normal life? don't know her. (part 2)

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Peter POV

When I got back downstairs with my pizza, I sat down to Ned and we started talking again.

Apparently, people noticed that I went to the bathroom, and came back with pizza, and they thought it was a bit weird.

'Is there pizza in the bathroom?'

'I don't know, I'll go check.' That idiot actually checked

'Where did he get that?'

Flash finally had the courage to stand up to me. "Hey Penis! Where'd you get that pizza? I want some!"

"Too bad, now leave me alone." I told him, he just huffed and turned away

When I was eating my second slice, my spidey senses started going off. Than, in a blink of an eye, the one and only Scott Lang decided to explode with largeness in the empty seat next to me and all eyes turned to us.

"Heyyy Peter! How's it going?" Scott asked innocently.

"It'd be better if you weren't here right now." I am said honestly

He mocked offense and put a hand on his heart. "I'm hurt." He then gasped "*gasp* is that pizza!? Thanks Pete!"

He took my pizza. He took my pizza. No one takes my pizza. No one.

"Did you just take my pizza?" I asked threateningly and Scott gulped visibly.

"HAHA! You're so dead Scott." A new voice from above came. I look up and see it's Clint, eating popcorn.

"Can't you guys leave me alone!" I exclaim

"No" they said in unison.

Suddenly I see some red magic push the vent cover back up and pull Scott away ("Hey! What the-!") so I look around and see Wanda sitting there, hitting Scott on the head. I mouth a quick 'thank you' and she winks at me before walking off.

I see that everyone is staring at me, so I give them a quick embarrassed smile and go back to eating my pizza, which by the way i only have one slice left now. I'm so getting Scott back.

After I'm done, I get up to throw my plate out, but when I turned around, Flash was standing there waiting.

"What the hell was that Penis? How much did you pay them to do that? Oh wait, you can't pay them, you're just a broke, pathetic, ugly ass loser." Flash mocked, which was not a good idea because he didn't realize who was behind him.

"What did you just say?" Flash's eyes widened as he heard the fuming, yet calm voice behind him.

He turned around to face the angry first avenger. "No-Nothing sir."

"It sounded like something. So tell me what you said." Steve boomed.

"I said he's a broke, pathetic, ugly ass loser." Flash squeaked.

"You know I don't like bullies son."

Flash just nodded.

"Leave Peter alone, or you will have a doorstep of angry avengers." He turned to me then. "Come with me." And with that he walked off and I followed him into the hallway.

"You said you talked to the principal and he stopped bullying you."

"I know, and I may've lied when I said that." I said sorrily.

"Why did you lie Pete? You know you can trust us."Steve asked with the Eyebrows of Disappointment ™

"I know I can but I didn't want you to kill him, or hurt him." I answered honesty

"But he's hurting you and teasing you." He reasoned

"That doesn't mean he should get hurt, or die."

"Still, if he bothers you again, tell us."

"I will." I lied (why you always lyin)

"You better. Now go back to lunch." Steve ordered kindly

"Ok, and please don't tell the rest of the team." I replied and walked off

"I won't." He called back

"Dude, What was that?" Ned asked once i got back to the cafeteria.

"Oh, Steve was ju-" I was cut off by Jared.

"Ok guys! We'll be heading to a training room, and then the meet and greet with the avengers!"

"Wait, what!" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean what. Didn't you listen to the speech Jared gave at the beginning of the tour?" Ned asked

"No." I replied

"Oh, well that's what we're doing."

"Well shit, there goes my any chance at a normal, high school experience."

"Dude, you lost that chance once you moved in." Ned told me, so I just stuck(y) my tounge out at him.

"Everyone line up and we'll be on our way." Jared chirped.

On our way there, I saw Vision and Nat walking down the hall. (weird combo)

"Oh my god! No!" I whisper-screamed

"Wha-ohhh. You're so screwed." Ned reminded me as he saw Natasha and Vision

"Yah, thanks." I said dryly

"Oh, there is Peter." Vision pointed me out and Nat smirked like she had a plan.

"Oh hey Peter!" Nat said with fake excitement

"Hi." I said unamused

"Have you brought your laundry down to the wash room yet?" Vision questioned

"Yes, I have" I sighed.

"Good." He responded

"How was your spanish test yesterday?" Nat asked me next


"Well, we'll be off. Have fun!" Nat chirped as she was walking away, I know Nat chirped.

"Unlikely." I called back.

Everyone was gaping at me, I don't know why everyone kept getting surprised at this point.

Apparently Flash didn't learn his lesson with the whole Cap incident, as he kept taunting me.

"Hey Penis! You think you can scare me with a look alike of Captain America? Not a chance! You think you're so cool, but you're really just an ugly loser that nobody likes." He taunted (damn flash is mean)

"That was funny, now leave me alone." I retorted.

"Oh come on Penis! You can't take-" he was cut off by Jared (he keeps cutting people off)

"So everyone, we're here! Inside there are some avengers training, so be very quiet so you don't distract them!"

'Like talking will distract them' I thought

The big doors opened and revealed Clint shooting arrows, Bucky and Natasha sparring, with Sam watching and throwing popcorn at them, Scott trying out some new shrinky thingys, and Steve going at a punching bag.

Steve was the first to notice that we were there. "Oh hey guys!" He then turned to the other avengers. "Guys Peter's class is here." And that got the teams attention.

"Oh hey, how's the tour so far?" Scott asked and there was a lot of cheers from the class, except me.

"So you guys are just gonna watch us train for about ten minutes and the we'll see you at the meet and greet! Sound good?" Steve said

More cheers.

"Okay" Steve said and they all went back to training.

I was bored so I started talking to Ned, and about five minutes in, my Spidey Senses ™ stared going off, but I thought it was just Flash so I ignored it.

I didn't realize that Clint was shooting an arrow at my head (but everyone else did) until my Spidey Senses ™ told me to hold my hand up and catch something, doing it before I realized what I did.

"HA! Knew he would catch it! You! Sam and Scott! You owe me $20 each!" Clint cheered

"We'll give it to you later." They both grumbled.

"You guys bet on me!" I yelled

"Yup!" Clint sang

"Guys. That wasn't right. What if he didn't catch it or dodge it and it went through his head?" Steve scolded

They were silent.

"Exactly. Now go fix yourselves up for the meet and greet." He then turned to the class "Sorry about that, they're immature. Anyways, why don't you go to the place where the meet and greet is being held." (I couldn't think of the word)

"Okay, we'll see you there." Jared told him

He waved us off and left the training room.

"That was so planned Penis! There's no way you can actually catch an arrow! No less shot by the Hawkeye." Flash taunted

I just shrugged and ignored him.

"So we'll be off to the meet and greet, just follow me." Jared said

On our way there, Flash would not stop taunting me and it was annoying, I hope someone doesn't hear and go all 'I'll kill you if you go near Peter again' *cough cough* Bucky *cough cough* Tony *cough*

As we entered the room, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Bucky and Natasha were already sitting at a large table in the front of the room talking away. Within 5 minutes the rest of the avengers trickled in and Tony got the meet and greet started.

((Just saying I don't know how meet&greets work, I've never been to one))

"Hey everyone! You guys any of us any questions for about a half hour. Go ahead, shoot" and with that, almost all the classes hands shot up and Tony picked on one

"You, red shirt, brown hair."

"I have a question for Mr.Barnes."

"Go ahead, but call me Bucky." Bucky responded

"Ok Bucky, why is your metal arm so cool!? And what's it made of?"

Bucky chuckled (I wanted to put giggled) and answered "I don't know why it's so cool, but it's made of vibranium."

A few more questions went and then Natasha called on Flash. "You, brown hair, striped shirt."

"Call me Flash," all the avengers eyes instantly hardened "and I have a question for Mr.Stark, is it true that you have internships available for high school students?"

"No, sorry kid, you'll have to wait till college." He replied

"Knew you were lying penis! Your just pathetic!" Flash mocked

Well at least I'm not screwed anymore, he is. When he said that, the entire team stood up, clenched their fists and glared at him. Bruce was a little green, so he stood up and walked out of the room.

"I'll have you know that Peter is probably one of the smartest, kindest most talented people I have ever met. And you're right, he's not an intern, he's family, he's all of our family." He pointed to the avengers and himself "so if I ever hear that you go near Peter again, I'll make sure you never get into a good school, or any chance of a good life. You clear with that?" Tony hissed, and Flash timidly nodded. "You might as well leave a half hour early. Jared would you take them out? Thanks. Underoos, stay here."

After everyone left, Bruce came back in and sat back down.

"Peter, you said you talked to a teacher and got him to stop." Bucky said/asked.

"I did say that, but I lied because I didn't want you to kill him while he's sleeping." I answered truthfully.

"Here's an idea: before we get all mad and stuff, let's play Mario Cart!" Clint suggested

"YES!" Sam and Scott said at the same time, running out of the room and everyone laughed and followed.

Having to explain what 'the cart of Mario' to Thor and Loki is very funny, in case you were wondering.

Hey! I can't believe your still reading this! Sorry it's a little short, only 1,845 words. Anyways, I need to know...angst or fluff? And plz leave requests!

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