The Umbrella (ThorXPeter)

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Peter was annoyed, to say the least. Tony had arranged for him to come over to the tower after school today, a week ago- when he had been at the tower-, but Happy hadn't arrived at the school to pick him up. 

An hour after school finished, Peter was still waiting for Happy, when it started raining. Peter groaned and scolded himself for not bringing a coat to school, and only wearing thin clothing today. He then dug his phone from his jean pocket, and searches his phone for Tony's contact. Peter clicked on Tony's number and held his now wet phone up to his ear. It rings a few times before it goes to Tony's voicemail. 

Peter sighs and pockets his phone again, so it doesn't get damaged from the rain, and he waits once again for Happy, thinking that maybe he was stuck in traffic. However, after another hour of waiting, Peter gave up.

Peter kicked at the ground, then dug his phone out again. He typed a message to Tony and Happy, saying how he would find his own way, and that he shouldn't be much longer, apologising for making Tony wait. After that Peter puts his phone away and starts walking towards the Tower, still in the rain.

~Time Skip~

After an hour of walking, Peter enters the Tower's front entrance. He wipes his feet on the mat, and rubs his arms, trying to get friction and get warmer, which didn't help much as his hands were just as cold. He was completely soaked through, and was really dreading not bringing an umbrella or coat to school.

Peter then pulls his badge out of his bag, and walks towards the elevator, calling it down with his badge. After a minute of waiting, the doors open and he walks inside.

"Hello, Peter," FRIDAY calls to Peter as the doors close. "You appear to be wet and cold, should I turn on the heaters?"

"E-evening, F-Fri," Peter replies, shivering. "Th-that would be a-amazing."

Peter then feels hot air filling the elevator, and he moans softly at the feeling of being warm, after being cold for three hours.

"Thanks, Fri," Peter replies, smiling to himself.

"Of course, Peter," she replies. "Should I take you to Boss?"

"Yes, please," Peter answers. As the elevator starts moving upwards, he then sighs and asks the AI, "Mr. Stark forgot I was coming over again, didn't he?"

"It seems so, Peter," the AI says, with as much empathy in her voice as she could have.

He sighs and shakes his head. This had happened a few times, but Tony had usually remembered and sent Happy after him after an hour, but this time he didn't.

The elevator dings as he arrives, and he reluctantly leaves the warm elevator and into the cold hallway. He once again shivers, still soaking wet. As he walks down the hallway, he trips on something, crashing to the floor.

Peter groans and grumbles under his breath about how people shouldn't leave things on the floor, especially in the middle of the hall, and grumbles about his spider-sense not warning him of tripping hazards. He then gets to his feet, and looks at what he tripped over. He rolls his eyes, seeing it was a black umbrella. Oh the irony.

Peter picks up the umbrella, and then starts walking back down the hall. As he walks, lights were guiding him in the direction of where Tony supposedly was, thanks to the AI.

Peter walks towards the room, which he realised was the main living room. Peter was looking down at the umbrella, trying to work out who's it was, as he calls out, "Mr. Stark?"

"Shit. Kid, what're you doing here?" Peter hears the voice of his mentor reply. He hears a soft 'language' after it, but Peter doesn't think much of it, thinking it was just his imagination.

"Last week you said I could come over," Peter explains, turning the corner, and stepping into the room. 

"Oh God, I forgot again, didn't I?" Tony groans.

Peter nods and replies, looking up at his mentor, "You forgot again."

Peter then realises, once looking up, that they weren't the only ones in the room. All of the Rogue's were there, watching him suspiciously, as well as Thor, Bruce, Loki and a women Peter had never seen before.

His face flushes when he realises who they were, and what he must look like with his wet hair and clothes.

"S-sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter quickly says, eyes widening, worried he had interrupted. "I-I didn't realise you had company."

Tony waves him off and says, "Pete, it's fine. We were just finalising things anyway, weren't we Cap?"

Steve averts his eyes from Peter and looks back at Tony and nods, replying, "Yes, we were.

Tony then raises an eyebrow at Peter and asks, "Kid, why are you soaking wet when you have an umbrella in your hand?"

Peter looks at his mentor weirdly, knowing he obviously didn't have an umbrella with him if he was wet. Then he realised that he did have one, and started chuckling to himself. That gained a few confused and sceptical looks from everyone. 

Peter stops and clears his throat, responding, "It's not mine, Mr. Stark. I found it by the elevator, just lying on the ground. You should really take more care where you place things."

Everyone in the room stills, and looks at Peter, eyes wide. Peter looks at them weirdly, wondering what he said wrong.

Tony then says, "First of all, I told you to stop calling me 'Mr. Stark'. Second, where did you say you found that?"

"And as I've said, if you stop calling me kid, I'll stop calling you Mr. Stark," Peter replies. He then points to behind him and he says, "I found the umbrella by the elevator. Why, did I do something wrong?"

"May I see that, Midgardian?" Loki asks, standing up from his seat he was previously occupying.

"Oh, sure," Peter replies, handing it straight to the God, not even batting an eye to the man who had once tried to take over the world.

Loki took the umbrella from Peter, and immediately it was too heavy for him, making it fall to the ground, along with him. Peter immediately rushed to him, apologising and helping him to his feet, taking the umbrella off him.

Once Loki was on his feet, he realised how everyone was staring and gaping at him. His eyebrows furrow and he questions, "W-what?"

Everyone was silent, still staring at this random kid, they had just met. Thor then stood up and silently walked towards the teen. Peter was rathe nervous, I mean, who wouldn't when a God was stalking towards you? But, his spider-sense wasn't going off, so he knew he wouldn't harm him. So he stayed where he was, looking up at the God.

The God then smiles and pulls Peter into a tight hug, causing Peter to yelp and wrap his arms around the muscular God's neck.

"Peter is worthy!" Thor booms, peppering the boy's face with kisses.

Peter giggles, being ticklish, blushing lightly as he knew what being 'worthy' entailed. Everyone else- except Loki- in the room looked confused at the two.

Loki rolls his eyes and explains, "Whoever else is found to be worthy is Thor's significant other. As they are pure of heart, and worthy enough to rule Asgard along with my brother."

Tony stands up, and he yells, "Not my son, Odinson!"


A/N: Hope this was okay, guys! :p

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