Pretty Woman(Tony Stark x fem!reader) Pretty Woman AU(SFW)

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(mentions of unwanted advances.)

Being an escort was never part of your plan. You wanted to go to business school. But business school took money and money was something you didn't have. You had tried all the normal college kid jobs, but nothing seemed to let you earn enough money to start school. When all your other resources had failed, you caught sight of a sign in a window. You went in and that's when life changed.

Now, here you were in your late twenties, and still not in business school. While you made good money as an escort, your former roommate wasn't so lucky. She had been up to eyeballs in debt and you decided to help her out whenever you could. It felt nice to help, but it left you no closer to your goal. You were nearly there, but it would take a big fish client to push you over your goal. You never got those. Until one day.

"Hey, Y/N?" You glanced up from your planner and smiled at Maria. She was your boss and one of the best ones you'd ever had. "What's up?" Maria looked at her tablet and scrolled down. "How much do you know about Tony Stark?" Your eyes widened. Everyone who was anyone knew who Tony Stark was. He was only the richest man in New York with a playboy reputation.

"Why?" Maria gave you a grin that almost looked sinister. "Because he's looking for an escort for a week. He's going away on business and needs someone to distract him from the stuffed shirts, his words not mine." You shook your head. "B-But I've never had a client that big before, Maria. Why not give it to Natasha?" Maria arched a brow. "Didn't you hear? Natasha quit. She's getting married to a soldier. You're my best girl now and I say you can handle Tony Stark. So, what do you say? One week."

You bit your lip. You weren't sure if you could handle being with a guy like that for a week. Especially not with the rules you set in place. A week didn't seem like long, but a lot could happen in that time. Maria seemed to sense your reluctance and stated, "Did I mention that he's paying enough to cover your admission into school?" A smile slowly crept onto your face as you said, "I'm in."

That was how you found yourself, clad in a new outfit, entering the towering building that was Tony Stark's home. He'd built the tower from the ground up and lived in a penthouse suite, if the tabloids were to be believed. You approached the front desk with a little sway in your hips. A lot of clients liked to look out ahead of time to see what they were getting. You didn't know, but maybe Tony was like that.

A receptionist looked up at you with a smile. "Can I help you?" You told her that you were there to see Tony and her smile dropped into a scowl. "What business do you have with Mr. Stark?" You could see the jealousy and distrust in her eyes. Your red painted lips spread into a smile. "I'm not sure yet. But he is expecting me." She opened her mouth to argue, but stopped when someone else approached the desk. Her dark gaze brightened immediately and she smiled again.

"Tammie, she's right. I've been expecting her. I'll just take her up with me." He looped his arm through yours and lead you away from the receptionist's desk. You glanced over your shoulder to see her expression. She looked like she'd been sucking on a lemon. You smirked and let Tony lead you away.

Neither of you said a word until you were in the penthouse. You turned to look at him. His dark eyes scanned you up and down and he smiled. "Looks like Hill's got at least one girl who can keep up with me in the looks department." You laughed and rolled your eyes. "I see you have no problem in the confidence category. Now, I have a few rules that I hope you'll be willing to follow. If not, let me know and I'll see if Maria can get you another girl."

Tony's smile widened a little. "Straight to business, then? Alright, what are your rules?" You nodded and set your purse down nearby. "I have a few little rules that we'll get to later, but I have two that are the most important. The first is that you will never, and I do mean NEVER offer to share me with any of your friends."

"I don't share well with others anyway. What's the second?" You took a few steps close to him so your chests were nearly touching. There was hardly any space at all between you. You lifted your face so you were mere millimeters from his lips. "The second is no kissing on the lips." You pulled back, leaving a stunned Tony standing there. You held back a laugh at his expression as you asked, "Think you can handle that?" He swallowed thickly. "Yeah. I can handle that."

*a few days later*

Tony definitely couldn't handle it. The more time he spent with you, the harder it was to remember that you were an escort and he was paying you. It wasn't often that he found a woman that could keep up with him, both intellectually and in the spotlight. But you never shirked away from anything, except kisses on the mouth.

However, just because Tony forgot that you weren't really his, didn't mean that others didn't question where you came from. And it certainly didn't stop other men from flirting relentlessly with you. Tony had rarely been jealous before, but for some reason, he couldn't help but get jealous and want to show others that you weren't available. All hell broke loose one afternoon.

Tony had been getting a lot of questions from his friends and coworkers about you. Finally, he admitted to one of them, Brock, that you were an escort. Looking back, Tony knew he never should have said anything. If he hadn't, things wouldn't have gone so very wrong.

Noises from inside the penthouse forced Tony and Thor to run from the elevator. He could hear you yelling and knew it wasn't good. Throwing open the door, Tony was met with the sight of you slapping Brock. "Come on. How much does Stark pay you? I can double it! Triple it even!" In an instant, Thor picked Brock up by this collar and held him away from you.

"This is how you treat a lady?" Thor boomed. The typically mild-mannered man had a temper, especially when it came to the treatment of women. "She's not a lady! She's a hooker!" Tony was at your side in an instant while Thor personally escorted Brock out after apologizing to you for having to witness such violence.

"You okay?" Tony asked and you glared at him with venom he'd never seen before. "Would you be?! How'd he even know?" Tony looked away. He couldn't stand the look in your eyes. You scoffed and pushed away from him. "Why?!" you snapped, "Why bother telling me to keep it a secret if you were going to tell everyone that I'm an escort anyway?!"

"Not sure, really." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You stepped away from him, putting as much distance between the two of you as possible. You practically ran toward the bedroom and the closet where your clothes were hanging. Tony felt his heart thudding in his chest as he watching you begin throwing your clothes in a bag.

"Where are you going?" You silenced him with a glare. "I'm leaving. The week was up today anyway. Thank you for your patronage, Mr. Stark." Tony wracked his brain for something to say. Anything that would make you stay. He decided on something simple. "You don't have to leave. I don't want you to." You stopped for a moment.

"And what do you suggest? I have to work." Tony came over to you and gently took your hand. "No you don't. I could set you up in a nice condo and pay for you to go to school." The look you gave him could have frozen beer. Underneath the venom, Tony could see the pain. You cleared your throat before you spoke again.

"You know...I've been doing this for a long time now. I've always known what I am and what it is I do. But I have never felt so cheap until now." Tony's brows furrowed so you continued, "I always dreamed someone would come and take me away from all this. My own Prince Charming. But never once did Prince Charming offer to set me up in condo so I can be there at his beck and call." You yanked your arm away from him and finished packing. The next thing Tony knew, you were gone.

For the next couple of weeks, you were all Tony could think about. How had things gotten so messed up? He was Tony Stark for crying out loud! He could have any woman he wanted. So why had he hired an escort and why had he fallen in love with you and then insult you? He had no clue. And he had no idea how to fix it. He was so lost, he even had to talk to Happy about it.
"Well, maybe you should give her the fairy tale she always wanted." Tony pondered Happy's words for days. Give you the fairy tale? A smile spread on Tony's lips. He knew just how to do that.

It started with flowers. Every day for a week, you came into work to find a new bouquet of flowers. There was no note, so you had no idea who they were from. Next came cute little science themed cards. The puns had you giggling a little more each day. Finally, one day you walked into work and found a small card. "Turn around" it said.

With brows drawn together, you followed the cards instructions. There was Tony with yet another bouquet although with a balloon that said, "I'm sorry," in big letters. You stared at him for a moment. Tony cleared his throat and sighed. "I'm not good at this, Y/N. In fact, I never apologize for anything. But I realize that I screwed up with you. I told you that I wanted to keep you for myself. And I do...but not as an escort. I want to keep you for myself as my girlfriend. My partner-in-crime. My better half. I want to provide for you, if you'll let me. I-I love you."

You stood there in shock. You couldn't believe he'd said that. Tony couldn't believe you weren't saying anything. Maybe you hadn't heard him. "Y/N, I lo-" He was cut off by you throwing yourself at him and planting a kiss to his lips. Cheers from the other escorts erupted all around you.

When you pulled away, Tony blinked. "Y-You kissed me on the lips." You laughed, your arms still wrapped around his neck. "I did. Because I love you too. I tried not to. Love isn't exactly a good idea in my line of work. But I couldn't help it. I love you, Tony Stark." Tony grinned as he leaned in for another kiss.


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