Game 6

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All of the Avengers, Loki and Spiderman are passed out in a pile on Tony's couch. The sun's setting light seeps through the window and a clock on the mantle reads 7:30 pm.

Peter- *Shivers on other side of the room. His blanket is with Natasha who took it around noon*

Natasha- *Shifts in her sleep, rolling on top of Clint*

Clint- *Shifts out from under Natasha and kicks Steve*

Steve- *Groans in sleep and slaps thin air, hitting Loki*

Loki- *Rolls away from the others, stopping when he bumps into Bruce*

Bruce- *Kicks away from Loki, smacking Tony in the back of the head*

Tony- *Rolls away from Bruce and onto the ground. He sits up, rubbing his head and muttering* Owwwww... BRUCE!!

Bruce- *groans* Shut up Tony!

Tony- *rolls eyes and stands, glancing at the clock before walking into another room.*

Bruce- *Shifts for a few minutes before hitting Loki*

Loki- *Groans and rolls away from Bruce, hitting Steve*

Steve- *Grumbles and slaps at Loki, hitting Clint*

Clint- *Shifts away from Steve onto Natasha*

Natasha- *Shifts away from Clint and onto the ground. She sits up, glaring at Clint* Clint!

Clint- *Puts pillow on his head and ignores Natasha's complaints*

Natasha- *Mutters a few choice words in the others direction and turns to her laptop. She opens it and notices Tony leaning on the doorframe.*

Tony- *Watches Natasha and smiles, waiting for Natasha to enter her password*

Natasha- *Rolls her eyes and shifts her computer so that all Tony can see is the glowing S.H.E.I.L.D emblem. She opens her e-mail and her eyes widen*

Tony- *Sees her look* What?

Natasha- We have a ton of new e-mails...

Tony- Oh shi- shoot

Natasha- Guys. Wake up!

Everyone still sleeping- *Groans and shifts a little before settling back into sleep.*

Tony- GUYS!

Peter- *Jumps up, eyes wide* What???

Tony- *Smiles, proud of getting one person up.* We have truths and dares but we need to wake everybody else up...

Peter- *Grins and looks at the two* I got this! *He takes a flying jump and lands on the top of the pile*

Everybody- *Groans and shifts, kicking Steve off the couch*

Steve- *Yawns and stands, stretching* Morning.

Natasha- *Gestures towards the clock* Evening Cap.

Steve- *Squints at the clock* Dang... Talk about sleeping in...

Natasha- *Nods*

Bruce, Thor and Loki- *Fall to the floor and sit up groaning and complaining.*

Clint- *Stays sleeping; lodged between the back of the couch and the cushions.*

Peter- *Tries to pry him out of the space and gets flung to a side of the room.*

Natasha- *Fills the others in on what they missed*

Everyone- *Complains about the amount of truths and dares but gets comfortable*

Natasha- *opens the first e-mail* Okay so let's get the truths out of the way first.

Steve- Are there any really good ones?

Natasha- *Skims the e-mail* Okay! So the first one is for Clint and I.

Everybody but Clint- *Sits upright. Very interested.*

Clint- *Nods* Okay. What is it?

Natasha- *Reads the e-mail and gasps, turning bright red* Oh my god.

Clint- What?

Natasha- The question is. Have we ever been intimate?

Clint- *Blinks very slowly* Not answering this question.

Natasha- Well I'm not going to either.

Tony- Not allowed.

Natasha- WHAT?!

Tony- You didn't let us opt out of truths and dares we didn't like. You don't get to opt out of truths you don't like.

Natasha- *Curls her hand into a fist*

Clint- *Holds back Natasha* Fine Stark. Yes. We have been intimate.

Everybody- *Gasps. Thor is the first to make a joke followed by everyone else.*

Clint- /)-*

Natasha- ._.

Everybody laughs for a few minutes.

Natasha- OK! Next Truth!

Clint- *Nods vigorously* Ya! The next ones for Tony!

Tony- *Freezes like a deer in the headlights* Me?

Natasha- *Grins* Yes. The question is...

Everybody- *Listens intently*

Tony- *Closes his eyes* Please be an easy one!

Natasha- Have you ever been to jail?

Tony- Duh!

Everybody- ...

Steve- When?!

Tony- I got arrested for speeding under the influence.

Steve- How far under the influence and how high over the speed limit?

Tony- I don't know... maybe a 1.2% blood alcohol content and around 100 miles per hour... maybe more...

Peter- That makes a lot of sense...

Tony- *nods, quite embarrassed* Now! Onto the next one.

Natasha- Okay. The next one is for Bruce.

Bruce- *Shifts uncomfortably.* Okay...

Natasha- Do you have a girlfriend?

Bruce- Nope!

Peter- That's kind of sad...

Bruce- *Shrugs* It's probably better that way.

Akward silence

Natasha- So. That's all of the truths and now we are on to the dare!


Steve- yay...

Thor- YAY!

Bruce- Joy...

Loki- !#$&

Peter- Cool!

Clint- ._.

Natasha- Okay. So the first one is... *Tries to read the dare but laughs before she can finish*

Clint- *Leans over to read the dare and bursts out laughing*

Steve- *Looks at the dare and laughs*

Peter and Bruce- *Look over and burst out laughing as well*

Thor- *Looks at the dare and gasps*

Loki- *Looks at the dare in confusion, rereads it and begins cussing* WRITER WHY?!!!!!!

A new e-mail pops up on the screen. It reads: Stop complaining and do the dare Loki.

Loki- *Glares at the e-mail* Fine. The dare is that I have to kiss Thor.

A new e-mail appears. It reads: That's not all of the dare. Tell the audience the entire dare and get it over with.

Loki- Fine. It reads that I have to kiss Thor.... on the lips.

Everybody but Loki and Thor- *Laugh and cackle and roll on the floor*

Loki- *Mutters a few more cuss words before leaning in towards Thor*

Thor- *reluctantly leans in*

Loki and Thor- *quickly kiss*

Right as Thor and Loki lean in to kiss, The door is kicked in and Agent Hill enters, followed by 5 girls.

Loki and Thor- *pull back, humiliated*

Hill- *Looks around, sees Loki and gasps.* Loki!

The Avengers- *Rush to Loki's defense, blocking him from Agent Hill's view*

Tony- He's here because of the writer.

Everybody else- *nods vigorously*

Hill- *eyes them suspiciously* I don't think tha-

One of the girls approaches Hill.

The Girl- Ms. Hill. I have the data you wanted.

Hill- *Turns* Thank you Celia. Director Fury will be happy to see these. *She flips through the folder Celia has given her, forgetting about Loki*

Celia and Hill begin discussing the information in the folder.

Thor- *Escorts Loki out of the room while Hill is distracted*

Clint- *Makes kissing noises at them as they leave* Don't take too long!

Two of the S.H.E.I.L.D agents run over to Steve, fan-girling.

Girl 1- Oh My GOD! STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Clings to Steve's arm*

Girl 2- ERIKA!!!!!!!!! I CALLED HIM! WHAT THE HECK?!!!! *Pushes Erika away from Steve and stands in front of him, blushing* Hi....

Erika- *Stumbles but stands, her brown hair messed up* NOT FAIR EMMY!!!!!!!!

Emmy- *Looks at Steve dreamily* Who cares about fairness. His eyes are as blue as ice.

Erika- *Shoves Emmy out of the way* THAT MEANS THEY'RE WHITE DUMMY!!!

The two girls turn to each other and begin bickering, shoving and cussing at one another.

Steve- *Backs away slowly*

Erika- *Picks Emmy up and launches her across the room*

Emmy- *Flies through a wall and stands, seething*

Hill- Ladies! Calm down. You are scaring Cap.

Steve- *Is hiding behind Tony*

Emmy- *steps out of the wall, blushing madly.*

Erika- *looks at her shoes* Sorry...

Steve- *peeks out from behind Tony*

Tony- *Smiles at Emmy* Hey kiddo!

Emmy- *ignores her cousin* STEVE!!!!!!

Emmy and Erika run over to Steve, smiling.

Erika- Hi. I'm Erika and this is Emmy. We're new here and I am so excited to meet you!!

Emmy- Hi Erika. I can speak too. *Turns to Steve* Hi! I'm Emmy. I joined a few weeks ago and I am just stoked to have this opportunity!!!

The 3 continue talking to each other. Emmy and Erika occasionally shove each other but keep it controlled. Soon, all 3 of them are laughing and talking about their lives as super soldiers.

Natasha- *Walks up to Tony* So this Emmy kid is your cousin?

Tony- Ya... Why?

Natasha- Well Erika's my cousin and I just want to make sure that you and I don't take a side on which one of them deserves Steve.

Tony- *Laughs* Why would I care about which one of our cousins gets Cap?!

Natasha- Just making sure.

Tony- *nods*

Natasha- *Casually walks over to the laptop and reopens it, reading over the remaining dares*

Clint- *Wanders over to Natasha, reading over her shoulder*

One of the girls runs over to Clintasha, bouncing up and down in front of them

The Girl- HI! I'm Skye!! I'm new to S.H.E.I.L.D and I ship you two sooooooo hard!!!!!

Clint- *Looks at the girl* What?

Skye- I LOVE YOU TWO TOGETHER AS A COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natasha- *puts the laptop on the table and smiles at Skye* How old are you Skye?

Skye- 13!

Clint- And S.H.E.I.L.D let you on Hill's team?

Skye- *nods vigorously* Ya! They're trying a new recruiting tactic in an attempt to get the new generation involved in this agency.

Natasha- Well okay then...

Skye- *grins as Clint asks her questions* Yep! I'm one of the first kids to get accepted!!

Natasha- *Wanders away from Clint and Skye towards the last girl*

The last girl- *Sits at Tony's bar, reading a book, she is wearing wing gear similar to Falcons but smaller and all white*

Natasha- *walks up to her* Hello.

The girl- *Looks up* Hi.

Natasha- What's your name and why aren't you over there? *she gestures towards the frenzy of agents and avengers. All of them are talking over each other in a bunch of small but enthusiastic conversations.*

The girl- *looks at Natasha* It's easier to watch from afar than be caught in the middle of the chaos. I'm Ali by the way...

Natasha- *smiles* Nice to meet you Ali.

Ali- *Smiles back before going back to her book*

Natasha- What are those wing things anyways??

Ali- *Looks up* A new suit S.H.E.I.L.D. is testing.

Natasha- Oh. Well... That's quite an honor.

Ali- *returns to her book with a scoff* Not really.

Natasha- Okay then.

Tony- *Shouts to everyone* HEY! WE HAVE NEW TRUTH AND DARES!

Everybody- *Looks up from their conversations* What?

Natasha- Tony. The truth and dares are on my computer.

Tony- *Looks proud but scared* Well. It was quite simple to find a minor glitch in the HP coding and use it to rewire the password and then disable it.

Natasha- *Glares at Tony and storms over to him* STARK!

Tony- *Hides behind Hill* please don't hurt me I'm sorry!

 Hill- *Steps out of Natasha's way so that Tony is in plain sight*

Tony- *Screams a little*

Natasha- *Stalks over* Stark. We. Have. Discussed. This. Many. Times. DO NOT HACK MY COMPUTER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!!!!!

Tony- *Cowers*

Loki and Thor- *Walk in at that moment*

Thor and Loki- *Turn around and walk out quickly*

Natasha- *Picks Tony up by the collar and sits him on the couch* Everybody. SIT!

Everybody- *Sits down immediately*

Natasha- *Opens her laptop, resets her passwords and with a final glare at Tony, reads the e-mails over.* Okay. We have absolutely no Truths and a lot of Dares. Most of them require us to leave the building so we will do the ones we need to be outside for after the few for indoors. OKAY?

Everybody- *Nods*

Natasha- *Smiles and reads the first one* Okay. So the first one is for Clint and I. 

Clint- If it has to do with our current status then $#^^%$ the writer.

Natasha- Clint... I'm sorry

Clint- Dang. Okay. What is it?

Natasha- We have to confess our love to each other...

Clint- *Snorts* Easy! Nat. I love you.

Natasha- *Smiles*Aw... I love you too Clint.

Everybody- Awwww!

Natasha and Clint- *Glare at the spectators* 

Natasha- Okay. Now for Thor and Loki's dares.

Thor and Loki- *walk in* 

Loki- Are we done arguing and killing Tony yet?

Thor- *nods* Yes. Is the man of Iron done being the killed or do we need to leave once more?

Natasha- Tony's not in trouble anymore but we have dares for you two.

Thor and Loki- *Take a step towards the door*

Hill- *Stands, drawing her gun and advancing* You two will sit and do as you are told or I will tell Fury about this operation and shut it down.

Thor and Loki- *Sit*

Hill- *Puts her gun back into her holster and sits* Okay. Now I am really excited to see what happens here!

Natasha- Thank you Agent. Now Loki-

Loki- *Cowers*

Natasha- We need to go to S.H.E.I.L.D. *She smiles and closes the laptop, putting it in a small bag before carrying it to the door* Shall we?

Everybody- *Follows Natasha*

After an extremely awkward ride in Tony's limo, the crew enter the S.H.E.I.L.D. complex. They find a relatively secluded conference room and Natasha opens the laptop, reading the dare quickly before looking at Loki.

Natasha- You have to lock your scepter in the S.H.E.I.L.D. vault for the rest of the day.

Loki- $#%$

Hill- *Gasps* He has his scepter too!

Loki- *Nods* My scepter returns to me whenever I enter Asgard. 

Hill- *Turns to Thor* And you let him bring it back to Midgard with you?!

Thor- *Nods* It is his only protection.

Hill- *Puts out a hand for the scepter angrily*

Loki- *Puts it in her hand*

Hill- *Smiles and leaves to put it in the Vault. She returns quickly and sits down*

Loki- *Grumbles and turns back to the others*

Peter- *Snorts at Loki*

Loki- *Glares at Peter*

Peter- *Stops laughing and shifts nervously*

Natasha- *Looks at the next dare and begins laughing*

Peter- *Looks over her shoulder, reads the dare and bursts into laughter*

Tony and Clint- *Follow Peter's example before beginning to laugh*

Thor- *Looks at the dare and sighs* Why do I always get the embarrassing dares?

Peter- *Cackles, rolling on the floor*

Tony and Clint- *Laugh and laugh*

Loki- *Sulks in a corner*

Eevrybody but Thor and Loki- *Begins laughing at the dare*

Thor- *Sighs again and leaves*

Natasha- *Sees Loki and reads the dare out loud* Thor has to run around HQ in only his underwear! 

Loki- *Looks at it and smiles slightly before walking out of the room*

Everybody- *Follows*

Tony- *Grabs a camera and begins videotaping as Thor emerges and begins to run through the building*

Thor- *Runs quickly and after he has finished, he vanishes into the bathroom to get changed again. His face is a bright red*

Tony- *Uploads the video to the S.H.E.I.L.D. Facebook group where it immediately blows up with at least 1,000 likes and even more comments*

Thor- *Returns in his clothes* That was extremely humiliating

Tony- *Snickers* Not to S.H.E.I.L.D. it isn't...

Thor- What?!

Tony- NOTHING! Natasha!

Natasha- *Looks over* Thor.

Thor- Yes?

Natasha- *Reads the next dare* Okay. Tony. You're in luck. Thor. Leave him alone because we have to go to the mall for the next dare. *She closes the laptop and puts it in the small bag.*After you all.

Once again, everybody once again files out of the room and after another long taxi ride filled with awkward silence, they reach the mall. Natasha gets out first and heads to the food court, finding a table and pulling up a chair for each of the players. Clint sits next to Natasha with Skye between him and Bruce. Ali is on Natasha's other side and Thor is on her other side with Loki next to him. Celia and Hill sit between Loki and Erika, quietly talking. Erika and Emmy sit on both sides of Steve, silently fighting for his attention. [AN-Yes I am fully aware you didn't need to read that table arrangement but it will be important later in the chapter :)] 

Natasha- *Reads over the next dare one more time before looking up at Tony and Steve* Boys! You're up! 

Tony- *Gulps*

Steve- yay...

Natasha- You and Tony have to go into the middle of the mall and act like 5 year olds for 5 minutes.

Tony- And I am guessing we will be needing a mother figure of some form... Correct?

Natasha- Yes. I am supposed to be your motherly figure.

Steve- *Gags* 

Emmy and Erika- WHAT?!

Natasha- *Nods* Shall we?

Steve and Tony- *Stand reluctantly and follow Natasha slowly*

Emmy and Erika- *Stand to go with them but are stopped by Hill and Clint*

Emmy- STEVE!


Clint- You can't go everywhere with him like a lost puppy forever.

Erika and Emmy- *In unison shout* WATCH ME!

Clint- Well... I suppose we can cross this bridge when we get to it... for now I want a Hotdog on a Stick!

The others- *Go to order food and wait for Natasha, Steve and Tony to return*


Natasha- *Stops suddenly* Here.

Tony- Okay. *He takes a deep breath and gets into character*

Steve- *Nods silently, concentrating on acting 5*

Tony- *Begins the dare* MOMMA! I WANNA GO HOME!


Natasha- *sighs* Then we won't go to Game Stop and get that new video game since you don't want to shop anymore.

Tony- *Screams and falls to the floor* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Steve- *Joins in the screaming, slamming his fists on the ground and fake crying*

Natasha- Boys! People are staring!

Meanwhile in the food court:

Hill and Celia play Clint, Bruce, Ali, Thor, Loki, Erika and Emmy in Liars Poker. Every so often, Erika leans over and looks at Emmy's cards.

Emmy- HEY! ERIKA!!!!

Erika- What?

Emmy- You were looking at my cards! Cheater!!!

Erika- Liar!

Hill- Ladies, please. Clint?

Clint- *sighs and holds out a hand for the cards.* If you think she cheated, we will just redeal and-

Erika- No! Then she gets her way like always!!



Emmy and Erika lunge at each other and Clint, Thor Loki and Hill have to hold them back from causing too much of a scene. while they scream cusses across the table at each other while Ali and Celia eat their food and watch.

Back at the site of the Dare:

Tony and Steve's whining has escalated into a full grow tantrum complete with tears and floor pounding. Natasha is desperately trying to calm them down but it only makes things worse.



Natasha- Okay. Okay. We can get you the toy but you two have to share okay?

Steve and Tony- NOOOOOOOOO! WE WANT OUR OWN TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Natasha's watch begins to beep and she sighs. Tony and Steve both stand and dust themselves off, smiling at the small crowd that had gathered. Natasha quickly turns off the watch and leaves that section of the wall, cherry red in the face. Steve and Tony follow, both equally red in the face. Soon they return to the table and as soon as Steve sits down, Emmy and Erika latch onto his arms and start fawning over him.

Emmy- Steve! You're so muscular!!

Erika- Of course he is. He's a super soldier!!

Emmy- Duh! What are you?! DUMB?!

Erika- *lunges at Emmy*

Steve- *Watches without words* 

Natasha- *Glares at Steve before looking back to the laptop, muttering about boys and their desires to see girls fight over them* Guys...

Everyone except Natasha- *Continues talking*

Natasha- GUYS!

Everyone but Natasha- *Goes quiet*

Erika and Emmy- *Freeze mid catfight*

Natasha- We have more dares and truths...

Everyone- *Groans loudly*

Tony- So what I'm hearing is that we need to go back to STARK Tower so we can be comfortable for these next truths and dares.

Natasha- *Shakes her head* First we need to stop at- *Rereads the email she had open* the park so that Steve can terrorize some children... in his... underwear

Steve- *Turns a bright shade of red*

Everyone except Steve- *Begin laughing*

Steve- *Sighs loudly but stands* Let's get this over with...

[20 minutes later]

Steve walks towards the child play area in nothing but his underwear while everybody else hide nearby.

Tony- *Has out a video camera and is filming as Steve begins chasing some of the children around*

The Children- *Scream and run from Steve*

Steve- *Chases at them* Boooo!

Everyone- *Laughs until the children reach their angry parents.*

Steve- *Races in the opposite direction with pepper spray coating his face* MY EYES!!!

Everyone- *Run to the car and jump in, speeding back to STARK Tower quickly*

Okay so a lot happened this chapter! I want to clear up that I am fully aware that Loki's scepter does NOT return to him whenever he enters Asgard and I am so sorry to my fellow MARVEL fans so please don't get too mad at me because I am trying to avoid unexplained events and since this entire thing is fiction based on the comics, I have made minor alterations to the universe such as this. I also want know what you guys thought of this one because it was over a year in the making! I promise I will try my hardest to keep updating this but I will be completing this story very soon. I'm very sorry 'bout that but I promise I will make these last chapters absolutely amazing and this will go out with a BANG! Anyways! Thank you for the 8.5K reads and you guys are absolutely amazing!! Thank you and ILYSM!



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