Game One

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7 figures creep through the shadows of S.H.E.I.L.D. Headquarters. They are:

Tony Stark [Iron Man]

Natasha Romanoff [Black Widow]


Steve Rogers [Captain America]

Clint Barton [Hawk eye]


Bruce Banner [Hulk]

They enter a interrogation room and set up.

Clint- *Shoots a grappling arrow across the room and strings hanging lanterns across it.*

Natasha- Lights the lanterns.

Bruce- Calmly pours refreshments into S.H.E.I.L.D. coffee mugs

Tony- sets up 3 folding tables

Loki- grumbles about how miserable his life is in a corner.

Thor- hits his half-brother with Mjölnir, sending him into a basement.

Loki- curses as he falls and stands, no longer muttering. "COULD YOU HAVE HIT ME ANY HARDER?!" He yells at Thor from the floor

All except Loki- "SHHHHHHH!" *Glare at Loki and return to preparing the room*

Clint and Natasha- Set up 7 chairs and put them around the tables

Loki- Uses an old extension ladder to climb back up into the room

Everyone but Loki- *Gaze at their work proudly before sitting down*

Loki- Sits in his seat and glares at Natasha "So why are we here?"

Natasha- "We are going to play Truth of Dare." She pulls out a black S.H.E.I.L.D. laptop and opened it, grinning. "We have a single message. So we need more. Tony, would you do the honors?" She gives him the computer

Tony- Eagerly opens the e-mail and frowns. "Oh No." He shows the laptop to Natasha

Natasha- Giggles and reads loudly, "The creator sent this one to help start us off. She says that Tony has to slow dance with Loki."

Everyone but Loki and Tony- Giggle and hoot with laughter.

Loki- Flips off the roof. "Stupid creator. Why did she pick us?"

Tony- Puts hit head in his hands and shakes his head muttering. "Why oh why did it have to be me and him?"

Natasha- Stops laughing first and looks at the computer again. "That's not all. They have to wear the dresses shown in the picture." She begins laughing at the dresses.

Loki- "WHY?" He yelled to nobody

Tony- "For once I agree with you reindeer games."

Tony and Loki- exchange a meaningful glance and stand up to go get changed.

Natasha- "While they're gone, let's do another one." She looks at the computer and blushes. "This is one between Clint and I"

Clint- "What?"

Natasha- Gulps "Its a truth."

Clint- "What?"

Everyone but Loki Tony Natasha and Clint- "Ooooooohhhhh"

Tony- yells from another room. "WHY IS MINE SO TIGHT?!"

Natasha- giggles nervously "Uh... It says... 'Have you two ever gone out on a uh.... date."

Clint- "No."

Everyone but Loki Tony Natasha and Clint- "Oooooooohhhhh!" They make kissy faces at the two.

Steve- "Laugh out loud!"

Bruce to Steve- "No. Just no."

Steve- Looks at the ground.

Loki and Tony- walk out in their dresses and glare at glare at each other

Everyone else- Laughs loudly

Tony- "Let's get this over reindeer games."

Loki- "Agreed." He and Tony begin dancing. [Shown in the video Loki is Kai and Tony is Natalia Skip 1:45 in to watch the dance]

Everyone- Laughs as they dance

Tony and Loki- Finish and look at each other

Loki- "Not bad."

Tony- "You aren't shabby either reindeer games"

Everyone- laughs and hoot

Bruce- "Go on AMT. I'd bet you would win!"

Everyone Else- Laughs harder

Natasha- "Untill the next game. Please comment on what truths and dares you have for us."

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