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She ran towards the car but was scooped up by a strong pair of arms.She looked at the man and broke down,crying.It was Joseph,her father's secretary and bodyguard,who adored her almost as much as her own parents.She stuttered while crying,"Unc...unc...uncle momma's locket is...in there".Joseph put her down immediately and ran towards the blazing wall of fire.The heat was scorching but he was used to harsh conditions.After all it was his job to protect the King family and he had failed in it.The least he could do was look after dear Rose.The car had nothing much left except shrapnels of blazing metal but amongst the hypnotising sway of the flames he spotted a golden locket.He thrust his hand into the car and pulled out the locket which was miraculously unharmed.His hand was blistered but he didn't care.He opened the locket and found pictures of Henry,Elizabeth,Annabeth anr a dark blop.On looking closely,he realised it was a cropped up picture of an ultrasound.Suddenly he felt a tear running down his face,Elizabeth King was expecting another child.He rubbed it off and started back towards Annabeth,who was standing as immobile as a statue,when he saw something was written at he back of the locket.He read the inscription,"Pure love doesnt melt in the fire of hatred".He clutched the locket tightly and walked back to Annabeth.She just took the locket with shaking hands,hugged it and started crying.She never cried aloud or wailed or screamed.She always tried to rein in her pain.Even though she was just five,she was quite matured for her age.Joseph then wondered what to do with little Annabeth here as he can't leave her with any relatives nor friends.Anyone can be a danger to her.In the end,he decided to take her to his own house and take the next step.He took her to his house which was quite large but nothing compared to his Annabeth's home.His widowed sister was there,looking after his son Lucifer.His sister shared Joseph's looks.With their dark hair,hazel eyes,and tanned skin,they look very striking.While Lucifer took after his mother's.Bronze hair,and pale skin along with his father's hazel eyes has made him a very handsome seven-year old indeed. Annabeth had quietened down a bit but her pretty face was tear stained and her eyes were red.Joseph's sister Alex looked surpised and asked,"What happened Annie?You were crying?And Joseph why is her hand blistered?" "You know me ma'am?",asked Annabeth,shocked to see a stranger talking to her as nicely as if she had known her for a long tjme."Yes,my dear.I k ow you very well.Joseph always talks about you.I am his sister Alex and this is Lucifer,Joseph's sister"."Hi.I am Luke.Can I show you around?Can I Father?",said Luke with a grin,showing several missing teeth.Joseph rumpled his hair,"Go on son.There are some oreos and milk in the kitchen.Share them properly okay?No fighting.Remember you are a gentleman".Annabeth was dumbstruck the entire time.Finally she managed to speak in a shaky voice,"You are a boy".Luke laughed and said,"And you are a very pretty when you cry.Please come with me".She felt hesitant but then Joseph gently said,"Its your choice dear.My son is very nice.He will look after you well.Go on.Don't worry.Little boys don't bite".He added the last part a little forcefully and glanced at Luke who had turned red.Luke murmured something,took Annabeth's hand lead her to the kitchen."Why did you bring her here Joseph?What the hell happened?She was crying!",demanded Alex as soon as the kids entered the kitchen while she started tending to his burnt hand."I failed in my job.Her parents are missing,maybe dead.I know I should have been more fucking careful,damn it!What an utterly useless fellow am I.I don't deserve the four stars I got while I was in the army."He said said while he slightly winced when his hand stung.Alex took it as an opportunity and said,"Hush brother,don't get do worked up.You were a great officer before you got gravely injured and father forbade you to go back,so you retired.You deserved them all." Joseph's face darkened at the mention of his late father and stopped himself from snapping back."We shall talk about it later.Can you look after her like you are her aunt or something like that?The less she remembers about this life, better for her"."I can. Dont worry.Go now.See what information you can get about what happened to the Kings.I shall look after them both.Joseph studied his sister's face and saw that she was determined to look after both the kids.After all she had always wanted her own children before her husband died on job.They were just married for a year and fifteen years have passed since but she refused to give anyone a chance to love her again.Just like himself,he thought,feeling the usual wave of pain when he thought about his wife,his Elena...'Stop thinking about her now.You have work to do.'he chastised himself.His sister understood his silence as she knew how much he suffered,"I promise they will be safe with me.",she said softly.She could always recognise when he missed Elena.His eyes would have a darker tint and his face would become sadder.Finally he said,"Okay" and left abruptly.Alex sighed deeply and went upstairs to get a room ready for Annabeth."Why were you crying? ",Luke asked innocently as they finished their oreos in an awkward silence."My momma and daddy are gone",Annabeth just said that and stopped eating.Luke put his arms around her and said,"Hey don't cry please.My father will find them.I'll look after you till then".For the first time that night,Annabeth smiled.It was a small one but a real smile nonetheless."Thanks Luke"."Friends then?",he asked."Call me Annie.And yeah friends",confirmed Annabeth."Dont tell me you both finished all the oreos that I bought",said Alex as she interrupted their conversation.Luke grinned at her and said,"Yup" popping the "p" in a way only a seven year can."We are really sorry ma'am",said Annabeth and elbowed Luke's ribs.He glared at her and then apologised too."Very good.You are a good influence on him Annie.And I'm not ma'am,dear.Call me Alex"."Alex",said Annabeth and gave her a small smile.Then the smile dropped and she said,"Will Uncle Joseph find my momma and daddy?"."I'm sure my brother will.Now off to bed both of you.Its long passed your bed time.",said Alex.Both the kids trudged upstairs,their stomach heavy from their treat."G'night little girl",winked Luke and shut the door of his room.Alex showed Annabeth her room.It was lovely room with nice sea green walls,a large bed,a tv,many shelves and a walk in closet which was empty. Annabeth bid Alex good night and just crawled under the covers of her bed after undressing.She was bone tired after all that had happened today.Without realising,she fell asleep, holding onto her mother's locket.

Next update will be next Saturday.From now on I shall update every Saturday.Do comment and vote.Thank you :)

P.S.-The picture is of Annabeth and Luke.

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