Cast Out (Loki x fem!reader) AU

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(AU: Asgard is  just a normal kingdom.)

Loki stormed toward his chambers, his fists clenched at his sides. How could his father do this to him? Sure, he'd made a few mistakes, but the last one wasn't really his fault. How could he have known that Jane would leave Thor for him? He had never once given her any indication that he wanted her. But, because she'd run out of the royal wedding, it was the last straw for Odin.

Loki had been cast out of his home. But all was not lost. If he could prove himself in another kingdom and stay out of mischief, Odin would let him return home. So, Loki packed a few things that meant the most to him and left his father's kingdom.

Odin sent him to far off place with a little bit of currency. Other than that, Loki would have to fend for himself. He had to find a home and get a job. He had to prove he was worthy of returning. The question was, how was he supposed to do that in a place where he knew no one and no one knew him? It wasn't as if he could go up to the palace and announce himself as Prince Loki. That would prove Odin right. No, Loki knew he had to prove him wrong and manage on his own. He knew he could do it and he would.

*time skip*

The first few days of his exile were uneventful for Loki. He had been staying at an inn in the small village. But now his funding was running low which meant it was time to search for a job. Loki had no clue where to start so he simply wandered the village. That was when he met you.

You were walking through the village with a basket on your arm. It looked like you had just come from the marketplace. You were smiling as you walked like you didn't have a care in the world. Until you saw Loki, that is. The smile dropped from your face and your eyes widened. You glanced around and saw that no one else was near the two of you. Then, you did exactly what Loki feared you would. You ran, dropping your basket in the process.

Loki frowned. It seemed word of his dastardly deeds had traveled this far. He let out a sigh. He had hoped to get away from the mistakes he's made in his youth. When he was younger, Loki had tried to take over another kingdom by brute force and magic. He knew better now and he deeply regretted his actions. Odin had publicly pardoned him for that years ago, but the effects still lingered apparently.

Loki's eyes dropped to the basket on the ground. Much to his surprise, none of the items had fallen out. He picked up the basket. His mind wandered. Should he find a way to return it or should he take it? Loki instantly shook his head. Taking it would once again prove that Odin was right and that he was selfish. Loki looked in the direction you had run and trailed after. It was difficult to see through the busy street of the village, but he managed. He thanked Odin for his tall stature.

It didn't take as long as Loki thought it would to find you. You were sitting on the steps of a small cottage at the edge of the village, your chin in your hand. Loki slowly approached you. As soon as you saw him, you sat straight up in fear. It looked like you were going to run again.

"Please wait. I'm not going to hurt you. I am simply returning your basket." You stopped moving and looked at him in surprise. Loki held out the basket. He wouldn't take another step until he knew you wouldn't run. You slowly moved over to him and reached out for the basket. You reminded Loki of a frightened deer. Loki stayed perfectly still as you grabbed the basket, your fingers brushing against his.

"Thank you," you whispered. Loki gave you a nod and turned to leave. "I know you," you said suddenly. Loki turned back to you. "I gathered when you ran away." You bit your lip and glanced down at the ground. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have judged you so quickly." Loki shrugged. "I did terrible things. I-I can understand why you ran off."

"Still, I usually don't judge so harshly. How can I make it up to you?" A hundred thoughts passed through Loki's mind, not all of them innocent. But one thought kept pushing to the front. "Would you happen to know anyone looking to hire someone." Your brows furrowed. "Why would you need a job? You're a prince." After letting out a loud sigh, Loki said, "It's a long story."

"I've got time. You can tell me while I put these things away." You turned and opened the door. It took Loki a second to realize that you had invited him inside. Once he understood what was happening, he followed you. Loki scanned his surroundings. It was a very quaint space, a lot more cozy than the palace or the inn. It was neat with little touches here and there than made it your own. "Have a seat anywhere you'd like.

Loki sat at the table where he could be close to you while you rummaged around to put things away. Once you got into a rhythm, you asked Loki again what he needed a job for. Loki wasn't used to having anyone to talk to other than his mother and sometimes, he didn't want to talk to her. So, to his surprise, he found himself telling you everything. He talked for what seemed like hours about what had led him to your home.

"And now, my funds are nearly gone. It is time for me to find a job." You nodded. You had sat across from him with a glass of wine after you'd finished your chore. "I think I can help you. Do you like to read?" Loki's face lit up. He assured you that he loved it. You grinned. "Well, I could use some help at the library. It's become quite popular recently and it's becoming too much for me to handle on my own. As for the inn, I think I have a solution there as well."

Loki took a sip of his own and gestured for you to continue. You were being so kind to him. It was a nice change from earlier. "You could stay here. My home is more than big enough for the both of us. And who knows, perhaps we could be friends one day." Loki took a chance and reached over to lay a hand over yours.

"Are you certain?" You nodded and he asked, "Why? You were afraid of me only a few hours ago." You turned your hand over so you could squeeze his. Loki tried to ignore the warm feeling that spread through his body. "Because I believe you deserve a second chance, Loki. You aren't as bad as the stories made you out to be. I want to help you prove to your father that you can be the prince he wants you to be."

Loki stared at you in disbelief. You were showing him kindness he'd never seen before. You were even willing to help him even though you knew what he had done in the past and you barely knew him. He counted himself lucky to have met such a wonderful woman after he'd been cast out. Loki knew that, as long as he had you on his side, it wouldn't take him long to be released from his exile. And who knew? Maybe he would grow to like it there. With you.

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