Game 4

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Natasha- Walks in with a coffee.

Clint- Yawns

Tony- Snores and sucks his thumb in his sleep.

Bruce- lounges, his eyes halfway closed

Loki- sleeps on two chairs side by side and drools on his sceptor

Steve- Walks in with a Rockstar

Peter- Follows with 8 energy drinks, he has one in his hand and is taking massive gulps every few seconds

Thor- Went to the little Asgaurdians Room

Natasha- sips on her coffee as she types on the laptop. She suddenly jumps up, "Guys."

Clint, Bruce, Steve and Peter- Look up.

Tony- Snores

Loki- yawns and sticks hi\s thumb in his mouth, slurping as he sucks on it.

Peter- Takes a piture of Loki, "This is so going on my Facebook."

Natasha- "GUYS!"

Tony- Shoots up, yelling "IM UP!!!!!" He looks around, confused, "What?!"

Natasha- Glares and him, "We have dares." She turns to Loki, "Could we please wake him up?"

Everyone- Eagerly stands, "Me!"

Thor- Comes back from the Bathroom.

Natasha- Sighs and closes her eyes. She spins in 3 circles and points at Thor. 

Thor- "Whats going on?"

Peter- "Well, big guy, you have to wake the sleeping monkey."

Thor- "I didnt know we had monkeies. Where are they?"

Tony- "What he means is that we need you to wake Loki."

Thor- Grins and walks to Loki

Loki- Snores loudly and sucks his thumb

Everyone but Thor and Loki- Giggles and takes pictures and video

Thor- pokes Loki, 'Loki brother, its time to wake up."

Loki- Groans and opens an eye, "Why?"

Natasha- We have dares."

Loki- Groans and closes his eyes.

Natasha- Rolls her eyes, "Well we tried being nice. Tony, will you do the honors?"

Tony- "Sure." He presses a button on his watch and the Ironman suit comes flying, attaching itself to him until all thats left to go on is the mask, "Wakey wakey Reindeer Games." He points a hand blaster at him and shoots it

Loki- Jumps up as it hits him, throwing him into the next room, "OW!" He yells, standing and rubbing a spot on his head.

Natasha- "Now thats we're all awake, let's read our lovely e-mails."

Everyone but Loki- Sits down, watching Natasha intently.

Loki- Stalks to his seat and sits down.

Natasha- Smiles. "The first one is for Steve. kingdomkeepers77. It's a truth."

Steve- "Bring it on."

Natasha- smiles as she reads the message. "Kindgom asks you, 'If you had to date one of the Avengers, who would it be? It can't be me."

Steve- Goes pale, "Ummm.."

Everyone- Leans in expectantly.

Steve- "Uhhh..."

Akwardness- Starts to fill the room.

Steve- Looks down and mumbles a name.

Peter- "Speak louder."

Steve- whispers, "Tony."

Bruce- "Dude, we cant hear you."

Steve- "TONY! Why do I even speak?"

Tony- Tries to form words but they come out as sqeuaks. 

Everyone but Steve and Tony- Cackle and laugh.

Loki- Clutches his sceptor and his waist.

Steve and Tony- Blush and look down

(5 minutes later)

Everyone- recover from the akward truth.

Tony- Stares intently at the S.H.E.I.L.D. laptop, avoiding Steve's

Steve- looks down.

Natasha- Smiles and open the next message, "The next one is for me and Loki. It's from iamlokistwinsister..." She gulps.

Loki- The joyous smirk drops off his face, "Annnndddd..."

Natasha- "We have to... make out...."

Everyone but Loki and Natasha- Laugh and choke on their various energy drinks.

Natasha- Walks to Loki stiffly.

Loki- Glares at her, "Why do we have to do this?"

Natasha- Shurgs, "I dont know but lets get it over with..." She bends over and kisses him although its obvious she's holding back a gag.

Loki- Glares at her but kisses back.. kind of.

Everyone- gags and turns away.

Clint- Looks murderously at the ceiling.

(They kiss for about a minute)

Natasha- Breaks aaway the kiss and slaps him.

Loki- "Ow.."

Natasha- Smiles at Clint and saunters back to her seat.

Loki- Grabs a watter bottle and take a few sips. He gargles and then spits it out into a fake plant. "Much better."

Everyone- Waits for the next dare or truth.

Natasha- Looks at the computer again. "Ahh. There''s a few more."

Tony- Stands and stretches.

Natasha- "They are both Dares. One is from kingdomkeepers77 and the other is from Skating_Fangirl."

Steve- "Who are they for?"

Natasha- "Me and Loki."

Loki- "Not again."

Steve- readies his video phone.

Natasha- "No. Its not. They are sperate dares. I have to be super mean to everybody for the next five minutes and Loki has to." She cuts off, laughing.

Loki- "What do I have to do?"

Natasha- Passes him the laptop and sets her watch for 5 minutes.

Loki- Turns a marroon and mutters in a surprized but curious voice , "I have to annouce my undenying... love... for..... Peter?!"

Peter- "What?!"

Loki- Nods. "I hope I'm allowed to lie...."

Peter- "Yep."

Natasha- rolls her eyes, "You both suck!" She growls.

Tony- watches her, "Are you okay?!"

Natasha- Glares at him, "How'd you even become an Avenger? You aren't that talented."

Tony- looks taken aback and tries to keep his cool. "I have my suits." He points out.

Natasha- "Yeah. But that's where your special abiliities end." She stated, "You're just a drunk with a brain."

Tony- Looks at her, "Why are you being so mean?!"

Clint- "Tony, she's doing her dare. You just spent 2 minutes with the super mean Natsaha."

Natasha- Nods and turns to Steve, "How old are you?"

Steve- "Uuhhh... 70."

Natasha- Wrinkles her nose, "EWWWWWWWWW How are you even alive. You should've stayed in your  Iceworld."

Steve- Looks ready to cry. "Wow.... the cruelty in those words... They hurt."

Loki- "Peter."

Peter- "Yes Loki?"

Loki- "I love you. I always have and always will."

Peter- Loosks really uncomfortable. "That's.. uh.. nice."

Loki- "You know I'm lying right?"

Peter- "Yes I do."

Natasha- "So Bruce. Want me to make you angery?"

Bruce- "No."

Natasha- "Too bad. NIce pants. Where'd you get them? The dumpster?"

Bruce- Glares at her.

The watch- Beeps loudly.

Natasha- smiles "Now that that's done, I'm hungery."

Tony- "I have doughnuts at my place."

Everyone- debates before areeing to go to Tony's for doughnuts and coffee.

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