and Bobbie Barton is Bobbie Morse aka mockingbird in the comics, Barney Barton is a brother to Clint from best friends brothers to enemy

Clint and Laura's Barton Children

Lucy-Rose Leonard as
Juliet Louis Barton
(18 • Pisces • February 25th)
The Human-Mutate •First Child of Clint and Laura•

•Juliet means "Youthful" in Latin and Roman" and Louis means "Famous Warrior" in German and French•

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Juliet's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Liv Swearingen as
Nyx Baton
(17 • Taurus • April 29th)
The Human-Mutant •Second Child of Clint and Laura•

•Nyx came from "Goddess Of Primordial goddess of the night" in Greek Mythology

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Nyx's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Barbie Forteza as
Artemis Valentina Barton
(16 • Aquarius • February 14th)
Business owner with Apollo •Third Child of Clint and Laura•

•Artemis came from "Goddess of Moon and Hunt" in Greek Mythology the goddess who replaced Selene the first goddess of Moon and Valentina means "Strength and Health" in Latin and Artemis is born on Valentines day•

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Artemis's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Clint: got one

Asgardians Family Tree

Odin (Father of Thor and Loki)

Frigga (Mother of Thor and Loki)

Thor and Jane Odison's Children

Loki's Children
Explanation: serval separation

Lucas Till as
Soren Odinson
(18 •Gemini • June 20)
The Crowned Prince of Asgard •First Child of Thor and Jane•

•Soren means "Stern" in Danish and Latin•

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Soren's 's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Walker Scobell as
Finley Evans Thorson
(15 • Gemini • June 13th)
The Singer & Comedian Prince of Asgard •Second Child of Thor and Jane•

•Finely means "Fair Hero" in Irish and Evans means "Youth" in Welsh•

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Finely's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Raegan Revord as
Isolde Thorsdorttir
(13 •Pisces • March 17th )
The Adventours Princess of Asgard• Third Child of Thor and Jane•

•Isolde means "Fair Lady" in Welsh•

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Isolde''s Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Sofia Pablo as
Amphitrite Jane Odinson
(12 • Scorpio •November 21th)
The Very Shy Bead Artist and Secret Singer (didn't want to steal the spotlight from Finely).Princess of Asgard •Fourth Child of Thor and Jane•

•Amphitrite came from "Goddess of the Sea and Queen of the Sea wife of Poseidon" in Greek Mythology and Jane means "God is Gracious" in English•

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Malina Weissman as
Daisy Jane "DJ" Lokidottir
(18 • Aquarius• February 9th)
The Dagger Addicted Princess of Asgard •First Child of Loki with Darcy Lewis•

•Daisy means "Day's eyes" in British, French,Greek and Jane means "God is Gracious" in English•

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DJ's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Avan Jogia as
Jonah Lokisson
(17 • Taurus • May 3rd)
The Prince with Charisma of Asgard •Second Child of Loki•

•Jonah means "Dove" in Hebrew•

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Jonah's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Catherine Ashmore Bradley as
Elena Laufeyson
(16 • Pisces • March 16)
The Prankster Princess of Asgard•Third Child of Loki•

•Elena means "Shining Light" In Greek, Latin, Italian ect•

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Elena's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

*Thor who have a problem with Greek Mythology*

*Also Thor named his daughter after Poseidon's wife*

Thor: I don't want to talk about it but at least I got one

Loki: well at least I got two

Strange Family

Victor Strange (The Vampire brother of Stephen Strange)

Donna Strange (Stephen's Sister)

Beverly Strange (Stephen's Mom)

Eugene Strange ( Stephen's Dad)

Note: yeah Stephen had a two sibling but Donna is the only who got mention in the live action or this because victor died in run by a car and got revived as vampire?

Another Note: I might put Victor Strange as villain 😨 (family drama) again Clea is Stephen's wife In the comics no not Christine Palmer

Stephen and Clea Strange's Children

Mackenzie Ziegler as
Ziggy Sage Strange
(19 • Cancer • July 19th)
The Singer Strange •First Child of Stephen and Clea•

•Ziggy means "Peace" in Hebrew and German and Sage means "Wise" in latin•

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Ziggy's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Sam Claflin as
Lucian "Lucas" Alexander Strange (18 • Leo • July 23rd)
The Adventours Strange •Second Child of Stephen and Clea•

•Lucian means "Light in Latin, Lucas means "Bringer of light" also in Latin and Alexander means "Warrior" in Ancient Greek•

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Lucas's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Helloiamkate as
Hecate Claire Strange
(16 • Scorpio • October 31st)
The Horror Filmmaker Strange
•Third Child of Stephen and Clea•

•Hecate / Hekate came from "Titan Goddess of Witchcraft" in Greek Mythology and Claire "Bright" in french•

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Hecate's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Stephen: got two

Hill Family Tree

Ed Hill (Maria's dad)

Elizabeth Hill (Maria's mom)

Notes: in marvel comics Maria's mom name was never reveal expect for her dad but in the live action Maria's mom name was reveal expect for her dad.

Maria Hill's children
Explanation: adopted/single mom

Claire Rosinkranz as
Maxine Santana Hill
(19 • Aries • April 3rd)
The Chef Hill •First Child of Maria Hill•

•Maxine means "Greatest" in Latin and Scottish and Santana means "Holy" in Spanish,Latin and Protoguese•

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Maxine's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Kira Kosarin as
Bea Zoey Hill
(18 • Leo •August 16th)
The Make up artist • Second Child of Maria Hill•

•Bea means "Bringer of happiness" in American and French and Zoey means "Life" in Greek•

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Bea's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Maria: got one

Leeds Family Tree

Winston Leeds (Ned's dad)

Bennette Brant (Betty's Brother)

Notes: Betty and Ned's family information wasn't giving to much in the comics and I'm also surprise they changed Ned's nationality but I'm fine with that :) yes we are using Ned Leeds as half Filipino and the face claims for their children are Filipinos one Instagram Star from Philippines and other one is one of my celebrities crush in this story Ned and Betty both shield agents

Betty & Ned Leeds's children
(Kids with Filipino roots)

Fionna Leigh as
Lilibeth June Leeds
(18 •Leo • August 21st)
The Journalist Leeds • First Child of Ned and Betty•

•Lilibeth means "God's is an oath" in Hebrew and Latin and June means "Young" and 6th month of the June in Latin, French and British•

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Lilibeth's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Jake Vargas as
Helios Peter Leeds
(16 • Capricorn • December 25th)
The Computer and Archery Guy Leeds • Second Child of Ned and Betty•

•Helios is came from "God of The Sun" in Greek Mythology before Apollo replace him and Peter Means "Rock" In Greek and Latin•

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Ned: One

Thompson Family Tree

Rose Thompson (Flash's Mom)

Harrison Thompson (Flash's Dad)

Jessie Thompson (Flash's Sister)

Lydia Hardy (Felica's Mom)

Walter Hardy (Felica's Dad)

Notes: Anti Venom and Black Cat from villains to heroes who chose the right thing and yes they did become canon in comics

Flash and Felicia Thompson's Children

Ji Chang Wook as
Sang "San" Rhee Thompson
(18 •Aquarius• February 10th)
The Chef Symbiote •First Child of Flash and Felicia•

•Sang means "Bright One" in Vietnamese and Rhee means "Plum" in Chinese•

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San's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Meg Donnelly as
Kathrina "Kat" Anne Thompson
(17 •Leo• August 17th)
The Cat Grommer •Second Child of Flash and Felicia•

•Kat name meaning "Pure" in Greek and Anne name meaning "Grace" in Hebrew•

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Kat's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Brandon Arreaga as
Harlowe Ruth Thompson
(15 •Gemini• June 16th)
Mama's Boy •Third Child of Flash and Felicia•

•Harlowe name meaning "Rock hill" in British and Ruth means "Friend" in Hebrew•

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Harlowe's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Flash& Felicia: One

Rhodes Family Tree
(James Rhodes aka Rhodey)

Roberta Rhodes (James's Mom)

Terrence Rhodes (James's Dad)

Jeannette (James's Sister)

James Rhodes aka Rhodey's Children
Explanation: Single Dad

Leah Jeffries as
Kennedy Alexis Rhodes
(15 • Sagittarius • November 29th)
The Gymnast Rhodes • First Child of James Rhodes •

•Kennedy name meaning "Helmet-Headed" in Irish and Alexis means "Defender" in Greek•

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Kennedy's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Breanna Yde as
Demeter Jasmine Rhodes
(13 •Scorpio• November 11th)
The Animal Sitter • Second Child of James Rhodes •

•Demeter came from "Goddess of Harvest" in Greek Mythology and Jasmine means "Gift From God" in Persian"•

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Demeter's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Rhodey: Two

Lang Family Tree

Virginia Stark (Wife of Vision and Android Daughter of Hank Pym and help with mind stone android sister of Hope)

Cassie Lang (Scott's daughter and a step daughter to Hope and a older-half sister of the Lang's siblings)

Hank Pym (Hope's dad)

Janet Pym (Hope's Mom)

Henry Pym (Hope's Twin Brother)

Notes: In the original comics, Vision was created by Hank Pym whose name goes to his name Victor/Vision, but for this story Virginia Vision, aka Virginia Stark was made by Hank, and yes, Hope has twins.

Scott and Hope Lang's Children:

Lily Collins as
Nicole Lang
( 18 • Taurus •May 12th)
The Gymnast and Photographer Lang
• First Child of Scott and Hope•

•Nicole means "People of Victory" in Greek and French•

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Nicole's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Ariana Greenblatt as
Alya Lang
(16 • Gemini • June 20th)
The Telekinesis Girl
• Second Child of Scott and Hope•

•Alya Means "Sublime" in Arabic•

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Alya's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Ella Anderson as
Casey Judice Lang
(15 • Aries • April 6th)
The McDonald's worker
•Third Child of Scott and Hope

•Casey means "Brave" in Irish and Judice means "Judge" in French•

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Alya's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Scott: One

Quill Family Tree

Mantis (Peter Quill's half sister)

Nebula (Gamora's sister)

Meredith Quill (Peter Quill's mom)

Victoria Quill (Peter's Quill half sister)

Notes: sorry for the spoilers who didn't watch the guardians of the Galaxy holiday special and Victoria is Peter quill's sister in the comics

Peter and Gamora Quill Children's

Brooke Monk as
Ann-Marie Curie Quill
(16 • Gemini • June 21st)
The Space Girl •First Child of Peter and Gamora •

•Ann-Marie means "Beloved" in Hebrew and Curie means "Stable" in French•

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Ann-Marie Curie's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Will Ashley as
Damian Mario Quill
(15 • Cancer • July 21st)
The puzzle addict
•Second Child of Peter
and Gamora •

•Damian means "To tame" in Greek and Mario means "Mars" in Italian,Greek,Latin, Portuguese, Spanish•

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Damian Curie's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Peter& Gamora: One

Moon Family Tree

Nari Moon (Cindy's mom)

Albert Moon Sr (Cindy's dad)

Albert Moon Jr (Cindy's  brother)

Cindy Moon's Children
Explaintion: Single Mom from sperm donor
(Siblings with Korean roots)

Kim Tae Ri as
Odelia Leona Moon
(19 • Sagittarius • December 8th)
The Spider Vampire
• First Child of Cindy Moon •

•Odelia means "Fortune" in Hebrew,German and Greek and Leona means "Lionness"  in Latin•

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Odelia's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Park Solomon as
Morpheus Chad Moon
(17 • Aries • April 1st)
The Event Photographer
• Second Child of Cindy Moon•

•Morpheus came from "The Primordial God of Sleep and Dream" in Greek Mythology and Chad means "Protector"

Opinion about Morpheus ➡️ (is just a option to leave opinion)

Cindy: Two and I think my son is a joke get it?

Cindy: I will stop now

Wakanda Royalty family

T'Chaka (T'challa dad)

N'yami (T'challa late mom)

Ramonda (T'challa surrogate mother and step mother)

Shuri (T'challa half sister)

Notes: Yes Ramonda is T'challa surrogate+ step mother in the original comics when Ramonda give birth to T'challa days later queen N'yami died so Ramonda came back and take care T'challa because baby T'challa need as she take T'challa she eventually married to T'Chaka and soon have shuri lately

T'Challa's Children
Explaintion: Single Dad

Kedar Williams-Stirling as
(19 • Scorpio • November 17th)
The Crown Prince of Wakanda
•First Child of T'challa•

•Tariq means "Moon Star" in Arabic•

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Tariq's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Benjamin Flores Jr as
Theo Will Garcia
(17 • Scorpio • November 19th)
The Guitarist Prince
•Second Child of T'challa•

•Theo means "God's gift" in Greek and Will means "Desiring peace" in German•

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Theo's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Osborn Family Tree

Norman Osborn (Harry's Dad)

Emily Osborn (Harry's Mom)

Wilson Allan (Liz's mom)

Note: Liz and Harry will be shields agents and yes they do become canon in comics and Liz's dad is different than the live action

Liz and Harry Osborn's children

Jack Griffo as
Jake Evander Osborn
(19 • Leo • August 6th)
The Motor Racer Osborn
• First Child of Harry and Liz•

•Jake name meaning "Supplanter" in Hebrew and Evander means "Bow Warrior" in Greek and Roman•

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Jake's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Lovie Simone as
Vivienne Alice Osborn
(17 • Libra • October 8th)
The Babysitter

•Vivienne means "Lively" in Latin and Alice means "Noble" in German•

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Vivienne's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Andrew Garfield as
Rory Ambrose O'hara
(23 • Scorpio • November 5th)
The Workaholic Werewolf
• Adopted son of Miguel O'Hara •
( Students of Avengers Academy)

•Rory means "Red King" in Irish and Ambrose means "Immortal" in Greek and Roman•

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Rory's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Miguel: One

Yara Shahidi as
Rakiya Fischer
(18 • Gemini • June 9th)
The Healer
( Students of Avengers Academy)

•Rakiya means "Gift from God" in Arabic•

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Rakiya's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Charlize Theron as
Raven LightWood
(21 • Sagittarius • December 7th)
The Wattpad & Comic writer
( Students of Avengers Academy)

•Raven means "large black bird" in British•

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Raven's Room Design ➡️ (describe here for OC creator only)

Aidan Gallagher as
Lucifer Harkness
(15 •Sagittarius • December 12th)
The Heatless Wizard
•Agatha Harkness's Living Descendant•

•Lucifer means "Morning Star" in Latin•

Opinion about Lucifer ➡️ (is just a option to leave opinion)

Tom Cruise as
Shade Wilson
(22 •Libra • October 13th)
The Assassin
•Wade Wilson's Son•
(Supporting character for Protagonists)

•Shade Means "Singer" in Arabic and American•

Opinion about Shade ➡️ (is just a option to leave opinion)

Ashley Liao as
Mei Li
(19 • Taurus • April 25th)
The Painter
•Mister Negative's Daughter•

•Mei means "Beautiful" in Chinese,Japan British•

.Opinion about Mei Li ➡️ (is just a option to leave opinion)

Teagan Croft as
Persephone Shmidt
(16• Aquarius • February 2nd)
The Hydra Princess
• Red Skull's Daughter•

•Persephone came from "Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld the wife of Hades" in Greek Mythology•

Opinion about Persephone ➡️ (is just a option to leave opinion)


(Protagonists pets)

Arachno Parker's Pet:
Sara Parker The Costa Rican Zebra Spider

Arachna Parker's Pet :
Midnight Parker The Black Cat

Anya Maximoff-Romanoff's Pet:
Sparky Maximoff-Romanoff The wire-haired Jack Russell Terriror Dog

Morpheus Moon's Pet:
Hypnos The Chihuahuan Raven

Joyce Morales's Pet:
Cherry Morales The Anilius Snake

Gaia Stark's Pet:
Medusa Stark The Rinkhals Snake Cobra

Athena Roger's Pet:
Rex Rogers The German Shepherd dog

Juliet Barton's Pet:
Meridian The Pug Dog

Raven Lightwood's Pet:
Thron Lightwood The German Shepherd

Kat Thompson's pet:
Benjamin Thompson The Scottish Fold Cat

Alya Lang's pet:
Midnight Lang The Black Owl

Liam Barnes's pet:
Jacki Barnes The Ferret

Francis Banner's pet
Cosmo Banner The Golden Retriever Dog

DJ Lokidottir Pet's:
Giggles Lokidottir The Hedgehog

Finely's Thorson Pet's:
Surgent Stubby Thorson The Shetland Pony

Eros Fury's pet:
Perseus Fury the German Shepherd Dog

Ziggy Strange's pet:
Suki Strange the Shetland Pony

Maxine Hill's pet:
Pamela Hill the Snake

Juniper Rogers's pet;
Rayna Rogers The Pug Dog

Vivine Osborn's pet:
Princess Buttercup Osborn the Russian Blue Cat

Blaze Roger's pet:
Shadow Rogers The Black Wolf

JJ Rogers's pet:
Pikachu Rogers The Gray-Bellied Squirrel

Alexander Roger's Pet:
Liberty Rogers The Bald Eagle

Antonio Morales's pet:
Bolt Morales The Syrian Hamster

Nicole Lang's pet:
Luna Lang The Bengal Cat

Ann-Marie Quill's pet:
Lucky Quill The Golden Retriever

Lilibeth Leeds's pet:
Juniper Leeds The Leopard Gecko

Keendy Rhodes's pet:
Lisie Rhodes The Dashund Dog

Helio Leeds's Pet:
Hermes Leeds The Pug Dog

CJ Parker's Pet:
Onyx Parker The Guinea Pig

Odelia Moon's pet:
Rosie Moon the french loop rabbit

Rosabelle Maximoff-Romanoff's pet:
Uno Maximoff-Romanoff The Black Cat

Casey Lang's pet:
Emil Lang the hedgehog

Harlowe Thompson's pet:
Chasity Thompson the Black-white Cat

Lucas Strange's pet:
Fang Strange the white lion

Aether Maximoff-Romanoff's pet:
Lexi Maximoff-Romanoff the Galapagos land iguana

Hemera Banner's pet:
Brent banner the Galapagos land iguana

Tariq's pet:
Akira The Persian Cat

Percy Wilson's Pet:
Smoke Wilson the black labrador retriever

Soren Odison's pet:
Loretta Odison the Dove Bird

Hecate Strange's pet :
Adrienne Strange the Magpie Bird

Hestia Barnes's pet:
Arpina Barnes the Eurasian otter

Nyx Barton's Pet:
Dracula Barton the bat

Jake Osborn's pet:
Jacky Osborn the Bulldog

Bea Hill's pet:
Kirary Hill the Bulldog

Apollo Fury's pet:
Moon Fury the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Artemis Barton's pet:
Music Barton the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Damian Quill's pet:
Panda Quill the Pug Dog

Theo Garcia's pet:
Angelo The Pug Dog

Melione Wilson's pet:
Dianne Wilson the Poodle dog

Amphirite Odison's pet:
Posideon Odison The Sea turtle

Selene Morales's pet:
Star Morales the flying squirrel

Erebus Maximoff's pet:
Cupcake Maximoff The Mattern

Demeter Rhodes's pet:
Rosey Rhodes the Beagle dog

Rory O'Hara 's pet:
Core O'Hara the Siberian Husky

Raffaele Maximoff's pet:
Sparkchanan the animal mutant Giant bulldog

Chris Maximoff's pet
Rocket Maximoff The Rock (I don't know why but yes)

Elena Laufeyson's pet
Lucy laufeyson the Australian shepherd dog

Jonah Lokisson's pet;
Huginn Lokisson the Raven

(Antagonist pets)

Persephone Schmidt's pet:
Hades Schmidt The Rottweiler Dog

Lucifer Harkness's pet:
Khaos Harkness The Sphynx  Cat

Author note: Avengers addicted to Greek ??! 😱

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