Game 5

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Okay, I know I haven't updated in like an eon but I am now so yea... ^-^ I hope I wrote enough to make up for not updating. Enjoy and please send in truth and dares!!!

Everyone is seated around the TV in STARK Tower. 

Bruce- Drinks coffee and nibbles on a apple fritter.

Clintasha- Share a box of powdered doughnut holes

Tony- Drinks coffee and watches Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Loki- Eats a chocolate doughnut when nobody is looking.

Thor- Is nowhere to be found.

Steve- Is absorbed in the episode. He curses when Zuko chooses Azula over Iroh and cries as Katara fights him. "Nooooo...."

Everyone- Looks at Steve.

Steve- Watched the show.

Tony- "You know, this show reminds me of us." 

Natasha- "How?"

Steve- "Yeah. I guess maybe a little."

Loki- "Am I Ozai?!"

Clint- "How?!"

Tony, Steve, and Loki- In unison "Well..."

Tony- "I'm Like Iroh. Natasha and Clint are like Aang and Katara in the romantic way but..."

Steve- Interupts, "I am like Aang since I was frozen in ice for a long time and lot people I love because of it. The Chitauri are like Azula and..."

Loki- Cuts off Steve "I'm like Ozai. But, Thor is like Azula because he does everything our dad does and has a temper. Then-"

Steve- Bursts out "Bruce is like Toph and Peter-"

Everyone- Looks at Peter who is helping himself to the chocolate doughnuts alone.

Steve, Tony, and Loki- "Is like Sokka."

Natasha and Clint- O.o

Natasha- "I think you guys have had enough TV for one night." She gets up and turns off the TV.

Tony- "NO!!"

Steve- "WHY NATASHA!!!"

Loki- "Not cool!!!"

Clint, Peter, and Thor- "Good move Natasha."

Steve- cries as he stares at the black screen.

Tony- stares in horror.

Natasha- "You know, you can get up and turn it back on."

Tony- "It's too far!" he whines

Steve- nods in agreement

Natasha sighs and sits down with the remote. She opens the laptop and grins. "We have truth and Dares."

Everyone- "Yes! No. yay?"

Natasha- Ignores the confusion "The first one is from Skating_Fangurl and is for Loki."

Loki- "Nothing involving dancing. Nothing involving dancing."

Natasha- "She says that you need to 'pretend' to be worried about Midgard and only have their best intrests in mind in whatever you say or do for the next 5 minutes."

Lok- "Um.... okay?"

Tony- sets his watch for 5 minutes.

Natasha- "Oh. And just to make it more fun, if you mess up, we give you a gentle punch on the arm so you know how many times you made a mistake."

Loki- "WHAT?!"

Natasha- "Go!"

Loki- "So, let's get back to the game?"

Natasha- nods with a smile and looks at the laptop. "Clint. Come. Here. Now."

Clint- "Ummm... okay?"

Loki- "I hope it helps Misgard. Whatever you're doing."

Tony- Punches Loki in the arm.

Loki- "OW! What was that for?!" He exclaimed, rubbing his arm

Tony- "You tried to hard." He shrugged.

Loki- "When I get my hands on you!"

Bruce- Punches Loki in the other arm "You still have 4 minutes."

Natasha- Shows Clint the computer screen.

Peter- "What is it?!"

Clint and Natasha- "This is going to be awesome!!!" They whisper.

Peter- "What is it?!" He tries to peek around Natasha.

Natasha- Blocks his view, "A private dare..."

Tony and Steve- "OOOOHHHH!!"

Loki- "It better not hurt Midgard or we will have issues."

Peter- Laughs hysterically.

Tony- Looks at his watch "One minute Reindeer Games."

Loki- "Yay..."

Natasha and Clint- get up and walk out, snickering.

Tony- grabs the laptop, "Dang. She deleted the e-mail!!!"

Thor- Sighs.

Loki- Mumbles about Midgards safety.

Tony- Opens a new e-mail. "We have a" He reads it over, "Truth from SarahBarisas."

Everyone but Natasha, Clint and Tony- Look up, "Who for?"

Tonys watch beeps.

Tony- "Times up Reindeer Games."

Loki- "YES!!!" He jumps up in joy.

Tony- smirks and goes back to the e-mail. "All of us. We have to say our favorite MLP character..."

Steve- "Our what nows?"

Loki and Thor- exchange confused glances.

Bruce- "MLP, or My Little Pony, is a kids show about animated horses." 

Steve- "TV has gone downhill..."

Loki- "Well, what are the charcters?"

Bruce- Says as many characters as he can remember and explians them.

Loki- "I like the name Spike and he seems to be like me. That or Princess Luna"

Thor- "I like Pinkie Pie and Derpy Hooves"

Steve- "I like Rainbow Dash."

Tony's phone vibrates.

Tony-"It's Clintasha."

Natasha- I have our answers for SarahBarisas.

Tony- What are they?

Natasha- Clint says he likes Rarity and Twilightsparkle.

Tony- What about you?

Natasha- I like Princess Celestia and Fluttershy.

Tony- Ooh. ;)

Natasha- Shut up and EWW!!! /)-(\ 

Tony- "Natasha likes Princess Celestia and Fluttershy and Clint likes Rarity and Twilightsparkle."

Everyone- Mutters in agreeance with them.

Thor- Watches the sunrise.

Tony- Yawns, "Im going to go take a shower for the morning." He walks out.

Natasha and Clint- Walk in, laughing and whispering

Everyone- Relaxes and hang out

/)-(\20 Minutes Later/)^-^(\

Tony's screams echo through STARK Tower... he appears a moment later in a normal work suit. His hair is a hideous shade of neon blue and he is fuming.

Tony- "Natasha! What did you do to my hair?!" He yells.

Natasha- Snickers. "Just a little hair dye."

Peter- Bursts out laughing.

Tony- "I mean, blue??? Couldn't you have done Purple, Black or Blonde?!"

Steve- Stares at Tony in shock.

Clint- Chokes out "You're... okay with this?!"

Tony- "Well, no. But, I don't hate it either."

Natasha- "Dang it!"

Clint- "I swore we had him with that one."

Tony- "What?!"

Natasha and Clint- "Nottthhhinnnggg..."

 Tony- Suspiciously, "Did you guys..?"

Clint and Natasha- "Umm....  yes?"

Tony- Stares at them with a mix of confusion, shock, and anger.  "Realy?!"

Clint- "Yea.." He looks away.

Natasha- "We di kind of do that...." She gives a nervous smile.

Tony- Presses a button on his watch.

The Ironman suit soars into the room and begins attaching itself to Tony.

Natasha and Clint- Run.

Tony- "NATASHA! CLINT! I WILL FIND YOU!!!" He screams putting on the mask and flying after them.

Clint- Hides in a storage closet.

Natasha- Crouches silently behind a bookcase on the 20th floor.

Tony- Soars into the 20th floor living room and lands with a Thud.

Natasha- Holds her breath and stays as still as she can behind the bookcase.

Clint- Hears him land on the floor below him and lets out a sigh of relief.

Tony- Clinks around the room, looking around the furniture and behinds the curtains.

Natasha- Holds her breath still as he passes her hiding spot over and over again.

Tony- Clinks up the stairs.

Clint screams and flees back to the penthouse

Natasha- Hears Tony clink back down to the floor she's on and gulps.

Tony- Randomly shoots the bookcase.

Natasha- Screams and flees after Clint.

Tony- Grins and takes off the mask, "And they thought I was angry." He grins before following them up the stairs.

Everyone- Laughs as Clint and Natasha cower when Tony comes in.

Thor- "Do no hurt man of Iron" he imitates while pretend cowering.

Steve- "No.... Tony" He laughs while 'cowering' too

Natasha and Clint- Blush and begin laughing too.

Tony- Smiles. 

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