Actually Going to School (real creative name I know)

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The longer that Lila existed the easier it was for her to understand and interact with the world around her. She couldn't remember anything before her creation, so she just guessed there was nothing.

The memories that resided in her skull helped greatly, though there were a few things missing. How to be socially adept was one of them. Apparently, the mysterious S didn't have great experience in that field.

Walking past the lines of kids streaming into the school building was easier said then done. None of them looked particularly excited to be here and from what Lila could tell, it made sense. The corridors were stalked by a group of bullies. 

They were up ahead and unfortunately for her, down the hall she had to be in. Hiking up her backpack she tried to put out a tough aura.

The group eyed her as she sped walked towards them and eventually, a small statured blonde blocked the path.

"Who're you, new kid?" He said glaring up at her. It was too hard to take him seriously like that. It almost reminded her of her sis-.

Where'd that thought come from?

He tried to kick her in the shin for attention but she sidestepped.  The frown that had been on his face increased, "I'm talking to you dumbass. You may have heard of Flash on your short time here. If Flash asks you a question you answer it."

Sighing with a hint of a smile she started to walk passed him and tried to push past his henchmen.

She called over her shoulder while approaching the classroom, "For your information, I don't feel like starting a fight or beating up someone on my first day. So kindly go somewhere else Flush."

The hallway grew quiet and footsteps started pounding towards her. Alright, so maybe name calling wasn't the best idea, but it was definitely something she'd be doing again.

Not wanting to cause more of a scene, she ran a bit more and entered her chemistry class. Since it was early in the day, the tables were pretty much empty save for two kids huddled over an experiment. One of them was playing with chemicals, and the other reading off a piece of paper quietly.

"Hi, is this Mr. Cobbwell's class?" She asked, wanting to make sure this was the right place. Paper kid jumped and freaked out. In a painfully obvious stage whisper he nudged the chemical kid, "Peter, Peter, there's another kid. What do I do.  Do I say hi?"

Chemical kid sighed and looked up from his solution. "Hi, I'm Peter, if you didn't hear him, and that's Ned. Yeah, welcome to Mr. Cobbwell's room," He continued with his experiment, "Give me a minute to finish up, and I know we just met, but please don't tell anyone we were doing this."

Confusion was probably apparent on Lila's face so he explained himself, "It's normal for me to come in early with Ned. We are pretty advanced in chemistry knowledge. Add that with the fact we get bored easily and well..."

Coming to terms with this, she sits down at their table and watches with curiosity.

"I'm Lila, I'm new here nice to meet you."

They nod and motion for her to wait a minute as they tend to their experiment. From what she can tell it just seemed to be a bubbling gray substance.


A dark skinned man with a small beard and glasses addressed the class, "Everyone please welcome Lila, she's here because her family decided to settle down in New York for a while."

Hearing the introduction, she slightly shrunk inwards feeling awkward. Then deciding to at least seem friendly she straightened back up and waved, "Nice to meet y'all." 

After that, the teacher left everyone to do the assignment the class was given the previous day and walked over to Lila. 

Mr. Cobbwell leaned onto the table with his forearms and said quietly, "Would you like to switch groups or are you good where you're sitting? I know chemistry wizard and lego man are a handful." The duo in question huffed in laughter at their nicknames.

For a second the girl considered it, but the strange teens in front of her were quite intriguing. "I'll stay." She looked up and told the teacher.

He nodded and went to supervise another group.

"Sooo chemistry wizard what are we doing?"


"Alright there we go good job. See you're getting the hang of it."

The teacher was walking around checking the classes work. Peter and Ned were terrible at explaining things so they decided a more hand's on experience.

"Now just be gentle with the sodium. It doesn't like water so only put a tiny bit in or you'll blow something up."

Lila followed their instructions by taking the small pill bottle looking container, and shaking the sodium out. 



Instead of the intended amount a heap of gray cubes started fall in the beaker of water. 

The girl froze up as in slow motion she watched the element get within inches to the surface of the liquid. 

Somehow, in those few seconds Peter had snatched the container from her hand. It was mere millimeters away for the water now.  All it took was one blink and Peter had the sodium back, soaking in oil inside the container.

"How'd you do that?"

"I just have really good reflexes."


Sorry for the wait here you go. It's been in my drafts unfinished and I just felt I should give something out.


Should Flash take revenge on Lila and her powers act out or should we skip to heading home and testing out her powers?

Other thing

Would you like another note from S or perhaps a clue to who this mysterious person is?

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