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Ashley's POV

"Ashley!" Madelyn screamed in my ear causing me to jump out of bed and see her, and the girls staring at me.

"so tell us what happened" Nicole said beaming at me.

"what?" I asked as I remembered yesterday."oh shoot! What the hell did I do yesterday?" I asked mostly myself

"come on tell us what happened!" Bianca said

"well that boy has some proud attitude I went to thank him and I met him drunk and he made me play a stupid game" I said feeling a bit angry with myself.

"what kind of game?" Clara asked

"I kissed him" I admitted shutting my eyes realizing how stupid what I did was.

"wait you kissed Raphael?" Madelyn asked

"more than once" I said recalling the moment.

"more than once? Did you guys go beyond  making out?" Bianca asked.

"what? No no! I just regret it" I said covering my face with my hands.

"so how was it? Is he a good kisser?" Nicole asked still beaming at me.

"yeah too good" I replied as the images of us kissing under the rain played in my mind.

"I don't want to talk about it" I said.

"wait you kissed him or he kissed you?" Clara asked is she really asking for the details?

"actually I kissed him first then he kissed me back then...." I said as I stopped.

"nothing! It's Nothing" I said standing up and turned on the TV then there was a knock on the door and Madelyn opened it and we all turned to see who it was.

"Tranio!" Madelyn squealed as she hugged him.

"what are you doing here? She asked surprised.

"actually I have a note for Ashley" he said walking up to me and he handed me a little cream coloured paper before leaving smiling at Madelyn.

"what does it say?" Nicole asked sitting beside me. I opened the paper and they all popped their heads in

Meet me in the garden
In the next five minutes

____ Raphael

"oh uhuu someone wants more of those lips" Madelyn said laughing.

"yeah looks like he didn't get enough" Nicole teased smiling. Though the girls stupid comments I really wondered why he wanted to see me.

"I guess we would have to dress her up again" Bianca said

"no thanks I'm good" I said walking outside in my pajamas I was half way to the door when Nicole pulled me back.

"girl have you seen yourself?" she asked pushing me in front of the full view mirror.

"you look terrible" Clara said

"can I get ready in five minutes?" I asked

"not if you keep talking" Madelyn said pushing me into the shower. I rushed in and out of the shower and dried my hair and tied my hair into a side pony tail falling towards my face threw on a t-shirt and skinny blue jeans on sneakers.

"okay she's better" Bianca said examining me as they powdered my face and added strawberry lip gloss to my lips and where about to begin with the mascara and eye liner when I stopped them.

"Guys it's past five minutes" I said

"oh you don't want to be late" Clara smirked okay all this hullabaloo was just funny I held my laughter and left.

I came to the garden and saw Raphael sitting on the bench and sat beside him. it seems to be his favorite spot in the school.

"hey" I greeted tilting my legs so I could face him.

"you wanted to see me?" I asked

"yeah five minutes ago" he said his eyes moving from the grass to meet mine.

"okay? I'm here so what is it" I asked in a rude tone he didn't really expect me to hop to him in five minutes?

"I want you to forget everything that happened yesterday I was drunk and vulnerable and you took advantage of me" he said and my eyes widened.

"what? You kissed me twice and you expect me to forget everything and you're the one who took advantage of me!" I said anger building up he just had to be the rude bastard that he was.

"I knew you would never accept your wrong so we won't argue here all day just forget it, I kissed you so you won't die of jealousy cause I kissed Adrienne" he said tearing his gaze away from mine.

"so that's why you called me?" I asked.

Okay who else loves the girls 😂😂😂
Hope you all loved the chapter
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adios amigos....

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