Knock On Wood

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Calm down, I know you are all excited for the return of the updates, just take some deep calm breaths.

Fans: *Burst in at the sight of an update

RIP notification board... RIP...


It's been so long! 

Like wooooowwww I feel like y'all were gonna kill me if I waited another week haha

I told you I would get to updates ( sorry I just got back from vacation so my time was limited. Plus I am taking summer courses. But hey, at least I got this finally done!)

Expect more to come, not sure when exactly, but just know I am getting to the rest, I promise.

Anyways, on with the update!


It felt like Robin had been punched in the gut when he came to the realization that another member from the other universe, a relatively insane one, loose in Gotham. "We need to find him, like...right now." The Boy Wonder pressed, his serious expression slightly startling his other teammates.

"Do you have anyone like Wade here in.." Peter paused for a moment to remember the name of the city they were currently in. "Gotham...?"

Wally gave a slight nod "We got plenty of whack jobs here, but I still don't want any of them meeting Deadpool."

"I agree with Walls." Robin shivered at the thought of a Joker Deadpool team-up.

"So..we got to drag him back I'm guessing" Stark folded his arms

"Well not you, considering you don't have your suit." Banner added, causing Tony to scoff.

"I made my first suit in a damn cave, I think I can manage" He turned to batman " You got a lab, Mr. Tall Dark and Broody?"

Dick was about to give a warning to Tony that he should watch his tone unless he wanted to be in a body cast..but The Dark Knight surprised him by giving a nod and nothing else. Count your lucky stars, Stark. "So...I think that Peter, Walls, and I should head out to Gotham on patrol and--"

"You are not going out on your own." Batman stated sternly. Gotham was deadly enough of a place as is, Dick should know that dragging people not used to the conditions would be a horrible idea. " I will be accompanying you three and you will stay at my side. Are we clear." It was not a question or up for debate, the tone of voice made it clear that he was not accepting any sort of excuses. "As for you two." He turned to both Tony and Bruce Banner " You will be working with Agent A in the Batcave to start blueprinting a way to get you back to your own dimension."

"Batcave" Tony remarked with a sarcastic snort " How original." He paused slightly at the glare the masked vigilante gave him. Even for a man who was well known for danger, the glare set off all kind of alarms in his mind and his hairs on the back of his neck went on end. So this was the famous bat glare those two have been talking about.

" Hey Bats" The red speedster interrupted the glare-down, much to Tony's relief. "I think I should tag along and help with the semantics of this. Besides, I work fast." He joked lightly.

Batman seemed to want to protest this request but held his tongue, giving a curt nod in response before heading to the zeta beam.

Peter turned to Dick, slight worry in his tone " Is Gotham really that bad?" he questioned, wanting to know for certain what he was getting into.

"Well I hear the weather is great this time of year." Wally said sarcastically,knowing that wasn't what the other teen was getting at. He himself not getting more than glimpses of the action Gotham had-- but it was enough for him to be grateful that it wasn't his city. Wally never heard of a peaceful night in Gotham, and he doubted that tonight or any other night would be different.

"Actually the weather is horrible, rainy mostly this time of year." Dick grinned, trying to make the conversation lighter. " Don't worry Spidey, as long as you're careful, you will survive...most likely."

"I don't like the last part of that sentence." Peter frowned.

"What, I can't be a hundred percent certain when it comes to Gotham. General rule of thumb: expect the unexpected-- and try not to provoke any clowns, that's my job."

"You can have that job." Wally commented, not at all wanting to run into joker on their trip out.

"I take it clowns are not friendly here in this city. " Banner chimed in " Can't really blame the fear, always hated them."

"Amen to that." Wally nodded as they reached the zeta beam.

"Come on, how can one little clown scare an entire city?" Tony remarked.

"You have no idea, Stark. Believe me." Dick shuttered slightly before shaking his head. " Hopefully, the Joker is not active today.. I'm good with a visit from Penguin or Clayface, but I don't think I have the patience for the clown."

"Dude, Don't jinx us, we know what happened last time you said things were going to go smoothly, we were blasted across the solar system!" Wally exclaimed, holding his arms up " I am not going to let that happen, quick get me some wood to knock on!"

"I thought you were all about science and against superstition." Dick taunted, amused by his best friend's sudden support of the supernatural.

"I dealt with a talking tree and a pyromaniac racoon along with a norse god, I think I have the right to this just once." Wally crossed his arms in protest. "Besides. You know very well the Joker freaks me out!"

"If we do see Joker you are to return to the cave immediately." Batman ordered before going first into the zeta beam, and disappearing, the rest of the group walking in suit."

"A man of many words." Tony stated once again with heavy sarcasm.

"Maybe you can take some lessons from him on that subject." Bruce Banner remarked with a sarcastic grin of his own

"Ooooh burrrrrnnnn" Dick laughed.

" I hope that clown gets you." Tony grumbled under his breath as they all walked through, their adventure continuing to the Batcave.

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