An Unused Number (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) No Powers AU

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It was late and once again, Bucky was having trouble sleeping. Nightmares plagued him. Unfortunately everyone Bucky usually talked to, meaning Steve, was away. With a sigh, Bucky picked up his phone and dialed the number the support center had given him. They had counselors on call 24/7 and everyone at the center was given their numbers.

Bucky didn't recognize the voice that answered the phone. It was definitely female though. "James? James Barnes?" Bucky shook himself out of his thoughts. "Yeah. Y/N?" He could practically feel you smiling on the other end of the phone, even as you stifled a yawn. "That's me. Everything okay?"

Bucky bit his lip. Could he really just open up to this complete stranger? He hardly ever talked in the group and he knew those people. Still, he knew he'd never get to sleep if he didn't talk to someone. "I've, uh, been having nightmares. Bad ones." He heard rustling on the other end of the line. "Says in your file you've been in the PTSD support group for a while now. Have you ever talked to anyone before?" He told you he hadn't. "That's okay. Just talk whenever you're ready."

*time skip*

For the next few weeks, Bucky called you nearly every night. It took him a few days, but he finally was able to open up to you. You were a godsend during the late nights. Bucky felt bad for keeping you away, but you always assured him that you didn't mind. In fact, you encouraged it.

After a while, your conversations even started getting a little more personal. Soon, you knew more about Bucky than anyone other than Steve and Bucky knew a lot about you too. It was to the point where Bucky felt like he was talking to an old friend rather than a counselor. He hadn't had many friends other than Steve since he got out of the Army. He only hoped that he could meet you one day.

"I'm glad you're making new friends," Steve told Bucky one day after he'd gotten back. Bucky gave a small smile as they took another lap around the park. Bucky had been sleeping much better since he began talking to you. Thanks to you, he had the energy to get out of the house early in the day and go jogging with Steve and Sam.

"Well yeah, the counselor doesn't have to see his ugly mug," Sam commented, earning a shove from Bucky. Sam just laugh as he fell off the path into the grass. It was then that Bucky heard a voice. The voice he'd been listening to every night for weeks.

"Come back here!" A golden retriever came barreling over to Sam. He licked him while Sam tried to push the dog off. "Come on, Bandit! Leave him alone." Bucky looked to see you chasing after the dog. His imagination did not do him justice. You were beautiful. "Sorry about Bandit. He's usually really good about this, but he's a retired rescue dog. Sometimes instinct takes over."

"Y/N," Bucky breathed out. Steve looked between the two of you. "Y/N? As in your counselor Y/N?" Bucky nodded. "James?" He smiled and so did Steve. "James, huh? I haven't heard you called that in ages, Buck." Bucky rolled his eyes before looking back to you. "This is...awkward."

"Not at all," you said, "I actually find it quite nice. I'm usually just a voice on the phone except for my other patients. It's nice to see one of the soldiers I speak to in person. So, it's great to meet you, James." You stuck out your hand. He tentatively took it.

"On that note, I think Steve and I will leave. Come on, Cap." Sam tried to drag Steve away. It was a pretty funny sight since Steve was obviously the stronger of the two. You started laughing lightly, prompting Bucky to join you. Your voice and laugh were so much clearer than on the phone, but it was still a comforting sound and Bucky found himself relaxing even more.

"Y/N, I-I want to thank you. You've really been a help the last few weeks." You grinned. "I'm happy to help, James." He blushed and looked down at his feet. "I know and I appreciate that. I feel bad for keeping you up every night though." You waved him off. "It's no big deal. I can go on just a few hours and a couple cups of tea or coffee. Besides, I kind of like talking to you."

Bucky's blush deepened. This couldn't happen. He couldn't develop feelings for his counselor. It was unethical. He had to try and keep his cool around you. You were his counselor and his friend. Nothing more. Besides, Bucky hadn't been this close to a woman in a long time(mentally and emotionally). Maybe what he was feeling was just because it had been so long.

"Anyway, I should get Bandit home so I can shower and get to work. It was nice meeting you, James. Feel free to call again anytime." You grabbed onto Bandit's leash and walked away. Bucky watched you with a smile on his face. You really seemed like a genuine person that Bucky wanted to get to know better. Suddenly, he couldn't wait to call you that night.

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