I'm sorry// Tony Stark and Peter Parker

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Tony and Peter Parker were fighting Thanos alongside their new found allies, Dr. Strange, Peter Quill, Drax, Mantis, and Nebula. They were putting up a good fight, but Thanos was getting the upper hand just slightly.

"Come on!" Tony shouted. "Fight harder!". Peter started to put his everything into the fight, wanting to make Mr. Stark proud of him. I'm an Avenger for goodness sake! He thought as he landed blow after blow against the villain, but it was no use. As he was about to land a definitive blow, Thanos turned around and swatted him away like a fly.

He landed in a heap, and was dazed for a few instants. He struggled to his knees and he took his mask off. He saw Mr. Stark fighting the villain, but Peter could feel that Tony wouldn't be able to keep fighting. Suddenly, Thanos reached out and grabbed the knife that Mr. Stark had tried to stab the villain with.

In a sudden and quick motion, he stabbed Mr. Stark in the stomach, making him fall in pain. "Nooooo!" Peter yelled. No, no, no! He thought as he saw the man he had grown to think of as a father figure start to bleed out.

Please, I can't lose you too Peter thought, as he saw Thanos raise his fist and aim it at Mr. Stark's head. "Wait!". Peter turned in the direction of the shout and saw Dr. Strange on one knee, trying to get the attention of Thanos. What is he doing? Peter thought.

"Spare his life, and I'll give you the time stone" Dr. Strange said. What? Peter thought as he recalled something Dr. Strange had told Mr. Stark "If it ever comes down to saving you, the kid, or the stone, I will not hesitate to let either of you die in order to protect the stone" Was what Dr. Strange had said. Did, did he just say what I think he did? Peter thought as he looked on in shock at Dr. Strange, who gave the time stone to Thanos, and he let Mr. Stark go.

Thanos disappeared, and they were left in shock. What just happened? Was all Peter could think about. "Why did you do that?!" Tony yelled at Dr. Strange, who said nothing and looked away.

Suddenly, Mantis stood still and said "Something's happening". She looked at Peter and then she wasn't there. She vanished right before his eyes. "Wha-?" Was all Peter could manage to say. "Quill..." Drax said as he turned into ash as well. "Oh, no..." Was all Peter Quill was able to gasp out as he too turned to ash.

The only ones left were Tony, Peter, Nebula, and Dr. Strange. "What the -?" Tony said. "Tony..." Both Peter and Tony turned to Stephen, who was on the ground, his face twisted in agony and sorrow. "There was no other way" he said, and then he was gone too.

Peter felt a pit in his stomach as he realized that his friends, his allies, were no more. "I don't feel so good" Peter said. Suddenly, he felt all his hairs stand on end, his Spidey sense was kicking in. But wh- Peter's thought was cut short as he realized that he too was about to turn to ash.

"Easy there, kid" Tony said as he caught Peter before he collapsed, thinking that it was a bit too much for the kid. But instead, the boy clung onto him and kept repeating "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go!".

Peter kept repeating it over and over as tears streamed down his face I don't want to die! Peter thought as his legs gave out and both he and Stark fell to the ground.

"Kid...kid, hold on please" Tony begged, as tears began to stream down his face as well. "Please, son, hold on!". Peter stared off to space, remembering the first time he met Tony Stark.

"So kid, now you know what this job is about, but, there's one more thing you need to know" said Tony. "Yes sir?" Asked Peter. "Please don't get hurt. If you get hurt or even killed, I'll blame it on me, because it'll be my fault" Tony said as he hung his head, thinking of what he had just gotten the kid into. "Don't worry sir" Peter said putting his hand on Tony's shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile "I won't, I promise". "I hope so, son, I hope so" Tony had said.

"Kid!" Tony said, shaking Peter out of his trance. "Stay with me please!" He said as he hung his head. Peter reached out to him and said " Stark... " Tony looked up at the boy's face. "I'm sorry for not making you proud and for getting hurt. For the record it isn't your fault" Tony stated at him. Was he, apologizing? Tony grabbed Peter's shoulder and said, "You did make me proud, as proud as a father would be of his son"

Peter smiled at Tony. "Thank you..." He said, and he vanished. Tony hung his head and brought his hands up to his face, trying to cover his sobs. The only boy he had ever felt a connection with, who he had loved like a son, was now gone. And there's no one to blame but me.

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