i thought you loved him (part 1)

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Third person POV
Peter was having a good day and he was rather enjoying himself. He had the day off from school (gas leak) so he spent almost all day pulling pranks with his Uncle Clint, hanging in the lab with his Uncle Bruce, talking his Aunt Nat. Peter was happy they were here on a visit. He was always happy when one of the avengers visited.

His Pops kind of disappeared today, but he was in the building. Peter had no clue where he was.

He was especially excited because his Dad was coming home from a week long business trip in Malibu! Peter really missed his dad, it wasn't the same at home without him.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his Pops! It's just Pops' friend who he wasn't too fond of, Bucky. Peter doesn't know why he doesn't like him, he just felt like he gave off a weird vibe. Peter never let Bucky know, so he has no clue what Peter feels of him and he planned to keep it that way. Bucky had been visiting a lot the last month and a half, more than anyone ever has.

Steve has seemed more suspicious to Peter and was gone a lot more for the past month or two, but Peter thought nothing of it, thinking it was just stress from SHIELD work.

Anyways, Peter was getting quite energetic from the anticipation of his Dad being home in less than a half an hour! He decided to work off some energy by going to the gym downstairs and throw a few punches to the punching bag.

He walked to the elevator and headed down to the gym floor. He walked into the main gym and was shocked by what he saw.

Steve, his Pops, the man who adopted him 13 years ago when he was two, was shirtless on the floor in the midst of getting his pants unbuckled by the person on top of him, his old friend Bucky, who only had boxers on. They were passionately kissing and with Peters advanced hearing, he heard his Pops tell Bucky something he never wanted to hear him say to anyone but his Dad. Three, simple words.

"I love you, Buck." He whispered in between breaths, obviously not seeing Peter's presence.

"Pops?" Peter finally squeaked out.

Steve's eyes widened in shock and fear, "Oh shit," He mumbled, earning a giggly 'language' from the person on top of him. Steve quickly pushed him off and re-buckled his pants.

"H-hey Pete!" He stammered out while reaching for his shirt. Bucky realized what was happening and got dressed himself.

"I can't believe this." Peter muttered, slightly dazed "Y-you're cheating on Dad?"

"No no no! It's not what it looks like!"

"Then what is it?" Peter questioned disbelievingly.

"It's—" Steve trailed off, unable to find an excuse.

"You're cheating on Dad! It's exactly what it looks like! Why? Why did you do it Pops?" Peter cried, tears filling his eyes.

"Peter please listen," He said as he tried to hug Peter, only for him to back away.

"Im going upstairs." He told him quietly as he ran upstairs.

"I fucked up." Steve admitted to himself, giving a quick glance at Bucky, who was standing awkwardly a few feet away. "You need to leave."

"I know, I'll go out the back."

"Yeah, you do that. Meet me at Delmars at 3:00." Steve said before chasing after Peter.

Upstairs, Tony walked out of the elevator. "I'm back!" He announced and the rest of the avengers that were in the room cheered, some booed. "Where's Pete and Steve?" He asked, excited to see his husband and son, unknowing of the events that just occurred.

Just then, a red-faced, puffy eyed Peter ran into the room, stumbling into his father. He looked at him and started crying harder before running to his room and slamming the door, and Peter never closes his door.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked concerned

"I don't know. He was fine ten minutes ago before he headed to the gym." Natasha informed him.

Steve then rushed into the room and right to Peters door, vaguely noticing his husband and rushing right past him.

"Peter please let me in!" He begged him which was met by silence.

"Steve? What happened?" Tony asked, quite confused yet very concerned.

"Um—nothing. Nothing at all." Steve rushed out before running out of the room and into the elevator.

"I wanted to come home and relax but apparently not." Tony mumbled to himself jokingly as he walked over to Peters room.

He knocked on the door "Hey Pete, I'm back! Can I come in I missed you."

There was no response, you could only hear the quiet sobbing from Peters room. Everyone got even more worried than before because they knew how excited Peter was for his father to return.

"Please kid." He tried, still earning no response.

"Let me talk to him." Natasha suggested as she walked up to his bedroom.

"Peter, it's Aunt Nat, can you tell me what's wrong?"

You could hear small shuffling coming towards the door before it opened, revealing a sad Peter wrapped in a blanket. He grabbed Natasha, pulled her in, closed the door and went back to his bed.

"Pete, what happened?" She asked while going over to Peter and wrapping him in a side hug.

"Pops—" He got out before breaking into sobs again.

"He what?"

"He's cheating on dad." He said barely audible into Natasha's chest.

"What?" She gasped, eyes widening, not believing what she heard.

"You heard me."

"How, how do you know?" Silence.

"I walked into the gym and saw Bucky on top of Pops with no shirt or pants and Pops had no shirt and his pants were being unbuckled and they were kissing and he told bucky that he loved him." Peter said after a minute or two before crying into Natasha's shoulder.

Natasha hugged Peter tight as she asked him if he wanted his dad.

"No, I can't look at him now I'll feel guilty. I just—I just wanna sleep." He said escaping her hug and laying down.

"Okay, I'll let you rest." She told him quietly getting up and walking out.

Back in the living room, Tony was pacing worriedly. He was confused as to why his husband and son were in a fight, and why his son was crying and why Steve stormed out of the building.

Natasha walked into the room with a slightly shocked expression.

"Did you find out what's wrong?" Tony questioned

"Um—yeah, it might be better for you to watch than for me to explain it." She responded knowing FRIDAY records everything.

"Okay, okay. Fri, pull up footage from the gym starting when Peter walked in." He rushed out, eager to know what happened.

"Wait Tony—" Natasha tried to stop him and explain something, but she was too late.

A holographic screen popped up in front of the and projected the scene for everyone in the room to see.

"I love you, Buck." Steve's voice echoed through the room.

Everyone's eyes were glued to the screen and once Peter ran out, Tony swiped his hand through it.

"I need to sit down." He mumbled, slightly dazed.

"Tony," Bruce trailed off.

"Not now Bruce, not now." He replied walking to his room.

Tony opened the door to what used to be his and Steve's room, took a look in it, seeing stains on the sheets that weren't there before he left, and walked out saying how he can't be there and how they probably had sex on that bed.

He walked over to Peters room and knocked softly. "Peter, please let me in. I know what happened." He said gently.

After a minute, a small 'come in' was heard and Tony slowly opened the door. He walked right over to his son who was sitting on his bed and gave him a big hug.

"It'll be okay kid, we'll get through it." He comforted him, they then fell asleep into each others arms.

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