Teaching With Him (teacher!Loki x fem!teacher reader) Teacher AU

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You didn't know why you were so nervous. It's not like you were starting a new school yourself. You were only starting a new job as a teacher. So why were you shaking? "Get it together, Y/N," you mumbled to yourself as you wrote your name on the board. You were so engrossed in your own thoughts, you didn't hear someone enter your classroom. "They're just high school kids, Y/N. Nothing to it."

"Do you often talk to yourself, Miss Y/L/N?" You nearly dropped the marker in your hand as you whirled around. "Mr. Laufeyson! You scared me." He gave you a smirk. "My apologies. I simply came by to wish you luck on your first day in a new school." He stepped closer to you. So close, you almost were afraid to breathe. If you did, your chest would touch his body and you weren't sure you could handle that right before teaching.

"My classroom is right across from yours...should you need anything." His voice was practically a purr and you swore you almost melted. "T-Thank you, Mr. Laufeyson. I'll keep that in mind." He backed away and headed back to the door. "Please, call me Loki," he told you and then disappeared from the doorway.

You let out the breath you'd been holding. What was it about that man that made you weak in the knees? You'd met Loki only a couple weeks before when you came in to set up your new classroom. You had been hanging up some motivational posters when he came in. From the moment your eyes met his green ones, you were hooked.

Not only was he a looker with those eyes, raven hair, and tall, lean frame, but he just oozed charisma. His very presence was addicting and now you had to teach across the hall from him. To make matters worse, he was the head of the English department, so you had weekly meetings with him to go over curriculum. It was going to be pure and utter torture. You'd never been so attracted to a co-worker before. You had a feeling it was going to be a very long school year.

You didn't have a lot of time to gather your wits again before your first group of students showed up. You gave them a smile and instructed them to find seats. Your classroom was soon full of people, some eager to learn, some not so much, but each of them ready to see what the newest teacher was made of.

*time skip*

You knocked on Loki's classroom door after all the students had been released. He was erasing his writing from the board. He glanced at you over his shoulder and flashed you a smile. "Y/N, it's good to see you. I was wondering if we could change it up a bit today." You furrowed your brows. Every week you'd meet to go over your lesson plans or to grade papers. "Oh?"

Loki turned to face you completely, the smile still on his lips. "I'm afraid I've been neglecting myself dreadfully and I could use some time outside of this classroom. Perhaps we could take our weekly meeting elsewhere. Say, my flat at around, oh 7, this evening? I could prepare something for us to eat." You simply stared at him for a moment. Did he really just want to grade papers and have your usual discussion or was he actually asking you on a date?

"Feel free to answer any time, Y/N," Loki said with a laugh. You joined in his chuckles. "Um, I think that'd be alright." Loki nodded. "Wonderful. I'll see you at 7 then. I'll text you the address." You gathered up your bag and all your papers and left his room. You wanted to hurry home to get ready. Even if it wasn't a date, you wanted to look your best. Loki had yet to see you in anything other than the clothing you wore to school which had to be something that left a lot to the imagination since you taught hormonal teenagers.

As soon as you got home, you hopped in the shower, cleaning the grime from the day from your skin. Once you were clean and dry, you put on something a little more stylish and comfortable. You decided against a lot of make-up and went for a simple look. You didn't want it to look like you were trying too hard. When you were ready, you grabbed your keys and headed to Loki's.

Loki lived in an apartment a few minutes away from yours, but it took you just long enough to get there for your heart to start racing. "Oh my gosh, Y/N, stop it! You're acting like a love-sick teenager!" you scolded yourself as you got in the elevator that would lead you to Loki's place.

Loki opened the door within seconds of you knocking. He smiled as soon as he set eyes on you. "Good evening, Y/N. Come in." You entered and he took your jacket. "You look stunning," he whispered. You swallowed thickly and replied softly, "So do you." You hadn't meant to say it out loud, but it was true. He looked spectacular. He wore a green button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks.

He laughed heartily. "Thank you. Dinner is ready. I suppose we could talk about the rest of the year while we eat." You nodded and let him lead you to the table. At first, dinner was a quiet affair, but soon you were talking about the end of the school year. The last few weeks were some of the hardest in the school year. You noticed that Loki seemed to have something he wanted to say but was hesitant to say it.

After dinner, you sat on his couch with your papers in front of you. You sat in silence for a bit while you graded papers. The only noise in the apartment was the soft music playing in the background. Suddenly, Loki put his pen down and stood. He extended a hand to you. "Would you dance with me, Y/N?" Slowly, you nodded and took his hand. Loki smiled as the two of you began dancing.

After a few seconds, Loki sighed. "What is it, Loki?" He smiled at you again before answering, "I must admit that I'm confused." You furrowed your brows. "Confused?" He dropped your arms and wandered back to the couch. He took a sip of his wine. He turned back to you. "I'm confused about my feelings for you. You are an incredible and formidable woman. You've capture my interest in a way no other has been before. But you are also my fellow teacher. Any relationship between us is forbidden."

"You have feelings for me? Really?" Loki laughed again. "Yes I do, Y/N. But, as I said, we can't pursue a relationship. It's against school policy for members of the staff to be in a relationship." You frowned and felt tears pricking your eyes. "So...it's hopeless?" Loki's lips turned down. "I wouldn't say hopeless. There are ways, but we could get in serious trouble if we're caught."

"A secret relationship? What are we, sixteen?" Loki chuckled again. "I know, dearest. But there is no other way for us to be together...if that is what you wish." You grabbed his hand. "Of course it's what I want, but is it work risking our jobs?" He gave your hand a squeeze. "I believe it is. Why should such rules keep apart two people who are meant to be together? Why should we not be allowed to show what real affection looks like? How much we care about one another?"

"It's a beautiful thought, Loki. Do you think we can pull it off? These are high school students. They are bound to notice something." Loki's free hand moved to your hip as he drew you close. "We will be discreet. Besides, most of them think something was already going on. They are not very quiet when they engage in idle gossip." You giggled. Loki met your eyes with a smile.

"Alright. I say we at least try. I've been hiding my feelings for you for far too long to worry anymore." Loki didn't say anything in reply. He simply leaned down and kissed you deeply. You happily returned the kiss until you were both breathless. Your wildest fantasies had nothing on the real thing. You had no idea how you were going to continue teaching with him now, but at the moment, you really didn't care.

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