Game Three

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Sorry for not updating, I've been on a mental vacation (sick) for the past few days and haven't been online.

Since I had so many new dares come in, I could only dedicate to one however, to make it up to the others, I will give them a HUGE shoutout and the ability to make their own OC/Marvel character* and add them to the story in an atempt to make up for this. Thanks for understanding if you do and I appologize for not updating. 

*= Characters such as Fury, Pepper, Hill, and Colsen. Any character that Marvel owns the rights too.


Natasha- Opens the S.H.E.I.L.D. laptop and logs onto her e-mail

Tony- Watches her and sniggers as he learns her password

Clint- Elbows Tony

Natasha- Takes the oppertunity and changes her passcode

Tony- Scowls

Natasha- "We have new truths and dares!" She opens an e-mail and reads it, "A special shoutout to: Missing_Frost, Icestatic, and Sky_Diamonds2. Thank you for the truth and dares!"

Tony- "Can I see the e-mail?"

Natasha- "No."

Tony- D': "Why not." Sniffles pathetically.

Natasha- "Because you get to read the 3rd e-mail." She replied, opening the 1st e-mail and shuddering.

Everyone- Looks at Natasha in slight fear and hope.

Natasha- "WHY MISSING_FROST!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled at the ceiling

Everyone- O.o Shrink back slightly in fear.

Natasha- "She wants to know ALL of our crushes."

Tony- Smirks, "Pepper"

Natasha- "Excuse me?"

Tony- "My crush is Pepper." He replies blatently

Clint- "Natasha."

Natasha- Blushes a deep maroon. "Clint"

Bruce- "non applicable."

Thor- Is silent

Loki- "I thin-"

Tony- Cuts Loki off. "Reindeer Games doesn't have a heart so he can't love."


Everyone- Look at Loki angrily

Natasha- "You killed 80 people in 3 days, de-eyed a man in Germany, killed Phil and almost killed everyone in the room. Including yourself!"

Loki- "It's not entirely true." Stays silent

Thor- Watches happily.

Steve- sits with Thor, hoping to avoid the question

Natasha- "So that's it. We all know our crushes. Next question."

Steve and Thor- Sigh in releif

Tony- Mimicks a 2nd grade girl, "Miss Natasha, they avoided the question." He points an acussing finger at Steve and Thor.

Steve and Thor- "Tattle-tale!"

Natasha- "Thank you Tony. Well? Answer the question."

Steve- "Well... ummmm... it was a girl I knew a loooonnngggg time ago..."

Thor- "Yes, a girl. Definatly a female Earth girl."

Both of them- gulp.

Natasha- Rolls her eyes and sits, waitin for an appropriate answer.

Thor- "Jane Foster..." Blushes and looks down.

Steve- "I'm not telling. She's probably staring at me now. Her ghost actually. She died a while ago..."

Natasha- "Well, i won't force you but Missing_Frost might..."

Loki- "Can I see that?" Gestures to the laptop.

Natasha- Shrugs and gives it to him. "Let Tony read the last one though..."

Loki- "Can I read this one?"

Natasha- "Sure."

Loki- Laughs and reads, "According to Icestatic's dare, Tony has to jump off a building and go as long as possible without summoning the IronMan Suit." Smiles and stands. "Let's go!"

Tony- O.o Looks onward in shock, his jaw slightly opened.

Natasha- Stands and helps Tony to his feet, taking him out of the room.

((((ON THE ROOF))))

Tony- Looks down and back up. "This doesn't look high enough. Maybe we could go somewhere else?"

Natasha- "Hmmm. The Stark Tower would work."

Tony- "Yay. Let's go."


Tony- Looks over the edge of the tower in fear. "Uhhh. What if I go halfway and than-"

Everyone- "NO!!!"

Loki- Walks up and pushes Tony over the edge.

Tony- Stumbles and falls with a slight shriek. He turns around midair and begins to dive towards the floor. His hair ruffles with in the wind as he free falls.

A blue and red blur- Swings towards Tony and snatches him out of his freefall yelling, "I've got you ma'mm!!!" 

Tony- Screams and disapears around the corner of the STARK Tower.

Everyone- Hears Tony scream and race to the side of the building to look down.




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