Washed-Up? (Tony Stark x reader) Rockstar/No Powers AU

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(a/n: this is a platonic ship)

Tony sighed as he swallowed down another shot of whiskey. His eyes wandered over to Thor and Loki. This night was not going the way he planned at all. It was supposed to be their reunion concert, their comeback. It didn't turn out like that. Were they really obsolete? Washed up? "Don't be so hard on yourself, Tony," Bruce said. But Tony couldn't help it.

The band was old news. No one listened anymore and that meant no gigs. No gigs meant no money. Tony had lived the high life when the band was famous. He even squirreled some money away. That money had all but run out. Tony had to do something to keep himself afloat. The only thing he could think of was work as a street musician. He never thought he'd meet someone who would help him make a difference.

Tony was playing again, getting lost in the music. His eyes scanned the small crowd around him until they landed on you. You had been there every single day for weeks now. You stood there listening to him and you always contributed at least a little. But it seemed like you wanted something. Every time your gaze met Tony's, you got embarrassed. You still kept coming around though.

You kept coming around even after Tony yelled at you one day. He had caught a glimpse of the old band T-shirt you were wearing. His band. Tony got upset. He thought you only stayed around to listen because you wanted to meet Thor and Loki. Feeling like he'd let the two down, Tony stayed away from them most of the time. So, he yelled at you to beat it. Still, you came back to listen. It wasn't until Tony had been playing there for weeks that you finally approached him.

"Mr. Stark?" Tony looked up as he was putting his guitar away. He sighed. Here it was. You were going to ask him to meet Thor and Loki. "What do you need, kid?" You smiled at him. "Thank you." Tony froze. You had thanked him. "What?"

"I said thank you." Tony arched a brow. He looked at you and saw how serious you were. "For what?" You reached into your jacket and produced a guitar pick. "You inspired me to learn. I didn't have much going in my life until I heard you play. You never gave up and I knew I wanted to be like that. I started learning because of you and I don't regret it."

Tony looked between you and his guitar for a moment. Then, he pulled the instrument from its case again. He saw your eyes light up when he handed the guitar to you. "R-Really?" Tony smirked and nodded. "Sure thing, kid. Let's see what you got." You licked your lips and started playing. Tony could tell you were a little nervous at first, but you soon got lost in what you were playing. And you were good. Very good even.

"That's great. Loosen up a little though. Your fingers are too stiff." He reached over and repositioned your fingers a little. "You got good potential." You beamed at him. "Thanks. I'm nowhere near as good as you though." Tony scoffed and waved off the compliment. "I've been playing for years. Besides, I'm a washed up has-been now. You could be the next, well, the next me if you practice enough."

"C-Could you teach me? I can't pay you much, but I would love to get lessons from you. I don't think you're a washed-up has-been. I think you're great." You handed him back the guitar. He gestured toward the case; so you'd put it back on your own, his eyes never leaving your face. You had just given him a great idea. An idea he could share with Thor and Loki. It wouldn't make them famous again, but it would give them something to look forward to every day.

"I'll give you lessons, kid. Free of charge." You shook your head. "I couldn't." Tony smiled. "Yeah, you can. You just gave me a great idea. For that, you get free lessons. I don't have time right now, but I promise you at least one lesson a week. Okay?" You nodded and Tony took off, shouting a goodbye over his shoulder. He made his way to Thor and Loki's apartment as fast as he could.

"You want to what?" Tony clapped his hands together. "I want to open a school. We can give lessons to future musicians. Give them a hope for a career in music. Think about it. Getting paid to play and teach others to become the legends we once were. Giving people the gift of music." Thor exchanged a glance with his brother and smiled. "I say it's a wonderful idea!" Loki, after a little more convincing agreed as well. "What gave you this idea, Stark?" He proceeded to tell them about you.

"It seems we all owe this person a debt of gratitude. Where can we find them?" Tony took them back to his usual spot the next day and, sure enough, you were there. Tony approached you as you smiled at him. "We came to thank you." Your brows furrowed. "Me?" Tony nodded. "Yes. You gave us a new passion to pursue. And, as a thank you, I'm going to give you free guitar lessons and we'd like to offer you a job in our new business." You stood in shock for a minute, but then a smile spread across your lips. "When do we start?"

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