avengers family feud

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ok so most of you guys voted forpeter w/ asthma and that will probably be out tmr or tuesday sorry lol

but enjoy this


Announcer: Name something Russia is famous for.

Bucky (panicking): Russians!


Announcer: We asked 100 men: Which of your body parts can be described by the phrase "Cute as a button?"

Natasha (with a straight face): His penis.


Announcer: Name something a doctor might pull out of a person

Sam: A gerbil.

Announcer: A what!?

Sam: Happened to me before


Announcer: What is something you wouldnt want to find in the trunk of your car?

Peter: Pickles.

Clint: He's not wrong


Announcer: Name a yellow fruit.

Bruce: Orange

*everyone stares at him disbelievingly*

Bruce: i pAniCkEd oKaY?


*clint and tony are up to the stand facing off*

Announcer: Which of the seven dwarfs accuratley describes your wife in bed?

Clint and Tony: *don't hit buzzer*

Announcer: One of you has to hit it.

Tony: My wife is scarier than yours so you have to hit it.

Clint: Yah but Peter is on my team and I don't want him to be corrupted so you hit it.


Announcer: What is a part of the body that starts with the letter 'T'

Scott: Titties

Announcer and Steve: *in shock*

Tony: *covers Peter's ears*


Announcer: Name something that is as scary to people as a big sgark.

Peter: Chihuahua.


Peter: Those tiny things are terrifying


Announcer: In a bad economy, what might santa have to do with one of his reindeer?

Sam: Eat one

The rest of his team: Good answer! *gives high fives*

Announcer: You stop high fiving him!


Announcer: Name a word or phrase that starts with 'pot'

Steve: Pot...ato?

Audience: *claps*

Announcer: Why are you all clapping?

Announcer: *looks up to see it's number two on the board*

Announcer: *dies of laughter*


Announcer: Name a word or phrase that starts with 'pot'

Peter: *thinks*

Peter, loudly: Pothead!

Steve: pEteR!


Announcer: Name a fruit that comes in more than one color.

Tony: Jell-o!


ok i'm done

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