hE nEeD soMe miLk

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A/N: Flash's bullying got worse btw, more physical not just name calling and such. Also, Peter lives with the avengers and let's pretend that they all made up and everyone's lives happily together

Peter gets hurt by a bully pretty much

Peter's POV

Well today actually sucks, first my alarm didn't go off and I was late to school, then I realized I forgot my lunch money which is definitely not good for my metabolism and then last period I found out my class and I are going on a field trip to Avengers Compound in a week. And to finish it all off of my perfect day, after school Flash punched me so now, my nose is broken, great, just great!

"Hey kid." Happy stated blankly.

"Hey." I said covering my nose.

I guess he thought that was a little weird that I wasn't very 'hEy HaPpY hOwS yOuR dAy GoiNG' because of what he said next.

"You alright kid?" He asked turning around with concern in his voice and clear on his face, so he did care about me...

"mm yah" I tiredly and not very convincingly, still covering my nose.

He then turned around and closed the window between the driver and the passenger and I guess he forgot about my advanced hearing, 'hey friday, call Tony

So I groaned very loudly. (Not in that way you dirty minded snek) and he apparently didn't hear me.

'Calling Tony' Friday said.

'Hey happy, what's up? Did you get the kid?'

'Yah I got the kid bu-"

'Then why are you calling?'

'Somethings up...'

'What do you mean something's up?' Oh no, Tony was getting suspicious.

'I mean somethings up with the kid'

'Wait, what! Is he ok? Why is someth- stop laughing Bruce-. Wait Happy, is he hurt?! I swear to fucking god if he's hurt someone won't see the lights of tomorrow' Tony said that with so much concern in his voice, I'm scared he will become the emotion of concern.

'he's not hurt as far as I can see.'

'Now I can stop my self from having a heart attack, thanks. Tell him to come to my lab and not the den to do his homework' His voice obviously relaxed a lot, but concern was still there.


The window thingy opened and I quickly covered my nose and refrained from wincing in pain.

"Hey kid, Tony wants you to go to his lab to do homework." Happy said not very happily.

"Ok." I said lazily, even though I already knew this.

I wondered what my nose looked like, as I didn't look at it yet. So I looked in the window and I almost gagged. My nose was big, swollen and purple and horribly out of place, this is a bad break.

The ride to the compound was rather quick, and once I was in the elevator I forgot about my nose, which was a huge mistake.

The elevator opened to reveal all the avengers, except Thor, Tony and Bruce as they were in the lab and Thor was on Asgard. I remembered my nose and covered it quickly, but with my luck, Clint already saw it

"Hey ki.." he trailed off and his eyes widened as he saw my nose "what the hell happened to your nose?" He questioned.

By now everyone was looking over here and questions were being screamed at me, so I stupidly covered my ears because it was hurting them, but of course they saw the nose. And everyone rushed towards me. (7)

"What the fuck Pete!" Bucky asked worriedly. (I love their brotherly relationship)

Sam started poking my nose ("ow!" "Oops") only to have his hand got swatted away by Nat.

"What the hell happened!" Scott and Clint said at the same time, I guess their dad instincts kicked in.

"And don't even think about saying nothing because it is clearly something!" Rhodey barked.

"Guys it's fine! It's just..." Steve then came in from the kitchen, I hope he's making (blue) cookies!

"Hey guys, what's all this commotion about?" Steve was completely oblivious about the fact that my nose is broken.

Everyone then stepped away from me and Steve's eyes widened and then he too rushed towards me. (8)

"Peter! What happened to your dam (haha so many references) nose!?" Steve ordered. Apparently everyone was so serious that no one bothered correcting him on his language.

"Just tell us!" Wanda exclaimed.

"I haven't even got a chance to spe-" I was of course cut off by Friday.

'Peter, your presence is required in the lab'

Everyone was surrounding me saying "your not going until you tell us what happened" like blehh poop you!

Anyways I'm getting off track I ended up climbing up the wall to get to the lab much to the disliking of the rest of the avengers.

When I got to the lab, Bruce and Tony were not facing me, I also realized that there was no point in hiding it anymore so I didn't bother covering my nose.

"Hey kid," Tony said, his voice still laced with concern, thankfully not bothered to turn around.

"Hey Pete" Bruce greeted, not turning around either

"Hey" I muttered

"Happy said something was up, is that true?" Tony questioned incredulously (wow big word)

"No, no it's not." I said a little to quickly.

Bruce turned around then and looked at me. "What the hell happened to you!" And once again, another person rushed towards me. (9)

"What do you mean?" Tony then turned around, his face relaxed then it quickly turned to concern.

"What the fuck! Happy said you weren't hurt! Are you ok?" Tony questioned as he ran towards me, that makes 10 people today just in case you weren't counting.

Bruce than grabbed my wrist, slightly green, and dragged me towards med-bay which of course, was through the kitchen where all the avengers were.

They were all huddled around the island and quickly started following us. Once we got there, Bruce went to get doctory stuff and Steve (gently because he's steve) threw me on one of the beds, and before I knew it there was a big x-ray machine over my face, and in the background I heard Tony yelling at Happy through the phone, and then everyone yelling 'what happened' and 'is he ok' and it was hurting my ears.

The x-ray thingy and everything got a hell lot louder so I decided to say smartly "you guys are hurting my ears, can you please be quiet?" And thankfully everyone stopped talking and looked towards Bruce for an explanation.

"Well the bone is snapped in half-" cue angry avengers

"SHH!" Everyone quieted "but it should be healed in my two days thanks to his healing. But Peter how did this even happen? And can someone get some ice for him?" cue everyone trying to run out of the room and running into each-other. (Except Tony, he is still yelling at happy)

After Rhodey won the ice contest, he shoved it in my hand, so I thanked him. "Don't remove the ice or I will tape the ice to your head." Rhodey threatened.

"Ok kid, time to talk, how'd you break your nose?" Tony asked seriously.

Of course before I got to talk Clint got to it first "was it from spidermanning?"

Then Sam "did you get slammed by a locker?"

Then Scott "did you run into a pole?"

Then the dreaded Natasha Romanoff "did you get punched by a kid?"

Then Bucky"I swear to fucking god if a kid punched you..."

Everyone was looking at me expectantly "yah ok, I'll admit I got punched by a kid"

"What's his name, I'm gonna lay him a little visit in the suit" Tony said threateningly.

"Just saying you're not going to see this kid at school tomorrow" Wanda said

"Who did this?" Bruce questioned a little green.

"Guys! No killing anyone!" I said. I'm honestly getting a bit pissed! And so I accidentally removed the ice, while everyone was glaring at me, Rhodey said "I'm going to get the tape"

"Ok! Ok, I'll keep the ice on."

"Good, but you're not going to school tomorrow or the next day, just saying and did you punch 'em back?" Mother Steve asked.

"No i didn't punch him back, and why not!"

"Why didn't you punch him back?" Clint asked

"I didn't want to hurt him! And why can't I go to school?"

"Because your nose looks like a big expired purple meatball." Natasha stated blankly

"Thanks..." I replied sarcastically

"You still haven't told us his name" Tony said, his face red in rage.

"Flash Thompson, but his real name is Eugene"

"You got that?" Nat muttered to Bucky and he just nodded. But I didn't notice :))

"Well I see why he has a nickname" Clint snorted

I then noticed that Bucky and Natasha were in the corner probably planning a murder, "Guys! No killing anyone!"

"Ok, fine, just hurting."


"Threatening and before you say no, it's happening on that little field trip next week here just saying." Tony said annoyed, but it was obvious it wasn't at me.

"What field trip" everyone said in unison.

"Pete I have to reset your nose now, just saying this is gonna hurt like a bitch" Bruce said matter-of-factly.

"Ok, just get it over with." I said so done with the earth right now

"Wait wait wait, isn't there something you can use to numb it so it'll hurt less?" Bucky said very motherly.

"Oh yah! I'm getting that!" Tony said kind of happily

"No, Tony I don't need it. And Nat, I said no killing anyone!" I said as I see Tony rummaging through draws and Natasha whispering something to Clint. But they didn't stop.

Sam started poking my nose again "Sam, stop" I said. I had to slap his hand away as he didn't stop

"Hellooo can anyone even hear me? Am I mute or something" Just then Bucky injected something into my nose and it started to go numb.

"Didn't I say I didn't need it!"

"Yup" Tony and Bucky said in unison.

"I'm resetting it now because the numbing stuff will wear off in 5 minutes because of your metabolism, but it'll hurt less since Bucky numbed it" Bruce said.

And just as Bruce was moving his hand on my nose, Thor and Loki walked in and Thor boomed "Hello my friends, why are we huddle around the man of spiders in the bay of medical?"

You might be thinking, oh joy, Thor is here I love Thor, but I'm thinking fuck, just fuck.

Let's recap what happened to Bruce when he walked in by handing it over to bruce...

Bruce's POV

Thanks Pete, so anyways as I was resetting his nose, Thor walked in and scared me, and before I explain anything else, let me just say his nose was broken to the left. So anyways after Thor scared me not one but two cracks were heard in the room.

"Shit" I muttered but everyone heard me...

"Banner, what the hell did you do?" Bucky said threateningly. (In case you were confused, Bucky and Peter are really really close)

"I may or not of broken his nose, the other way." I replied, a bit scared honestly, and with my luck the numbing just wore off.

And that's when all of hades broke loose (wow so many percy jackson references today)

"What the fuck did you do?"

"How the hell did you do that?"

"Now he had two broken noses today, great"

"Wait, the man of spiders has been injured?!"

"Who even is this kid?"


"The fuck?"

"Are you Sirius? (black)"

"That's another day without school mister!"

"Well this day is going great..."

"Guys can you shut up?" Peter asked quietly while covering his ears and magically everyone quieted down, but that meant the ice wasn't on his nose, so Rhodey walked out of the room muttering something about tape

Peter than quickly put the ice back on his nose "No, Rhodey get back here!" But of course, he ignored him.

"Oh god, whatever, Bruce just reset it."

"Wait! You need the numbing stuff!" Bucky yelled while rummaging through draws.

"Bruce do it quick..." and so I did


That sound filled the room, and everyone quickly quieted down. And then one sentence was heard from all of them... "are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine"

"Why the hell didn't you use the numbing shit!"

"Who is this kid?"

"Put the ice back on!" (so he did)

"Did that hurt!"

"You just bent a metal table with your bare hand! Who are you?" (can you guess who it is)

Then Rhodey walked in and tried to tape the ice to his nose only to be swatted away by the one and only...me! "Rhodey, I have to wrap his nose, do that after."

Clint then started to drag peter out the door, only to have me drag him back. "I need to wrap his nose! Everyone one out!" Of course, no one left. "Everyone out I said!" And everyone but Clint, Bucky, and Tony got out.

So I wrapped Pete's nose, poor kid being pestered by everyone because of a broken nose...anyways no one probably likes my pov sooo back to you peter!


I know you said Peter, Bruce, buuuut I like mine better.

So after Bruce was done, his face now half covered in fluffy white bandages, I picked him up bridal style, grabbed the ice and started carrying him to the living room. Where everyone was

"Why are you carrying me?" I ignored him.

"Helloooo I didn't break my foot I broke my nose!"
Once again, I ignored him

"I give up" he said finally.

Then, of course, Tony and Bucky stormed up in front of me and started talking in unison

"'Give me Peter'"

"Guys you know I can walk..." Peter said but we ignored him

"'No give me Peter!"'

"Put me downnnn" he whined,everyone ignored him

"'Stop talking barnes/stark"'

Bucky just grabbed Peter from my arms and walked over to the couch and put him down.
And I quote "don't even think about getting up or else" and sat down next to him

I realized that the ice was warm so, I got some new ice.

3rd Person POV

As Clint was getting ice, Tony sat on the other side of Peter and realized something.

"Where the hell is the ice?!"

"Wait what! Where is the ice Peter? I need to tape it to your face" Rhodey demanded

"Guys calm down, it was getting warm so Clint is getting more." Bucky said settling everyone, though everyone was still asking questions.

Clint got back from getting ice to see asking them, so Peter groaned to get them all off. It went something like this:

"Does your nose still hurt?"

"Need pain killers?"


"What was this field trip from before about?"

"UGHHH, you guys realize that I only broke my nose, not shatter my leg, right?!"

"Yes" everyone said in unison

"So about that field trip mentioned earlier...?" Scott trailed off

"Oh, hehe well yah see petey here is going on a field trip here next week" Tony chirped, kind of, he still had a tone that indicated (wow another big word) he was still pissed from before.

Everyone started whispering to something, expect Loki, he was still confused on who Peter was.

"GUYS! No embarrassing me or killing someone!"

"Oh I didn't know the person who did that was gonna be there, thanks for telling us!" Nat said happily


"So what movie are we gonna watch, FRIDAY?"

'Well today for the movie schedule you picked 'White Chicks', shall I turn it on?.

"Yes, thanks fri." Tony said.

When Clint came back with popcorn and ice, Clint shoved Tony the floor and sat on Peters right, with Bucky on peters left.

Clint shoved the ice in his hand "Put the ice on your nose and don't remove it or you will be sorry" Clint said, and he looked really scary when he said that.

"Damn, ok"

Let's just say that Peter got carried to his room with ice taped to his nose, leaving a lot of angry avengers to discuss things.


Lmao this was so bad

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