Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (Earth-1642)

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VA: Grey DeLisle (ENG), Miyuki Sawashiro (JAP)

Alias: Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel (formerly), Binary, Warbird

Species: Human-Kree Hybrid

Nationality: American

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Height: 5'11

Weight: 165 lb

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Relatives: Joseph Danvers (father), Marie Danvers (mother)

Occupation: U.S. Air Force Captain, S.W.O.R.D. Operative (formerly)

Alignment: Neutral/Chaotic Good


Carol is a brave and determined woman, but at the same time known for having a rather short temper to the point acting reckless.

Though brash and prideful, Carol has a hero's heart and is a loyal friend to the people she holds most dear, and for decades has acted as a cosmic Good Samaritan, offering her aid to planets all over the universe. Her righteousness makes her an ideal hero and an Avenger.

Carol is also known for having a sassy and dry wit that is blended with the rest of her personality, tending to joke around with the rest of the Avengers, which also happen to strengthen their relationship. While she can maintain serious and professional, she is able to act silly time to time while also being honest.


Carol Susan Jane Danvers was born to Joseph Danvers Sr, a former U.S. Navy officer and Marie Danvers in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Throughout her childhood, Carol did not had a good relationship with her parents, especially her father who was verbally abusive toward her for not acting like a proper "girl". Despite this, she dreamed of being a pilot, inspired by Amelia Earhart.

When she turned eighteen, she eventually became estranged from her father and left to join the military. She became the captain of the United States Air Force and security chief of restricted military base, where she meets Dr. Wendy Lawson, who becomes a mentor figure to her.

Later, with Lawson, Carol becomes a test pilot for an experimental fighter jet equipped with a light-speed engine designed by Lawson. While piloting the fighter, Carol is attacked by the aliens called Kree. Carol tries to defend Lawson from the Kree, but she is fatally shot. Before she succumbs to her wounds, she reveals that the alien is after the engine as she is one of the Kree and her name is Mar-Vell, a renegade scientist who was trying to prevent the Kree from using it to wage wars on different planets. Mar-Vell also pleads Carol to not let the Kree attack Earth as well.

The engine soon explodes and Carol is caught in the explosion, though she survives as the energy from the engine had Carol exposed to it, saving her life while also giving her superhuman abilities, including energy manipulation and flight. It is revealed that the energy exposure from the explosion also caused Danvers's genetic structure to meld with Mar-Vell's, effectively turning her into a human-Kree hybrid.

Now a powerful superhuman, Carol, remembering Mar-Vell's words, decides to become a hero to protect Earth from Kree and other threats, now going by Captain Marvel. During her time as a superhero, she also met and befriended Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D..

She also later met Steve Rogers/Captain America, who was shocked to see him in person and that he was alive. Carol would help Steve get adjusted to the modern world at the same time became great friends.

At some point, Carol became acquainted with S.W.O.R.D., the sister agency to S.H.I.E.L.D. tasked with overseeing extraterrestrial operations and protecting Earth, and their director, Abigail Brand. While helping S.W.O.R.D., Carol also deal with Brand's openly hostile behavior toward her. Later, she left S.W.O.R.D. out of disgust after Brand did something "unforgivable", though the details regarding this incident is unknown as Carol refused to talk about it.

Later, when Loki attempted to conquer Earth, Fury called Carol and Steve to defend Earth from the God of Mischief. There, she would meet other heroes like Iron Man, the Black Panther, and Thor. They work together to fight off Loki and drives him off, and soon the six heroes band together to form the Avengers, with Carol coming up with the name after her Air Force call sign.

At some point after becoming Captain Marvel, she meets a Mutant named Rogue, who can absorb other people's powers and memories. Rogue manages to absorb some of her powers and retain them, while Captain Marvel lets her go after seeing that she was manipulated by her mother, Mystique. After defeating Mystique, Carol encourages Rogue to find her own path in life before leaving.


Kree Hybrid/Cosmic Enhanced Physiology: Through her exposure to an experimental lightspeed engine that contained a psyche-magnetron, which additionally fused her genetics with Mar-Vell, Carol is half-human, half-Kree, while also possessing various superpowers.

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Carol's signature power is to passively absorbing most forms of energy and transforming it into her signature cosmic energy. Carol can envelope herself within her energy, which emits itself as a glowing aura surrounding her in a form known as Binary. This greatly increases Carol's physical attributes, such as her strength and durability, as well as her photon blast, and gave her the ability to fly at incredible speeds.

Flight: While enveloping herself in cosmic energy, Carol can fly, glide and float through the air and vacuum of space without outside help. She can survive out in the depths of space without any breathing equipment, and is capable of interstellar travel through moving or flying at lightspeed.

Heat Generation: Additionally, Carol can accumulate the energy in her hands to burn, melt or traverse solid metals, such as steel doors, ceilings or walls.

Superhuman Strength: Due to the Kree blood running through her veins, Carol possesses superhuman strength. Her strength is augmented in her Binary form.

Superhuman Speed: Carol is able to move at great speed while also possessing enhanced agility, dexterity, balance, and body coordination.

Superhuman Durability: Carol's skin density, muscles, and bones have increased exponentially due to her hybrid influenced physiology. As such, she possesses resistance to blunt trauma, falls from high altitudes, energy shots, and large explosions.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to the Kree blood running through her veins, Carol can regenerate from injuries much faster than a normal human. This additionally allows her to extremely reduce her aging process as well.

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