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"round II" Mr Lance said blowing a whistle I was still nursing my injury when an iscle almost hit me but I dodged it in time and turned to see Adrienne was it weird that I had this strong hatred for her and need to get revenge she did this to me she made me stay in that dark room a whole week I went to hell and came back even stronger.

I smiled and my eyes flickered in their creepy way but I don't think she noticed because she kept throwing iscles at me and I kept dodging them I could hardly feel myself I felt different my mind floating in an empty space I couldn't move my body I felt like I was being controlled by a strange force.

I watched in horror as my body started floating I tried to come down but I wasn't in control of myself. Adrienne stopped and looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry I've already won" the force controlling me said sounding like a thousand voices that were hunting me from my body before turning Adrienne into an ice sculpture and I heard gasps and voices erupting from the crowd that was watching. Turns out I handled the dark room pretty well that it left a part of itself in me..

"miss Vertiz come down now!" I hear miss Maria scream and my eyes flickered turning back to their grey-ash colour and I felt in control of my body again meaning I wasn't floating anymore and that was the last thing I remembered before falling down because of gravity.


I woke up my eyes blurry and a large shadow covered me I blink twice everything becoming clearer and I see my friends surrounding me.

"are you okay?" Clara asked

"I think so" I said my head aching badly. "what... What happened?" I asked groaned in pain.

"well after your unexpected performance you fell down and everyone taught you were going to crash your skull but Ralph saved you in time" Bianca said smiling.

"Raphael?" I asked.

"yeah you know your bf" Madelyn said smirking

"no actually I dislike him" I hesitate choosing my words carefully.

"yeah but Ralph is like the only guy you talk to" Nicole said smiling.

she's right.

"I think you should go thank him" Clara said beaming at me.

"oh and take some chocolate with you" Madelyn said smiling.

"come on guys he probably doesn't like chocolate he doesn't seem normal" I said and they laughed.

"no she can't certainly go like this" Nicole said shaking her head and they pushed me into a chair before I can protest.

Fuck these girls

Bianca started my makeup and Clara began to style my hair Nicole and Clara fish out a cute maroon gown that was tight against me and they spun me around deciding on my foot ware and finally decided on silver sandals with heels.

"you look beautiful" Clara declared and they all high fived themselves.

"it's just to say thank you" I said smiling and they pushed me outside "and don't come back till you have thanked him" Bianca said as they shut the door for some reason I wasn't nervous.

I walked over to Raphael door.

well this is dumb

I say to myself it's so late
I thought looking out ta the dark sky it looked like it was going to rain.

Hope you all enjoyed the round two ✌️ I did I felt Adrienne deserved it or what do you think team Adrienne or team Ashley 😂😂

So I've started updating faster than usual and I'll keep trying also don't forget to vote, comment and share it really means a lot to me
Thanks peeps ✌️you guys are the best🤙

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