The Avengers Vs Ultron

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"Your man's in the church, boss. I think he's waiting for you." Friday said. Stark flies into the church. "Come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked. "I don't know, how much time you got?" Tony asked. "More than you." Ultron said. "Uhhh. Have you been juicing? A little Vibranium cocktail? You're looking, I don't wanna say, puffy..." Tony said. "You're stalling to protect the people." Ultronsaid. "Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?" Tony asked. "I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free." Ultron said. Suddenly the Vibranium core he's placed beneath the floor erupts. "What, you think you're the only one stalling?" Ultron asked. "There's the rest of the Vibranium. Function: still unclear." Friday said. "This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time." Ultron said. Ultron's army of robots start attacking the city as everyone is evacuating. "Go!" Captain America shouted. "Get off the bridge! Run!" Wanda shouted. Vision then finds Ultron. "Ultron." Vision said. "My vision. They really did take everything from me." Ultron said. "You set the terms, you can change them." Vision said. "Alright." Ultron said. The two robots start battling it out. "FRIDAY! The Vision?" Tony asked. "Boss, it's working. He's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape through there." Friday said. "You shut me out! You think I care? You take away my world, I take away yours." Ultron said. Ultron activates the Vibranium core and the earth around Sokovia starts to shake and break. "Friday?" Tony asked. "Sokovia's going for a ride." Friday said as Sokovia is being destroyed. "Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron said.

Theearth is shaking falling in around all of you. "We gotta move." Banner said. "You're not going to turn green?" You asked. "I've got a compelling reason not to lose my cool." Banner said. "That's cute." You said. Then you push him off the edge. "But we need the other guy." You said. The Hulk jumps up in front of you. "Let's finish the job." You said. With you and Natasha on his back yelling in fright, Hulk gets into the city. "I really hope this makes us even. Now go be a hero." You said. Hulk goes off and you and Natasha rush off in opposite directions. "The Vibranium core has got a magnetic field, that's what's keeping the rock together." Friday said. "If it drops?" Tony asked. "Right now the impact would kill thousands. Once it gets high enough: Global extinction." Friday said. Tony flies towards the city and a building starts to collapse as the ground shakes. "That building's not clear, Tenth floor." Friday said. Tony flies in to find a family still in their apartment."Hi. Okay. Get in the tub!" Tony flies the family in the tub out of the collapsing building. "I got airborne, heading up to the bridge." Friday said. "Cap, you got incoming?" Tony asked. "Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." Captain America said. You get Wanda out of the way and into a building as Ultron's robots attach the city. "Go, go, move!" You rushed. "How could I let this happen?" Wanda asked. Wanda starts to break down crying. "Hey, hey, you okay?" You asked her softly. "This is all our fault." Wanda cried.

"Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause the city is flying. Okay, look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have multiple powers. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there because it's my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger." You said. Wanda looks up at you. "Alright, good chat." You said. You get up and get ready to leave. "Yeah, the city is flying." You said. You leave and start shooting multiple elements at the robots. Thor throws a woman over to Captain America. "I got you! Just look at me." Captain America said. He helps her up to safety. "You can't save them all. You'll never..." Ultron throws off one of the attacking robots off the edge of the bridge. "You'll never what? You didn't finish!" Captain America said. Thor lands on the bridge on the top of the woman's car he was saving. "What, were you napping?" Captain America asked. "Thor! You're bothering me." Ultron said as Thor and Steve are fighting off the robots. As you are fighting off the robots Wanda suddenly comes out of the building and starts to use her powers on the robots to destroy them. "Alright, we're all clear here." You said."We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Captain America said. "Alright, coming to you." You said. Just then Pietro speeds in, picks up Wanda and leaves. "Keep upya slow poke!" He said. Youput your right hand out and aimed it toward Pietro.

"Nobody would know. Nobody. The last I saw him, when Ultron was sitting on him. Uh...yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already." You said, as you picked up speed and ran after them. "Romanoff!" Captain America said as Natasha joins them in their battle with the robots. He throws his shield at her so she can use it to protect herself from the attacking robot. "Thanks." Natasha said. "The anti-gravs are rigged to flip. Touch 'em, they'll go full reverse thrust. The city's not coming down slow." Friday said. "The spire's Vibranium. If I get Thor to hit it..." Tony said. "It'll crack, but that's not enough, the impact would still be devastating." Friday said. "Maybe if we cap the other end, keep the atomic action doubling back." Tony said. "The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?" Captain America asked. "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." Tony said. "I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Captain America said. "Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice." Tony said. "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..." you said. "Not 'til everyone's safe." Captain America said. "Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." You said. "I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Captain Americasaid. "I didn't say we should leave." You said. Captain Americaturns to look at you. "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" You asked. "Glad you like the view, (L/n). It's about to get better." Fury said.Just then the Helicarrier show up. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do." Fury said.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." You said. "Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Furyasked. "Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing." Hillsaid. "Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in three, two...take 'em out." Klein said. "This is SHIELD?" Wanda asked as they watch the lifeboats fly in towards the them. "This is what SHIELD's supposed to be." Yousaid. "This is not so bad." Pietro said. "Let's load 'em up." Captain America said. "Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank." Hill said. "Show 'em what we got." Fury said. "You're up." Hill said. Rhodes shows up in his War Machine suit and blasts one of the robots. "Yes! Now this is gonna be a good story." Rhodes said. "Yep. If you live to tell it." Tony said. "You think I can't hold my own?" Rhodes asked. "We get through this, I'll hold your own." Tony said. "You had to make it weird." Rhodes said. "Alright, let's load 'em up! Alright, here we go. Here we go, let's move. Let's go everyone!" Clint said as all of you help the people onto the Helicarrier lifeboats. "Number six boat is topped and locked. Or, uh, or stocked, topped.'s, uh, full of people." Klein said. "Incoming!" Hill said. On of the robots flies in and crashes inside the Helicarrier. "Oh, God!" Klein said. Hill shoots at it and Fury stabs in with a piece of metal, destroying it. "You think you're saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that." Ultron said. "I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I am...running out of things to say! Are you ready?" Thor asked. Vision uses Thor's hammer to hit Ultron, Vision then throws the hammer back to Thor.

"It's terribly well balanced." Vision said. "Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so." Thor said. "I got it! Create a heat seal. I can...I can supercharge the spire from below." Tony said. "Running numbers." Friday said. Tony fights off the robots from the Helicarrier's lifeboats. "A heat seal could work with enough power." Friday said. "Thor, I got a plan!" Tony said. "We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor said. "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier." Tonysaid. "On it." Rhodey said. "Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony said. The rest of the team joins Thor and Vision. "You good?" Pietro asked. "Yeah." Wanda said. "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini." Tony said. "Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly." Natasha said. "What's the drill?" You asked. Tony points to the Vibranium core. "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Tony said. Ultron shows up. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor asked. Ultron summons his army of robots to join him. "You had to ask." You said. "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asked. "Well, like (Y/n) and the old man said. Together." Tony said. All of you fight off Ultron's attacking robots. "You know, with the benefit of hindsight...." Ultron began. Suddenly Hulk knocks him far away and the robots start to retreat. "They'll try to leave the city." Thor said. "We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!" Tony said. "I'm on it." Rhodey said. "Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave. War Machine, comin' at you, right ..." just then Vision flies in and helps to destroy the robots. "Okay, what?" Rhodey asked.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Captain America said. "What about the core?" You asked. "I'll protect it. It's my job." Wanda said. You, Steve, Barton and Natasha leave. "Get the people on the boats." Wanda said to her brother. "I'm not going to leave you here." Pietro said. "I can handle this." Wanda said. Just then she blasts off an approaching robot. "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before." Wanda said. "Hmm." Pietro said. "You understand?" Wanda asked. "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you." Pietro said. Wanda chuckles. "Go." She said. "Boss, power levels are way below opt..." Friday said. "Re-route everything. We get one shot at this." Tony said. You, Barton and Natasha are making your way to the lifeboats. "I know what I need to do. The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice work space for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you think?" Clint asked. "You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway." You said. "No one eats in a dining room." Clint said. You three reach the lifeboats. "We don't have a lot of time." Clint said. "So get your ass on a boat." You said. Natasha finds the Hulk. "Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low." She said. Barton gets onto one of the lifeboats, but notices a woman calling out for her brother. "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" She shouted. Barton runs off to find the boy.

"Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church." Tony said. "Is this the last of them?" Thor asked, referring to the people getting onto the lifeboats. "Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier." You said. "You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away." Tony said. "Maybe not." Thor said. Just as Natasha tries to calm Hulk down to get him back to being Banner Ultron flies in with a jet and starts shooting at them. "I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." Ultron sung. As Barton is saving the boy, Costel, Ultron starts shooting at them but Pietro intervenes and takes the shots to save them. "You didn't see that coming." Pietro said. Pietro falls to the ground as he dies, Wanda senses his death, causing her to fall in despair. Hulk drops Natasha off onto the Helicarrier and then jumps onto the jet Ultron is on. "Oh, for God's sake!" Ultron said. Hulk knocks Ultron out of the jet and he crashes inside a train. Barton delivers Costel safely to his sister onto the lifeboat, a man goes over to help him with his wound. "No, no. I'm fine." Barton lies down next to the dead body of Pietro. "Oh, it's been a long day." He said. Wanda then finds Ultron. "Wanda, if you stay here, you'll die." Ultron said. "I just did. Do you know how it felt?" She asked. she uses her power to rip Ultron's core out of his body. "It felt like that." She said.

Tony fires a powerful blast to the core underneath the floating city. "Thor, on my mark." Tony said. Thor brings on a blast of lightning, at the same time Vision flies in, picks up Wanda and flies off with as the city is being destroyed. "Now!" Tony said. Thor uses his hammer to hit the Vibranium core in the church, destroying the core and the floating city. "Hey, big guy. We did it, the job's finished. Now I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode, so help me out. I need you t..." Hulk turns off Nat's camera, then sits as the jet flies off to an unknown destination, at the same time Vision finds Ultron. "You're afraid." Vision said. "Of you?" Ultron asked. "Of death. You're the last one." Vision said. "You were supposed to be the last. Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave." Ultron said. "I suppose we're both disappointments." Vision said. Ultron chuckles. "I suppose we are." He said. "Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that." Vision said. "They're doomed." Ultron said. "Yes. But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." Vision said. "You're unbearably naive." Ultron said. "Well, I was born yesterday." Vision said. Ultron goes to attack him but Vision uses the infinity stone in his head to destroy him.


"The rules have changed." Steve said. "We're dealing with something new." Tony said. "Well, the Vision's artificial intelligence." You said. "A machine." Tony said. "So it doesn't count." Steve said. "No. It's not like a person lifting the hammer." Tony said. "Right. Different rules for us." You said. "Nice guy, but artificial." Tony said. "Thank you." Steve said. "He can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision and these days, safe is in short supply." Thor said. "But if you put the hammer in an elevator..." you said. "It would still go up." Tony said quickly. "Elevator's not worthy." You said. "I'm going to miss these little talks of ours." Thor said. "Well, not if you don't leave." Tony said. "I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position..." Thor said.

"Triple Yahtzee?" Tony asked. "You think you can find out what's coming?" Steve asked. "I do. Besides this one, there's nothing that can't be explained." Thor said. Thor returns to Asgard which burns a circle in the grass he was standing on. "That man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me." Tony said. "I will miss you, Tony." You said. "I know. Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book and build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up." Tony said. "The simple life." Steve said. "You'll get there one day." You said. "I don't know, family, stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago. I think someone else came out." Steve said. Stark turns to get into his car. "You alright?" You asked softly. "I'm home." Steve said.

You find Natasha standing alone. "You want to keep staring at the wall, or do you want to go to work? I mean, it's a pretty interesting wall." You said. "I thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes. How do we look?" Natasha asked. "Well, we're not the '27 Yankees." You said. You hand Natasha a tablet. "We've got some hitters." Natasha said. "They're good. They're not a team." You said. "Let's beat 'em into shape." Natasha said. You two gather Rhodes in his War Machine suit, Sam in his Falcon suit, Wanda in a new suit, and Vision. "Avengers...!" You said.

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