You and sports

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Captain America,

You love to get involved and live life as good as possible.People would considered you as goodie goodie and trying to win the coaches favor.You plead not guilty but you believe it's a great perk!

Iron man,
School Sports isn't much of your thing you prefer gymnastics!

Everyone knows you for your heathy body figure and flexibility!

You laugh at girl jocks but you secretly you envy them for there capabilities to play with the boys!

You don't really find anything interesting with sports but,you joined kick boxing to please your father.Since he believes athletes are well rounded people.
You hit the ground running with kick boxing and quickly become the best in the class and is asked to join the team.You quickly say yes since you saw great opportunities and a cute boy on the team!

On Asgard athletics isn't a big deal since the only sport is fighting!

You decide to join the softball team.It seemed interesting and it will help you work on your swing!!(hahah get it:) your father soon becomes very pleased with your swings he insisted you stay on the school team and join the tracing elite softball team!You say yes!!Even though that would mean you have to leave your boyfriend on weekends!!

Other ones are coming hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait!!
Love you my owls

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